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Summer 2013 Anime |10th Dimensional OT| the first ignoble truth: all of life is anime

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To clear my mind of anime anime....

To love ru darkness ova 3

I need that machine. working a computer job sucks for the body. stiff and aching all over for sitting in a seat all day.


I'd be flattered by the offer, but I don't think the ratings would stand a chance with all the other amazing suggestions shown here.

Madoka Magica crossovers are always awesome.

These are so great. Anime crossover stuff is usually pretty golden.

To clear my mind of anime anime....

To love ru darkness ova 3

I need that machine. working a computer job sucks for the body. stiff and aching all over for sitting in a seat all day.

Aint a problem for me cause I sit in my chair every way except the proper way. When im sitting at all. Sometimes im sitting on my desk or on the floor or standing by the wall. Right now im kind of sitting with the back of the chair to the desk leaning against it.



For Regulus (and any other Gunbuster fan who might be interested)


I might be one of the late ones to this but just recently I went through and watched the six Gunbuster OVAs. Instead of doing remarks after each one I thought I'd just wait until I finished and maybe cover three each over two posts.


OVA 1: I kind of just skimmed more recent comments or impressions from the show since I hadn't watched it yet and didn't want to be accidentally spoiled on any details. I did still see some screenshots of robots doing what looked like more gymnastics routines and one of the seemingly now famous "Gainax Bounce" scenes with Noriko. It was interesting then to see the actual context of these scenes.

I had mixed feelings on this first episode. It initially came across as almost more of a comedy with its wacky scenes such as the robots and their gym routines or maybe even kind of a parody of certain other shows. On that note, just the way I found out the Japanese name "top o nerae" or "Aim for the top" seems to be a play off of an older sports shoujo involving tennis called "Ace o nerae" or "Aim for the ace." I haven't actually seen the show though so I don't know what all there was as far as allusions there.

It also seemed to have it's moments of seriousness though with how Noriko was being bullied. That and her training or struggles still seemed genuine or had a sense of earnest about them despite coming off as looking like some weird Rocky type training routine. Coach seemed pretty cool too after this first episode. Overall I thought it was okay at this point.


OVA 2: The introduction of Jung was interesting and in some ways it's things like this that maybe show the OVAs age but I don't think it's really any determent to the show. Russia is still a key player in space and even if this were made today I could still see her given the same personality type just due to common stereotypes that are used.

The fight was interesting and after
I honestly wasn't sure if she was earnest in her friendship and it was just one of those first encounter tests type things or if she would always have more of a colder attitude and it was just her pretending to be friendly. It turns out it was the former though.

The way in which this handled a
timeskip using time dilation
was also interesting to see. At the time I wondered if this idea would be further explored again in the series and it turns out it does in a big way, haha.

There's also the flashback scene with Noriko and I wondered initially
if it really was her father or if she just thought it would be him and then you would see him turn into someone else and she would be given the news of his passing. Imagine that for a birthday present. It turns out it was just an earlier memory of him. At the time that thought seemed too dark for the show given its more upbeat tone overall despite some scenes like that of her fathers ship.


OVA 3: Honestly I wasn't as big a fan of this episode again as I had mixed feelings about it. On the one hand I liked how through the characters interactions you got to see more of the ship and it seemed like a real place with real characters and not more of just set pieces that existed more for these characters to act out their scenes.

The contrast came more in the form of Smith for me. I didn't really have anything against his character but more how he was handled. Opposite to what I just mentioned it came across more like he was just used as a plot devise.
Again, I didn't mind his character and wouldn't have minded to see more of him but the way in which he appears and is given really no back-story and just killed off screen just made the emotions come across as more empty and hollow. It seemed like he was just there more as the reality check type moment that this wasn't all fun and games and that again maybe Noriko really shouldn't be here despite what Coach might be thinking.

