There will probably be a lot more. As I said a few days ago, there's a ton I haven't seen.
But for that to happen, a number of them will have to turn out good.It's almost like it's 2007.
Actually 6 is regarded as the worst episode in the series, to which I probably have to agree.
Worst girl. Dunno why people like her.
Am I missing anything? I don't like harems or moe things very much. I haven't finished Ippo or Kuroko, so I won't be watching their new seasons.
You should keep an eye on Bushiroad, because it's the capable folks at Kinema Citrus doing fantasy mecha, and Gingitsune, because
It's the weakest episode, but it's still better than 90% of all anime. At least.
She was the best character in the whole show. By far.
At least Toei was nice enough with smile to include a handy timer on each episode counting down to the time shit gets real.Smile Precure 21
Yep, it's that time. Approaching halfway point in a Precure series.
Toei is a cruel teacher.Toei never learns. but it does teach.
You mean it's not?It's almost like it's 2007.
You should keep an eye on Bushiroad, because it's the capable folks at Kinema Citrus doing fantasy mecha, and Gingitsune, because
drunk Chitanda or Misaki is the best. Easily.
Mayaka was a far more complex and interesting character than Chitanda, regardless of sobriety levels. Drunk Chitanda was pretty funny, though.
Still wrong as hell.Maybe better produced. Certainly not written any better, and definitely not as interesting.
SHAMEDropped it after episode five.If only KyoAni had moved it up a bit.
complex yes, interesting.. nope.
The chocolate thing was probably her best moment but even then shes pretty forgettable.
You should turn in your tag.
At least Toei was nice enough with smile to include a handy timer on each episode counting down to the time shit gets real.
In addition to similarly creating the most pointless villain arc ever. Seriously these guys need energy which they get no matter if the PreCure defeat them or not so why bother with the fighting part.
Why? Mayaka isnt really cute.
Chitanda, Misaki, and Irisu were cute.
I will give some points to Mayaka in cosplay with her hair in pigtails. that hit the cutemeter slightly.
They don't even need not be!Competent villians? In a show where everyone is effectively stupid?
They don't even need not be!
Win or lose they win!
But even so, you have to attempt to kill off any opposition either way.
Why? Mayaka isnt really cute.
Chitanda, Misaki, and Irisu were cute.
I will give some points to Mayaka in cosplay with her hair in pigtails. that hit the cutemeter slightly.
Outsourced episode looks outsourced. RIP IN PIECES
Love Lab 7
First 25 minutes of the show is basically filler. There are some moments but nothing really stands out. The story really didn't advance till the last 5 minutes of the show.Now that Riko has to go to cram school I expect the boys to be full time on the show.
Also this is not a :SDBurton episode.
The only thing that counts as filler in a show about cute girls and amusing antics is content that contains neither cuteness nor humour. The entirety of this episode contained large quantities of both, therefore I'm pretty sure it shouldn't be called filler.
Let's not even get to the "The villains could win by default, if only they stopped attacking the city the heroes live in"But even so, you have to attempt to kill off any opposition either way.
YOU dig Giant Robots!MEGAS XLR 213 (And Series Finale)
So yeah, I'm sad the show is over, but that final episode was not a bad way for it to end. Really worth it, and I'm so glad I watched it. The show is a hoot, and the fights never, ever disappoint. Thank you, based Felix. I definitely recommend this show to anyone who is a fan of giant robots.
Let's not even get to the "The villains could win by default, if only they stopped attacking the city the heroes live in"
At least HeartCatch PreCure gives a reason for that and the vilains seem set back from losing.
Director Monty Oum says, “It is an incredible honor for RWBY to be hosted on the most respected and cutting edge site for this generation of anime fans. As we hope to contribute to this genre of storytelling and help it grow, a relationship with Crunchyroll brings a great deal of credibility that one can only earn by being a truly dedicated fan. This partnership truly helps validate our efforts in creating our own form of storytelling piece that we hope one day stands among the rest.”
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CHICKS dig Giant Robots!
Out of nowhere, it seems that Crunchyroll will now be streaming RWBY weekly.
anime episodes are not thirty minutes long...Love Lab 7
First 25 minutes of the show is basically filler. There are some moments but nothing really stands out. The story really didn't advance till the last 5 minutes of the show.
Crunchyroll please...don't do this.Out of nowhere, it seems that Crunchyroll will now be streaming RWBY weekly.
Samurai Flamenco bros.
According to previews, looks like Funimation is using the title Good Luck Girl for their release of Binbougami ga! in November.
There were some missed chapters, but Aqua was covered by S1 for the most part. And right, I forgot about the actor being dead.Damn, now you've reminded me about the Miyako nendo.
