Well this was a surprise. Cant say Im excited though.
Ive been curious about this show. Was it actually good or not?
Ive been curious about this show. Was it actually good or not?
Turn A Gundam 21
Well, as far as I am concerned, this is officially one of the best series in the entire franchise. I'm completely in love with the rustic theme the music so often has, and the characters of Diana Soreil and Loran Cehak have me fully engaged.
i have a hard time deciding if uhiharu pouting was one of the highlights of this episode or not.
I always make this distinction with Turn A in that it's not just a good Gundam show, it's good anime period despite franchise ties.
So if they are going back to da roots with Pokémon will that mean that Pikachu will be fat again?
So if they are going back to da roots with Pokémon will that mean that Pikachu will be fat again?
As always, it's still way too early for me to make a list for Fall.
According to previews, looks like Funimation is using the title Good Luck Girl for their release of Binbougami ga! in November.
Btw, this is going to be something. Regardless of whatever it is, hypedddddddd!
Pop is basically the exact opposite of Doremi while still having some sisterly resemblance.
Is that really what binbougami ga means?
Had no idea that Disney had bought Funimation patented "be dicks to American outsiders" technology.
School Days 5
Hey. HEY. Hey Makoto, do you know who this motherfucker is up here? This is Arthur, King of Britain. You know what happened to him? His girl cheated on him with his bro, and you know what he did? Started a fucking war so fucking violent the goddamn POPE had to beg him to stop. And this is after he'd fucking conquered Rome, chopped off a giant's balls, slain a dragon and found the fucking Cup of Christ. And this dumb bastard still picked a fight with him by sleeping with his woman.
Maybe, and I know she's not a sword wielding pissed off Anglo who slays giants and dragons and witches for breakfast, but maybe, just MAYBE,cheating on Katsura is going to have some serious fucking consequences here, kiddo. You want Sekai that bad? Break up with Katsura. People have started wars over this shit, man. You might think pretty little Katsura is too gentle to resist, but hey, Samson seemed perfectly harmless when they plowed his farm, till he brought that goddamn temple down on everyone's head.
Like, seriously, though, Makoto is manipulative in a way Lelouch wishes Geass could let him be. This is like the time I used cheat codes to make it so that both Visas and the Handmaiden fell in love with the Jedi Exile. Makoto's problem with Katsura isn't that she's high maintenance, its that she's low yield. He's totally okay with her when she's rubbing up against him, too, but she's just not as willing as Sekai. And while I don't think Sekai is as innocent as I could argue she is, something about the way he keeps silencing her when she's telling him "no" bothers me. No means yes is a bullshit bit and maybe I'm not familiar with good ol' fashioned tsundere ways, but this Makoto kid bugs me to no end.
And while fan service doesn't usually bug me, having two giant asses in the foreground of the frame is a bit much, I think.
Also fucking Sauron the Enemy of All Free Peoples went to the pool today. A joke about her being as flat as the sides of Barad Dur goes here.
Anyway, the point is, a tangled web just got wove, and I need to see some mother loving justice unfold here soon.
Is that really what binbougami ga means?
Hmm. I'm really not impressed in the slightest. Guess you need to be a Pokefan for this to have any sort of effect on you.
Good for those who are into this, I suppose.
I've been pimping them in here ever since the first one!The new Mickey shorts feature great art direction, too. Wouldn't just praise the aural part!
Hmm. I'm really not impressed in the slightest. Guess you need to be a Pokefan for this to have any sort of effect on you.
Good for those who are into this, I suppose.
I've been pimping them in here ever since the first one!
You nailed it..I doubt it's meant to be amazing, but all I really want is for it to be decent. The old one is just meant to be a bland kid's show. Low production values. There's no real overarching storyline. The main character never really gets any interesting pokemon, resets and uses random (mostly starter) pokemon every season, the same thing happens every episode, he never gets any better or makes any progress outside of getting badges. Whether you watch the first episode or the utmost latest, you aren't missing anything because hundreds of episodes later he still makes the same stupid mistakes, can't really win much of any competition and HE NEVER AGES.
I just want a show where there is actual progress and a possibility of an ending.
Prisma Ilya 6-
Come on ... it wasnt that bad ... i think that especially after seeing the improved version.Prisma Ilya 6-
That's actually giving me some Nanoha A's vibes. Show me some sweet beamspamz and I might jump back in!Prisma Ilya 6-
Blue Exorcist movie.
Well, here the hero instead of doing his job properly of watching a demon, his typical carelessness, regular disobedience of superiors and overfriendly attitude (basically your typical shounen hero) causes a disaster of what I imagine should have thousands of deaths (though somehow no one mentions it).
Prisma Ilya 6-
There seems to be some good animation there, although they've smothered it in a few too many cheap digital effects.
Yeah he looked cool!To be fair it's not like Ufotable is a stranger to that either. CG Berserker, anyone?
I've officially gone off the deep end. Woe is me.
To be fair it's not like Ufotable is a stranger to that either. CG Berserker, anyone?
Rabu Rabu 07
Production values were pretty low for an odd numbered episode.
All of the starters after Gen 3 are varying degrees of stupid-looking.
Tokyo Mew Mew 3
Ichigo hates ghosts. Oh boy. And obviously we'll get our thirdPrecureAnimal Girl this episode, and I thought Lettuce was going to be 4th. She really looks like Komachi/Cure Mint.... except with glasses and doesn't look as stupid.
And... some random ass drama to boot. It's like... we knew she had some issues with the fuckers Retatsu or whatever was with... and then she randomly attacks them because her body is weird and she can't make friends. That was dumb. At the same time, WAY to go you douchebags, you fucked up a girls life that she didn't even want. You forced it on her.
Speaking of forced, there was onscreen kiss-rape by the enemy. She lost her first kiss. In comparison, kiss rape almost happened in Yes Precure 5! GoGo's movie, but it was a lot creepier.
Gatchaman Crowds 6
Hajime makes Madoka and her Marus look like a character that stepped right out of Apocalypse Now. She is quite possibly the most genki super positive character that I've ever seen in fiction and makes all the characters from Aria look like bitter, cynical fucks.
And yet, somehow, I don't find her annoying or grating. If anything, her unyielding optimism that even Anne from the Green Gables could learn from is somehow endearing. It's not just that she's genki. It's that she's fucking swag with her genki. She's probably more positive than all the Precures and the Doremis and My Little Ponies and whatever other magical girl characters put together. lol
Looking at hummingbird reccomendation list.
Dunno whether I'll trust that. Seems I should be trying Higashi no Eden
Damn. I was just curious when the Hanasaku Iroha bluray comes out, so I checked the website. October. Awh...
Feels like I've been waiting for-bloody-ever for this.
The new Mickey shorts feature great art direction, too. Wouldn't just praise the aural part!