Somebody hit me with a suggestion and I'll make one tonight.
You still never shopped my idea for "Bi Beach Babes in Big Bots from Beyond"
Somebody hit me with a suggestion and I'll make one tonight.
And now they've got one up for Kabukimonogatari:
[Love Lab] 07
Outsourced episode looks outsourced. RIP IN PIECES
Moretsu Pirates/Bodacious Space Pirates Episode 7: You know, there is just the odd dichotomy to this show that comes from spot welding Space Pirate Adventures to High School Slice of Life antics. Even Misa and Kane seem to be aware of it and comment, I will note, that when something is so credulous or stupid that characters are commenting on the stupidity of a situation means you should have dropped the High School subplots. Yes, I consider the the majority of the High School/Maid Cafe shit to be mostly worthless subplots for the time being. Even the show had a hard time justifying the whole Marika Kato is failing her classes angle since it turns out running a space pirate crew is, even in anime, a whole order of magnitude more important then god damned high school. Anyway, the Pirates of the Caribbean show seemingly goes a bit daft and some foreshadowing is dropped and it seems a child stowaway has appeared on the The Bentenmaru to hopefully kick off the first full fledged Pirate arc.
Well they could always invent some new material; there were several episodes that were either partly or totally invented for the purposes or the show which turned out to be quite good not to mention a few chapters were they have proper Aika and Al development which they skipped.There were some missed chapters, but Aqua was covered by S1 for the most part. And right, I forgot about the actor being dead.![]()
The page is gone now, but there used to be an interview on Starchild's site that contained, among other questions:
What's the theme/concept behind Miniskirt Space Pirates?
Sasamoto: It's designed to sell, based on the concept, "A high school girl in a miniskirt who's a space pirate sounds like fun, right?" (laugh)
So, what it was was, I wanted to do a "proper" sci-fi story with a solid depiction of outer space. But I figured if "proper sci-fi" was all it was, it would be too hardcore for anyone to want to read it, so I dressed it up with "high school girls" and "space pirates" to soften things in hopes that would get me some readership. (laugh) In this animated adaptation, they're going to be picking up those "proper sci-fi" elements and presenting it as such, so you can definitely look forward to that.
You're welcome! I'm overjoyed you liked it.
No, its Densu. Get it right.
Truly the greatest mech show of our time. It's a shame they never got to do the episode wherelike they had planned too.Coop accidentally sets the Glorft off on their quest for universal domination
Luckily it seems that I am immune to lousy animation. Didn't notice anything wrong with latest Love Lab until I came here....
makes me want to cancel my subOut of nowhere, it seems that Crunchyroll will now be streaming RWBY weekly.
Luckily it seems that I am immune to lousy animation. Didn't notice anything wrong with latest Love Lab until I came here....
I seem to remember there's a reason why that particular place has seen a lot of supernatural activity lately, at least (On the subject of -monogatari, is there ever an explanation on why half a dozen girls seem to perpetually be affected by various supernatural shenanigans? I mean beyond the necessity for plot.
If there's one thing I have to criticise Giant Robo for is that it introduces (and disposes of) so many characters that it's difficult to keep track who is who when it jumps around from setting to setting. I understand a lot of this is just paying homage to Yokoyama's prolific career, but it's not very newcomer-friendly. Not to mention there's no real rhyme or reason as to who or what gets which super powers and a lot of the action seems self-indulgent.
Which doesn't mean it isn't FUCKING COOL, mind you. It gets repetitive to praise the show for its high production values all around, but that's really the highlight of the show. Looking around it doesn't seem this sold very well, so it's a cartoon that's clearly built on love for the material being (loosely) adapted. I should now wait three years to get to the conclusion. That's the true Japanese way~
Don't worry, you learn to drown them out once you've been around here long enough
You still never shopped my idea for "Bi Beach Babes in Big Bots from Beyond"![]()
Neon Genesis Evangelion 10-12
I don't have much to say about these episodes.Nothing greatly interesting, but still enjoyable enough.Three angels in, three angels defeated. The trio of pilots seem to be gelling a little more. Misato gives her background on why she works for NERV, and Gendo tells his son "good work", and Shinji admits the reason why he continues to pilot is to hear more praise from his father.
As always, it's still way too early for me to make a list for Fall.
According to previews, looks like Funimation is using the title Good Luck Girl for their release of Binbougami ga! in November.
Btw, this is going to be something. Regardless of whatever it is, hypedddddddd!
Btw, this is going to be something. Regardless of whatever it is, hypedddddddd!
Btw, this is going to be something. Regardless of whatever it is, hypedddddddd!
The Pocket Monsters: The Origin television anime will premiere in Japan on October 2 at 7:00 p.m. The anime was announced at the "Pokémon Game Show" event held at the Tokyo Big Site event center on Saturday.
Images from a promotional video shown at the event reveal that the anime will feature the player and rival characters from Nintendo's original Pokémon Red and Pokémon Green (released as Pokémon Blue in North America) video games. The original games' and television series' first gym leader Takeshi (known as Brock in English) will also appear in the upcoming anime. The Pokémon Hitokage (Charmander), Ishitsubute (Geodude), and Kamex (Blastoise) featured in the promotional video.
This has always been the truth. Whether we're talking about anime series or video games or just general coolness*
*fuck matt
from ep. 5 said:![]()
Quite right there, Illya.
Rin fighting is cool.
Don't blink, this is probably one of the only times one of these two will actually say something nice, or grateful, to the other one!
from ep. 6 said:![]()
During...See? I said it was literal!
How?By unleashing Illya's inner power, that's how!
Naturally, as usual for Fate-universe archers, it seems, she fights with swords. Yeah, it makes as little sense as ever.
So I guess Aniplex is taking out full-page ads in the Yomiuri Shimbun every time a new Monogatari arc starts in the anime. They put one up for Neko White back before the first episode aired:
And now they've got one up for Kabukimonogatari:
Hmmmm, seems like an idea has formed in my head.