Well they did skip out a few chapters and I guess there's always the Aqua pre-series but considering the VA for Athena and the singer for Athena both died, I seriously doubt we'll ever get anymore.
I'd be full steam ahead for Amanchu though! or even a second series of Sketchbook...
Edit: Icarus - the white cat in the first picture bears a resemblance to Hime and the hat in the second is pretty close to President Aria's.
Specifically, it's a giant furball cat trying to flirt with a normal "Hime" looking cat. But yeah, the captain's hat is a lot like Aria-sachou's cap. Although, of course, it's not the tiny version.Hmm, still not seeing it. Too subtle.
MEGAS XLR 213 (And Series Finale)
So Evil!Coop's army is an army of giant mecha Cylons, crossbred with Goufs. Because Evil!Coop realized that the Gouf is the most powerful mook ever, and made an army of them. Speaking of MSG references, Evil!Coop himself is basically a Char Clone, circa CCA, with the red uniform, and the fact that the MEGAS XLR 013 is basically what would happen if the Sazabi and the MEGAS had a baby.
For the sake of comparison:
The final episode, visual references aside, is nothing but one of the best mecha beat downs I've ever seen. Like I said last night, it's sad that Megas ended, but I'm glad that it went down swinging. The fight in this episode is just one long, unadulterated brawl, with match ups of the best kind, with Coop vs Coop, Coop vs Kiva, Gorath vs Kiva, and so on. It's also hilarious that after taking seven levels in badass and piloting his own custom mech, Alt!Jaime is still basically just along for the ride as Coop and Gorath throw-down with the final bosses.
The episode also casts quite a few questions upon the show's basic set-up. Foremost is "what does happen after Coop beats the Glorft forever?" The show answers it in a very serious manner, pointing out that this guy, who has basically defeated all the most powerful threats in the known Universe, and who has a penchant for violence and a tendency to blow shit up with little regard for it, will basically become the most terrifying force in the entire universe. And it makes sense, too: if you stop laughing about all the horrible stuff Coop does for a minute, he is in many ways as terrible a threat as the one he just quashed.
Next up is Kiva's devotion to Coop. During the Space Pirate episode, Kiva showed she trusted Coop a LOT, and there were some really, really subtle implications that Kiva, at least, has feelings for Coop. This takes it to its furthest extent, showing that her attraction to or devotion to Coop is such that he will eventually wear down her morality. And since she has basically shrugged off the damage Coop has done, and has trained him in ways of doing more, it comes as no surprise that Kiva is one bad day from losing her sanity and humanity, and becoming Coop's loyal dragon.
Meanwhile, Jaime's repressed feelings of inferiority to Coop, which have only grown over the course of the show, demonstrate the most remarkable of changes. Namely, that Jaime isn't as loyal to Coop as Kiva, and that Coop's amorality would drive him away from him and to become a leader of the Resistance. And of course, there's the very telling point that whatever bond Kiva and Jaime might form is not trumped by her feelings for Coop. It's rather brilliantly done, I think.
Of note though, is that while Evil!Coop, Robo!Kiva and Alt!Jaime all are "cooler" and come from a "bad" future and pilot "cooler" mechs, none of them are portrayed as better than their "uncool" regular counterparts. Alt!Jaime is called a bigger creep than normal by his own best friend, and it shows. Robo!Kiva is an obsessed, homicidal monster, deprived of the moral code that centered her character throughout the show. And of course, Evil Coop, no matter how cool, is Evil, and is shown to have abandoned his best friend and most prized possession for no good reason.
I bring this up as a means of pointing out to shows like Eureka Seven AO and Martian Successor Nadesico: Prince of Darkness, that when you have taken for your protagonist a loveable loser, chances are you already made him cool. Coop is a fat, jobless chump who lives in his mom's basement, yes, but he also kicks alien ass, saves the Earth on a daily basis, is an expert mechanic, and uses the power of Rock and Roll to look badass doing it. Renton might be the biggest dork ever born, with a hilariously cheesy crush on the first girl he even meets in his show, and he might sound whiny and dopey, but he also uses the power of love to fucking carve his name and his girlfriend's onto the moon after he's kicked the asses of alien abominations and human monsters. Akito might have been an anime obsessed nerd and cook, but he was also a war hero with more than a few victories notched into his belt. None of these characters need to be dressed in black, given some harsh event in their life for the sake of melodrama, and then touted as BATMAN or KIRITO or whatever other generic caped melodramatic hero you have. If you want Batman, make Batman. Just don't make the guy who is already a cool nerd into him.
That, to me, at least, is the point of Evil!Coop.
