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Summer 2013 Anime |10th Dimensional OT| the first ignoble truth: all of life is anime

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Symphogear G 7



it is actually fairly difficult to differentiate certain characters in Fate Zero. Several of the men look very similar.

really? I could understand Kirei/Kiritsugu maybe. but who else?
I think the problem is it has lots of characters most of which appear in the first episode, not that they look similar.


If you can't get people who wouldn't normally post in this anime thread interested in posting in a show OT, then that OT is doomed.
The only way you're gonna get people that don't usually post in this thread to post in a specific show OT is to get those that do post their impressions here to start posting in said OT to make it more active and to start facilitating interest.

Not people like me; I don't post reactions to every episode, and the ones I do make are usually pretty short. Very rarely do I initiate the sort of in-depth discussion that would be better suited to a series OT.
It doesn't need to be an in-depth post.


Turn A Gundam 38-


This is definitely a Gundam show.

I also should commend the action in 37. The first animation bit that was actually somewhat impressive in the series. Too bad the artstyle is so pisspoor.


Don't watch it.

I keep hearing this, but the premise sounds right up my alley! A show about a robotics club that wants to make a giant robot? Sounds just right for a mech enthusiast like me! What, without spoiling things, makes it so bad?

Turn A Gundam 38-


This is definitely a Gundam show.

I also should commend the action in 37. The first animation bit that was actually somewhat impressive in the series. Too bad the artstyle is so pisspoor.



I keep hearing this, but the premise sounds right up my alley! A show about a robotics club that wants to make a giant robot? Sounds just right for a mech enthusiast like me! What, without spoiling things, makes it so bad?
The plot meanders and takes ages to start getting anywhere. Also, the show has this nasty tendency to end quite a number of episodes in cliffhangers that lead you to believe shit is about to get real except it never, ever does and by the time it does happen you are way past giving a damn anymore.

I honestly believe if the show had had half the runtime it would've turned out a whole lot better since it wouldn't have had the time to faff about so damn much.


The only Gundam show with a worse artstyle is probably Seed and that's due to Hirai faces. This is an ugly show.

I don't really agree. I mean, I agree that SEED and Destiny look worse, but not that this is an ugly show. I'd also toss 00 in the bucket, though, as I kinda felt that show was just SEED with noses in terms of non-mecha art. I mean, I guess I could see how some characters look pretty goofy and ugly, like Miasshei or Harry Ord, but I rather like Kihel Heim, Keith the Baker and Lily Borjano's looks.


Remember Crimson Star Media?

arrested for parole violation:

The official website for the Gwinnett County Sheriff's Office in Georgia reports that Crimson Star Media head Corey Maddox was arrested on July 25 at 3:46 p.m. EDT in Newnan on charges of violation of probation. The sheriff's office docket lists that there was no bond given in the case, and the docket does not list a date of Maddox's release.

According to the local Atlanta television station WSB-TV, Maddox was arrested in 2008 on nine counts of sexual exploitation of children. Police at that time said they found photographs of children between the ages of 5 to 10 years old "that appeared to be sexual in nature." Maddox is listed on the Sex Offender Registry in Georgia for the same crime with a conviction date of October 6, 2010.

I know the general scummery and the shadiness of that venture has been covered before here, but I guess this is the last we'll hear of them.


I don't really agree. I mean, I agree that SEED and Destiny look worse, but not that this is an ugly show. I'd also toss 00 in the bucket, though, as I kinda felt that show was just SEED with noses in terms of non-mecha art. I mean, I guess I could see how some characters look pretty goofy and ugly, like Miasshei or Harry Ord, but I rather like Kihel Heim, Keith the Baker and Lily Borjano's looks.

The show looks simplistic but somehow ugly at the same time. It doesn't have any sort of charm to it and instead looks like something Sunrise crapped out. Even the older Gundam series looked better. If their goal was to look different then they accomplished that, too bad it's not aesthetically pleasing to look at. The show is very flat. Then there is the animation quality which is pretty bad in general except for a decent scene once in a blue moon.

AGE, man. 00. Among others.

I'm fond of Turn A's design work, mustache and all.

Thankfully I dodged Age. I would take 00 in a heartbeat over this. The mech designs other than Turn A are also pretty boring in the show.
BroCon 08


It's like the Bachelorette expect the men give you the roses and they are your not blood related brothers!

