Forgot to specify but no. Rikka. I think nearly all of the C84 stuff will be more focused on Doki Doki Precure, which is nice because there needs to be more Regina stuff out there (that and Gambler Club has another one coming out). I kinda with they didn't go for larger breasts though for a lot of characters.
Looks like you had most of the same issues I had with the film. It tries too hard to be something which doesn't really justify that direction, and it starts to make little sense. I think there's a lot to think about in terms of themes, but ultimately they don't make the film better because it still illogical and dumb. I really wish that Kamiyama made the entire show an action thriller instead, with a political conclusion, and more set pieces using all the members of the team. The best thing about the movie is without a doubt the soundtrack. Best thing from Kawai in ages. <3
It's frustrating because you can see how easily the film could have been fun and satisfying if it just hadn't taken so much baggage on itself. Themes are fine, I like themes, but they have to make either intellectual or artistic sense.
Anne of Green Gables - End
It's over. ;____;
The final episode was as fantastic as the whole show, I still can't believe I reached the end and I'll not be seeing any more of these characters.
I don't think I've been as emotionally involved in a show since... actually I can't think of anything else right now. So engrossing.
Well, anime goes on, but Anne was very special. I believe I will be revisiting the show many times down the road. Takahata, you are the best. I'm glad we will be able to receive a grand parting gift from you this Fall (or next year, whatever) ;__;
Stella Jogakuin Koutou-ka C³-bu/Stella Women’s Academy, High School Division Class C3 Episode 7: Right, so we begin the big arc they have been hinting at throughout the series with, well, okay, can we Yura and Sonora an official couple yet, because if they aren't, well, we are at the 100 percent pure, distilled liquid les yay at this point and I don't know who they think they are fooling. Anyway, after buying some supplies they are ambushed by a mystery sniper using an illegally modified gun of airsoft.
My bet right now that it was the KGB Team Sniper that pulled the trigger, Rin is just too damn obvious.
After a misguided attempt at attacking the sniper ends with Sonora heading to the hospital, Yura is despondent with guilt sets in motion a plan to make the Stella team into a clockwork attuned unit that will seek victory in the tournament. I guess I am suppose to side with Sonora and Karila and see that Yura is taking this too seriously.
Okay, first of all Sonora started this when she decided to get all huffy about Yura surrendering a few episodes back. She basically created this monster and it is too late to say, take it casual, just have fun.
Anyway, that aside, I think the situation calls for some seriousness when you are in the biggest tournament of your particular sphere up against the elites; it is not just a weekend getaway to the beach. Also good to keep in mind that somebody crossed some lines and there are grudges against Stella. Anyway, we get to meet the other teams of weirdos before the expected altercation with the main rival.
Still waiting for the other shoe to drop on the reality warping powers and how they will play out here, seriously they could end up in the Battle of Guadalcanal for all we know.
Oh yes, is is safe to call Rin the jilted Ex at this point, because she certainly acts like it.
You cannot expect me to remember characters not named Armin when most of the named cast gets at most a tenth of his screen time. Definitely Armin in a tutu.
You cannot expect me to remember characters not named Armin when most of the named cast gets at most a tenth of his screen time. Definitely Armin in a tutu.
So are we still looking for a way to easily categorize initial series impressions or did we figure that out already? I remember some discussion about that a while ago.
I know, I'm just having fun with the fact that I (and I think at least one other) saw that game picture and thought the lady was Armin. And joking that Eren is a girl because the uniforms in AoT have that weird miniskirt on 'em.
Schoolgirl the Defiler comes to the planet Earth, and, like the Mexican Unicron that she is, fails miserably to do any significant damage. Multiple short jokes are launched by Coop as he battles the miniscule foe for control of a Universal TV remote. Also seen in this episode: Jaime has a fantasy about being a hentai tentacle rape monster! Goat spends the entire episode trapped and forgotten in Megas' trunk. Coop levels Jersey with explosions visible from space, fails to get the remote and
So are we still looking for a way to easily categorize initial series impressions or did we figure that out already? I remember some discussion about that a while ago.
I was just wondering if that was the best way to do it, because after the tumblr thing a bit ago I was thinking about how tumblr lets you tag every post and stuff, and how that would make it easier to search a bunch of posts by series all from one place. But if an OT of OT's or whatever works better for most people, then that's that.
