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Summer 2013 Anime |10th Dimensional OT| the first ignoble truth: all of life is anime

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DigiKerot, I think the unknown bird song is probably Aquarion related but I'm not familiar enough with the franchise to know which song is more likely to be played.

Meh, I've thrown it out to my Twitter - I know a few people who were there who are Kanno hardcore enough to have been at the big Tanbata concert back in 2009, so hopefully someone will get back to me on that, assuming they're not all on planes at the moment.


Well France is the second biggest manga market right behind Japan. (12-13 millions manga sold last year)
I guess we like anime a lot too.

The French love the Japanese and the Japanese love the French.....

I'm sensing a new masterace/merger of sorts on the horizon.


Uchouten Kazoku 6

I generally have somewhat mixed feelings about this show, appreciating it on an artistic level, appreciating the atmosphere and the characters and all sorts of other aspects of it, but never quite feeling sure whether I'm actually enjoying the experience of watching it as much as I "should" be.

This episode, though? Forget mixed feelings. This episode was perfect.

Goddamn this shit is beautiful.


Unfortunately, I don't have the Aquarion OST on my iPad, unlike the Macross Plus one, so I can't check.

Are you sure Gravity wasn't earlier in the show? I could have sworn it was just before she opened the piano lid (most adorable thing ever, by the way!). I thought it was the first vocal thing she played?

I thought she only sang two vocals. One was definitely Monochrome and the other was with the trash bag. Now if Gravity came earlier, in that it wasn't the one accompanied with the bag, then there is another song we don't know the name of and she didn't sing the vocals for Gravity. I'm relatively sure she did but if you think it was another song that accompanied the bag one, then throw it at me.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Sailor Moon Sexy/Spinning 117
More like Sexy Twister, that was amazing. Professor Tomoe don't stop pls.
You really should watch Utena after you are done with Sailor Moon.
Sailor Moon Sexy/Spinning 123

I would chalk that up to Ikuhara but, actually, Digimon Tamers was racier by showing Rika Nonaka's nipples. So Toei are perverts.

In fact, there's an episode in SuperS (I think it's 158? The one by SatoJun) that does show the stuff even if for only a few frames.
If anyone can confirm the playlist from Yoko Kanno's concert at Otakon I will be forever in your debt; I've found one Twitter listing that suggests she played the following but I'd be grateful if someone could say for certain so I can seethe with the correct amount of jealousy while listening to the bootleg of her big 2009 concert...

Tank! (duh)
Chikyuu Kyoumei (omg omg chikyuu kyoumei on piano omg I'm in arjuna fanboy heaven)
Memory of Fanelia/Aoi Hitomi
The Real Folk Blues
Power Of The Light

Plus the Star Spangled Banner at the end?

i was at the concert i'll talk to my friends but so far that is some of the playlist, she played green bird


I blame R_thanatos.

Alright. Lets do that.

Jexhius keeping the industry afloat like cajun does here.

I am but one happy squee thing. I cant do it by myself!

If you are going to complain about a country getting stuff you don't complain about Britain and it's exclusive Oyster Card holder with the K-On movie. Only six people in this country buy anime, five of them exclusively Ghibli movies.

It cant possibly be that bad in UK. yall got blurays of Cowboy bebop!

The French love the Japanese and the Japanese love the French.....

I'm sensing a new masterace/merger of sorts on the horizon.

But...my state has a ton of French influence in it! Must be the rest of the US at fault.
You really should watch Utena after you are done with Sailor Moon.

I would chalk that up to Ikuhara but, actually, Digimon Tamers was racier by showing Rika Nonaka's nipples. So Toei are perverts.

In fact, there's an episode in SuperS (I think it's 158? The one by SatoJun) that does show the stuff even if for only a few frames.

Digimon Tamers sounds kind of ironic. In any case, just for you, prepping Utena for later.