I guess at least the show is really focusing on some of these not brothers being in love with their not sister instead of having all of them pining for her at the same time.


The plot meanders and takes ages to start getting anywhere. Also, the show has this nasty tendency to end quite a number of episodes in cliffhangers that lead you to believe shit is about to get real except it never, ever does and by the time it does happen you are way past giving a damn anymore.

I honestly believe if the show had had half the runtime it would've turned out a whole lot better since it wouldn't have had the time to faff about so damn much.

Ah, that's too bad. I'll probably watch it at some point anyway. I'm used to bad anime at this point.

AGE, man. 00. Among others.

I'm fond of Turn A's design work, mustache and all.

Stardust Memory also comes to mind. Oh God Stardust Memory. AGE is the worst, though, because it has HORRIBLE mechanical designs. No Gundam series has worse designs than AGE.

The show looks simplistic but somehow ugly at the same time. It doesn't have any sort of charm to it and instead looks like something Sunrise crapped out. Even the older Gundam series looked better. If their goal was to look different then they accomplished that, too bad it's not aesthetically pleasing to look at. The show is very flat. Then there is the animation quality which is pretty bad in general except for a decent scene once in a blue moon.

Thankfully I dodged Age. I would take 00 in a heartbeat over this. The mech designs other than Turn A are also pretty boring in the show.

See, I disagree again, but I'm not as far as you are, and I'm not really good at articulating these things. I really enjoy the costume designs for Turn A. The ladies' dresses always look rather spectacular, for instance.

Also I think old Gundam shows look fine.

Thank you for reminding me of things I never wanted to remember.
So I was bored and took a peek at CR's news and saw a poll for favorite VA's from the Japanese fans. #1 was
Kamiya Hiroshi
. I didn't know who he was so I looked up who he voiced and holy crap. He voiced almost every main character in most shows I've seen.

Nozomu (Zetsubou-Sensei)
Law (One Piece)
Koyomi (Bakemonogatari)
Levi (Attack on Titan)
Izaya (Durarara)
Mephisto (Blue Exorcist)

Now I know why he was #1 lol. With a character like Law and Levi under your belt, of course people would like your voice acting.
Sailor Moon R Act 17

Reading this makes me think of two things.

1) They definitely don't give a shit about secret identities.

2) It confirms Toei really hates green magical girls. I mean for fucks sakes, Makoto suffers from getting screwed over with men. Here it's like she's already a bread winner in comparison.

The Flu epedemic was used in a different way here
Since Usagi wasn't sick, and it was primarily focused on Makoto. She tells Motoki about who they really are, what Mamoru's abilities are (which wasn't really explained the way it was in the anime. Also Crop circles

Literally ONE of the greatest things of this so far in comparison to the anime is the lack of the Mamoru being a douchebag arc. Stellar improvement. But seriously. Toei made Jupiter suffer :(


Ojamajo Doremi 30
Also it never really ceases to amaze me how characters like Hadzuki and Sakura (CCS) can have magical powers and have faced very tough tribulations, and yet still be afraid of ghosts.
Ghosts are existences beyond the realm of magic. So even a magic user would usually be frightened by them.

The mech designs other than Turn A are also pretty boring in the show.


Turn A Gundam 26

Corin Nander is like, the craziest character in a UC Gundam show I think I've ever seen. And this is taking into account kooks like the entire cast of Stardust Memory, where people did things for no reason. Anyway, it looks like at long, long last Kihel and Dianna are going to swap places again, which would be nice because, much as I've enjoyed Dianna's developments from this perspective and her relationship with Loran, it probably would be unwise to carry this plot idea out for much longer. Especially since, having passed the half way mark of the series, it is high time we had ourselves some escalation of this conflict. Dianna's talk of going back to the moon sounds pretty promising in that regard.

