Crash Station
If it makes you feel better, it's more of a compare and contrast. I haven't seen anyone claim SAO is better in any way yet.
I have. SAO>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.hack. .hack is borrrrrrrrrrrrrrring.
If it makes you feel better, it's more of a compare and contrast. I haven't seen anyone claim SAO is better in any way yet.
Steins;Gate 16
I can't say I saw Daru being Suzu's father coming. Props to Mayuri for putting all of the pieces together.
It's odd how Suzu dies in the year 2000 no matter what happens. Either she remembers her duty suddenly and goes insane or she dies of illness. Well this way they're able to change the divergence number more (though not enough) and I guess get them an IBN 5100 (though they didn't say this outright, but I don't know how it would change if they didn't get one). And Mayuri lives to see beyond 7:30 Aug 13. She may not be out of the woods yet though.
So back when Okabe and Mayuri were in grade school, Mayuri's grandmother died. They showed this a number of times. 2000 would put the two of them in grade school. So...was Suzu Mayuri's grandmother?
Enough for tonight.
I do so enjoy reading Steins;Gate impressions.
its fun to read reactions to terrible anime but its just as nice reading reactions to a good cliffhanger show.
I have. SAO>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.hack. .hack is borrrrrrrrrrrrrrring.
.hack has a; it is instantly superior.yuri ending
People need to get into the habit of declaring which .hack they're talking. If you're talking about SIGN, while I disagree, it does have a glacial pacing that can turn people off. If you're talking about Project .hack and .hack conglomerate as a whole, then haha sure it is.I have. SAO>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.hack. .hack is borrrrrrrrrrrrrrring.
People need to get into the habit of declaring which .hack they're talking. If you're talking about SIGN, while I disagree, it does have a glacial pacing that can turn people off. If you're talking about Project .hack and .hack conglomerate as a whole, then haha sure it is.
Only talking about anime here. Played the first game for 4 hours then stopped since I wasn't having fun at all. Haven't seen any other anime but Sign and I think like 5 or 6 episodes of the Twilight one.
does anyone here have one?
Oppai Mouse Pad: Kurumi Tokisaki
Hugging Pillow Cover: Kurumi Tokisaki
tempted to buy the oppai mouse and Im looking for impressions.
I never understood why Dakis were so expensive. Aren't they just... fabric or something?
I never understood why Dakis were so expensive. Aren't they just... fabric or something?
Get it?
Majestic Prince - 16
Belarus is a pretty random country to elevate to global importance status.
This show is really good at making me want to watch Full Metal Panic. So I've decided to start watching Fumoffu tomorrow.
Too bad that didn't actually happen.incest ending>yuri ending.
The extra three minutes were so worth it for this battle. It was just plain awesome for the Domel forces v Okita (thought Okita lets his Yamato get beat up way too much, looking back over the episodes). And on that point
I never understood why Dakis were so expensive. Aren't they just... fabric or something?
Its what you stuff in them that counts!
rozen maiden 4
still not entirely sure whats going on, but its fun enough to-
my heart :X
its always those unexpected adorable stuff that gets you good.
:sdburton and crazy girls with no pantsu? yes please!
Why would you want to sleep on something that you're pretending is hard as a rock?
I have. SAO>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.hack. .hack is borrrrrrrrrrrrrrring.
Cardcaptor Sakura 59
Tomoyo, if you're going to tell Shaoran to be honest with his feelings about Sakura, you can't have her pulled away for camcorder footage when he's about to confess to her.
Because she'll protect me in her big strong arms. <3
I'll stuff her with bricks to make the experience real.
There's much more in anime than bullshit story and fighting. And at least SIGN not selling rape.
Jormungand - 03
Glad to see they're building on Jonah with each episode, my early fears would be that he would remainThoughan emotionless killing machine without much of a personality but it looks like that won't happen.keep him away from Koko, she belongs to Valmet!
Because she'll protect me in her big strong arms. <3
I'll stuff her with bricks to make the experience real.
That implies Sign had a good story.
Mushibugyo 17
Really enjoyed this episode. Showed how awesome Ooka was I hope to see more fighting from him in the future. Next episode looks great I'm expecting some good fights..
The first half of the show was meh at best but I'm loving the second half so far.
Turning Girls - 07
Oh God Nana's singing. I need more of it. Now.
...wait, is it over?
For that price, the daki had better double as a cheese grater or something anyway.
some use soft filler, some use bricks, some use their imagination, some use their-
I always thought Toei spoilers were bad... and then I saw Bachelorette spoilers. Good god, it makes Toei seem reasonable.
That implies Sign had a good story.
Let me know when they start killing people off on The Bachelorette.
Most of you don't have a daki?!
Most of you don't have a daki?!