Summer 2013 Anime Thread Zero: grown men playing with dolls/who but WB Masochism

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Seen this on twitter.

I like the name change, lol
It's been a while since I watched anything. Gurren Lagann can take a lot out of you. Nothing this season so far has captured my interest. Except for the two magical girl shows airing tomorrow.

I'm thinking of getting into Symphogear. It's got an interesting Sci-Fi fantasy look, which thanks to Gurren Lagann I'm an even bigger fan of. Since it's got another season starting up I'm thinking giving the first season a shot. What's the general consensus on it here AnimeGAF?

Symphogear has great music, and mostly good action with some pretty epic gun and missile attacks (best character). Outside of that it kind of falters when they are fighting or singing. Worthwhile.
Next Right Stuf/Lucky Penny license announcement is Shukufuku no Campanella (Blessing of the Campanella). Previously only streaming from Funimation. 2014 DVD with OVA, sub only.

Next Right Stuf/Lucky Penny license: SENGOKU COLLECTION! Also 2014, DVD sub only.

Huh, I guess Right Stuf/Lucky Penny is going to be picking up stuff that Funi/Sentai passed on.

I guess at least, we'll maybe see some nice extras with them.
...I'm aware. If you didn't notice, I've been listing them as they were announced in this very thread.

Anyway, the official site is live with all the details, so everyone can check it out.

And if anyone wants more details on any of the shows, you can check the press release or the ANN article.

Oh snap, the zombie Tokyopop and RightStuf are bringing more Hetalia volumes? Awesome.

And that site must have fullfilled some long ago dream of seeing an anime warehouse.
Oofuri 8

Tajima is so hilarious. I hope he gives even more moments. For the sports stuff the alpha wave discussion kind of dragged on through at least gave more handholding so it was worthwhile and the rest, Im ready for the next game, or more time with the team instead of everyone else. However, I wouldn't mind if Rio was relevant to the plot.


Couple things from the Right Stuf panel Q&A (from bayoab)
Q: Any reason for the push of shows with strong female leads?
A: They are good shows. The fact is they are overlooked by everyone else and they are good shows. That's the short answer to your question.

Q: Complexity in licensing blu-rays for titles that have blu-rays in Japan?
A: Number of issues there, one being blu-rays as a whole are more expensive, one we are selling to a smaller audience so we have to look at what will be possible for us and we have to figure out if we can make money. We do run a business, the fact of the matter is we are looking at bluray [but] it will be a case by case basis. It will depend on the materials in Japan. For example, as much as i like princess nine, we're not going to release that on blu-ray, there isn't a market for it.

Q: Any more niche classics.?
A: I love the classics, any of these i can bring back to america, i will... i think japan has become more receptive to the titles, it's still a case by case basis of working with the licensor for the titles. There are titles that i think we have a market and can sell and be profitable, i'll release those.

Q: Have you ever considered licensing Future Boy Conan?
A: Maybe. That's about as much answer as you will get from me today.
Danganronpa 1

Damn, this is a total minimum effort adaptation. I'm pretty sure one scene was literally lifted from an animated cutscene in the game. Everything from the way the characters just stand around to the lack of animation in general suggests they barely tried to make this a step above a visual novel.

For now, I think I'll just stick with the game. Maybe I'll come back to the anime when I'm finished with that and can deal with an abridged version without feeling like I'm missing something.


Seen this on twitter.

This should have been the swimming show we got. :-(

And I just found out that Genshiken is having another season?! Dear lord, it's been so many years since the first season broadcast. When I watched NHK a few years back, I was planning to watch Genshiken, but I never found a legal way of viewing it.

Actually, would someone who adored Welcome to NHK be a major fan of Genshiken? I've heard people compared the two shows.


The Light of El Cantare
Yeah but Id only watch parts with Ieyasu in it.
that show is so terrible.