What the snot was that sword that Harry's SUMO held, though?
My Youth Romantic Comedy Is Wrong As I Expected 7-10 - I started this show back soon after it started, and have been watching it off and on ever since. I've gotten back into it recently, and thinkg I'll finish it soon... this second half of the show is quite good. While I initially came in with somewhat low expectations, since it's a light novel adaptation and LN adaptations these days are usually mediocre at best, this one's far above average for the genre. The first few episodes were mixed in quality (ep. 2 was stupidly implausible at some key moments...), but some quality was always there, and it's improved over time too. Anyone who passed on this show thinking that it'd be yet another junky harem comedy series needs to go back and change that decision, because this is not a harem show or a comedy, despite what its title may suggest. It's something better, more interesting, and deeper than any of that stuff.

There are several reasons why I really like this show overall. First, it's not a harem show, and at it's core it's not an action or comedy series either; instead, this is a character drama with a love triangle, and it's got a big focus on psychology and sociology, as well, in as how the way people act in society is a major point of criticism of this series. Yeah, definitely not normal for this type of anime! And what's even more surprising is that it's actually done well. The characters are interesting and have some complexity to them, and the story and writing are good as well. Yukino Yukinoshita is the most complex and layered character, and since she's the female lead that makes sense, but while the other girl (the peppy one) and the somewhat generic I-don't-want-romance MC guy don't have as much depth as she does, they have enough that they are more well-rounded characters than you usually see in this kind of anime. This is not a series for people who want nothing beyond lots of fast action, stupid comedy, fanservice, and generic idiot anime girls, for sure. While the characters definitely are anime stereotypes, they're better done, more interesting anime stereotypes than those in most TV animes, and that's something.

Honestly, at this point the show is starting to remind me slightly of To Heart (the original anime series), and that's high praise. This is not To Heart's equal, but there are some similarities at least.
Also, there's trauma that centers around an animal that was (almost?) hit by a car... though here it's a major centerpoint of the entire plot, while there it was just an episode.

Episodes 7-8 - In this two episode arc, the three main characters are forced into being councillors at a summer camp for some younger (but not really young) kids. Naturally they have some issues, and conflict between the light-haired "normal popular guy" and his female friends and the three leads, the male MC in particular, is quite strong here. The MC is more often right than the other guy, I'd say. People don't always like to hear what he has to say, but he is often right. The issue they have to try to solve in these episodes is the problem of this girl who has been shunned by her friends, so they're ignoring her now. She admits to participating in such things when they did it to someone else before, but now regrets that and isn't happy. The MC somewhat identifies with her, as she's being ignored by others just like he usually was. His solution, though... man.
Basically, he gets the other girls to all distrust their friendship; basically, solve the problem by making all of them suspicious of eachother...
I'm not describing it well, but the episode ending was disappointing while also being just right, if that makes any sense.
The solution they chose might stop the problem, but it didn't make any of those girls happy certainly
. But then again, that was not his goal. I don't know if there'd be a better option, other than maybe just leaving things alone. Overall these episodes were good, but it did get a little slow at times; all of the other cases before were solved in an episode, but this one was two episodes, so it slowed the pace down. That slow pace continues in the later episodes, so get used to it. After I adjusted, I didn't mind it, but it is worth mentioning.

Episode 9 - In this episode, the MC and the peppy girl go to the summer festival together. He didn't really want to go, of course, but was convinced into it by his sister (who wants him to buy some stuff there, but is too busy to go) and the other girl of course. While there they meet Yukino's sister, who says some pretty interesting things...
Apparently Yukino has often tried to match her sister's accomplishments, perhaps, it is suggested, with mixed success. Yeah, matching an accomplished older sibling is often quite hard at best. Also, she admits that yes, their car is the one that was involved in the accident that both of these two are still somewhat traumatized over, even if they now deny it. The MC denies that it really matters anymore, and his words sound reasonable, but it was clear that underneath that he didn't really believe his words... it obviously still hurts. Is this show making too much out of an almost-accident from some time ago? I don't think so... you never know what people will care about, and for them this was clearly a traumatic event. In the end promo section he says something about how now he knows that yes, Yukino lies too, and he's having a hard time dealing with that fact.

