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Summer 2013 Anime |10th Dimensional OT| the first ignoble truth: all of life is anime

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Setec Astronomer
Mo~tto! Ojamajo Doremi 34

Doremi learns about the best spice in the world.

Mo~tto! Ojamajo Doremi 35



Let's talk about something that's really important, like how not enough of you guys are watching Rozen Maiden.

I gave it the ol' three episode rule mostly on account of Mandoric hype but I'm afraid it just wasn't doing all that much for me and that first episode was almost hilarious in how it went over what I'm assuming is at least a couple seasons worth of material without giving anything or anyone time enough to even breathe.

Also, Jun, bro,
that cute chick from work is practically throwing herself at you at this point and you'd rather stay at home sewing fabulous clothes for your creepy doll
? I'm sorry but I simply cannot condone that type of behaviour. You don't get to feel sorry for how your life turned out when you're passing up chances like that.

But hey at least the ED song is pretty bangin'.

There's some good stuff there, particularly the last track, but I think the soundtrack from the current season is better.

Rozen Makden expected to stay good or is it another Sankarea?

It's impossible to say what will happen in the future, of course. Shinichi Omata has storyboarded everything so far in an excellent fashion, and he and Kyuuta Sakai have done a good job at keeping the show visually consistent, even with an outsourced episode like 4. Tomoki Mochizuki has done a good job at writing, improving over the source material, and especially at sound direction. I have good hopes.


Ah, whatever. Here's a bunch of the preliminary Sentai covers:

Then we also have Yumeria and Divergence Eve, which may be a bit more risque (especially the latter) so I've linked them.

More Anime that I may want that I won't have the money for! Yay!

I kinda want to change my avatar again. :lol

I need to find something that sticks.

Everyone better be doing Ahegao August.

I know that feeling. And I should probably feel good that I'm too innocent to know what the spoiler means.
I assume he has experience with the manga when predicting something like that. Like those poor souls that warned Attack on Titan would turn to shit.

Most of the problems with Attack on Titan were specific to the anime, though. The really bad episodes weren't necessarily based on bad manga material, they were just paced horribly with no animation.

Granted, the Battle for Trost wasn't the highlight of the manga, but 90% of the problems only existed in the anime.


Most of the problems with Attack on Titan were specific to the anime, though. The really bad episodes weren't necessarily based on bad manga material, they were just paced horribly with no animation.

Granted, the Battle for Trost wasn't the highlight of the manga, but 90% of the problems only existed in the anime.

the manga is all kinds of ass though. the infinitely deferred LOST mystery structure, the summary character introductions that kill dramatic momentum,, i think people just liked the premise and were willing to overlook its shit+bad+terrible execution

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
Going Home Club 3

Much funnier than last episode, and last episode wasn't even bad or anything. Love the fourth-wall breaking gags. And Botan is just great.


the manga is all kinds of ass though. the infinitely deferred LOST mystery structure, the summary character introductions that kill dramatic momentum,, i think people just liked the premise and were willing to overlook its shit+bad+terrible execution

Yup.. the mangaka just lucky to have idea that made people enthusiast and its explode.. jebus right now the manga is just behind One piece on sales and anime blu-ray selling like hotcake.
I assume he has experience with the manga when predicting something like that. Like those poor souls that warned Attack on Titan would turn to shit.

I don't have experience with the manga, but I do have experience with Peach-Pit. They have a pretty warped sense of progression in most of their works.

But, CB's idea of turning bad probably differs from yours.

This is also probably true, especially since I didn't have much problem with the rest of the Sankarea anime (minus the ending).
Sailor Moon Rough 55

Naru, in case you didn't know Umino is totally DTF

More jealousy between fake imouto and shit, and Mako thinks Alien Dude is Moonlight Knight (because they totally have the same hair color, even Usagi was smarter than this)but she went after him because he reminded Mako of her senpai who broke her heart (she really gives me vibes of someone that would just chop off parts of the bodies of every man she's infatuated with just so she can recreate him).

So she decides to give him lunch and teach him why earthlings share food. Cue An being pissed and him not understanding love.


More underskirts

Jupiter powers up! And we have two episodes left of these dunder heads! Who now understands that giving food shows love, but doesn't know how to eat food.


