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Summer 2013 Anime |10th Dimensional OT| the first ignoble truth: all of life is anime

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Glass Fleet 25

Forgot to mention last episode that Betty seeing images of Cleo while trying to have sex with his wife was hilarious. Pope died this episode because his plans have always been awful. Rachel is crazy and stabby. Literally nothing surprising or interesting beyond this. Just a bunch of shit falling apart and oh, a Glass Fleet. I guess that was a big deal but really it wasn't because Cleo's glass ship is still curb stomping them so no it wasn't and it wasn't worth naming this show after and this show isn't worth watching. Please never recommend this show to anyone. It isn't even a good bad show.


Like, the most homoerotic canoe ride I've ever seen. Lovely how the rapist and the raped are um, reconciled at the end there, I guess? I don't know it was horrible in basically every sense.

This was a bad show and a terrible waste of time. And not even a good bad show and a masochistically enjoyable horrible waste of time. It was just bad. Not remarkably bad. Not so horrible bad that some poor sap reading this needs to say "oh it can't be that bad I'll check it out" bad, not spectacularly bad in the way that a lot of shows I've watched have been.

It was just bad, and I wish I hadn't bothered to pick it up again, because the twenty minute periods in which I watched this could have been spent more enjoyable, productively, or on better entertainment, doing things like nothing, sleeping, staring at the wall, staring into space, thinking about my big toes, or even, I don't know, watching an anime that was good.

The point is this is a bad show and nobody should really watch it. If you do, whatever, have fun I guess but whatever. You're better off listening to the OP on youtube and googling the silly character designs, because that's the whole list of anything of worth in this show, and you can do all of that in ten minutes max and save yourself this utterly dull, pointless, terribly banal experience.

The only thing that pisses me off is that people told me I wouldn't see the ending coming, which has me confused, because it was the most obvious thing ever.
Cleo dies heroically and a last minute asspull saves the day. How is this different in any way from what happened like, in every episode of this show?

So there's like, 13 hours of my life I'm not getting back.


I'm not sure you understood the ending.

Pretty sure I got what happened there. Not sure at all what was surprising about that ending.
They made the giant ship mentioned previously and avert disaster. Cleo and Betty do the fusion dance, also foreshadowed like, super heavily. The end.


Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wa Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai (Anohana) Movie - Letter to Menma


That is an insanely long title. Listen to this while reading this review for maximum effect.

So, against my better judgment, I took firehawk's advice and went to see this movie. I went in all ready to hate this since I wasn't really a fan of the TV series nor of the mono no aware genre in general. I enjoy the odd K-On!! final culture festival episode but I can't say I like being made to cry by media.


This is a pretty nice giveaway. Its a Menma postcard and a box of tissues. Yes. Tissues.


This popcorn set costs an insane amount of money ($12) Pic shamelessly stolen from twitter since I sure as fuck am not buying something so overpriced.

The movie is basically a summary of the TV series with a clever frame story of the Super Peace Busters getting back together a year after the events of the series and them deciding to write letters to Menma. This served the dual purpose of allowing the creators to show how this group has gotten on with their lives and the opportunity to do tons of flashbacks to the TV series itself which is basically the point of the movie.

For fans of the series, its a great trip down memory lane with the added bonus of seeing the gang back together one more time and finding out what they've been up to. I thought the editing of the movie (mainly the insertion of the flashbacks) was well done but there were some weird parts where big portions of the story got glossed over. I don't think I would have noticed it if I hadn't seen the series but it does feel kinda weird.

All in all, I actually enjoyed it quite a bit and am glad I watched it. By virtue of not being a series and things moving at a brisk pace, I didn't feel as manipulated by the dorama bits and I got to enjoy the story as a kind of sad tragedy about people clinging to the past and never letting go. So, rejoice Anohana fans, the movie is great and something I would recommend everyone go see.


30 second Kill la Kill CM is up.


Iz baller.

I wish I knew how Ikari_Gendo gets these so quickly!

Anyway, while the trailer looks impressive I have to say I'm a bit unsure about the show and even more so with these newer trailers. I still find Imaishi's style to be a bit too full on for me, and some of what we see in these trailers is at odds with the preconceptions I'd already made about the show. The incredible background art we've seen, for instance, conjures a completely different image in my head than the hyper kinetic animation and "loud" looking supporting cast/enemies.