Episode 10 - In this episode, the group prepares for the school festival! But yeah, this is unlike any other "preparing for the festival" anime episode I've ever seen, I'm pretty sure. Our three main characters have issues, and aren't solving them yet. This episode was incredibly awkward beginning to end. There's a clear rift in our little group, Yukino is not acting like normal, and all three of them are being very quiet around eachother, even more so than normal. But why?
Does she know about what her sister said to the other two in the last episode? Or does she have some worse problem in her life which she isn't talking about to anyone? She must, but at this point, who knows what it is... we'll see though.
Anyway, Yukino completely takes charge this episode; instead of doing her usual thing of trying to help out the requester in some way, she just takes on the task of chairman herself, essentially, while the other girl goes off and has fun with her friends. How nice. Yukino's sister shows up for a bit too; the two sisters clearly do NOT get along, and keep needling eachother through words.
Yeah, Yukino's sister isn't very nice to her at all... I definitely sympathize with Yukino and the MC here on this one; encouraging them to dump everything on Yukino's lap by exploiting her "I want it all done right so I have to do it myself" urge is NOT nice.
At the same time, the main three characters are barely speaking with eachother; all may seem "normal" on the surface, but it clearly isn't.
At the end, Yukino gets sick... how will the other girl handle this now?
This was a weird episode; in some ways it was slow and almost nothing happened, but in other ways it was full of meaningful exchanges and complexity. Great episode, it might be the best of the show so far. The awkwardness, the tension, the sense of impending trouble, all with this completely "normal", hectic backdrop... very well done.


Yea it is. It's like a modified Zakku with a wider helmet and no skirt.

I don't really think it looks much like a Zaku, especially since there are Zakus in this show. A better example would be the Kapool, which looks like a tiny, rotund Zok or whatever those submersible MSes Zeon used during the OYW were. But I mean, while the FLAT and the WaDom look much like each other, they don't look much like anything else in the series, do they?


I don't really think it looks much like a Zaku, especially since there are Zakus in this show. A better example would be the Kapool, which looks like a tiny, rotund Zok or whatever those submersible MSes Zeon used during the OYW were. But I mean, while the FLAT and the WaDom look much like each other, they don't look much like anything else in the series, do they?

The Kapool is based off some ZZ design and is probably closer to the Hygog than Zaku related. The Sumo series obviously has differences such as the lack of tubing and the crotch area cockpit but the design isn't that different.

I'll give the FLAT and WaDom points for originality although I hate their designs.


Cardcaptor Sakura 21
Once again believing in Meilin has payed off. Best addition to the show in quite a long time.
And Wei is as groovy as I predicted.
Loop is probably another card I can't see being used but we'll see.


The delusion that it's a good show.
The delusion that cheap melodrama is good drama.
The delusion that there's a deep and meaningful thematic point to this moeblobbery.


Tragic victim of fan death
My Youth Romantic Comedy Is Wrong As I Expected 7-10 - I started this show back soon after it started, and have been watching it off and on ever since. I've gotten back into it recently, and thinkg I'll finish it soon... this second half of the show is quite good. While I initially came in with somewhat low expectations, since it's a light novel adaptation and LN adaptations these days are usually mediocre at best, this one's far above average for the genre. The first few episodes were mixed in quality (ep. 2 was stupidly implausible at some key moments...), but some quality was always there, and it's improved over time too. Anyone who passed on this show thinking that it'd be yet another junky harem comedy series needs to go back and change that decision, because this is not a harem show or a comedy, despite what its title may suggest. It's something better, more interesting, and deeper than any of that stuff.

There are several reasons why I really like this show overall. First, it's not a harem show, and at it's core it's not an action or comedy series either; instead, this is a character drama with a love triangle, and it's got a big focus on psychology and sociology, as well, in as how the way people act in society is a major point of criticism of this series. Yeah, definitely not normal for this type of anime! And what's even more surprising is that it's actually done well. The characters are interesting and have some complexity to them, and the story and writing are good as well. Yukino Yukinoshita is the most complex and layered character, and since she's the female lead that makes sense, but while the other girl (the peppy one) and the somewhat generic I-don't-want-romance MC guy don't have as much depth as she does, they have enough that they are more well-rounded characters than you usually see in this kind of anime. This is not a series for people who want nothing beyond lots of fast action, stupid comedy, fanservice, and generic idiot anime girls, for sure. While the characters definitely are anime stereotypes, they're better done, more interesting anime stereotypes than those in most TV animes, and that's something.

