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Summer 2013 Anime |10th Dimensional OT| the first ignoble truth: all of life is anime

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Watamote 9

So thanks to everyone's impressions I was watching the whole episode waiting for the K-ON reference...until finally BOOM
un-tan un-tan
. So yeah that was a thing that happened.

More memorable for me was Tomoko's ill-fated attempt at part-time work. (Hang on, is there even any point attaching "ill-fated" to anything Tomoko does? Should that just be taken as read?) I mean, it was obvious as soon as she got the idea into her head that her expectations were going to be betrayed horribly, but even so the harshness of it managed to surprise and amuse me. Poor girl.

I'm definitely inclined to agree.

I personally think Yuu's cuter with glasses.


Bored, so I hit the backlog.

Aoi Bungaku - No Longer Human 1

I liked the pacing of it. Besides the flashbacks, time moves forward in the present day at a determined clip. There's enough space for characters to react, for us to see how characters feel through their expressions, but dead air is culled ruthlessly. It's balanced well enough to fit this little romance into an episode without making things incoherent.

Also, this episode has a brief clothed sex scene between two consenting adults, which I don't think I've ever really seen in anime, despite all the fanservice and nudity that happens.

No Longer Human is one of the more effective shorts contained within the Aoi Bungaku series but most people, including myself, have difficulty with the extremely depressing tone of the story. In that regard the director has clearly done their job but it's not exactly the kind of story that most people would chose to engage in because of how relentless dark it is and not dark in the 'edgy teen' way either.

Still, it makes an interesting addition to the series and I feel like the director did a good job with the adaptation in that it doesn't feel too "bookey". What I mean by that is that in some adaptations of literature into anime you'll see dialogue heavy scenes translated by the director into very basic and boring "shot/reverse shot" type scenarios with no effort or thought injected into the layout, camera work, editing etc.

Aoi Bungaku as a whole is a pretty interesting concept and I'd certainly like to see more works in that vein, although as it was a crazy Madhouse project such a thing isn't particularly likely.



Come onto me.

And icarus-heika only returns in my absence? Lame!
Next thing you know, Emunoz will consistently post 80's OVA reviews when my computer eventually explodes into dust.
No Longer Human is one of the more effective shorts contained within the Aoi Bungaku series but most people, including myself, have difficulty with the extremely depressing tone of the story. In that regard the director has clearly done their job but it's not exactly the kind of story that most people would chose to engage in because of how relentless dark it is and not dark in the 'edgy teen' way either.

Still, it makes an interesting addition to the series and I feel like the director did a good job with the adaptation in that it doesn't feel too "bookey". What I mean by that is that in some adaptations of literature into anime you'll see dialogue heavy scenes translated by the director into very basic and boring "shot/reverse shot" type scenarios with no effort or thought injected into the layout, camera work, editing etc.

Aoi Bungaku as a whole is a pretty interesting concept and I'd certainly like to see more works in that vein, although as it was a crazy Madhouse project such a thing isn't particularly likely.

I've told myself I'm not going to watch Aoi Bungaku until I at least finish No Longer Human. I've started it like three times before, but have never actually finished it.

It's easily a contender for the most overwhelmingly depressing novel I've ever tried to read.
Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon 8

Ponies were a thing before Friendship is Magic in Japan. And Makoto and Rei get in a fight on how Usagi should handle herself. Usagi ultimately listened to Rei and actually STUDIED (HOLY SHIT) on top of getting ready for a contest. Nevermind Rei not completely giving up on her.

But we get more DRAMA from the parental angle for Rei since her dad's a politician, and Makoto actually went there to save her due to mistaking it as a kidnapping. Instead of going make up with your family, Makoto just goes "Family? What's that? RUN!!". So much bonding between two girls. And they have their own little secret from everyone.


Yes! Precure 5 - 44

All Milk all the time episode!

Milk gets worried that even though she's in training to be Coco and Nuts' royal caretaker, she doesn't feel like they really need her. So she goes and asks all the Cures what they think an ideal caretaker should be like, and after everybody describes their ideal characteristics to her (always there for you when you really need them, gets angry for the sake of others, strong-willed and never forgets to keep believing) is frankly shocked to learn that all their descriptions were based on Nozomi. Oh, Milk. We know you love Nozomi really. You had a whole episode about that once, remember?

Meanwhile Coco and Nuts are out and about searching for Milk, because in her low spirits she didn't think to tell them where she was going. And who should they run into but toadbird-woman?! Naturally, the Cures show up just in time to protect the mascots, and Milk does her best to keep the Dream Collet safe, which in turn encourages everyone to fight for her sake.

Oh, and Kawarino shows up and forces toadbird-woman to don the terrible Black Mask, so it's the end of the line for her. DIVEBOMB DESTRUCTION! (what-do-you-mean-that's-not-the-actual-attack-name.) I guess that just leaves demoted-bee-dude and Bloody to fulfil general villaining duties. Plus Kawarino and Desperaia herself once we reach the endgame (can't be too far off now...)