It is waaaaay too early for me to really pass judgement on anything in the show without really knowing plot, what the acting will be like etc. But I'm still holding a few reservations, essentially.

As people say, it looks like Gurren Lagann - and that's probably the problem for me, as said show wasn't my kind of thing at all.


Setec Astronomer
This was a bad show and a terrible waste of time. And not even a good bad show and a masochistically enjoyable horrible waste of time. It was just bad. Not remarkably bad. Not so horrible bad that some poor sap reading this needs to say "oh it can't be that bad I'll check it out" bad, not spectacularly bad in the way that a lot of shows I've watched have been.
I haven't seen Glass Fleet in full, but what I have gave me the same impression.



The Kyousogiga TV series will start airing on Tokyo MX on October 2nd at 25:30. That slot is currently a 30 minute shopping channel slot, so it looks like we're actually getting full length TV episodes for the series? Yaaaaaay.

The theme song is "Koko" by Tamurapan.


I wish I knew how Ikari_Gendo gets these so quickly

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Oh snaaaaaaaaaaaaaaap.

Is that you? =0
I wish I knew how Ikari_Gendo gets these so quickly!

Anyway, while the trailer looks impressive I have to say I'm a bit unsure about the show and even more so with these newer trailers. I still find Imaishi's style to be a bit too full on for me, and some of what we see in these trailers is at odds with the preconceptions I'd already made about the show. The incredible background art we've seen, for instance, conjures a completely different image in my head than the hyper kinetic animation and "loud" looking supporting cast/enemies.

It is waaaaay too early for me to really pass judgement on anything in the show without really knowing plot, what the acting will be like etc. But I'm still holding a few reservations, essentially.

As people say, it looks like Gurren Lagann - and that's probably the problem for me, as said show wasn't my kind of thing at all.

From the interviews with Imaishi and Nakashima, it's supposed to be even more hot-blooded than Gurren Lagann was, so, yeah.


Well, KLK has the following themes:

- A girl seeking revenge for her father using the only clue to the murderer as her weapon
- Her rival who controls the school with an iron fist
- Talking school uniforms which provide special powers and form a symbiotic relationship with their wearers
- A city school where there is class disparity with the strong preying on the weak
- A battle which will reshape the fate of the world

I... don't think there's anything subtle about it from the start, and it's filled with action tropes which scream "loud" to me. The great background art design isn't really any reason to think otherwise. :p
A true champion of the people. Well, the monster rat people, any way.

I don't consider him evil. He was a revolutionary fighting against a corrupt system. You can say that he didn't follow certain rules of engagement, but the humans had already violated all of those, anyway. He was completely dedicated to freeing his people, even if he had to bloody his hands.

If you aren't paying a lot of thought to this, he can come across as evil, but that's because the audience sees things from the perspective of Saki and Satoru, who don't really comprehend just how messed up their society is, and how awful things are for the monster rats. I think this is one of the most interesting elements of From the New World. It presents the entire series from the perspective of the members of the privileged elite who are unaware of their privilege, so many things seem unfathomable to them, but are actually quite defensible. Only at the very end after hearing his final speech do Saki and Satoru start to really grasp where he was coming from.

The slave metaphor also gets even stronger in the final episode, with Squealer refusing the 'normal' name his masters' generously gave him, and reclaiming his ancestral name which the humans all mock because it sounds funny.

When abolishing slavery is at stake, I don't think any of the actions he took should be considered off the table. This isn't to say his actions were things which I would consider good if taken in a vacuum. They did some really bad shit. But they were slaves to a corrupt system, and there was no way out. Kiroumaru's attempts at being a collaborator didn't get him any better off in the end.
I'm actually putting a lot of thought into this and it's quite obvious what his motivations were ..but history is written by the winner and humans not using cantus not only lost centuries ago , but now. I understand where you are coming from but saki & mamoru are not clueless how messed up their society is ( they are aware of it but cannot go against the flow ( and they tried several times in the past )) ..in the last arc they are just moved by the instinct of survival, it doesn't prevent saki from expressing her doubts aloud.

