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Summer 2013 Anime |10th Dimensional OT| the first ignoble truth: all of life is anime

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HUnter x Hunter 90

Never trust loan sharks !!!!
Interest every 10 secs ! lol That's why i never borrow from other people if possible.

Not a bad adaptation but they should have explained all this numbers better. It's not a real complain , i remember re reading this part several times to be sure i got it right in the manga , you have to remember how good knucles is to have this kind of hability. ( at maths )

And how broken you must be to avoid the effects lol


Subete no aware

So Sawashiro is even doing audio dramas now. Come on!


[Free!] - 4


I know, you know, we all know. But this episode was just so blatant! What, between all the flagrant butt-shots, the fashion parade, that simmering homo-eroticism. It's almost as if they found they hadn't filled a quota, and just decided to go for broke.

Rei is actually a welcome addition, being one of the few entertaining characters. And I echo my previous sentiments, it's all very middling, and there's nothing for me to get angry about, nor is there anything for me to really grab a hold of (not that!). It's probably the most ambivalent I've been about something in a while, and whilst Tamako Market frustrated me, that was more because it did show glimmers of greatness. Free! Well, it's painfully mediocre, and it isn't showing any signs of breaking its formula.

It might be time for me to throw in the towel on this one. Okay I'll stop...


A sea of shit and still no adaptation of Biblia Koshodou in sight. Fuck anime.
Why would you want that when you already have Hyouka?

I dunno, I thought it was entertaining. Survivor and Akito liked it too.
And Gouriki Ayame was cute.
The drama could have benefited from cutting 10 mins of each episode. It had a problem with really dragging out the reveal + the aftermath.


Gundam 00 S2 (rewatch) - 15

Dat Yuna Ito ED song <3

One more sin that AGE commit, they not even bothering to use top artist for theme song (the SPYAIR's ED2 cool as hell though)


It's still anime, so I won't start banning over it or anything, but it'd be nice if Toonami talk could be kept to the Toonami thread. This thread is cluttered enough as it is.

Is it still OK to post impressions, though? This is my first time watching through SAO, even though it's still a hatewatch. I'm not talking any other Toonami related stuff in here.

But man, that wasn't the show to go to bed on...


Teekyu 16 has taught me of many things. Trapezoidal formulas, the use of edibles in sports, the second most shameless shilling I've seen this week (Neptunia remains the first), and Yuri finally getting a break for once in her life.
Speaking of VIz dubs, how'd Tiger & Bunny end up going? Never got a chance to check it out myself. Early clips seemed decent. Didn't like YL as Baranby, but TIger's voice sounded alright.

One of Viz's best dubs. Origami Cyclone best voice. Need to go through pt2 of the bd sometime, or do my second rewatch (second dubwatch).


Gatchaman Crowds 1-2
well this is pretty fun, the main girl is completely moronic in a likeable way. "I'm dreamy" is annoying so far
The Eccentric Family Episode 4 – Battle of the Daimonji Leisure Cruisers

If only he wasnt stuck as a frog, they would be this seasons best bros. Fantastic episode all around with the history stuff and then
hilarious and intense fireworks antics, had to be a sight to see for everyone involved in air and on ground, and then the closing moment too
Are they trully intresting ? What i mean is : are they serious or comedy ? Do they have a different feelign from the anime ?Is there trully strong points so that an adaptation would be a good thing ?

Well for starters, the adaptation could be for something good ie: not a LN (unless it's the Doremi LN)

But for seriousness, not what Oreimo did and basically hacksawed the thing to death because fuck canon material.

And then don't say I never did anything for DTL...



That's pretty cool


The sad thing is, I used to know people like the first one...

Same here. I think most of us do.

Gatchaman Crowds Episode 03

Utsu-tsu looks pretty cute when she's actually wearing clothes for once. She really needs more scenes.

Overall, a pretty ugly episode for the most part though I remember tsuritama having its share of QUALITY at times too. It's a shame it looked so bad in areas because I enjoyed this episode quite a bit despite all that. The second half was really fun as it segued into a more serious atmosphere with different situations happening simultaneously. Next episode looks to be an exciting one. Also, the soundtrack is really impressing me. There was a specific song playing as things were happening near the end that sounded really nice. Definitely gotta check out the OST when it gets released.

She is adorable like that but Hajime is still queen.

Today's the day~ the sun is shining~ the SAO is dubbed~ and we are getting asun--

The show is good when Asunas not in it.

Sonic of course!


Speaking of talent, you know who doesn't have any?


FUCK YOU FOR AO. Yes I am still mad.

Bones had a good run but I really think its time to put them to pasture.
Also, you brought this particular thing on yourself silly raven!

LN adaptations I have at least partially enjoyed:

Accel World
Boku wa Tomodachi
Dakara Boku wa H
Date a Live
Hentai Ouji
High School DxD
Kaze no Stigma
Kore wa Zombie Desu ka
Scraped Princess
Sword Art Online

So for me, they definitely have a reason to exist, even if a lot of them are crap.

