firehawk12 said:Sukitte Il Na Yo OVA
It was a nice reminder of the show, but other than the characters still being together and a hint of movement on behalf of the mohawk dude, it really does feel like something that was designed to be a bit of "status-quo" service, for lack of a better term.
It did remind me just how much I miss the show getting to dip in again.
And I wouldn't call it status quo. Seems like the relationship is stringer with Mei a bit more confident. The show I guess was more about Kai though.
Also I didn't realse how much alike Mei and Nagi are.
Dog and Scissors
Masochist girl really does take it to the next level. I'm not even sure what this show is anymore, although since you could argue that it involves bestiality, it may be more controversial than OreImo. Well, if anyone actually watched it that is. lol
Heh. She really is digging Kazuhito.