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Summer 2013 Anime |10th Dimensional OT| the first ignoble truth: all of life is anime

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I don't doubt that Corvo's ready for this, but I wonder if we are ready for it.

I think anyone even remotely excited is going to be let down, as I already know
things will go south.
I don't know like, all the details, just
something about evisceration and a nice boat
, but like, say,
, just knowing that things
will change from the initial presentation onward
is spoiler enough, I'm betting. The good news is I haven't heard anything like "Hey wait for episode 3!!" or anything like that, so while
I know it is coming, I don't know when.

Right now I'm following Regulus' description and just viewing this as the set up to a Greek Tragedy. I mean nowadays everyone knows the big spoiler in Oedipus Rex, but the play can still be enjoyed all the same. So that's where I'm at.


Is there no word for "kiss" in the Japanese language? It seems odd to me, since there are multiple words for this in other languages, that people would say "Kisu" instead of whatever the Japanese equivalent is. Unless the fact that "kiss" and "kisu" sound so much alike is pure and fortunate happenstance.

There are a few native words for "kiss" in the Japanese language, but none of them are as common or as neutral as the English loanword. You have "seppun", which sounds incredibly old-fashioned, and you have "kuchizuke", which sounds a little poetic, so you're more likely to see it in song lyrics and romance novel titles than in day-to-day conversation. And of course you have the onomatopoeic "chuu", which sounds infantile and/or pejorative (so you actually hear it quite a lot...)


Smile Precure 9

Yayoi learns about April Fools Day and then proceeds to get a little to big for her britches. She tells Miyuki that she's transferring and the thing spirals out of control and then she feels real bad and such. Though telling a lie like that was a bit of a dick move, she probably could have put the fire out sooner if the others actually let her talk instead of just telling her what her feelings are and such. I was hoping that that would be the resolution to the conflict instead of "Oh right, it's April Fools Day! It's cool! It's actually Miyuki's fault if you think about it". Then I don't know how Yayoi fell for that thing they pulled at the end by the others, but that was kinda dickish too.


no reason you still can't make a thread for it!

You missed the original OP where he called Madoka "Medoka (sp) and Kyuubi (the cat)" as the actual title of the show.

well, i guess it's


that counts for kubo dickriders
Sailor Moon SuperS 166 END

We get our "sob" story from the enemy before sealdation again, and then a freefall skydiving segment because it's okay to throw kids off a building.

Where oh where do I begin with SuperSilly. Guess we'll start with people. I'm very disappointed in people that treated this season as the worst and went overboard with it. I was expecting something that was a crime against humanity bad season. I was expecting something on par with Max Heart. That is why I did this particular season in 2 days. Yet despite that, what do I get from all this?

A Chibiusa focused season, which actually gives the Inner Senshis better treatment by letting them exist without an external cast coming in needing development, and gave Mamoru some treatment as well. Although for the time being, the whole Diana thing feels rather undercooked, but it pretty much sealed pairings. Now the music wasn't quite as good, and the villain set wasn't as compelling either. The whole Circus theme kinda.... softened it for me. (speaking of which, I overthunk Sailor Moon, I am an asshole)

However, while there was a good chunk of the episodes focused on Sailor Moon, Chibi Moon, and Tuxedo Mask, it also did well to give treatment in the Inner Senshis as well, giving them two power boosts to be more useful, which frankly, was more than what they got in Sexy/Spinning. For the Precure of the Season, it was still charged with innuendos that an adult can catch like our older seasons, which is something I expect from this franchise. I don't think it's entirely bad for Chibiusa to get a season to further develop her, even though she did fairly well getting development in Rough and Sexy/Spinning, but hey, she has a season dealing with romance... romance with a Pegasus.... that was okay with her parents. Yeah... that's riskier than lesbian Senshis.

I honestly have no idea where I'd rank this, I'd probably be willing to put it ahead of Rough since it doesn't feature douchebag Mamoru, but I don't know.... all I know is that I liked SuperSilly more than I expected.


Hmm, thinking of movies with good overall scores is trickier than I imagines as a number of movies I like have great individual tracks but the score as a whole isn't that great, for example Ghost in the Shell and Jin-Roh. My list would go as follows:

- Patlabor 1 & 2
Oh, jeez. How could I have forgotten. Unnatural city is euphoric.

If, for some reason, you have the energy and time to listen to people talk about Diebuster for one and a half hours Dynamite in the Brain have recently put out an episode on the OVA series. You can download it from here.

