I'm denouncing SDBurton and cnet. -6 diplomacy penalty for six turns and all trade deals are revoked.
Noooooooo! ;_;
I'm denouncing SDBurton and cnet. -6 diplomacy penalty for six turns and all trade deals are revoked.
Everyone, please go and cleanse your soul with a pure and holy live action show.
I recommend this currently airing, Kurita approved Jdrama.
I'm denouncing SDBurton and cnet. -6 diplomacy penalty for six turns and all trade deals are revoked.
Everyone, please go and cleanse your soul with a pure and holy live action show.
I recommend this currently airing, Kurita approved Jdrama.
Every word is like a dagger in my heart.
if you have girls, then bunny girls , if you have males, then host costume !
who cares about adorable costumes ? ( aside from maybe cajun ? )
No that's not what i'm saying , i agree with you on the fact that the Lns actually went for this end properly..no problem here. the fact that the psp game written by the same guy has a very similar end is another proof.
BUT i think that the psp end is better and thesatifies everyone, including me. it's clear and simple.reveal that they aren't related
The way the final novel handled things ,the conclusion is that they choose to hide this from society was high and that's the way i interpreted this end BECAUSE they had so much time thinking about the consequences , hence why i think the author made the ending that way on purpose too. The solution was actually to hide is the way i see how it happenned.
As you said , the anime ( that i haven't seen because ..well i was tired of they were handling things ) probably skipped too many things and the end result seen by anime only viewers is that they "reverted" when in fact i think they didn't.
If i don't think like that i just can't justify all that happenned , because IMO it doesn't make sense otherwise
I'm fucking ashamed to know that is from K-On.
Hm. I'll just youtube a clip. I don't need to watch it all in dubs >_<
Do the blurays have subs? I wouldn't mind picking it up if it does. I enjoyed IS and I'm ready for season two.
As opposed to what other kind of Jdrama?
7 episodes into Berserk now, this show is great. Are the movies any good?
Please watch Yamada and the Seven Witches with me.
I couldn't denounce SDBurton, he and I are the only ones who like Origami.
I haven't watched enough stuff to be the Jdrama king.
I couldn't denounce SDBurton, he and I are the only ones who like Origami.
As usual, translation assistance is requested, but I believe this article is attributing a rise in the number of tickets sold for a JGSDF live-fire exercise public demonstration to the popularity of Girls und Panzer, and discusses other things the anime has helped spark interest in.
...What the hell happened in here last night?!
Steins;gate 1-3
The series couldn't have more boring start.whats up with characters forgetting what happened in Ep. 1
Apparently it gets better later on, but as of now, its just... meh.
Something in my head tells me that's much longer than whatever I watched, and chances are, it's longer than my mega franchises put together.
Its not. Just 69 episodes. Its quite enjoyable and hilarious. Tsukino is a cutie.
go ask the south about first cousins then get back to me.
Funimation has formally listed their November 2013 solicitations, all available for pre-order at Right Stuf.
Seems that the full localized title for Binbougami ga! is Binbo-gami ga! Good Luck Girl!, similar to how they handled the Haganai (Japanese name first, English title as subtitle).
(via @WTK)
I can't wait to own Wolf Children on Blu-ray. Hopefully, there are some nice extras in that release.
Well probably depends on the show. For example, Guilty Crown has:
While Haganai has:
Then again, you have movies such like Summer Wars which got:
While the Vesperia movie got:
Completely and utterly random lol
go ask the south about first cousins then get back to me.
well i do live in the south... well not 'the south'.
the answer is 'love' says the dudes with a crappy removal job of a tattoo of their previous girlfriend's name on their neck.
It was pretty obvious that it was going to go straight into the abyss lol.
People are going to love who they want to. You cant really prevent that. If people want to have incestuous relations well whatever. I just cant stand THIS character Kirino. If she was cuter/more likeable in the show, then incest ahoy! But I hate her.
I'm willing to sign this embargo, The People's Democratic Republic of Corvo has an obvious vested interest in this.
I couldn't denounce SDBurton, he and I are the only ones who like Origami.
That makes it easier to consider then.
2?Aww, I missed the One Piece discussion
Well, it looks like Xenovia is now competing with Rias for 2nd place.
Funimation has formally listed their November 2013 solicitations, all available for pre-order at Right Stuf.
Seems that the full localized title for Binbougami ga! is Binbo-gami ga! Good Luck Girl!, similar to how they handled the Haganai (Japanese name first, English title as subtitle).
(via @WTK)
like I said before, society isn't worth the paper is printed on.
I can certainly see how one wouldn't like Kirino. I didn't really at first but she kinda grew on me, but perhaps I'm a rare case.
Something about her just annoys the living shit out of me. Shes not very interesting either compared to the others.
I haven't watched enough stuff to be the Jdrama king.
Maybe it's just that I became desensitized to her![]()
Maybe it's just that I became desensitized to her![]()
This isn't porn though.
I suppose so.
She's so in-your-face that its hard to tune her out though.
At least there were characters like Kuroneko and Ayase to distract from it.
Funimation has formally listed their November 2013 solicitations, all available for pre-order at Right Stuf.
Seems that the full localized title for Binbougami ga! is Binbo-gami ga! Good Luck Girl!, similar to how they handled the Haganai (Japanese name first, English title as subtitle).
(via @WTK)
7 episodes into Berserk now, this show is great. Are the movies any good?
I love the feel of the show. It reminds me of Demon's/Dark Souls if humanity was restored in those games.
All characters in that show pretty much suck though.
Also notably different is the tone involved.Sailor Moon Mangoes Act 8-14 END of OG Sailor Moon
So yeah, that really played out differently in comparison to the anime. Some parts of this could've expanded the characters more, but given how different things played out (like NephritexNaru), would it have been possible? Probably since the spoilered aspect didn't really reveal itself until the bitter end.
Well it's probably the only good thing to come out of the series.This isn't porn though.
That's a nice metaphor.In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
Where is my Strike Witches 3?
2nd place is for akeno.
ANYWAY the first 3 places are set and nothing will change that
Maji de Otaku na English! Ribbon-chan
I came for the Sakura Tange (there was only one "ueeeeeeee") but stayed for the KobaYuu.
Also notably different is the tone involved.While Usagi does reflect on who she really is at this point, she doesn't reject her past life like anime Usagi does. In the end, she accepts who she is but still choses to remain on Earth.
Also, FATEFATEFATE but that's the norm for the manga.
Look forward to the next arc, as it's even more different from the anime.
Well it's probably the only good thing to come out of the series.
Wait she said Uweeeeeeh? Goddammit I need to watch this. I dont even know what it is.
It's funny how Takeuchi just didn't care to depict how attacks looked much of the time. Transformations and undoing them were more sudden and direct.I think I made note of it earlier, but yeah, she's definitely more accepting of what's going on.
It was one of those moment of confusion ueeeeeeees and not one of those startled UEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEs. It's still rather amusing and only a couple minutes per episode.
Shame that. All I know about the series is from what I've absorbed from this thread:I can't even enjoy that now (or rather back when spoilers came out from the LN)
Tell me how you really feel.Sometimes this thread makes me wonder things. About people.
What about the one-eyed snake?In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.