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Summer 2013 Anime |10th Dimensional OT| the first ignoble truth: all of life is anime

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The Not Friends Club That God Is Not Making Friends In 07


Haganai Flashbacks.

I enjoyed this when I was reading it. I'm not so enjoying going through this arc again.


Well, that much is easy, just get a copy of the September issue of Ultra Jump from your local Japanese magazine bookseller. Or import it yourself/get someone to send you the magazine if none such stores exist near you.

Ill take a look around town. Somewhere is bound to have it.


Detective Conan 706 - Bourbon Figures it Out
So bad ass.

This case was mildly entertaining, and it's always fun to see how absurd the method of murder can sometimes be. Dry ice, regular ice, a tennis racket, a water bottle and a vase went into killing this guy. Mcguyver-esq murder. As for Bourbon, I was actually really hoping Conan would keep low and stay out of his view, but ultimately Bourbon's eye is too discerning. Hopefully there will be a showdown in the near future, because the cat and mouse business is getting tired between these two.


Mushibugyo 20
This episode was actually a letdown after the strong momentum the show had going up until this point. I noticed alot of poor animation and the episode could be summed up as "Hibachi-dono" being screamed over and over x20. Boss fight was also very cliche.


My friend just got into anime and we caught up to Attack of Titan. What is another good anime like it that he will like? Nothing to girly or child like please it's just not his style.

If you enjoyed Attack on Titan you may also enjoy such thrilling, action-packed shows like:
-Watching Paint Dry
-Doing Taxes
-Going to the DMV
-Waiting Quietly For Death


Maybe you should read what's actually been posted earlier but the notion it doesn't harm anyone is incredibly disingenuous:


Precisely. I really don't like when people overlook the fact that, aside from the genetic level of incest, there's the relationship dynamics of it which are all unhealthy, too. I'm pretty sure this comes up in an Asimov Robot story, too.

The point is, incest is bad, even when you cut away the genetic side of it.
Hayate no Gotoku!! 00


Wakamoto service service service.

Oh wow, you can totally tell that it's a new animation company that's doing this now. Not sure how I feel about this.


Whoa, wasn't expecting translation's out so soon.
I mean, the magazine only just went on sale today, it's not surprising that there would be decent quality-ish raws out by now. Plus, LWA fans especially are dedicated to spreading the word about the series.


You forgot sitting through poorly made Powerpoint Presentations.

Isn't that what started this line of suggestions, though?

ANYWAY, I forgot to mention:

MEGAS XLR -Pilot- Low Brow

So Felix Orion, who is a total bro, by the way, guys, sent me this little gem to watch, and watch I did. The pilot ran during the Cartoon Cartoon Summer, which, if I remember my childhood right, was a period in which many shorts were released and viewers voted to determine which ones got to be new Cartoon Cartoons. This is how Billy and Mandy and Sheep in the Big City happened, both of which were great shows until Billy stopped being important and Mandy became the invincible Mary Sue that alt-goth kids in Junior High and Hot Topic would worship forever (I might be slightly bitter about this).

Anyway, the short, which runs for like, seven and change minutes, is mostly the first episode of the show in a condensed format with lower-quality animation. Notably Kiva and Coop's eyes are more akin to Jaime's, and Kiva's face is really off model (her face wouldn't really get nailed down until the second season). The Glorft, and Gorath in particular, don't play much of a role in the short, but it is worth it to see the origins of Megas, the eightball Hadoken, and a number of series staple gags.

Basically it is a damn shame that there was never a third season of this show.


I love you Corvy kun.

At last my dream to live an internet themed harem dramedy is well under way.

Turn A Gundam 23

Alas, poor Teteth. She was so beautiful, and so determined to make a name for herself back on the moon. Her desire to gain status drove her to her end, though, as she picked a fight with Loran, and Loran, being a Gundam pilot, made a hell of a ton of noise, which ultimately got Teteth shot in the skull.

Keith the Baker apparently didn't get married, as we'd discussed earlier. I suppose the idea is that he is in a relationship with the Baker's daughter, though, and that "when the war is over" they'll tie the knot. Speaking of marriages, the most out of left field romance in the series belongs to Sochie and Gavane. I definitely didn't see that coming, but there it is, Sochie even accepted his proposal, and it sounded to me like this was not the first time they'd discussed this, either. Also, maybe it was just me, but it sounded to me like Fran Doll had feelings for Keith at one point, too.

