komugi ROCKS these things.Yayoi continues to flaunt her shades with pride
komugi ROCKS these things.Yayoi continues to flaunt her shades with pride
Top lewd cut Summer 2013
What is that from?
What is that from?
Looks a lot better.e: ^ it's never too late to join team visor, ura!
I think I've mastered it, Hito. Compare to old:
What is that from?
Should go beyond animes yo
I checked the manga and it looks generic as fuck, it doesn't deserve having such gorgeous cover art.
I hope Mochizuki can rise above that and deliver a good product, like they're apparently doing with Rozen Maiden (haven't watched it yet).
More info on that upcoming Akuma no Riddle yuri action anime seems to have surfaced.
Director: Keizou Kusakawa (Nahana A's/Strikers/1st/2nd, Sekirei, Asura Cryin')
Production: Diomedia
How much of it did you check?
More info on that upcoming Akuma no Riddle yuri action anime seems to have surfaced.
Director: Keizou Kusakawa (Nahana A's/Strikers/1st/2nd, Sekirei, Asura Cryin', Dog Days S1)
Production: Diomedia (Campione, Mondaiji, Squid Girl)
I dunno. Put the new visor on my avy and I can compare them.
Going Home Club First Impressions:
Cute girls doing cute things, fighting bears, making references, and breaking 4th walls. It was a very 'meh' first episode, but there was enough to keep me interested in what the next episode might bring.
It's Aikatsu episode 38; the staff has been getting weird with the oddly well animated minor scenes.
Gintama is already tricky enough to dub, adding a bad voice cast on top of it just killed any humor for me from what I've seen. I mean, it's going to be near impossible to match the JP cast. So many of the character's voices in that show are so iconically tied to their character. Sugita is Gintoki, for example. I can't imagine him any other way. Same for at least Hasegawa, Katsura and Kagura. The fact that sentai was so far off the mark only made the problem way worse.
The best I could do given how small the face is in your avatar:
The best I could do given how small the face is in your avatar:
"My dream is going to break..."
The hair should be over the visor.
She's certainly precocious for a Sailor Senshi of justice and love. Or maybe it's because of it!"My dream is going to break..."
"She's too amazing!"
"Is this the 'two-timing' I've heard about?"
Just... yeah...
It's the ahoge that pierces the heavens.
She's certainly precocious for a Sailor Senshi of justice and love. Or maybe it's because of it!
Is your avatar supposed to represent condom use?She's certainly precocious for a Sailor Senshi of justice and love. Or maybe it's because of it!
Is anyone subscribed to Funimations site for streaming? Would you say it's worth it?
I don't wanna engage in unsafe posting!Is your avatar supposed to represent condom use?
row row fight the powa
what is this show anyway
It actually is, but the colors are so similar that it's hard to tell. Lack of facial detail is why I never do full body avatars!
I think that one is Kitakubu Katsudou Kiroku.
Is anyone subscribed to Funimations site for streaming? Would you say it's worth it?
Dragon Ball Precure.
SetsunaXLove doujin recommendations are always welcome. Just send me a PM.
[Fresh Precure!] 23
Dragon Ball Precure.
I know Toei pulling the fourth Cure card at the title screen only to not show her until the very end is a staple, but it doesn't get any less irritating.I hope the mini-arc with Setsuna not wanting to be a Precure gets resolved soon, because I think we've already had enough moping as much as I like seeing Eas in various states of despair.
I also just realised that Toei reused a bunch of tracks from Fresh in Heartcatch. Good music, but the recycling is nonetheless disappointing!
SetsunaXLove doujin recommendations are always welcome. Just send me a PM.
SUBSCRIBEDbased on the ahoge alone
Wait there are two cute girls in club shows?
More like four.
There's Stella C3-bu, where the club is about shooting each other with model guns.
There's Love Lab, where the club is a Student Council, but they spend all their time doing what the title implies, ie. faux yuri.
There's Kitakubu Katsudou Kiroku, where the club is a "going-home club", which I presume means they just do whatever the fuck they feel like. Haven't actually started watching this one yet.
And finally there's Kin'iro Mosaic, the only one that hasn't started yet. It may or may not involve an actual club, but looks like the same kind of show either way. Cute girls doing cute things. And one of them is English!
...Why am I at work right now, I want to be at home watching the anime I didn't get around to yesterday =(
Top lewd cut Summer 2013:
Until the first episode of Monogatari S2.