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Summer 2013 Anime |10th Dimensional OT| the first ignoble truth: all of life is anime

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Glass Fleet 19

There's a fight scene in this episode where the bad guys just raise their swords up and down, like they're actually fighting Cleo, but they're not, because their swords are moving in such a way that their blades never fall. Also I can't even begin to wonder anymore if the homoerotic subtext between Betty and Cleo is real or pretend.

Sean Connery and Hulk Hogan don't last. Also almost a revelation about Betty's parents but instead a predictable death except then Sean Connery doesn't die until he basically flat out says
Betty and Cleo are siblings.

Which really makes
all this ust they have going on
a new brand of awkward.


Rozen Maiden 8



What more can I say? The show continues to be good, it has everything AnimeGAF wants, but I still can't convince people to watch it anyway. This week, Hatekeyama shows off his montage skills. Jun continues to do Jun-like things, while dolls plot their doll schemes. The art direction is still as solid as ever. Good music too.


Glass Fleet 19

There's a fight scene in this episode where the bad guys just raise their swords up and down, like they're actually fighting Cleo, but they're not, because their swords are moving in such a way that their blades never fall. Also I can't even begin to wonder anymore if the homoerotic subtext between Betty and Cleo is real or pretend.

Sean Connery and Hulk Hogan don't last. Also almost a revelation about Betty's parents but instead a predictable death except then Sean Connery doesn't die until he basically flat out says
Betty and Cleo are siblings.

Which really makes
all this ust they have going on
a new brand of awkward.

I really can't wait to see your review of the final episode.


I didn't enjoy it at first but my reason was more because I don't like kid protagonists in shounen series (I don't know why this is, but in general it's hard for me to take serious a little kid beating up adults or really powerful people). I eventually stuck with it regardless of my dislike, and I ended up loving it. One of the greater shounen series I've seen. So stick with it and you'll probably find something you like to keep you watching. Mine is Leorio :D

I'm sorry to hear of your suffering.
Leorio hasn't appeared for, what, the last three quarters of the anime now? I don't think I've ever seen another series neglect a character who started out as one of the main protagonists for so long.

Symphogear G 7

Bahahahaha. I'm enjoying the saga of Mad Scientist Sugita so much. Every week he seems more deranged.

So I was bored and took a peek at CR's news and saw a poll for favorite VA's from the Japanese fans. #1 was
Kamiya Hiroshi
. I didn't know who he was so I looked up who he voiced and holy crap. He voiced almost every main character in most shows I've seen.

Nozomu (Zetsubou-Sensei)
Law (One Piece)
Koyomi (Bakemonogatari)
Levi (Attack on Titan)
Izaya (Durarara)
Mephisto (Blue Exorcist)

Now I know why he was #1 lol. With a character like Law and Levi under your belt, of course people would like your voice acting.

Yeah, Kamiya isn't one of those VAs I've ever really consciously latched on to and followed, but he is pretty damn solid and awesome. Araragi is his definitive role for me.

He's also playing Rohan in the soon-to-be-released JoJo's Bizarre Adventure All-Star Battle game, which means we'll get to hear him in another iconic role if the anime ever gets to Part 4. Which had better happen. Soon.


Tamako Market


Just finished watching the season for the first time. Fun stuff, a few too many sub plots and characters too many, at least in something that's ostensibly a single season.

Tamako's family is great. Love that they don't dwell on the mother. Love how complex the dad is.
Especially when Choi brings up Tamako's princess candidacy and he doesn't fall into stereotypical overprotective mode.

Shiori had a neat intro, but once her dealio is wrapped up, she's pretty awkwardly shuffled to the back. Kunio is the one store owner they should've dived into more. He's such a cipher, he may as well have been a mute.

Took a while to warm up to Dera. Even then, never was a huge fan of him being used as comic relief to break up moments that would've otherwise been completely salient.

Don't think they handled a lot of the unrequited love stuff very well.
An's arc was excellent. Tomio's was bizarre, didn't need the layer of fortune telling to get into it. Could've been more explicit about things with how little screen time it got, between its affect on Sayuri's dad to Tomio instantly going through all stages of grief.