So yeah, I'm sad the show is over, but that final episode was not a bad way for it to end. Really worth it, and I'm so glad I watched it. The show is a hoot, and the fights never, ever disappoint. Thank you, based Felix. I definitely recommend this show to anyone who is a fan of giant robots.
Japan is the greatest advertisement agency in the whole world.
MEGAS XLR 213 (And Series Finale)
So Evil!Coop's army is an army of giant mecha Cylons, crossbred with Goufs. Because Evil!Coop realized that the Gouf is the most powerful mook ever, and made an army of them. Speaking of MSG references, Evil!Coop himself is basically a Char Clone, circa CCA, with the red uniform, and the fact that the MEGAS XLR 013 is basically what would happen if the Sazabi and the MEGAS had a baby.
For the sake of comparison:
The final episode, visual references aside, is nothing but one of the best mecha beat downs I've ever seen. Like I said last night, it's sad that Megas ended, but I'm glad that it went down swinging. The fight in this episode is just one long, unadulterated brawl, with match ups of the best kind, with Coop vs Coop, Coop vs Kiva, Gorath vs Kiva, and so on. It's also hilarious that after taking seven levels in badass and piloting his own custom mech, Alt!Jaime is still basically just along for the ride as Coop and Gorath throw-down with the final bosses.
The episode also casts quite a few questions upon the show's basic set-up. Foremost is "what does happen after Coop beats the Glorft forever?" The show answers it in a very serious manner, pointing out that this guy, who has basically defeated all the most powerful threats in the known Universe, and who has a penchant for violence and a tendency to blow shit up with little regard for it, will basically become the most terrifying force in the entire universe. And it makes sense, too: if you stop laughing about all the horrible stuff Coop does for a minute, he is in many ways as terrible a threat as the one he just quashed.
Next up is Kiva's devotion to Coop. During the Space Pirate episode, Kiva showed she trusted Coop a LOT, and there were some really, really subtle implications that Kiva, at least, has feelings for Coop. This takes it to its furthest extent, showing that her attraction to or devotion to Coop is such that he will eventually wear down her morality. And since she has basically shrugged off the damage Coop has done, and has trained him in ways of doing more, it comes as no surprise that Kiva is one bad day from losing her sanity and humanity, and becoming Coop's loyal dragon.
Meanwhile, Jaime's repressed feelings of inferiority to Coop, which have only grown over the course of the show, demonstrate the most remarkable of changes. Namely, that Jaime isn't as loyal to Coop as Kiva, and that Coop's amorality would drive him away from him and to become a leader of the Resistance. And of course, there's the very telling point that whatever bond Kiva and Jaime might form is not trumped by her feelings for Coop. It's rather brilliantly done, I think.
Of note though, is that while Evil!Coop, Robo!Kiva and Alt!Jaime all are "cooler" and come from a "bad" future and pilot "cooler" mechs, none of them are portrayed as better than their "uncool" regular counterparts. Alt!Jaime is called a bigger creep than normal by his own best friend, and it shows. Robo!Kiva is an obsessed, homicidal monster, deprived of the moral code that centered her character throughout the show. And of course, Evil Coop, no matter how cool, is Evil, and is shown to have abandoned his best friend and most prized possession for no good reason.
I bring this up as a means of pointing out to shows like Eureka Seven AO and Martian Successor Nadesico: Prince of Darkness, that when you have taken for your protagonist a loveable loser, chances are you already made him cool. Coop is a fat, jobless chump who lives in his mom's basement, yes, but he also kicks alien ass, saves the Earth on a daily basis, is an expert mechanic, and uses the power of Rock and Roll to look badass doing it. Renton might be the biggest dork ever born, with a hilariously cheesy crush on the first girl he even meets in his show, and he might sound whiny and dopey, but he also uses the power of love to fucking carve his name and his girlfriend's onto the moon after he's kicked the asses of alien abominations and human monsters. Akito might have been an anime obsessed nerd and cook, but he was also a war hero with more than a few victories notched into his belt. None of these characters need to be dressed in black, given some harsh event in their life for the sake of melodrama, and then touted as BATMAN or KIRITO or whatever other generic caped melodramatic hero you have. If you want Batman, make Batman. Just don't make the guy who is already a cool nerd into him.
That, to me, at least, is the point of Evil!Coop.
So yeah, I'm sad the show is over, but that final episode was not a bad way for it to end. Really worth it, and I'm so glad I watched it. The show is a hoot, and the fights never, ever disappoint. Thank you, based Felix. I definitely recommend this show to anyone who is a fan of giant robots.
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CHICKS dig Giant Robots!
You know what this thread has been missing lately? Mad Pierrot photoshops of SentaiFilmworks titles.
Cant wait, top 3 of fall/year definitely.