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Summer 2013 Anime |10th Dimensional OT| the first ignoble truth: all of life is anime

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Fair rebuttal, I won't hold that against you.


That gif is so adorable its ridiculous.


MADOKA: Durr hurr lets beat up the aliens hurp

HIMURA: Alright look retard. Our lives, and this planet specifically, are based off of energy transfusion, which is incredibly fucking complex and based on scientific terminology like "entropy", "stars", "galaxies", "universe", "meteors", "soul stones", "video games", "magic points" and "xenogears". You getting this you POS?

MADOKA: *weeps*

^this is the filth they call anime today
Love Lab 4

Our fellow green ranger is certainly putting on quite the show hoping to do it for the best of Riko. This episode however makes me feel concerned for later on in the show's air time, primarily in regards to the reactions for the last episode.

Logic dictates that Riko's lie will be unveiled, after all the times she fell victim to her ego and will cause drama. While we're at episode 4, and thus could probably benefit more from happening sooner, it could just be our season finale, which probably won't be well recieved since this is primarily comedy, and obviously, something like this will probably not be funny considering how much a hole Riko is digging herself.


Ume gets too little credit for the success of Madoka.

Truth. I dunno if I would have enjoyed collecting all the figures as much had she not designed them.

Oh who am I kidding? Of course I still would!

Everything is better with Ume.

Ume should have done the designs for Psycho-Pass. And Fate-Zero. And Gar...actually, she can stay away from Gargantia, those designs are too perfect already to be touched.

Fully agree. Gargantias designs were perfect. The character designer behind those knows what he's doing!


havent seen fate/zero so i withold comment but madoka was v. p. bad and a big reason was because of the writing..characters having bizarre character motivations, and the ones that werent were simple and one-not,e silly exposition dumps everywhere, cliched grimdark progression of the story. its value was based almost entirely on its premise and as a commentary on the magical mohou shoujo genre, but unlike utena itdidnt have much else going for it ''thematicaly'. reminds alot of attack on titan but shinbo is at least not as bad as araki lolo. bad anime adaptation of faust/10

Urobuchi did a great job incorporating Faustian elements into a magical girl show. There weren't that many exposition dumps and the ones that could have been, he fully fleshed out such as Homura's backstory. He did a pretty good job developing the relationship of Homura and Madoka. The character motivations for the most part were fine especially considering the age group of the girls.


MADOKA: Durr hurr lets beat up the aliens hurp

HIMURA: Alright look retard. Our lives, and this planet specifically, are based off of energy transfusion, which is incredibly fucking complex and based on scientific terminology like "entropy", "stars", "galaxies", "universe", "meteors", "soul stones", "video games", "magic points" and "xenogears". You getting this you POS?

MADOKA: *weeps*

^this is the filth they call anime today

I think all that should be spoilered out of respect for those who have yet to see Madoka. Pretty deep in plot stuff there.


MADOKA: Durr hurr lets beat up the aliens hurp

HIMURA: Alright look retard. Our lives, and this planet specifically, are based off of energy transfusion, which is incredibly fucking complex and based on scientific terminology like "entropy", "stars", "galaxies", "universe", "meteors", "soul stones", "video games", "magic points" and "xenogears". You getting this you POS?

MADOKA: *weeps*

^this is the filth they call anime today

If you're going to be a reductionist, do a better job than this.


I think all that should be spoilered out of respect for those who have yet to see Madoka. Pretty deep in plot stuff there.

To be fair, people who haven't seen Madoka should be shutting themselves off from the spoilerful internet and entering a solitary retreat where they can watch the entire series in one sitting in repentance for their sinful neglect.

EDIT: It also amuses me far more than it should that the post spoilering that entire quote was immediately followed by a post with the exact same quote, unspoilered.
Urobuchi did a great job incorporating Faustian elements into a magical girl show. There weren't that many exposition dumps and the ones that could have been, he fully fleshed out such as Homura's backstory. He did a pretty good job developing the relationship of Homura and Madoka. The character motivations for the most part were fine especially considering the age group of the girls.

Not to mention it had an amazing villain.

The dude just talks. Doesn't have an evil laugh, doesn't smirk, doesn't laugh at other's suffering, he just observes what happens with that same damn expression on that ridiculously cute body.

Throughout the entire series, I expected him to have some kind of final boss form that you see in a Final Fantasy RPG.
Also, this is for the win. SPOILERS.



I think Madoka's great for otaku/chuunibyou anime standard, its one of the few that actually worth watching unless you invested to that kind of stuff,


I must be really out of it -- for some reason I kept thinking that Kyousogiga was Cencoroll all morning long, even after looking at the goddamn picture in the ANN article. What the fuck is wrong with me?


Gatchaman Crowds ep.3

And there's
the second half of the title drop
God, I really hope that Hajime doesn't stay Little Miss Perfect the whole way through. Still can't believe that Maaya Uchida found the most annoying way possible to voice her.
Gintama Episode 14 – You Only Gotta Wash Under Your Armpits - Just the Armpits

No, dont like the Mr Raindrop falling away from me now ed, the old ED was so much better.