Mochizo's was a mess. It's bad enough Tamako is painted as someone oblivious to romance, for them to throw in so many cblockers, it's so completely one sided it's painful.

Love the concept of Choi and the royal customs. Choi and her arc specially were great, in hindsight it just feels inappropriate for something in so short a series. I would've rather they just trimmed down the larger plot chunks and hone in on things like the baton club (which is criminally under featured).

In short, Dear kyoani,

Please get yukiko horiguchi to design everything, forever.


Oreimo s2 14-16

I feel like I was trolled.

The not actually related route from the game would have been more reasonable. Or if they actually ran away together.


Speaking of Miyazaki, apparently The Wind Rises finished at the top of the charts last week for the 5th week in a row. It beat back such luminaries as White House Down, Smurfs and Pacific Bomba. The Wind Rises has now had 5.8 million people watch it in its 5 weeks in the theaters and is well on its way to being one of the biggest movies ever.


Cardcaptor Sakura 23
I think they are using the "It's a ghost!" plot a little too much cute as Sakura can be when she has these attacks. I mean her fear of ghosts makes sense but she should know they are clow cards by now.
People are kinda thick in this show. Not really notably so for anime but still thick.
Well another card get I guess.


Tamako Market

Shiori had a neat intro, but once her dealio is wrapped up, she's pretty awkwardly shuffled to the back.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, Episode 3 was the most wonderful part of this series (and I say this as someone who considers this series to have an awful lot of wonderful in it). It's true that Shiori didn't get enough focus after that episode, though.

An's arc was excellent.

Anything involving Anko was the second-best part of this series. (Tamako herself was the third, and Kanna the fourth. The sheer adorable level of these characters is astronomical.)

Mochizo's was a mess. It's bad enough Tamako is painted as someone oblivious to romance, for them to throw in so many cblockers, it's so completely one sided it's painful.

Eh, I don't think anyone was expecting that non-starter romance to actually get anywhere.
Being Mochizou is suffering. I still think Tamako and Mochizou are a pretty dead cert to get together in the end, though - once Tamako's good and ready for that sort of thing. I also really enjoyed the dynamic between Mochizou and Midori, with their little rivalry for Tamako's affections. Midori in particular was a bit of an ass about it on occasion, but I think that's understandable, and there was some cute awkward bonding between the two of them as their shared feelings for Tamako helped them to understand each other.

Choi and her arc specially were great, in hindsight it just feels inappropriate for something in so short a series. I would've rather they just trimmed down the larger plot chunks and hone in on things like the baton club (which is criminally under featured).

I would've rather they made the series even longer so that they had more time to spend on exploring all sides of these characters. I'd love to see a second series of this someday, though judging from how it was received I can't see that happening. Ah, well.


Mobile Suit Victory Gundam 13

Ugh. You know, maybe it's just that AGE did this like, fifty times in the third arc alone, but it is just hilariously trite at this point to me, that a Gundam show will suddenly place prominence on a particular character to get you to like them and then kill them in that very episode. It's a bad tactic anyway, since, instead of killing off someone the audience has come to know to make a good impact for the sake of the story, you're just trying to get a cheap emotional kick out of them, and it is as worn and weary as episode types can come in a Gundam show.

Like seriously, as soon as
started getting screen time this episode, I went "Oh yeah well she's dead, I guess." And I didn't care, because until this episode, she was just some girl in the Shrike team. Not that I have a problem with the Shrike Team, it's just that this character didn't matter until the episode where she died, and I'm so, so over that as a thing in Gundam. It can be series tradition all it wants, its still bad writing.

And Cronicle looks like a damn fool in that mask. Not as much as Mr. Bushido, I guess, but still. Like, how he is able to walk around in public wearing that and no one stares at him is beyond me. Why he wears it is anyone's guess, too. He doesn't seem to have a secret identity to cover up, so I got nothing here.

And Marbet is criminally under used in this show. Also, how is it there are always enough extra Boots for Uso to fail to dock with or pointlessly sacrifice, but not enough to make 3 fully functional Victory Gundams? I mean, 3 Victory Gundams would be a pretty huge benefit to a group already operating with all these EZ Gundams.