You know, the method by which the villains have donned their Black Masks of Doom has been getting nastier and nastier each time, hasn't it? First mantis-man was instructed to use his as a matter of business by his direct superior, and accepted it as his due. Then Arachnea was cajoled into using hers by Kawarino out of a sense of duty, even though her actual superior begged her not to. Then toadboy was tricked into using his by Kawarino, not even knowing what it would do to him. And now toadbird-woman has had it literally forced onto her face, against desperate protests. The moral of this story, I think, is "seriously, you don't want to work for these guys".


I don't remember if I asked you last time but what do you intend to do with your spare volumes now? Or are you keeping those for whatever extras they came with.

I'm likely keeping them for the extras. They come with music and cute printed extras (which aren't included in the blu-ray box as it has its own extras, but no music). Plus, I adore Keiichi's art and therefore, ideally, it will only be a matter of time until I go back to complete them as well.


Dude, it's totally Escaflowne.

First off, not a spoiler but bothy shows start with a young human girl getting transported to another world.

But hey the similarities don't stop there.

Now, lets compare the heroine's friends, in Escaflowne Van has
and in Tweeny Witches the witches and presumably warlocks have
wing marks from when there people had wings.
. Both "enemy nations" in the shows are relative technologically superior nations compared to the rest of the world in both shows. Both leaders of these nations are old men of science. Both plots amount to the protagonists trying to keep the bad guys from using their super weapon. Both have a
genderbent lost sibling
. Both essentially start because
an ancestor of the female protagonist already visited the realm and set things in motion.
Mom and dad issues abound.
Both climaxes really start
because of an ally unwittingly falling for the bad guy's trap.
Both have the standard sappy melodrama
I love my time here but I'm going back although Escaflowne pumps up the needlessly cliched dorama to the max.

They're the same show.

Now that you describe it that way I guess it does make sense, however Studio 4 C did an excellent job of making Tweeny Witches quirky enough to hide it unless you are really analyzing it heavily. I just saw it as another character out of their element story. A typical idea in itself but explored in a very fun way here.

Sentai Filmworks's got their December solicitations up:


Girls und Panzer BD/DVD (w/out bonus OVAs, to be released later)
Magical Play DVD
Kokoro Connect OVAs BD/DVD
Di Gi Charat OVAs DVD (sub only)
Sakurasou Set 1 BD/DVD (sub only)
Humanity Has Declined BD/DVD (sub only)
Say "I Love You" BD/DVD
Nyan Koi BD/DVD
So, I Can't Play H BD/DVD (sub only)

There's the Kokoro connect OVAS :D
I hate/love you Sentai.

Also, why is Articalys banned :(


Right Stuf already put up the new Sentai offerings for December. The sub only blurays are cheaper than the combo (sub/dub).

Damn, already? They want every last bit of my money!
Well as a company that was formerly ADV I should expect them to try to license everything.

It's a damn shame the second season never got released in the US. It's so good. =/

I know. You just reminded me of that :(


Yes! Precure 5 - 45

The end is nigh - The Cures have finally collected all but one of the missing Pinkies. Which gets everyone thinking about what will happen after they use the Dream Collet to revive Coco and Nuts' kingdom. Nozomi is shocked to realise that with Coco and Nuts returning to their homeland - with one of them to be crowned King, no less - they won't have any opportunity to see each other any more; soon it will be goodbye for good. This drags her spirits down horribly, and though she tries her best to hide it, nobody is fooled.

Obviously the Nightmare folks wouldn't miss such a prime opportunity to taunt Nozomi and talk about how despair triumphs over all, so that's Bloody's cue. He uses his usual trick of turning the entire room into a Kowaina - in fact, this time it's the whole of the Nuts House - but this time the Cures are too quick to let it trap them inside, so that strategy doesn't work out so well as usual. Bloody is forced to face the Cures man-to-man - which, as it turns out, means we finally get to see his "true form". It's just as, er, batty as expected.

Anyway, once the Cures have chased him off, Nozomi and Coco share a special little moment to themselves underneath a giant Christmas tree in the snow. It's probably the closest thing this show will get to a confession scene - Nozomi even gets to finish it off with a "daisuki da yo." (Strictly speaking she's not saying she loves him, she's saying she loves "the time they spend together", but it certainly felt like that part of the line was halfheartedly shoehorned in for the sake of preventing Excessively Romantic Content.) I'm just going to pretend they kissed after the show cut to the ED.


Shion episode was actually really good even beyond it being about Shion; SYMBOLISM!
By far and away the deepest take on Alice in Wonderland yet.

You should watch the 3D CG one piece mugiwara chase movie, it will make you come to your senses and join the anime cg hate resistance.
Not even one piece is safe from the nightmare of anime CG.
It's best not to dismiss the perfectly valid merits of CG entirely because of some shitty cashin movie for an artistically bankrupt series.


Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon 9
Is it me, or does it feel like it's moving too fast since it's like... 49 acts? I'm confused here.

It feels that way compared to the first series but it's mostly because it's doing its own thing which you will see soon.


I'm really hoping that's not the final cover for Jintai. I mean, I'll probably buy it anyway, but it seems a bit plain.