Sailor Moon Sexy/Spinning 124

Asses come from Mars NSFW

The Inner Belly buttons have been made worthless in combat, and are barrier people now. It's sad.
Pluto "dies" by stopping an explosion to save Uranus and Neptune, who then used the Talismins to stop the Daimon Germtoid

Sailor Moon isn't as stupid as I thought in regards to using her Holy Grail
since she realized Hotaru wasn't Hotaru when she said her real name.

There was some choking in this episode, and it seems
Professor Tomoe is regaining his sanity upon the defeat of the Germtoid


Gundam Seed HD Remaster Episode 44 (bd)

Numerous Clotho and Shani scenes made up for the ridiculous and unnecessary need for a insert song/ed for Flay. Why give such an irrelevant and worthless character screentime and love.
especially since she was captured again on the wrong side and worst just leads to trouble for poor Kira. Tossing on the secret even this late isnt good. Cant imagine it will end well for Archangel and Eternal unless they have someway of giving Gundams another upgrade hopefully

How was Flay less important that Clotho, Shani, and Orga? At least Flay was an actual character at one point. Those three are the definition of forgettable mooks.


I thought she only sang two vocals. One was definitely Monochrome and the other was with the trash bag. Now if Gravity came earlier, in that it wasn't the one accompanied with the bag, then there is another song we don't know the name of and she didn't sing the vocals for Gravity. I'm relatively sure she did but if you think it was another song that accompanied the bag one, then throw it at me.

I could have sworn that both Gravity and The Real Folk Blues were sang primarily by members of the audience (Gravity less so, because even though it's in English, fewer people have seen Wolfs Rain than Bebop) - the singing for Gravity was definitely coming primarily from my left rather than from the speakers ^^;

Again, might be wrong on that one, though.

Didn't she sing the song after announcing it was the last song of the show? Something a bit more higher-pitched than Gravity. Gravity was definitely earlier much earlier in the show than that, anyway. I thought it was the first "vocal" track?

I think.


Heartcatch Precure Movie

So this kid named Werewolf (I forget what it is in French) encounters Tsubomi and the rest of Precure in Paris, because now there's actually a villain who seems to be aware of the rest of this planet instead of just Japan. Would have worked 999 times out of 1,000, except that this started going down just as Precure were visiting Paris to put on a fashion show. Tough luck Salamander, any other time of any other year and this world would be dust.

Werewolf, who Tsubomi nicknames Olivier (I forget why, something about his Heart Flower I think) has lived a pretty tragic life. He was orphaned at a young age, and then encounters Salamander when he's but a little boy, who proceeds to turn him into a werewolf so he can eventually be a harbinger of Earth's destruction. Felt particularly bad for the kid when he's talking about the good people who care about him, and the only faces that come to his mind are these strangers from Japan who've just met him in the last couple of days. Other than Salamander, this kid really had nobody in his life. However, only having Salamander around doesn't stop him from eventually questioning why they're doing the things they're doing and trying to destroy Earth, so he tries to escape, at which point is the aforementioned encounter with Precure and such.

Then yadda yadda yadda Precure wins and everybody's happy.

Just some things:

-Erika looks fucking awesome with her hair up like that.

-I think my favorite scene was the one between Itsuki and Olivier. I don't know why, for some reason it just seemed like the two really connected in a way that he and Tsubomi weren't, despite Tsubomi's best efforts. I think Itsuki was better able to show just what a difference everybody in her life made for her than the others were. He really couldn't see the old Tsubomi and the old Erika, but he could see the old Itsuki, and I think that's where his changes really started to begin.

-The fairies weren't doing their best jobs keeping themselves a secret. They would just pop out and fly anywhere. It's not even about how they went on fucking TV. Though I like the scene where Olivier left the room and went into their room and they were drinking their juice or whatever. "Chuuuuuuu, chu! Chuuuuuu, chu!" Hypnotic, man.

-Just like the show, not enough Momoka.

-Tsubomi's obsession with Olivier seemed more exaggerated that it needed to be. She was clinging onto him and smothering him like a stuffed animal. Kinda cute, but it just didn't seem in her nature.

-This movie was one of Yuri's better moments to me. I'm getting too lazy to explain why.