Patlabor TV 18

I was going to complain about the series resorting to another "celebrity joins Section 2 as guest trainee pilot" plot, but the kidnapping angle managed to take it in a different direction than the previous episode with the prince. I didn't much care for the idol character though. She's not boyish enough to get away with using "boku", and the schoolgirl lesbian teasing was too half-hearted to be of any value.

Even when he's absent for much of the episode, Goto still steals the show. His appearance at the end was marvelous.

Would you say the TV show is worth a look, given the OVA's and original 2 movies?


Tun A Gundam 44-

Yea so apparently they were saving all the good animation for the moon segments, the past few episodes have had some pretty good action in them. Ord's segments in particular have had a few sakuga moments in them. I just want to point out this singular episode which was really really well directed. I'm actually curious now who directed this episode as there is such a quality jump at times. Like what the fuck. The storyboarding, lighting, animation, and camerawork all took a jump. Did someone from BONES work on this epiosde?

So I think my main problem with the art in the show is the issue of depth in that everything appears flat. This episode actually added some of that into the mix and it helps a ton.


I have no clue. I thought it would hit here to be honest. Maybe because they released it just before summer vacation? Wait, that makes no sense. I don't know. Maybe people really do watch Gundam for the characters? *barf*

You don't understand the deep, profound spiritual connection I have felt with well thought out characters like Dearka, Shinn Asuka, Kou, and of course, Adolf HitlerFlit Asuno.


I have no clue. I thought it would hit here to be honest. Maybe because they released it just before summer vacation? Wait, that makes no sense. I don't know. Maybe people really do watch Gundam for the characters? *barf*
I guess it didn't have enough Fujoshi bait. rippp


Oreimo s2 14-16

I feel like I was trolled.

The not actually related route from the game would have been more reasonable. Or if they actually ran away together.

As I've mentioned before, the novel
practically goes out of its way to decry the whole "SURPRISE! we weren't really related after all so it's all okay" trope as a massive cop-out, and I'm inclined to agree. It's cute in the PSP games, since their whole purpose is to let the player enjoy uncomplicated "what-if?" happy endings with any character they like, but I don't think it has any place in the main series.

You could argue that what happened here was a cop-out too, but I prefer to think of it as a more realistic solution. The problem isn't going to conveniently go away, but the idea of abandoning everything else in their lives for the sake of their romance isn't a sensible one either. Hell, one of the big themes that the series has pushed repeatedly is that just because one thing is important to you, it doesn't mean it's okay to sacrifice the other things that you care about for it. Awkward though it may be, the best solution is usually to find a compromise where you can hold on to both.


Cardcaptor Sakura 24
I want my own little Sakura now.
Cute outfit this time around too.
Little is also very cute. And lol at Kerro-chan/s use for it. That must be fun!


Rozen Maiden 8

What more can I say? The show continues to be good, it has everything AnimeGAF wants, but I still can't convince people to watch it anyway. This week, Hatekeyama shows off his montage skills. Jun continues to do Jun-like things, while dolls plot their doll schemes. The art direction is still as solid as ever. Good music too.

It is getting watched, but it isn't the type of show that tends to draw "lolwut" responses.


Are you a no-face now, my friend? Why?

Im too genki sometimes.
I don't even see a problem derived from that... why the apology?

It seems Mr. Miyazaki finally caved in because of the pressure from Hideaki Anno, I see. For reference, Toshio Suzuki was the one who suggested the two of them them doing a (at the time failed) joint-project film trilogy years ago.


Inazuma Kiiiick!
Be right back, reading calmly Nafe impressions to the sound of this:

トップをねらえ! D弐 47:時の河を越えて...

I'm always resorting to this link (http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=44669444&postcount=17460), shows how much it is a favorite of mine!


But Futoshi Nishiya is just as good.
Horiguchi is way better as an animation director, but I do like the solidity of Nishiya's drawings. Free is a step backwards after the wonderful designs for Hyouka though.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, Episode 3 was the most wonderful part of this series (and I say this as someone who considers this series to have an awful lot of wonderful in it).

