Out of nowhere, it seems that Crunchyroll will now be streaming RWBY weekly.
Out of nowhere, it seems that Crunchyroll will now be streaming RWBY weekly.
That's a way to become independant i guess.
ilya 6
well things happening.
weird that this show has the best animated swordfight of the season lol.
i wonder if they're going to dub the pokemon origins anime simultaneously with the japanese airing
They don't simul-dub the stuff airing right now, do they? Don't see any reason they'd do it here. It'll certainly get aired, though.
Love Lab 7
First 25 minutes of the show is basically filler. There are some moments but nothing really stands out. The story really didn't advance till the last 5 minutes of the show.Now that Riko has to go to cram school I expect the boys to be full time on the show.
Also this is not a :SDBurton episode.
Out of nowhere, it seems that Crunchyroll will now be streaming RWBY weekly.
Neptunia - 06
This episode was 100% entertaining..
So cute cliffanger became annoying kid , but hasty enough so that she moves the usually unmovable neptuna so that's a feat ... then we realise that a Sdburton garden bloomed out of nowhere:
Maybe I should be watching this! :O
well this is a different thing then what the standard anime thats like a year or 2 ahead of everyone else and is obviously suppose to support x and y's release, then again, they didnt simul-dub the movie
Is this like Gundam: The Origin, too?
Are we just rebooting Anime in general? I can live with this. Next year we'll have Mazinger and Getter Robo: The Origin, Sailor Moon: The Origin, Dragonball: The Origin, and so on.
Can't wait for Garzey's Wing Chronicles and Musashi Gundoh Rising.
Yo if Red picks anything other than a Charmander or a Pikachu, he'll go right back to being the dumbest of trainers. YOU DON'T NEED EASY MODE, BRO.
Can't believe I'm excited for this shit!
Keep Pikachu the hell away. He's fine, but he's so overexposed. Better to make a clean break.
Plus, we all know Blastoise is the best of the starter evolutions. Who cares if he's easy mode? Too badass to care.
I am a scenario writing genius, I am available for hire Japan!
Shouldn't this get its own thread over in OT and/or gaming side?
I am a scenario writing genius, I am available for hire Japan!
Squirtle > Charmander
Squirtle > Charmander
Squirtle > Charmander
Is this like Gundam: The Origin, too?
Are we just rebooting Anime in general? I can live with this. Next year we'll have Mazinger and Getter Robo: The Origin, Sailor Moon: The Origin, Dragonball: The Origin, and so on.
Can't wait for Garzey's Wing Chronicles and Musashi Gundoh Rising.
Squirtle > Charmander
I think we can all agree, Venusaur is fat, boring and just genuinely awful. Bulbasaur isn't bad, but damn if that final evo isn't super disappointing.
Bulbasaur > the other two losers