I was just wondering if that was the best way to do it, because after the tumblr thing a bit ago I was thinking about how tumblr lets you tag every post and stuff, and how that would make it easier to search a bunch of posts by series all from one place. But if an OT of OT's or whatever works better for most people, then that's that.
The Laws of Eternity
I've started my journey to the Ninth Dimension. I'm feeling enlightened already.
That was quite the ride. How much insanity can I expect in the next installments?
So I guess that Keith got married off screen and Loran didn't even go or anything. That or the term "in-law" is used more loosely than I'm interpreting it in this context. Anyway, Loran helps an old lady defend her farm, and in the meantime, Diana Soreil, Queen of the Moon, sees first hand the very personal effects her efforts to come to Earth are having on the people already living there. Although she didn't really start a war, it isn't unfair to say that she and her people bear a part of the responsibility for it.
The question of "what is life like on the Moon, that people want to leave it behind so desperately?" is posed again, which reminds me again of Teteth's statement that "not everyone does want to leave the Moon." We haven't seen Lunarian life yet, though, so no real telling.
For an MS that looks and occasionally moves like it hasn't got much mobility, the Gundam has some surprising agility in this episode, jumping onto the head of a FLAT and pointing the beam saber right at its skull. Meanwhile, the Kapool continues to be the most hilariously useless MS ever invented. Yes, even weaker than a
Aplix, parent company of AIC, is planning changes in their anime production process to cut the production period to 3 months, one third of the normal period, and the production costs to 1000000 yen, a fraction of the current cost. They intend to do this by centralizing all of the production, including after recording and distribution, to their company, and assigning groups of around 3 animators for a specifc character's animation, instead of the current system of assigning individual animators by cut.
They expect this lowered cost will convince companies to advertise through anime.
A 13 episode TV series created under this system is planned to begin airing by september.
So, in Dai-Guard's darkest hour, as the double Heterodyne-Kokubogar nightmare grows unstoppable, Akagi is up and on his feet, evacuates a hospital, meets Aoyama's mom, saves small children, swoops into the Dai-Guard, picks up the secret weapon, blows the Heterodyne up and saves the trapped pilot of the Kokubogar (and indeed most of the Kokubogar itself). The trio's problems resolved, the entire city applauds them as the heroes they are and all is well that ends well, right?
Well, not entirely. It sounds very much so like Shirota, who by all accounts is a hero and made this entire thing possible and delayed the Heterodyne until Akagi could show up, call himself the main character and save the day, saving lives in the process, is now probably out of a job, if not facing a court-martial for disobeying numerous military orders to do it. And also the CEO of Dai-Guard's company is under attack from members of the board of chairs, who are plotting his overthrow because, as all science fiction has taught me, bureaucrats are spiteful, nasty people who will do anything to get the slightest of relative gains.
Schoolgirl the Defiler comes to the planet Earth, and, like the Mexican Unicron that she is, fails miserably to do any significant damage. Multiple short jokes are launched by Coop as he battles the miniscule foe for control of a Universal TV remote. Also seen in this episode: Jaime has a fantasy about being a hentai tentacle rape monster! Goat spends the entire episode trapped and forgotten in Megas' trunk. Coop levels Jersey with explosions visible from space, fails to get the remote and
He did character designs, storyboards and some key animation for it too. The Umakoshi artbook includes some of the later 2 but most of them is from season 2 from what I undestand, which has no subtitles at this time. (will have to do some research after I finish with it to see exactly which he did.)
Studio BONES to release a Megas sequel in 2017, issuing in a second age of mecha supremacy. BELIEVE.
Story to see Coop become cool, hook up with Kiva, lose weight, and for the Glorft to be revealed as a benevolent race trying to help the Earthlings defend against fast food. PoPTV to hire Jaime as a new pilot and make him travel through time. All of this to happen in the last two episodes, the bulk of the show focusing instead on Coop's son from the past, Goat, and a white-haired pretty boy with magic powers played entirely and completely straight.
He did character designs, storyboards and some key animation for it too. The Umakoshi artbook includes some of the later 2 but most of them is from season 2 from what I undestand, which has no subtitles at this time. (will have to do some research after I finish with it to see exactly which he did.)