Yes !! give me more


Angel Tales end

Well that was disappointing. After the first few episodes, the girls barely showed any animal characteristics at all. They barely even touched on their phobias, lives as animals, how they died, and now in the final episode they introduce the concept of originals without doing a single thing with it? Make up your damn minds on which plot points you want to use! :/

I agree that the show feels very rushed. A lot was sacrificed due to the short length and having so many characters. there was no way they could have explored everyones story in depth or really fleshed out any side details. Just had to throw the characters out there and run with it. But...its adorable thats for sure.


Clean version of that Bodacious Space Pirates movie key visual:


Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wa Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai (Anohana) Movie - Letter to Menma


That is an insanely long title. Listen to this while reading this review for maximum effect.

So, against my better judgment, I took firehawk's advice and went to see this movie. I went in all ready to hate this since I wasn't really a fan of the TV series nor of the mono no aware genre in general. I enjoy the odd K-On!! final culture festival episode but I can't say I like being made to cry by media.

The movie is basically a summary of the TV series with a clever frame story of the Super Peace Busters getting back together a year after the events of the series and them deciding to write letters to Menma. This served the dual purpose of allowing the creators to show how this group has gotten on with their lives and the opportunity to do tons of flashbacks to the TV series itself which is basically the point of the movie.

For fans of the series, its a great trip down memory lane with the added bonus of seeing the gang back together one more time and finding out what they've been up to. I thought the editing of the movie (mainly the insertion of the flashbacks) was well done but there were some weird parts where big portions of the story got glossed over. I don't think I would have noticed it if I hadn't seen the series but it does feel kinda weird.

All in all, I actually enjoyed it quite a bit and am glad I watched it. By virtue of not being a series and things moving at a brisk pace, I didn't feel as manipulated by the dorama bits and I got to enjoy the story as a kind of sad tragedy about people clinging to the past and never letting go. So, rejoice Anohana fans, the movie is great and something I would recommend everyone go see.

That song really does make just about anything pleasant.
Nice writeup. fuck a 12 dollar popcorn meal.

30 second Kill la Kill CM is up.


Iz baller.

Big Hat Loli <3


The Kyousogiga TV series will start airing on Tokyo MX on October 2nd at 25:30. That slot is currently a 30 minute shopping channel slot, so it looks like we're actually getting full length TV episodes for the series? Yaaaaaay.

The theme song is "Koko" by Tamurapan.
sakuga fall saved

Well, KLK has the following themes:

- A girl seeking revenge for her father using the only clue to the murderer as her weapon
- Her rival who controls the school with an iron fist
- Talking school uniforms which provide special powers and form a symbiotic relationship with their wearers
- A city school where there is class disparity with the strong preying on the weak
- A battle which will reshape the fate of the world

I... don't think there's anything subtle about it from the start, and it's filled with action tropes which scream "loud" to me. The great background art design isn't really any reason to think otherwise. :p

peak anime incoming


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You do us all a great service, sir - I salute you!

From the interviews with Imaishi and Nakashima, it's supposed to be even more hot-blooded than Gurren Lagann was, so, yeah.

Well, it's probably not for me, then. Ah well!

Well, KLK has the following themes:

- A girl seeking revenge for her father using the only clue to the murderer as her weapon
- Her rival who controls the school with an iron fist
- Talking school uniforms which provide special powers and form a symbiotic relationship with their wearers
- A city school where there is class disparity with the strong preying on the weak
- A battle which will reshape the fate of the world

I... don't think there's anything subtle about it from the start, and it's filled with action tropes which scream "loud" to me. The great background art design isn't really any reason to think otherwise. :p

I guess you're right. I'd just like those themes but gloomier :p

Speaking of gloomy!

Rozen Maiden 5

Mmmm, melancholy.

With that said, there's finally a little bit of action and it's rather disappointing - bad CG petals and feathers flying around. It's hardly a big deal when there's a lot of other nice stuff - I loved the shot of
Kirakishou emerging from the mirror to take Megu's spirit
and the overall storyboarding continues to be elegant.