I will say that Brian kind of lets Philip go off on some crazy long soliloquies, which he should probably have shut down, but even with that caveat the discussion is fairly interesting as they make sure to go into lots of spoiler-filled detail about the work.

I think the most interesting thing that came out of the discussion was Brian pointing out that the story was basically a fairy tale wrapped in mecha dressing which isn't a frame I had considered placing around the work before. If I ever re-watch the series for a third-time, which is always possible, I will have to consider that angle more fully.

It's also a shame that the discussion lacked someone who was more critical of Diebuster. I'm not saying that it's impossible to have an interesting discussion of something if everyone is positive but I think it's always interesting to have someone there to bring an alternative perspective who can challenge the arguments of others.
Ah, as always your podcast recommendations are greatly appreciated; especially for someone like me who spends a lot of his job on the road.

It was the second post following the question! (and it was mine!):

Wolf Children has an incredibly beautiful soundtrack.

Sora Tsutsumi
Okaasan no Uta
Shonen to Yama

Three random examples, because each one is as good as the last.


Full Metal Panic! Fumoffu - 12 (END)

This was definitely a fun series. Although I was not at all dismissive of the real plot of FMP, I do think its comedy interludes contain the best material overall. This is mostly the result because of great, snappy writing, a tremendous voice acting performance and a sweet soundtrack that has a very easy going vibe to it. All three of these elements were abundant in spades in Fumoffu. I wonder if it will get fit into the narrative, or whether the new characters introduced will be forgotten in The Second Raid.

I rate it 8/10, which is the same score for S1.


Uchouten Kazoku - 1-5

The first 2 episodes didn't really grab me, mainly because I find the main character rather boring. I almost put the show aside. But by ep 3, I'm totally in this for Benten.


Full Metal Panic! Fumoffu - 12 (END)

This was definitely a fun series. Although I was not at all dismissive of the real plot of FMP, I do think its comedy interludes contain the best material overall. This is mostly the result because of great, snappy writing, a tremendous voice acting performance and a sweet soundtrack that has a very easy going vibe to it. All three of these elements were abundant in spades in Fumoffu. I wonder if it will get fit into the narrative, or whether the new characters introduced will be forgotten in The Second Raid.

I rate it 8/10, which is the same score for S1.

I can only think of one overt allusion to Fumoffu in The Second Raid
Tessa looks at a picture of the trip to the spa on her desk
, but several of the characters who featured heavily in it do reappear
briefly during Sigma.
The Second Raid is a lot more serious than the two preceding series, but I still think it is the best of the three. Glad you enjoy the show, though! It's my favorite.

There are a few native words for "kiss" in the Japanese language, but none of them are as common or as neutral as the English loanword. You have "seppun", which sounds incredibly old-fashioned, and you have "kuchizuke", which sounds a little poetic, so you're more likely to see it in song lyrics and romance novel titles than in day-to-day conversation. And of course you have the onomatopoeic "chuu", which sounds infantile and/or pejorative (so you actually hear it quite a lot...)

Cnet teaches me Japanese. Do I start calling him Sempai? Already have to call Ryouga Sensei.


I think it's interesting that both your review and my much earlier review touched upon the nature of Nono's 'message', e.g. that one just needs hard work and guts to success although I see that you approached the subject slightly more favorably than myself.

You also talk about the ending (which isn't that surprising as it's one of the most discussed elements of the show) and the position you express is one that was defended during the aforementioned podcast. I'm in two minds about the whole thing although I think that I mostly land upon the side
which feels that the ending to Gunbuster was far better than the ending to Diebuster and, in fact, Diebuster's ending only had any kind of weight because they borrowed the power of a completely different series.
It's almost like they didn't feel like their ending was strong enough on it's own.

Conversely I can see the argument that the ending was earned because of all the set-up that happened throughout the series.

I'll be really curious to re-watch Diebuster now, having heard some of the little details they discussed on the podcast. I thought that the links that tied it to Gunbuster were going to be tenuous at best, and didn't really look for (or just identify) many of them. So it's nice to know that the narrative actually bears some scrutiny on repeat viewing.

I think some of the contrivances they were making in favour of making its ending so pivotal, were perhaps a tad strong.
Though I’m still of the opinion that it serves as nice companion to the original, whilst not being at all essential to it. This again, touches upon what I perceive to be a real strength. The narrative is informed by what has preceded it, though the references are never so intrusive as to exclude or confuse. Perhaps the ending stands at the sole exception, and could be the one aspect that brings the entire thing crashing down.

