Summer 2013 Anime Thread Zero: grown men playing with dolls/who but WB Masochism

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They also apparently showed an officially subtitled version of the latest Kill la Kill CM, for what it's worth. Not that it particular means anything at this point besides proving they're better than Aniplex.
They also apparently showed an officially subtitled version of the latest Kill la Kill CM, for what it's worth. Not that it particular means anything at this point besides proving they're better than Aniplex.
It was fully translated but choppy due to technical issues


So much stuff happening today.
Kill la Kill is punk as hell, Trigger is based as hell, noitaminA is back, Umetsu is back.



Okay, for some monetary goal context -- and somebody please correct me if my facts are wrong -- looking it up, each Anime Mirai project each year receives 38 million yen, which was equivalent to about US$480,000 back in June 2012 when the 2013 projects were decided, but is only equivalent to about US$380,000 by today's exchange rates.

Knowing this, what do you think they'll set as their goal, and what do you think their final total will be?


Whilst listening to This American Life in an effort to chip away at my podcast backlog, there was a segment about Fred Flintstone & Barney Rubble fighting. Unfortunately, I couldn't get into this and spent most of the time considering who was best girl: Betty or Wilma?

Whilst listening to This American Life in an effort to chip away at my podcast backlog, there was a segment about Fred Flintstone & Barney Rubble fighting. Unfortunately, I couldn't get into this and spent most of the time considering who was best girl: Betty or Wilma?

Betty is way hotter.


I'm more worried by whatever schedule they have on this than the money.
"Coming when it's ready"... I'd love to see that and marvel at the idea of them being not totally pressured in excruciating ways by milestones to achieve, even if they still have a compromise with the contributors, but those I'm sure will be more understanding than usual production companies.


Seen this on twitter.


...Yes, I would probably pay money for that.

Characters die in this? I thought it was a school anime?

DTL, stop being :kayos. The premise is that the students are trapped in the school by a sadistic bear mascot thing and instructed to kill each other if they want to escape. And a central part of the gameplay in the original game is murder trials. OF COURSE THERE IS DEATH.

Danganronpa 1

Damn, this is a total minimum effort adaptation. I'm pretty sure one scene was literally lifted from an animated cutscene in the game. Everything from the way the characters just stand around to the lack of animation in general suggests they barely tried to make this a step above a visual novel.

The bolded part in particular, I'm not sure you can really put down to laziness. Most of these short animated sequences from the game are pretty iconic for the series, and it would feel pretty awkward to me if they tried to show those scenes without reproducing the same stylish animation that the game used.

For now, I think I'll just stick with the game. Maybe I'll come back to the anime when I'm finished with that and can deal with an abridged version without feeling like I'm missing something.

Can't fault this decision though.
Everyone's impressions make me feel like I just need to stop footing around and finally mod my PSP and import Danganrompa as opposed to watching it
I post my impressions of Symphogear and everyone's screaming about some kickstarter. What is this "Little Witch Academia " you people speak of?


Okay, for some monetary goal context -- and somebody please correct me if my facts are wrong -- looking it up, each Anime Mirai project each year receives 38 million yen, which was equivalent to about US$480,000 back in June 2012 when the 2013 projects were decided, but is only equivalent to about US$380,000 by today's exchange rates.

Knowing this, what do you think they'll set as their goal, and what do you think their final total will be?

If they want to have a production budget of at least $380k, I think they will need a goal at $500k minimum. Amazon payments takes 5%, Kickstarter takes 5%, and they'll need $50-100k set aside for physical goods (they'll certainly have a lot of those if they want to be successful) and shipping.


Okay, for some monetary goal context -- and somebody please correct me if my facts are wrong -- looking it up, each Anime Mirai project each year receives 38 million yen, which was equivalent to about US$480,000 back in June 2012 when the 2013 projects were decided, but is only equivalent to about US$380,000 by today's exchange rates.

Knowing this, what do you think they'll set as their goal, and what do you think their final total will be?

I'm more curious about the reward tiers.

Give me an original sketch and I'll dump 5k.
I don't know what this Witch Academia is that you guys speak of, but I'm guessing it has to be great if everyone's happy for the kickstarter. I saw a small clip of it on youtube and the animation looked spectacular so I'm guessing that's one oft the reasons.

I'll watch the whole thing later, I see that the whole episode is on youtube anyways.
Outlaw Star 3

Why cant this be on BD in the US, its so fun. I think the antagonists are kind of goofy but somehow charming in some odd way even if they are tiger hybrids of some odd kingdom with a weird name.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
I don't know what this Witch Academia is that you guys speak of, but I'm guessing it has to be great if everyone's happy for the kickstarter. I saw a small clip of it on youtube and the animation looked spectacular so I'm guessing that's one oft the reasons.
It's actually shit, we only like it as an elaborate joke on 7th.
I don't know what this Witch Academia is that you guys speak of, but I'm guessing it has to be great if everyone's happy for the kickstarter. I saw a small clip of it on youtube and the animation looked spectacular so I'm guessing that's one oft the reasons.

I'll watch the whole thing later, I see that the whole episode is on youtube anyways.

Awesome 26 minutes ..sometimes i try to look at some flaws but i haven't found them


Whilst listening to This American Life in an effort to chip away at my podcast backlog, there was a segment about Fred Flintstone & Barney Rubble fighting. Unfortunately, I couldn't get into this and spent most of the time considering who was best girl: Betty or Wilma?

Betty is best.

I post my impressions of Symphogear and everyone's screaming about some kickstarter. What is this "Little Witch Academia " you people speak of?

Happiness and love.
Sucy is best girl.
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