Let's Play! Suite Precure: 26

Oh god, that turned out creepier than I thought....

This season should really be about the Fairy Tones. They're the competent ones, powering up the Precure, finding the notes, escaping trouble and capture. But no, little girls can't relate to magical gems, so normal Precure it is....


Stella C3-bu 4

Oh Yura you so...magical? Delusional? Active imagination-al? I don't even know, but that was some pretty cool stuff whatever it was. Yay for
shooting a deadly arrow out of the air with a bullet
. And for
shooting an airsoft pellet through the centre of a five-yen coin

Rento is still best girl though. Just her style of speech alone is enough to make me swoon every time she opens her mouth. And this is a fairly impressive achievement considering Miyukichi is present in the same scenes =p


Cardcaptor Sakura 48

Sakura's your new master, guys. It's probably at the point where you need to keep her in the loop of things instead of sending her out of the room so you can talk about ambiguous things like "him". I understand they're trying to keep the viewer in the dark here, but Sakura really has earned every right to be informed of the situation.


Stella C3-bu 4

Oh Yura you so...magical? Delusional? Active imagination-al? I don't even know, but that was some pretty cool stuff whatever it was. Yay for
shooting a deadly arrow out of the air with a bullet
. And for
shooting an airsoft pellet through the centre of a five-yen coin

Rento is still best girl though. Just her style of speech alone is enough to make me swoon every time she opens her mouth. And this is a fairly impressive achievement considering Miyukichi is present in the same scenes =p

Not even Miyukichi could save that show for Zach. Makes me kinda sad.


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
We made this a thing? Guess I joined by default even if I'm still marching forward with Doujin March.

I made mention of it once or twice haha. I should be more active on that.

Asses don't ahegao so I can't join the cause.

Don't be a butt!

Go for it!

I know that feeling. And I should probably feel good that I'm too innocent to know what the spoiler means.

Thank you for understanding my plight, and I am envious of your purity.
Sailor Moon Rough 56

A snow white play with An being selfish in wanting Mammorie's kiss, and fails because of her "lover", who got horny at the idea of being a prince to get Usagi's kiss.

Mako just knows how to flaunt her assets though. lol at Ami's reasons to be Snow White.

No :kirbyguy in this episode.


Subete no aware

Kiniro Mosaic: 03

So what does England smell like?
The royal family?


Silvah Spork


You know, I understand the whole circle of life thing and all that, but this seemed like an episode to justify horse racing more than anything else. Then again, unlike Luck, at least horses didn't have to die to make this episode. :p



As much as I appreciate callbacks, this also kind of feels like when a game makes jokes about its own shittiness while forcing you to play through a crappy tutorial. This really has become a Manzai comedy with girls though, which I'm okay with I suppose.


I didn't actually talk about the latest Free episode, but ever since seeing the spoilers here, it's kind of not hard to see how they are going to play their hand. Given what happened to Chuu2, I wonder if this is just the type of story that KyoAni wants to do now.

Which probably means a second season of Free will become a wacky romcom or something.


More Anime that I may want that I won't have the money for! Yay!

I know that feeling. And I should probably feel good that I'm too innocent to know what the spoiler means.

aw youre adorable.
Unfortunately I know what it means cause I was talking about ahoges and someone mentioned ahegaos and I was told the ugly truth.
Danganronpa 4

I swear with every episode I watch the pacing seems even worse. Okay, I guess I should give them some credit for actually showing most of the relevant parts of the investigation this time, even if they were cut down to, like, a few seconds each so that the impact of the murder itself was nonexistent and there was no time to actually think about any of the evidence. And as always, all the characterisation is completely lost, which ruins basically all of the cool and/or shocking moments because they rely on a certain amount of familiarity with and attachment to the characters.


On a random note, this episode had an ondo-style song by Monokuma instead of a normal OP. That was vaguely fun I guess. It was presented rhythm-game style, and actually managed to awaken my rhythm-game instincts inasmuch as I couldn't stop staring at the combo count and willing it not to reset.
It never did, which was actually kind of disappointing.

Listen to this man.


Tragic victim of fan death
Oregairu Vol 2 sold out apparently. FUCKING YES! Best school life anime getting the fucking appreciation it deserves.
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