Honestly, at this point the show is starting to remind me slightly of To Heart (the original anime series), and that's high praise. This is not To Heart's equal, but there are some similarities at least.
Also, there's trauma that centers around an animal that was (almost?) hit by a car... though here it's a major centerpoint of the entire plot, while there it was just an episode.

Episodes 7-8 - In this two episode arc, the three main characters are forced into being councillors at a summer camp for some younger (but not really young) kids. Naturally they have some issues, and conflict between the light-haired "normal popular guy" and his female friends and the three leads, the male MC in particular, is quite strong here. The MC is more often right than the other guy, I'd say. People don't always like to hear what he has to say, but he is often right. The issue they have to try to solve in these episodes is the problem of this girl who has been shunned by her friends, so they're ignoring her now. She admits to participating in such things when they did it to someone else before, but now regrets that and isn't happy. The MC somewhat identifies with her, as she's being ignored by others just like he usually was. His solution, though... man.
Basically, he gets the other girls to all distrust their friendship; basically, solve the problem by making all of them suspicious of eachother...
I'm not describing it well, but the episode ending was disappointing while also being just right, if that makes any sense.
The solution they chose might stop the problem, but it didn't make any of those girls happy certainly
. But then again, that was not his goal. I don't know if there'd be a better option, other than maybe just leaving things alone. Overall these episodes were good, but it did get a little slow at times; all of the other cases before were solved in an episode, but this one was two episodes, so it slowed the pace down. That slow pace continues in the later episodes, so get used to it. After I adjusted, I didn't mind it, but it is worth mentioning.

Episode 9 - In this episode, the MC and the peppy girl go to the summer festival together. He didn't really want to go, of course, but was convinced into it by his sister (who wants him to buy some stuff there, but is too busy to go) and the other girl of course. While there they meet Yukino's sister, who says some pretty interesting things...
Apparently Yukino has often tried to match her sister's accomplishments, perhaps, it is suggested, with mixed success. Yeah, matching an accomplished older sibling is often quite hard at best. Also, she admits that yes, their car is the one that was involved in the accident that both of these two are still somewhat traumatized over, even if they now deny it. The MC denies that it really matters anymore, and his words sound reasonable, but it was clear that underneath that he didn't really believe his words... it obviously still hurts. Is this show making too much out of an almost-accident from some time ago? I don't think so... you never know what people will care about, and for them this was clearly a traumatic event. In the end promo section he says something about how now he knows that yes, Yukino lies too, and he's having a hard time dealing with that fact.

Episode 10 - In this episode, the group prepares for the school festival! But yeah, this is unlike any other "preparing for the festival" anime episode I've ever seen, I'm pretty sure. Our three main characters have issues, and aren't solving them yet. This episode was incredibly awkward beginning to end. There's a clear rift in our little group, Yukino is not acting like normal, and all three of them are being very quiet around eachother, even more so than normal. But why?
Does she know about what her sister said to the other two in the last episode? Or does she have some worse problem in her life which she isn't talking about to anyone? She must, but at this point, who knows what it is... we'll see though.
Anyway, Yukino completely takes charge this episode; instead of doing her usual thing of trying to help out the requester in some way, she just takes on the task of chairman herself, essentially, while the other girl goes off and has fun with her friends. How nice. Yukino's sister shows up for a bit too; the two sisters clearly do NOT get along, and keep needling eachother through words.
Yeah, Yukino's sister isn't very nice to her at all... I definitely sympathize with Yukino and the MC here on this one; encouraging them to dump everything on Yukino's lap by exploiting her "I want it all done right so I have to do it myself" urge is NOT nice.
At the same time, the main three characters are barely speaking with eachother; all may seem "normal" on the surface, but it clearly isn't.
At the end, Yukino gets sick... how will the other girl handle this now?
This was a weird episode; in some ways it was slow and almost nothing happened, but in other ways it was full of meaningful exchanges and complexity. Great episode, it might be the best of the show so far. The awkwardness, the tension, the sense of impending trouble, all with this completely "normal", hectic backdrop... very well done.

Glad to see someone else really appreciate the show. I think the show visually is average at best but the writing is amazing.


The Kapool is based off some ZZ design and is probably closer to the Hygog than Zaku related. The Sumo series obviously has differences such as the lack of tubing and the crotch area cockpit but the design isn't that different.

