I didn't bother watching beyond the second episode of AO. I never imagined it could go so deep.
It goes deeper. I politely cut myself short when I realized I was straying into reasons the show sucked in general and not just reasons it shits on E7.
There are two great things about the show though. First is that it made a literal retcannon and the second is that the show retcons itself out of existence. How often do you see the later happen?
Oh and glorious adult Eureka.
Adult Eureka and Long Haired Eureka are the best things out of AO and PFoR respectively. Although, to be fair to AO, I really didn't have a problem with most of the main cast. Aside from Naru, Truth, and Apollo Justice, the only characters that pissed me off were Elena toward the end
because of that hilarious revelation that none of her build up meant anything
Oh that reminds me, Corvo have you had your fill of the Eureka Seven franchise?
W-why? I mean the original show will always be one of my favorite anime series ever, but everything that came after it was bad. Why, is there something more I haven't seen yet?
Toei would be proud.
Bwahahaha. Damn.
There should be some kind of law about this
I think there's a difference between referencing NGE and ripping it off. As in, when Elena cracks a joke about there being something hidden beneath Generation Bleu and then strikes the Lillith Pose, that's just a reference for fun. On the other hand, Truth is a pretty blatant evil clone of Kaworu.
Where I would disagree that the original E7 was a rip-off of NGE, and I would not go so far as to say that the whole of AO is either, there are definitely some things that feel less "inspired" or "influenced" by and more "taken directly from the playbook." It's not a 1:1 copy, but it's still bad. Which is par for the course for AO.
Even more than I imagined it could be.