I wonder if it's deliberate how the show seems to emphasise just how small and fragile the Maidens are. I don't remember feeling like this in the original series, but the camera pulls a long way back on a lot of the shots of Suigintou alone in this episode, and even the "gags" seem to emphasise just how tiny the dolls are. Coupled with the emphasis on adult Jun's life away from the Alice Game (which obviously didn't exist in the "other" Jun's timeline) it creates the interesting effect that the Game seems a little insignificant.


I guess you're right. I'd just like those themes but gloomier :p

I don't know if gloomy is the word that best describes what I'm looking for, but I just can't get excited for either Trigger's or Bone's upcoming action shows, after seeing their respecitve CMs and thougth about it a bit. I feel terrible about the fact, but it's how it is.
Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wa Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai (Anohana) Movie - Letter to Menma

That is an insanely long title. Listen to [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XaFPFzW4KcA]this[/url] while reading this review for maximum effect.

So, against my better judgment, I took firehawk's advice and went to see this movie. I went in all ready to hate this since I wasn't really a fan of the TV series nor of the mono no aware genre in general. I enjoy the odd K-On!! final culture festival episode but I can't say I like being made to cry by media.

The movie is basically a summary of the TV series with a clever frame story of the Super Peace Busters getting back together a year after the events of the series and them deciding to write letters to Menma. This served the dual purpose of allowing the creators to [i]show[/i] how this group has gotten on with their lives and the opportunity to do tons of flashbacks to the TV series itself which is basically the point of the movie.

For fans of the series, its a great trip down memory lane with the added bonus of seeing the gang back together one more time and finding out what they've been up to. I thought the editing of the movie (mainly the insertion of the flashbacks) was well done but there were some weird parts where big portions of the story got glossed over. I don't think I would have noticed it if I hadn't seen the series but it does feel kinda weird.

All in all, I actually enjoyed it quite a bit and am glad I watched it. By virtue of not being a series and things moving at a brisk pace, I didn't feel as manipulated by the dorama bits and I got to enjoy the story as a kind of sad tragedy about people clinging to the past and never letting go. So, rejoice Anohana fans, the movie is great and something I would recommend everyone go see.[/QUOTE]

I'll check it out, [spoiler]Anohana made me tear up pretty bad at the end, I love when media can make me cry[/spoiler]


I don't know if gloomy is the word that best describes what I'm looking for, but I just can't get excited for either Trigger's or Bone's upcoming action shows, after seeing their respecitve CMs and thougth about it a bit. I feel terrible about the fact, but it's how it is.

Maybe you just arent interested in the subject matter.


Habby belated birthday PorcelainThrill, I think.
Happy (unconfirmed and belated) Birthday, PorcelainThrill.

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Less twitter and more GAF, man! :p


This whole thing with Oreimo exposes the dark truth of Heterosexual relationships - that they need a secondary crux for even a dude to even touch a woman in the modern age.

The whole gig was a "fetish", but back then (and still in other places) - the woman was given to man on a platter, or drunk forced into relations. Ever since the concept of respecting women as human beings came to the front - not in the Chivalric way of keeping the "fetish" alive, but in to giving women a chance to find there own way in life, these issues have popped up in ways in both the east and the west that have created this addictions and concepts as away to cope with the reality of the situation.

So you have the whole edifice coming down. Women's movement in both west and east (with a bit of free market machinations) has shown that the whole gig of heterosexual courtship is a illusion, and what shows like KNJ, Oreimo and the like say is that none of our concepts of law, religion, etc can solve these issues because the very basis of this is the self hatred of man towards himself and by extension, everybody around him. Man is the king of nothing and needs the illusions (even if they were created by media, social structures of how men relate to one another and so on) in order to live.

This is the reason why I see shows like Oreimo as the symptom of a larger issue and not nessaerly the cause. Basically, man could never be with women or even have sex with one unless given one, the woman being submissive to the man, or if Zizek is correct - man becoming apart of a nightmare where his desire is realized. The only reason we even are with females in the first place is that its acceptable by social rule and not by need. Anybody can have kids, but that doesn't even mean the two that brought the child in the world even really wanted to be with each other.

So, to even have sex anymore - man needs the fetish. That's were all the dark shit comes from. That's the true lesson of Oreimo, KNJ etc.


i don't agree. last time i had sex was a pretty straight forward, experience, no incest or weird fetish involved...
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