High point of the episode, as always, was Diana. Her placing the blame for Teteth's death, and indeed the pain that the woman had known her whole life, was an incredibly empathetic and compassionate reaction to seeing the death of a woman who had been trying to kill you, and whom she herself had taken a few swings at.


Moretsu Pirates/Bodacious Space Pirates Episode 11: Right, so this episode they have decided to add Denmark and the lower have of Sweden to the purchase list vis a vis the animation budget. Also, the Bentenmaru has a grunt crew, which is actually kind of nifty, even if they are just redshirts, Anyway, the stakes have risen as after, I dunno, some implausible space storm the great colony ship has emerged from subspace. Plus we learn the true face of the adversary and it turns out it is the The Rose of Versailles who also seeks the ship for as of yet obscured political reasons. I have to say I am impressed that Moretsu Pirates has restrained from giving us a real ship-to-ship battle thus far. Although that better happen at some point or I will spew forth the vitriol. At any rate, this is not happening next episode since the giant suppository has been boarded and the episode preview portends a factional throw-down inside the ship.


Watamote 7

Or, alternatively, a slightly exaggerated rendition of how I spent all my summer vacations.
I wish I were kidding :(
See, this is how you make a show about doing nothing. The cicada gag in particular killed me, as did the
Nico scene

Next episode: "Since I'm not popular I'll put on airs" Oh god I think next week might be
Kill me now.


Jiyuu e no Shingeki has now officially surpassed Don't say "lazy" to become the best-selling late-night anison CD single since 2000, with 196,597 copies sold to the latter's 191,599. (An overly narrow superlative, perhaps, but they'll take what they can get.)


Watamote 7

Or, alternatively, a slightly exaggerated rendition of how I spent all my summer vacations.
I wish I were kidding :(
See, this is how you make a show about doing nothing. The cicada gag in particular killed me, as did the
Nico scene

Next episode: "Since I'm not popular I'll put on airs" Oh god I think next week might be
Kill me now.

Wait another ep is out?!


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Jiyuu e no Shingeki has now officially surpassed Don't say "lazy" to become the best-selling late-night anison CD single since 2000, with 196,597 copies sold to the latter's 191,599. (An overly narrow superlative, perhaps, but they'll take what they can get.
How unfortunate.
Jiyuu e no Shingeki has now officially surpassed Don't say "lazy" to become the best-selling late-night anison CD single since 2000, with 196,597 copies sold to the latter's 191,599. (An overly narrow superlative, perhaps, but they'll take what they can get.)

I like how a single from a lazy anime passed something called Don't say "lazy".


You guys should've just highlighted the spoilers I posted from when the final volume came out.

At least Kanata and Saori are happy in the end, and that's all that matters in my heart.


Poet Centuriate
Alright, slowly back into it.

Le Chevalier D'Eon 19

"It's all over..." Sorry, Durand, it's not. Besides
you have an order to end everyone's life now, don't you?

Ah yeah, name droppin' 'Murica.

Dang, Garcie, though drunk and party animal, is surprisingly astute.

I knew he was gonna betray them eventually but not as a Gargoyle. wow. Man talk about a bitter farewell to comrades and lovers.


Whatever you think of Attack on Titan, the people working on it aren't being lazy.

It's hard to feel sorry for any of them when their show sucks so much.

Dai-Guard 15

So the company gets a new president and he's a skeevy sleaze bag, but you knew that anyway. The real story here is that after he basically sold Dai-Guard to the Army, they sent over someone to hound Shirota every step of the way, and this wide eyed idealist, who is pretty disappointed by the new, almost-hot-blooded Shirota, decides, after seeing Shirota save the fucking day, to stab him and Akagi and company in the back by telling the President that they're all sloppy fucks and that the Army has better people for him to use. The new President goes along with this since PR Division 2 has been a pain in his side and in this power struggle he's trying to win, he needs them gone. The problem is, this guy doesn't seem to realize that he's basically selling his entire company out to the Military (and note that they're already the major stock holders!), at which point all his hard earned power will be utterly spent.


Monogatari SS 7

Araragi & Shinobu: parters in time.

If those flashes ahead are any indication, shit is going to get really real. Already enjoying this Arv 11x more than I thought I would
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