I also had mixed opinions on the fight.
On the one hand it was dissapointing that Noriko really didn't do anything but pretty much just float there scared. On the other it was kind of nice personally I suppose, in that it felt more real and different from some more modern anime I've seen, where this person who's never been in a fight before suddenly turns into this instant veteran who can take out entire squads or armies just by hopping in the pilot seat of one of these robots.

I might have missed some things but those are some thoughts on the first three OVAs of Gunbuster anyway.


Dog and Scissors ep 8

I want to know what kind of fuck up town is this to have so many wierdos and wierd ass places. Or rather what kind of crack is is Gonzo smoking.
You name it Oh my Goddess!
OMG is certainly NOT a harem

It is about stalking adventures, so I imagine the harem is not actually complicit in, or maybe even aware of, any of it.
BUt i was told on anime gaf that every anime is harem based.
yes ..even doraemon
Dog and Scissors ep 8

I want to know what kind of fuck up town is this to have so many wierdos and wierd ass places. Or rather what kind of crack is is Gonzo smoking.

They smoke some crazy stuff


Smile Precure 33

That movie actually probably turned out as best as it possibly could. Pop actually did them a favor only keeping the parts with him. Reika in particular is a shitty actress. Nao was pretty cool in the movie though. Also Akane's face during the movie as she slowly started to realize it was just Pop was great.
R_thanatos, theoretically how many seasons would it take to get to the fluffy tailed goddess (slightly NSFW?) in High School DxD?
Given how they handled this ( 13 eps for 2 volumes each time ) She would be in season 4 or 5
Season 1 was Vol 1 & 2
Season 2 is Vol 3 & 4
Season 3 would be Vol 5,6,7
Season 4 would be Vol 9,10
and so on .... we are at vol 15 ATM
It's complicated in the sense that vol 8 is short stories that are across the entire timeline and some of them have already been animated. ( thus taking more space :))
The character you seek is in Vol 9 (kyoto school trip ) and the season ordering up there is the best way to adapt things up , IMO.
So , at best it's season 4 or at worst it's season 5
Vol 5 can be compressed with vol 6 in the same time framme of a regular volume so far if they do a great job , but they would most likely need more than 13 eps instead. If season 3 is 24 eps i'll be very happy.
Shes not wearing any heehee.
She forgot to put them on because she left her home in a hurry.
I'm not joking.
She wear them usually but only when she is in human form.
If my fluffy tails could hide my shame I wouldn't wear any underwear either.

Logic , much logical indeed.


Given how they handled this ( 13 eps for 2 volumes each time ) She would be in season 4 or 5
Season 1 was Vol 1 & 2
Season 2 is Vol 3 & 4
Season 3 would be Vol 5,6,7
Season 4 would be Vol 9,10

It's complicated in the sense that vol 8 is short stories that are across the entire timeline and some of them have already been animated. ( thus taking more space :))
The character you seek is in Vol 9 (kyoto school trip ) and the season ordering up there is the best way to adapt things up , IMO.
So , at best it's season 4 or at worst it's season 5
Vol 5 can be compressed with vol 6 in the same time framme of a regular season so far if they do a great job , but they would most likely need more than 13 eps.

She forgot to put them on because she left her home in a hurry.
I'm not joking.
She wear them usually.

Logic , much logical indeed.

I want to hug her tail.
Gatchaman Crowds Episode 6 – Originality

Pretty boring episode overall as the discussions only reconfirmed everything we already knew
though Rui's UPPER body was a pleasant and necessary inclusion
. Sugane had a nice outfit at least and Jou got a scene but still, it feels like they are failing to capitalize on him and show him do great and marvelous things on screen. Hope that changes soon. At least the fandom delivers.
Given how they handled this ( 13 eps for 2 volumes each time ) She would be in season 4 or 5
Season 1 was Vol 1 & 2
Season 2 is Vol 3 & 4
Season 3 would be Vol 5,6,7
Season 4 would be Vol 9,10
and so on .... we are at vol 15 ATM
It's complicated in the sense that vol 8 is short stories that are across the entire timeline and some of them have already been animated. ( thus taking more space :))
The character you seek is in Vol 9 (kyoto school trip ) and the season ordering up there is the best way to adapt things up , IMO.
So , at best it's season 4 or at worst it's season 5
Vol 5 can be compressed with vol 6 in the same time framme of a regular volume so far if they do a great job , but they would most likely need more than 13 eps instead. If season 3 is 24 eps i'll be very happy.