No final score or anything, just impressions. I liked it I guess. Now stop bothering me about it!


Hunter x Hunter 92

Delicious drama with the ants and humans
working together and finding common ground despite their significant differences

...Come to think of it, between this and Episode 6 of Uchouten Kazoku, this is the second time I've felt moved this evening by
members of two species, one of which is directly above the other on the food chain, reconciling with one another despite the obvious issues that entails


I could have sworn that both Gravity and The Real Folk Blues were sang primarily by members of the audience (Gravity less so, because even though it's in English, fewer people have seen Wolfs Rain than Bebop) - the singing for Gravity was definitely coming primarily from my left rather than from the speakers ^^;

Again, might be wrong on that one, though.

Didn't she sing the song after announcing it was the last song of the show? Something a bit more higher-pitched than Gravity. Gravity was definitely earlier much earlier in the show than that, anyway. I thought it was the first "vocal" track?

I think.

Real Folk Blues was attempted by the audience who failed miserably as they only knew "The Real Folk Blues" chorus line. I'm pretty sure the last song of the first phase(before Tank and Star Spangled) was Power of the Light which doesn't have any vocals.

I'm relatively sure the first vocals song was Monochrome and she later did one without a supporting vocal.
Hunter x Hunter 92

Good episode, but I take issue with that one part with censorship since it makes it difficult to determine what happened.
That woman collapsed because Cheetu ate the entire back of her head, which wasn't really clear unless you played it frame by frame (and even then it looked weird).

But yeah, still great episode. Next week should be fun.


Moretsu Pirates/Bodacious Space Pirates Episodes 1-4: I really want to like this series, it is obvious it has potential for being good; certainly good enough to warrant further watching. That being said, fuck you Japan, fuck you and your obsession with High School and High School Clubs. I wanted One Piece mixed in with Yamato and I am getting god damned Space K-On! I am significantly less interested in the High School yachting club.

Takes about 4 episodes to get off the ground and is never a super-compelling series, but I enjoyed it a lot.


Real Folk Blues was attempted by the audience who failed miserably as they only knew "The Real Folk Blues" chorus line. I'm pretty sure the last song of the first phase(before Tank and Star Spangled) was Power of the Light which doesn't have any vocals.

It was pretty hilarious when she gestured at the audience to signify that they were singing the wrong lines to The Real Folk Blues.

As for everything else, I'll defer to you - I'm five hours out of my timezone and completely exhausted right now, so my memory probably isn't fully reliable right now.


A book that I think might be a sequel to Tatami Galaxy that I'd probably call Observations of the Tatami Kingdom (Yojouhan Oukoku Kenbun) (2011)
A lot of the guy's novels are linked together in some way or another, actually.
The covers of Yoru wa Mijikashi Arukeyo Otome should look familiar, too (there are two characters from Yojōhan Shinwa Taikei / The Tatami Galaxy in that one, and another that probably is from Uchōten Kazoku).
this is my friend with a better memory


From Macross Plus
Nomad Soul

From Cowboy Bebop:
Tank! she played twice
The Real Folk Blues
Wo Qui Non Coin

From Escaflowne
Memory of Fanelia

From Wolf's Rain

From GITS: SAC (ghost in the shell)
Inner Universe (not too sure on this one..could've been another)

The Star Spangled Banner

Wo Qui Non Coin was the last song. And real folk blues no one knew the words, but on guy infront of me did and sang it wonderfully.

you really had to watch the performance she is so fun, they lit her so perfectly and the interactive projection on the piano made it feel so intimate. I wished there was video of the concert or pray that after the tour they release the performance on video. When she performs in japan i am seriously thinking about flying to japan to see it.
Sailor Moon Sexy/Spinning 125

So based on the contents of this episode, I assume the last episode of Sexy/Spinning will be like the last episode of Rough, a recap and a looksee into the next series.


The seal on Hotaru weakens from the help of Professor Tomoe and Chibiusa's kindness, to the point that it reawakens the Sega Saturn. But before that, Sailor Moon actually gave up the fucking grail in hopes to save her. This pissed off Uranus because Moon's Idealism got in the way.