Also hilarious first half of the episode, Sogo Hijikata utterly hilarious
and those red eyes and killing intent for Sogo, new appreciation for his already great character
. Second half was pretty dull, a boring character is not the type of accomplice Kagura needed.


Gatchaman Crowds 3

  • I really like how Rui goes about in the world to see how GALAX affects it. It's a nice followup to last ep's scene of this where he's visibly angry that someone would call for an ambulance before consulting GALAX.
  • X's willingness to perform an illicit act to attain information speaks of an autonomy past Rui
  • Questioning whtether or not they were worthy successors to previous Gatchaman was nice.
  • Rui treating the world like a game translating to GALAX's presentation is interesting. Particularly as he balances consequencse of what GALAX provides. Employment personnel possibly going unemployed due to GALAX as an example.
  • Sugane's luddite nature is a nice character quirk. I think everyone on the train but him was messing around on their phone.
  • Gatchaman's apparent failure to do anything worthwhile played nicely against GALAX's ability to empower common people in the event of a more practical crisis.
  • Galactor cat masks are the best thing ever.


By the way, the Silver Spoon OP would be infinitely better if there were more scenes of the characters dancing as opposed to the only three or four seconds we currently have.
By the way, the Silver Spoon OP would be infinitely better if there were more scenes of the characters dancing as opposed to the only three or four seconds we currently have.

I went to visit my brother at the hospital and he asked me what animes were out, and I did the dance and he responded " Ah, silver spoon".

Andrew J.

Symphogear G 4

Speaking of which, I always feel like there's one sort-of-weird thing about how fighting in this show works: basically, whoever starts singing first gets to take control of the whole battle. Since the good guys' and bad guys' powers alike are all based on powering-up through singing, and of course you can't have more than one song going on at the same time (occasionally you get members of the same team joining in for duets and so on, but I don't think anyone ever joins in with an enemy's song), whoever starts singing first automatically gets a clear advantage. It's a little...odd how that works.

I'm sure we're supposed to think that all the fighters are singing at the same time, but the audience only hears the song of whoever has the upper hand to reduce confusion.
Shouma's parents were members of the Kiga Group, the cult that committed "an attack" on the Tokyo subway in 1995. The attack took place on the same date as Aum Shinrikyo's infamous sarin attack in Tokyo in reality, but the cult is never referred to by that name - the date would be pretty much immediately obvious to many Japanese viewers.

The Broiler is a metaphor for... well, personally I take it as a metaphor for the moment before a child kills himself/herself. It is only in the bleakest moment that the Takakuras "save" each other there, and Momoka saves Tabuki. I don't think she tries to stop it - because it doesn't really exist.

Momoka used the diary to attempt to stop Shouma's parents - and the Kiga Group, and by extension Sanetoshi. Of course she and Sanetoshi effectively caught each other at a stalemate.

See above - it's a metaphor IMO.

This I can't answer without rewatching the show. I know that Momoka sends the penguins but there's a whole sequence that kind of explains it I think maybe back in episode 9? Obviously the penguin imagery comes from the Kiga Group's trip to the Pole, but I can't tell you without rewatching exactly how it works.

I really need to rewatch Penguindrum some day :(

Thanks for clearing some stuff up, especially the whole Sarin Gas Incident stuff, makes sense.

I haven't watch Madoka but I heard its ending is similar to Penguindrum's o.o


"I Can't Believe All These Hot Girls Want My Dick Even Though I Am Just A Normal High School Boy"?

Just quoting this because it made me laugh.

At least Kyoryuger keeps me entertained.

Kyoryuger is the gift that keeps on giving

An Important Announcement For AnimeGAF


If I ever see a seal, I will do my duty.

New stuff get!

Tari Tari for Sawaness, Cat God for cute. Another for horrific squee, and part two of Hanasaku Iroha for sexhair.

How was Tari Tari? I've been tempted to watch it. Another got too horrific for me.


Just quoting this because it made me laugh.

Kyoryuger is the gift that keeps on giving

If I ever see a seal, I will do my duty.

How was Tari Tari? I've been tempted to watch it. Another got too horrific for me.

Tari Tari is adorable and heartfelt. Lots of singing, lots of Sawa being a goddess. Its just about perfect. Youll love it.


There's a shitload of Gurren Lagann x Madoka stuff on Danbooru. Including a series of images representing the speech before the final battle from Gurren Lagann with Madoka Magica characters. NSFW site though.

I don't have that one, but I have a comparator

Ugh... can't spoiler tag images on gaf. Bah.


Servant X Service 4

Great introduction to a new character. I didn't see this character coming at all. Rest of the episode dealt with
Lucy-Hasbe-Chihaya triangle
. The cliffhanger at the end is going to lead to a great next episode.


How far into QUALITY territory does it have to go before you'll abandon it?

This? I won't even if it ends up just being voiceovers over a Gatchaman logo. I can make concessions with a show if I'm invested in one part even if something else is suffering. Like Gifu Dodo!!.


I'd just like to make an inquiry to those who have played the Danganronpa game: setting aside the "anime is trash" accusations for a moment, could any of you estimate about how many hours worth of playtime it would take the average player to complete the events that were covered up through the third episode of the anime (i.e.
up through the first trial and execution
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