Man, that sounds like it's never going to happen whether this season is selling well or not.


Given how they handled this ( 13 eps for 2 volumes each time ) She would be in season 4 or 5
Season 1 was Vol 1 & 2
Season 2 is Vol 3 & 4
Season 3 would be Vol 5,6,7
Season 4 would be Vol 9,10
and so on .... we are at vol 15 ATM
It's complicated in the sense that vol 8 is short stories that are across the entire timeline and some of them have already been animated. ( thus taking more space :))
The character you seek is in Vol 9 (kyoto school trip ) and the season ordering up there is the best way to adapt things up , IMO.
So , at best it's season 4 or at worst it's season 5
Vol 5 can be compressed with vol 6 in the same time framme of a regular volume so far if they do a great job , but they would most likely need more than 13 eps instead. If season 3 is 24 eps i'll be very happy.

She forgot to put them on because she left her home in a hurry.
I'm not joking.
She wear them usually but only when she is in human form.

I don't know how you remember this so well, lol. Didn't she only appear in one volume? I had to go find which volume the illustration came from before I remembered who she was. D:
Man, that sounds like it's never going to happen whether this season is selling well or not.

The books , and the other magasine extra are still quite popular and we have at least 4 more books confirmed and we're far from being at the end of the story .. there is a legitimate chance of thinking it can happen.

Just not next year.
We're actually ( in the books ) only in the 4th arc of the serie. ( season 1&2 of the anime are the first arc ). Many readers ( including me ) considers that the best PART starts at act 2 .. so i have hope... i really have hope.

I don't know how you remember this so well, lol. Didn't she only appear in one volume? I had to go find which volume the illustration came from before I remembered who she was. D:

Dxd is so entertaining ...

No seriously the real reason is that i reread all the books recently when the second season of the anime started ( the anime got me hyped and i couldn't resist )


Smile Precure 34

For all of the effort they were putting into making sure that one dickbutt was happy, it sure took them a good goddamn long time for them to figure out "Hey, he and his band can play the music during the fashion show!"

Heartcatch fashion show >>>>> Smile fashion show. Though Akane looked pretty good. And I got a kick out of Candy singing backup during the song, full with her "guru" and everything.
Ojamajo Doremi 35

Didn't expect to see her so soon, but I liked her design, so I wanted to see how was like. She's an idoru, and makes boys wet. so she has the aspects of a waifu idoru, but too young.

Don't know how the hover body keeps happening in this show, but it's a showbiz competition, and Doremi's love of steak actually helps her proceed through.

And then Segawa Onpu reveals that she's the witch apprentice that people are talking about. She also works for Majo Ruka, who is using fame in order to rack up the funds to be the next queen.

But but what about the cursed items?
Smile Precure 34

For all of the effort they were putting into making sure that one dickbutt was happy, it sure took them a good goddamn long time for them to figure out "Hey, he and his band can play the music during the fashion show!"

Heartcatch fashion show >>>>> Smile fashion show. Though Akane looked pretty good. And I got a kick out of Candy singing backup during the song, full with her "guru" and everything.

There are reasons for why Heartcatch's fashion show kicks the shit out of this one, but you'd probably already realize why.


SoA -- Finished

The second half was just weird; Asuna
became nothing more than goal, Oberon had absolutely nothing redeeming about him, and Kirito's relationship with Sugu was all kinds of wtf.
But it was entertaining throughout, which is more then I can say for the first half. I feel like there were all kinds of holes in the logic of is story, but I kinda just turned that part of the brain off and enjoyed OP Kirito kicking ass in the second half.

I'd be down for more. There are more books, and this was popular, right?
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