I had the opposite reaction - it's so garish! I know the show is bright and colourful (I really like the colour choices in it, actually) but I find that cover way too busy and in your face.

I love the Say I Love You art, though - the show itself never really looked that good which is a shame really.


What do you guys think of Eden of the East?

Great premise. I felt the execution was terrible, though. Overall, not a fan.

Ok, so fellow Anime-Gafers I've finally cleaned out my backlog miraculously. That means, it's time for me to beg you guys for suggestions again. At this point, don't have anything specifically I'm looking for. Just throw out whatever you think is worth a watch.

Andrew J.

More memorable for me was Tomoko's ill-fated attempt at part-time work. (Hang on, is there even any point attaching "ill-fated" to anything Tomoko does? Should that just be taken as read?) I mean, it was obvious as soon as she got the idea into her head that her expectations were going to be betrayed horribly, but even so the harshness of it managed to surprise and amuse me. Poor girl.

It's her own fault for phrasing her request so strangely. She should have asked for "someone who works at a trendy cafe" instead of "someone who makes cake" if that's what she really wanted.
Great premise. I felt the execution was terrible, though. Overall, not a fan.

Ok, so fellow Anime-Gafers I've finally cleaned out my backlog miraculously. That means, it's time for me to beg you guys for suggestions again. At this point, don't have anything specifically I'm looking for. Just throw out whatever you think is worth a watch.

Sora no Woto.


Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon 9

Or else a man might grab em!

Is it me, or does it feel like it's moving too fast since it's like... 49 acts? I'm confused here.

Nah it is a bit different from the anime. Or..a lot different.

What do you guys think of Eden of the East?

I like it. Its an interesting idea but the execution was kinda crappy.

Great premise. I felt the execution was terrible, though. Overall, not a fan.

Ok, so fellow Anime-Gafers I've finally cleaned out my backlog miraculously. That means, it's time for me to beg you guys for suggestions again. At this point, don't have anything specifically I'm looking for. Just throw out whatever you think is worth a watch.

Kino's journey, Sora no woto, Gunsmith Cats
I had the opposite reaction - it's so garish! I know the show is bright and colourful (I really like the colour choices in it, actually) but I find that cover way too busy and in your face.

I do think it would look a bit nicer if Grandpa and the assistant weren't there.

It just seems to be missing something that screams "Buy me!", I guess. Which I think would still be an issue even if it was just the MC on the cover.


It just seems to be missing something that screams "Buy me!", I guess. Which I think would still be an issue even if it was just the MC on the cover.

Obviously the only correct answer is...more fairies!

Cover every last square millimetre of the cover with 'em. Forget about the characters. Forget about the title. Forget about your sanity. Just pack as many fairies in there as humanly possible. And then more. Pack as many fairies in there as fairily possible! Let their eyes stare into the souls of potential customers and work their black fairy magic. Let the world know that here there be fairies.

I mean, look at the current cover. It's only at, what, like 6f? That's not nearly enough to work a sales miracle!

Common sense, really.


Paranoia Agent 02
This mostly kept the vibe of the first episode, except out focus this time is not of a girl accused of seeking attention but of a boy accused to be something he's not.
It's clear now that for whatever reason Shounen Batto is targetting popular people trying to make their lives difficult. But to what end?


Oh shit, wasn't Arti going to post that survey of his today too? Damn, guess we'll just have to wait until he gets back.


Obviously the only correct answer is...more fairies!

Cover every last square millimetre of the cover with 'em. Forget about the characters. Forget about the title. Forget about your sanity. Just pack as many fairies in there as humanly possible. And then more. Pack as many fairies in there as fairily possible! Let their eyes stare into the souls of potential customers and work their black fairy magic. Let the world know that here there be fairies.

I mean, look at the current cover. It's only at, what, like 6f? That's not nearly enough to work a sales miracle!

Common sense, really.

More faeries is the answer to everything.

Paranoia Agent 02
This mostly kept the vibe of the first episode, except out focus this time is not of a girl accused of seeking attention but of a boy accused to be something he's not.
It's clear now that for whatever reason Shounen Batto is targetting popular people trying to make their lives difficult. But to what end?

You've started a great series. Man I REALLY miss Satoshi Kon.
Paranoia Agent 02
This mostly kept the vibe of the first episode, except out focus this time is not of a girl accused of seeking attention but of a boy accused to be something he's not.
It's clear now that for whatever reason Shounen Batto is targetting popular people trying to make their lives difficult. But to what end?

prepare your mind. Such a good show.
Paranoia Agent 02
This mostly kept the vibe of the first episode, except out focus this time is not of a girl accused of seeking attention but of a boy accused to be something he's not.
It's clear now that for whatever reason Shounen Batto is targetting popular people trying to make their lives difficult. But to what end?

Oh, man. You're in for something really special.

I've been meaning to rewatch Paranoia Agent for years now. Been holding out for some sort of rerelease, but is it one of the titles Funimation got the rights to went Geneon went under? I bet it's not, and I'll never actually be able to own it unless I want to pay through the nose.
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