I think that the ending of Diebuster (and by extension, the entire narrative) is so implicitly tied into Gunbuster, that it’s unfair to then use that against it. It could have easily have seemed nonsensical and hackneyed, but they managed to convey and execute on the idea without me outright rejecting the notion. I guess it also boils down to how you perceive a sequel. Whether it is to simply act as a homage which is informed by the source, or just something that it borrows from wholesale. I think that it (Diebuster) did enough of its own accord, that they justifiably “earnt” that ending, as I mentioned previously.


Is it about time again for the "what's the most anime you've marathoned at once" comparison?

I think mine is still all of E7 in about one and a half days.


I think it's interesting that both your review and my much earlier review touched upon the nature of Nono's 'message', e.g. that one just needs hard work and guts to success although I see that you approached the subject slightly more favorably than myself.

Let's be real. Both shows undercut the hard work theme despite it being pivotal for both.


We need an anime about Kyubei's planet and how Incubators interact with one another.

This sounds like potentially the greatest slice-of-life comedy ever.

Is it about time again for the "what's the most anime you've marathoned at once" comparison?

I think mine is still all of E7 in about one and a half days.

Fifty episodes...in one and a half days? How in the holy fuck o_O

Eureka isn't even the sort of series I would have thought would be well suited for marathoning, either. It seems like one of those series that ought to be spaced out a little for fear of burning out on it...

Yes! Precure 5 - 17

omg you guys stop trying to make me fall for female Naruto. (And after explicitly reminding me at the beginning of the episode that this is female Naruto, as well! Rin was doing her best "guy impression" in the mirror, and of course it was Naruto voice 100%.)

But yeah...Rin is sooooo cute when she's got a crush. Just look at her with that permanent blush on her cheeks and dreamy smile on her face. It's like Nagisa all over again. Was so sad for her when
the guy's girlfriend appeared
...though I guess
me and her both should have seen that one coming. I mean, it's a guy frequenting a flower shop. Face, meet palm.

The way she dealt with that revelation on the spur of the moment was ultra sweet too, though. Rin, you are a better person than [insert any person here] and I salute you.
Is it about time again for the "what's the most anime you've marathoned at once" comparison?

I think mine is still all of E7 in about one and a half days.

full metal alchemist : brotherhood ?

( everything in 2 days )

otherwise if second views are allowed ( viewing an anime you've already seen )
i've watched +350 eps of dbz in a week. it was a total shonen overdose.

i should do a shonen overdose view for one piece but i don't have enough free time.
Is it about time again for the "what's the most anime you've marathoned at once" comparison?

I think mine is still all of E7 in about one and a half days.

Dog Days S1 and like 20 episodes of Saki maybe? All of those shows I marathoned last year when I briefly had no internet sort of meld together and include:

(Previously mentioned Dog Days and Saki)
Azumanga Daioh
Mayoi Neko Overrun (that Saki parody was better than the last few Saki episodes and all of Side-A)

Those were a hellish couple of days.
Is it about time again for the "what's the most anime you've marathoned at once" comparison?

I think mine is still all of E7 in about one and a half days.

I think it was either YuGiOh ZeXal in a sheer effort to never touch it ever again or the first season of UtaPri where I finished it in like four days.

I don't usually marathon stuff. ~_~


Highschool DxD S2 - 6

I don't understand the difference between demons and fallen angels. Wouldn't they both be the same, or at least be allied?


Most institutional language instruction is painfully slow like this, which, along with motivational issues and lack of a proper environment for language learning, helps to explain why so many people will simply forget most of what they learn about a second language in school. Those learning English as a second language have somewhat of an advantage in this arena given its general omnipresence and the vast array of learning tools available.

My high school offered - but did not require - French, German, and Spanish (with English-as-first-language instruction) and I aced two years of German without effort & without any of it actually sticking, mostly because I've never actually lived in a German-speaking area nor needed/wanted to use it for any other reason.

I believe German (or French as an alternative) was compulsory at my secondary school for the first three years, then became optional for the remaining four years. I studied it for the full seven years (it was actually one of my favourite subjects, though more because I enjoy languages in general than due to any love of German in particular). I even went on to study it in my first year of uni, though I had burned out on the language by that point, and ended up dropping that course partway through.

...Now that, through some twisted coincidence, I'm actually living in Germany, I've forgotten most of what I learned in those seven-plus years, can't hold a conversation in the language to save my life, and frankly can't stand the very idea of speaking it.

Funny how these things happen.


Smile Precure 10

*sigh* I was afraid that was going to happen. "Love" and "wanting to make people happy" were the secret ingredients. Well, Futurama taught me that "confidence" was a euphemism for LSD, so the secret here is...crack?
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