Anyway, Saturn is a planet buster who gets decked upon using her power. Seeing Hotaru sacrifice herself greatly upsets Moon to the point that she screams Crisis Make Up in hopes of transforming. Hearing her pleas triggered everyone to give her power to do so, but once she transformed, she was no longer herself, and saved a Baby Hotaru from the destruction. The world is saved

Like a far cry in how Precure final arcs go on for multiple episodes, and Sailor Moon wraps it up in like 2... well except Rough. I guess the next one is the real last episode and not a recap.


this is my friend with a better memory From Macross Plus
Nomad Soul

From Cowboy Bebop:
Tank! she played twice
The Real Folk Blues
Wo Qui Non Coin

From Escaflowne
Memory of Fanelia

From Wolf's Rain

From GITS: SAC (ghost in the shell)
Inner Universe (not too sure on this one..could've been another)

The Star Spangled Banner

Wo Qui Non Coin was the last song. And real folk blues no one knew the words, but on guy infront of me did and sang it wonderfully.

The GitS:SAC track was definitely Monochrome rather than Inner Universe, but I think you're right about Wo Qui Non Coin.


Gatchaman 8

There was this whole meta thing going on where Ken and Jinpei were talking to kids about Gatchaman and who their favorites were. Jinpei placed last and therefore he got the spotlight this ep.

There's also this sense that Gatchaman is ratcheting things up which is cool. Thus far it's been mostly reaction to Galactor and playing defensively. This ep? They get a secret base and I wouldn't be surprised if this is leading up to something offensive.
Why cant we get this?
Is the market in a small country like france really that much better?
An entire generation of kids watched sailor moon , it was one of the few series that wasn't as butchered as the others so yeah ... anime fans in france love this.

I blame R_thanatos.
How did you know ??
This box costs over 100$ ( 89.95€) so i won't buy it now ( maybe later )
Alright. Lets do that.
NO i'm not guilty ...this isn't my fault.
It's not like we have Tv channels that show j-pop clips and anime 24h/24.
wait ??? , we do have them
But...my state has a ton of French influence in it! Must be the rest of the US at fault.



World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
Kiniro Mosaic 06

This show continues in its attempts to kill me. I'll not budge though.
Yuri show of the season etc. Having so much fun with this show every week.

Oooh man!

Soooo looks like someone answered my prayers and there's a Watamote yuri doujin at Comiket.

Since I'm Not Popular, I'll Break Her!



Blood Lad 6

Fun mindless shonen action. (Even if it's actually seinen.) lol @ shameless Dragonball reference.

Next episode's preview looked...intriguing. I do believe I saw possible Fuyumi/Liz :sdburton potential.
Symphogear G 6

Have I mentioned how much I love the effects that accompany berserk Hibiki? I don't know what it is about erratic moving lines covering a nearly pitch black design, but it's the kind of stuff I dig. Feels very Anti-Spiral.
Sailor Moon Sexy/Spinning 126

Looks like I'm wrong, there's still one real episode left of Sexy/Spinning.

There's no traces left of the alternate dimension, and everything is resolving.
Professor Tomoe is suffering from amnesia, Baby Hotaru. Pluto no longer has a physical body to boot

And one final conflict between the Outers and Sailor Moon, who tells the other Innies to not do anything, even Tuxedo RAMASAMA prevents them from doing so. Being Inner Senshis is suffering. Of course, Sailor Moon uses maximum dodging abilities to take em out and basically revealed that yes
She is the messiah, able to convert even the Warrior of Ruin, Cashew
. The Outers now exit stage left. Now then. Time for the last episode.
Uchoten Kazoku 6

The pretty notion of the prey giving itself up to the predator willingly bothers me. It's a vision of a universe without conflict, or where all conflicting desires are papered over. The backgrounds are still beautiful and Benten is still the cool and uncaring girl of my dreams, but right now this show is an incomplete pleasure.
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