Really? I thought episode 9 was the most wonderful part. It's actually the only episode I really remember, even when I liked most of the show.


Really? I thought episode 9 was the most wonderful part. It's actually the only episode I really remember, even when I liked most of the show.

Episode 9 was a nice one as well, but I think it's wildly overrated. The way you hear people talk about it, you'd think it was the only worthwhile episode in the entire show, whereas I found it to be slightly above-average at best (not that that's a bad thing, more a testament to the general enjoyability of the series as a whole). Episode 3 was definitely more of a standout to me.


Episode 9 was a nice one as well, but I think it's wildly overrated. The way you hear people talk about it, you'd think it was the only worthwhile episode in the entire show, whereas I found it to be slightly above-average at best (not that that's a bad thing, more a testament to the general enjoyability of the series as a whole). Episode 3 was definitely more of a standout to me.
Hmm, I don't think it was the only worthwhile episode, but I think there's a huge gap in quality between that one and the rest, in terms of direction and script. Not because the show is bad, but because that one is really pretty great.
Actually the more time it passes, I think more highly of it. Perhaps I should rewatch it to see if I change my opinion.

I remember episode 3 now, it was definitely a great episode too and one of the best in the series.


Cardcaptor Sakura 25
Gotta up those stakes again I suppose.
This was a good episode though.
The Mirror card genuinely regret its actions.


I still think the Kapool most closely resembles the Zok's deployed during MSG:

The Kapool is straight from ZZ, "Capule". The only difference are the colors and that the Turn-A version seems to have a different scale in the show itself, being much smaller than the other mobile suits, while the ZZ version was almost as tall as the other ones.


And Cronicle looks like a damn fool in that mask. Not as much as Mr. Bushido, I guess, but still. Like, how he is able to walk around in public wearing that and no one stares at him is beyond me. Why he wears it is anyone's guess, too. He doesn't seem to have a secret identity to cover up, so I got nothing here.

In one of the first episodes, he mentioned something about not liking Earth's air. IIRC, he says that it's too dusty.


Cardcaptor Sakura 26
Wonder if that teacher is another relative or maybe even a ghost. Toya seems to know her. Probably the former if Sakura can see though.
And another person joins the cast and yet another seemingly useless card too.
I am really curious where this is going. They seem to by building up to some sort of mid show climax or something.


Cardcaptor Sakura 22
Sleep is a very cute card again. It's impressive how cute these cards are actually.
Writting a research paper like that and not having backups is very dumb. For shame. Still he thinks he can get it back. Oh well!

The cards, like everything else in the show are designed to induce very severe heart attacks.

The delusion that drives some to rate it above Hyouka.

Well some enjoy it more than Hyouka and base a score on that.

Cardcaptor Sakura 23
I think they are using the "It's a ghost!" plot a little too much cute as Sakura can be when she has these attacks. I mean her fear of ghosts makes sense but she should know they are clow cards by now.
People are kinda thick in this show. Not really notably so for anime but still thick.
Well another card get I guess.

Kinda found it silly for Sakura to fear ghosts and yet she faced clow cards all the time which basically were spirits.


The cards, like everything else in the show are designed to induce very severe heart attacks.
Some more than others. Some more than others!

Kinda found it silly for Sakura to fear ghosts and yet she faced clow cards all the time which basically were spirits.
As I replied to Syrinx before there is a difference between magic and ghosts. (her magic wouldn't even work on ghosts most likely!) The issue here is that Sakura should know which is which.


Cardcaptor Sakura 27
Yes there is something REALLY wrong with that teacher.
Don't know what it is though. More foreshadowing for what is to follow too.
3 cards lost to Li so far. Better recover them somehow. Li doesn't seem to have the magic to use them.
a sad lack of Meilin this episode too.


Sure. Don't expect Oshii, but if you like the Patlabor characters, the TV show gives them the chance to be explored in depth that the OVAs and movies didn't have time for.

Right. Actually forgive me, I think you actually mentioned this before (either to me or someone quoting one of my posts). It's on my to-watch list.
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