I own about half of those and seen most of them so Im inclined to agree!
LN adaptations can be pretty fun!
Especially since I detest the actual LN format.

The time has finally come.

I sense great things to come from Sword Art Online

If by that you mean Klein, Silica, and Lisbeth.

That's an Adult Swim thing. Its either cut OP, ED, or parts of the show. Blame US TV advertising for that.

Sword Art Online: 01

Sigh... What a stupid idea, with stupid characters, inhabiting a stupid world. Who in the right mind would put on a helmet that takes control of their nerves, with no emergency switch, and expect no problems?

This won't end well.

If you dont like it already...

Ah so the SAO dub impressions have leaked into here. That's unfortunate.

Though I guess since this is the catch-all anime thread, not much can be done about that besides linking to the OT but that never really helped much before...


Many people tend to post in both and just copy/paste impressions. Anime OT wont die because theres way way too much to talk about and absolutely enormous backlogs at any given time.


Wow, Gainax actually bothered to edit the Stella OP. It feels kinda hype now.
That 'Gunbuster pose'!

It's an utter shame that this has received so little attention before, even some suggesting that you watch a handful of eps and be done with it. I'm glad that things are starting to change, though!
It was much, much bigger than Precure back in the days; the ratings and toy sales were insane. It didn't run for over 200 episodes for no reason.
In the west, and, more importantly, on GAF.
Pretty big in various countries of Europe, actually. Here in Spain it was always at a daytime programmed block airing on the national TV, RTVE's 'La 2' channel, successfully for many seasons.

Now this was straight up weird and wasn't at all what I would've expected from this series in the first place. I do wonder if this
literally history changing "power"
will make a re-appearance sometime later on.
The whole delusional thing has been a bit of a staple of Yura's since the first episode but
actually changing history? Now that's just silly.
I hope the show doesn't completely gloss over that and never touch upon that again since that could go in a very interesting direction.
Gainax can be pretty conservative while doing adaptations, and don't forget that most of the older staff has left. Still, I really hope they follow it up. I had been watching this anime alongside my brother just because he was watching it, but now I'm genuinely interested in a follow up to that stuff.
Apparently eps 4 is just filler from what I read. booo..
This latest episode, as could be translated from the series official twitter account, was true and important foreshadowing (http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=73095696&postcount=2331).

I always preferred naga, mostly because of Slayers, but we're apparently in the minority.
Thanks, now I have that 'oj&#333;-sama' laugh making rounds in my head again!

A true anime
World Cup Champion
La serie original marcó practicamente a todos los futbolistas españoles de esa generación, a TODOS... francamente difícil encontrar por aquella época a algún niño que jugara al fútbol y no hubiera intentado nunca 'La Catapulta Infernal' de los hermanos Derrick (lesión garantizada). ;-D


Hunter x Hunter 90

Finally, we get to see Knuckle and Shoot's nen abilities! And it looks like next episode is
the debut of the King
. Moar! I need moar!


I look forward to the influx of new furry SAO art as a result of this show getting a second wind via Toonami. Silver linings and all that.

If it has Silica or Lisbeth as catgirls Im all for it.

Now I'm curious. Does the LN address this at all? Because the way they made it sound, it seemed like the Nervegear has a rechargeable battery (at least that's what it looked like when they showed the battery sign).

a microwave would require a fair amount of power. If you cut the power supply enough to let the battery run down, without cutting it out altogether, eventually it wouldnt have enough power to run the microwave transmitter and could be safely removed.
The whole thing is stupid as fuck anyway so might as well have a little fun dismantling it.

The reason I dont like SAO has nothing to do with the nervegear anyway and everything to do with how stupid and useless the main characters are, the way the story goes, the sharks it jumps over, and the fun characters it seems to ignore in favor of terrible ones.
Space Battleship Yamato 2199 Episode 19
Whenever the song plays I can now only think of oofuri s1...Anyway, alright episode just tons of setting up for the fight in the rainbow sky which looks like a nice change of background for things and kind of pretty too in terms of the blue and what not colors. Hope it won't go all red and black like usual.
Can we really finish up in the remaining episodes theres still 245 days left, and then also the thing with Starsha and the other one on the ship about not using the wave energy motion as a weapon, that was odd. Also if Sawamura dies... :(


No Scrubs
That's an Adult Swim thing. Its either cut OP, ED, or parts of the show. Blame US TV advertising for that.

Sword Art Online: 01

Sigh... What a stupid idea, with stupid characters, inhabiting a stupid world. Who in the right mind would put on a helmet that takes control of their nerves, with no emergency switch, and expect no problems?

This won't end well.

Don't forget the fact that it's written absolutely horribly. I feel like the first 15 minutes didn't even need to happen and could have been condensed into 3 without loosing anything.


Don't forget the fact that it's written absolutely horribly. I feel like the first 15 minutes didn't even need to happen and could have been condensed into 3 without loosing anything.

I think SAB CA captured perfectly how stupid the very premise of the show is.

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