Ivysaur is the best one in that evolution line, and we all know middle evolutions are lame.
God Wartortole and Charmeleon are just both the freaking worst. As far as middle evos go, Quilava's pretty cool. Can't think of another I really like.
Ivysaur is the best one in that evolution line, and we all know middle evolutions are lame.
They probably won't do it, but I hope with all my might that the best first gen Pokémon makes an appearance in this somehow.
That really terribly-drawn Eevee ruins it.
God Wartortole and Charmeleon are just both the freaking worst. As far as middle evos go, Quilava's pretty cool. Can't think of another I really like.
Yep, apparently it's just a single-episode special, jointly produced by OLM, Production I.G, and XEBEC.
Yep, apparently it's just a single-episode special, jointly produced by OLM, Production I.G, and XEBEC.
Yep, apparently it's just a single-episode special, jointly produced by OLM, Production I.G, and XEBEC.
Yep, apparently it's just a single-episode special, jointly produced by OLM, Production I.G, and XEBEC.
Yep, apparently it's just a single-episode special, jointly produced by OLM, Production I.G, and XEBEC.
God Wartortole and Charmeleon are just both the freaking worst. As far as middle evos go, Quilava's pretty cool. Can't think of another I really like.
It better be an hour-long special. I want to see the full Red VS. Green/Blue fight complete with a remixed version of this.
Yep, apparently it's just a single-episode special, jointly produced by OLM, Production I.G, and XEBEC.
Dewott is my personal favorite middle evo.
Perfect blend of being adorable and a badass
Forgot about Dewott. He's not bad. Really like that line. I dig both the Leaf and Water lines from that gen, but dear god if the Emboar line not just the worst.
Forgot about Dewott. He's not bad. Really like that line. I dig both the Leaf and Water lines from that gen, but dear god if the Emboar line not just the worst.
Emboar line isn't as bad as Infernape line. Hope Fennekin's line turns out okay in XY. And also turns out not Fire Fighting.
Infernape was actually good though.
Emboar line isn't as bad as Infernape line. Hope Fennekin's line turns out okay in XY. And also turns out not Fire Fighting.
MILF of the year.
MILF of the year.
I like both Infernape and his first form. Second form is terrible, but so are most as established. I don't like the Pokemon or fighting with it, but I think the look is fine.
And yeah, really hope Fennekin isn't fighting sub typed. It doesn't look like the type of design that would be, but who knows? Would be really disappointing if it was. Currently my favorite of the new 3.
The worst thing about Infernape was, in the original Diamond and Pearl, you had no damn choice but to choose him as your starter if you wanted a Fire type for the first playthrough. Unless you wanted a Rapidash. But other than that, there were absolutely no other fire types before getting the national dex in the original Diamond and Pearl.
Not good looking though. That whole line was as ugly a mess as the rest of Gen IV.
Gen IV was ass for designs. V's fixed the pain, though.
Empoleon was a fucking penguin, it autowins
EDIT: Gen IV sucked period.
HGSS was a mechanical fucking mess.
prism ilya 4
ooh the big budget eps. show really does feel like a less derpy s1 of lyrical nanoha. Tons of beam spamming and dodging.
I'm expecting something more like ep. 4, a down episode right after two episodes of intense fighting...Illya 5 & 6 were just incredible ... i hope ep 7 will manage to top "that" but it'll be hard.
What did you mean, errors?That sword fight was cool BUT it had a bunch of errors in it.
i'm sad if this was the best this season had to offer.
don't get me wrong the episode as a whole was awesome. but once i rewatched the ep i found some things that annoyed me.
EdIt : weird ... the animation errors i watched in the niconico release are now gone. good for the show i guess.
So the special is also going to focus on the fight at Pokémon tower plus a battle with Giovanni.
Hype reaching levels of critical mass.
Who's the character designer for this? For some reason it looks... KyoAniish to me.
Yeah, looking at the sharp chins it's a lot less comparable.No way; KyoAni designs have always been better than that, even when they were adapting Key works. Looks like fairly standard boys' show designs.
What did you mean, errors?
They don't simul-dub the stuff airing right now, do they? Don't see any reason they'd do it here. It'll certainly get aired, though.
Direct feed footage of the Pokémon: The Origin trailer:
Yep, apparently it's just a single-episode special, jointly produced by OLM, Production I.G, and XEBEC.
MILF of the year.
That style looks so much better than the current series. Why can't we get a full show that looks like that? I understand why it can't be all sakuga all the time, but I'd kill for a pokemon show with a decent art style.
Really, it's only three months back? They've come a long way from when it was a year delay; I guess all that time it was airing multiple days a week on Cartoon Network or whatever really paid off to close that gap.The dub is 12 episodes behind.
Really, it's only three months back? They've come a long way from when it was a year delay; I guess all that time it was airing multiple days a week on Cartoon Network or whatever really paid off to close that gap.
Blue Exorcist: The Movie
Despite being a franchise film with characters showing up who clearly had larger roles in the series, everyone had a role to play and every scene felt important; there was no time wasted on fanservice I wouldn't be able to appreciate. It's so tightly constructed.
This gets annoying pretty damn quick. She's probably my least favorite Precure so far of the three shows I've watched (Smile, Heartcatch, and Futari wa).I totally think Cure Happy could get along with Pinky Pie considering she has SMILE SMILE SMILE under her belt.
This gets annoying pretty damn quick. She's probably my least favorite Precure so far of the three shows I've watched (Smile, Heartcatch, and Futari wa).