I'll give the FLAT and WaDom points for originality although I hate their designs.

I still think the Kapool most closely resembles the Zok's deployed during MSG:

And while I don't think the FLAT looks that great, it does kinda fit the Dianna Counter aesthetic. The WaDom looks fine, though. It's bizarre and alien, which is really the feeling I think the whole Moonrace was going for, designwise.

Dai-Guard 18

So at last Nishijima and Saeki's reign over the company is complete, with PR Division 2 dissolved and Shirota under house arrest. Now if only they could get their team to beat this dang Heterodyne. If they could have done that, their victory would have been cemented, and the cast would've moved on (except, perhaps, Shirota). Because they can't, though, and thanks to the fact that Akagi was very good at setting the team up as a part of the Dai-Guard's PR (it was kinda his job, after all), Nishijima's clasp crumbles. Akagi, in a fit of hot blood, runs down Mt. Fuji, becoming a huge news story when he vanishes, only to reappear later that week and vanish again. Ooyama is shown worried sick during all this. Anyway, Rika pulls off a bait n switch, gets the old team together, and they defeat the Heterodyne, with Ookuchi resuming his command over the company.

I think I particularly enjoyed Akagi's antics this episode. His running on pure will power almost got him killed like three times, and while he tries desperately to behave like he's from another kind of show, the setting enjoys reminding him he isn't invulnerable by sending him to the hospital frequently.


Cardcaptor Sakura 22
Sleep is a very cute card again. It's impressive how cute these cards are actually.
Writting a research paper like that and not having backups is very dumb. For shame. Still he thinks he can get it back. Oh well!


This is interesting -- I just became aware that Manga UK has been doing some real talk on their Twitter regarding Aniplex and the UK release of Sword Art Online, and other business realities.
on the release format said:
We can't release it across two collections as some fans hoped because that's not how Aniplex want it released. It's a 4 part release everywhere and don't go holding out for a box set either. As it stand there is no complete box on the cards for this title per the terms of us releasing it in the UK.
on box sets in general said:
It's getting harder and harder to get permission from the Licensors to do complete series box sets. That's why Fairy Tail, Blue Exorcist and FMA Brotherhood are all split into half season collections. If they don't do a box set in Japan they don't want to allow it in any other territory because of their (misplaced) fear of parallel importing. If it's 14 episodes or less it will be released as one double disc DVD and BD set usually. If it's 11-22/24 eps it will usually be split into two half season box sets unless we are forced to go with 3-4 volumes.
on perceived inferiority of Kaze's releases (which Manga UK distributes) said:
When it comes locked subtitles they're part of a licensing agreement. OP/ED subs are subject to music rights. Though we appreciate the lack of them can annoy some people. As for extras, that comes down to what is supplied w/ assets. Again we appreciate the annoyance when this can vary in different territories. [...] Write to Aniplex and complain to them about it if you like. It's what I'm always doing. [...] My point being, the biggest new shows are being heavily restricted by the Japanese producers with regards to what foreign distributors can and can't do with the license.
on the barebones SAO release in the UK said:
Aniplex didn't even want to release it in the UK because of pricing concerns. [They] are so worried about parallel imports of cheap foreign versions back into Japan. That's why subs are locked, no bonus CD, and no special packaging. In addition, we've had to price it higher than I'd like to fall in line with US/Japan/Europe pricing. We'd love you to support our release. It's still a heck of a lot cheaper than the US release. [responding to a fan apologizing for thinking he made the rep angry] Not angry, frustrated about being forced to do things I don't like doing by external forces :(
on why Wakanim's French release still has a handful of extras and more episodes for a comparatively lower price than the US release said:
Oh! Maybe it's because it's a French language release? Maybe the French distributor paid a very high license fee. We try to avoid that and pay higher royalties on the back end.
on a fan feeling like the UK gets the "short end of the stick" on anime releases sometimes said:
Hey! It's fine. The UK is a very small market. It makes it difficult to do some of the lavish things France, USA, Japan get. We simply don't have enough paying customers to give us the economy of scale necessary to make some things work in the UK.
Wall of text, I know, and some of it has probably been obvious for a while, but it's nice to see an actual company representative talking about it, even if it's just on Twitter.

(via Shiroi Hane)
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