If, for some reason, you have the energy and time to listen to people talk about
Diebuster for one and a half hours Dynamite in the Brain have recently put out an episode on the OVA series. You can download it from
I will say that Brian kind of lets Philip go off on some crazy long soliloquies, which he should probably have shut down, but even with that caveat the discussion is fairly interesting as they make sure to go into lots of spoiler-filled detail about the work.
I think the most interesting thing that came out of the discussion was Brian pointing out that the story was basically a fairy tale wrapped in mecha dressing which isn't a frame I had considered placing around the work before. If I ever re-watch the series for a third-time, which is always possible, I will have to consider that angle more fully.
It's also a shame that the discussion lacked someone who was more critical of
Diebuster. I'm not saying that it's impossible to have an interesting discussion of something if everyone is positive but I think it's always interesting to have someone there to bring an alternative perspective who can challenge the arguments of others.