Ieyasu was one of the worst things about SenColle though. Her episode didn't even really have much in the way of the clever and experimental direction, good art, or film references that made most of the other episodes interesting. It was just moeblobbin'.
Symphogear - 1

Well that was something else! Seriously what the hell did I just watch?

First off the opening scene is a girl crying over another girl's grave. Then it flashes back two years ago, watching the dead girl at a concert.

After a badass awesome musical number which I swear was probably created by fusing the openings from Madoka and Nanoha A's together, these things attack. Wait, the people know these "Noise" things? Is this a common occurrence?

I'm not gonna lie, I liked the fact that the characters were singing another badass musical number while fighting. But I bet the writers knew how screwed they were when they realised the characters can't call out attack names while singing. The solution? Freeze frame to pointlessly show the name of the attack. Was that really necessary? You could just have them attack you know. It worked in Madoka Magica so I'm pretty sure it would've work here.

Oh, that's how this Hibiki girl dies-oh wait she gets saved. Oh so now we're back to the present and this girl is at some music school.

WAIT, DAFAQ? But she's dead in the opening scene! What happened? Is this some kind of countdown clock to the character's death? Well that's stupid! That's like watching Code Geass where
the opening was Euphemia being shot by Lelouch, and then C.C.'s opening narration starts.
Completely spoiling the upcoming plot twist.

Holy shit that transformation. Oh so she's a wolf mecha girl? Huh, no wonder she's gonna die. Her wolf fang fists will get her nowhere.

I've never been racked with so many questions at the beginning of anime before. Who are these people? What is going on? What are these Noise things? What the hell is this place?

I may not have been a fan of long opening narrations but at least say something about what's going on here! Ugh...This is gonna be a weird one.


I really should finish watching Aku No Hana, Gargentia, Devil and his Part-Time job, and Valvarie. But Utena is better than all of those shows!...Well, ok, maybe Aku No Hana is on the same caliber as Utena-sama...

Which summer shows should I jump on? The only show I have lined up is The World God Only Knows.


Danganronpa First Impressions:

So far the first episode seems to borrow a lot of the animations from the game and I mean a LOT. The pacing seems to be quite a bit faster than the game which could be detriment to those who haven't played it yet. I'm currently playing the game, and watching this episode is a great summary to the prologue/chapter I finished a couple days ago.



This should have been the swimming show we got. :-(

And I just found out that Genshiken is having another season?! Dear lord, it's been so many years since the first season broadcast. When I watched NHK a few years back, I was planning to watch Genshiken, but I never found a legal way of viewing it.

Actually, would someone who adored Welcome to NHK be a major fan of Genshiken? I've heard people compared the two shows.

Genshiken is way more slapstick and lighthearted but both shows deal heavily with otaku tendencies.

Ieyasu was one of the worst things about SenColle though. Her episode didn't even really have much in the way of the clever and experimental direction, good art, or film references that made most of the other episodes interesting. It was just moeblobbin'.

But...I like moeblobs! Thats why I liked Ieyasu in the first place :D


We hit triple digits!

Legend of the Galactic Heroes - 100: Hoff, Kaiserin!

~ Hoff, Kaiserin! ~

And the wedding bells toll! Prosit! Damn, Hildegard's New Years dress is ugly.
Pretty funny how Reinhard and Hildegard keep using those professional titles. Say what you want, but their relationship is quite stiff to me. Annerose and Reinhard finally met up again. That's been quite a while, probably from the first half of this series! And it's true what Hildegard says: Annerose has changed the galaxy merely by existing.
Neither Wagner or Mendelssohn make their appearance at the wedding ceremony. Instead we get... Händel's Royal Fireworks? I guess that fits the theme of a noble wedding too. Always interesting to see what selection they make for these important moments.
Jeez, Von Oberstein sure knows how to dampen the mood. Can't even let them walk the entire aisle.


I guess a quick simulcast wrap-up as of now couldn't hurt.

Shows currently with no announced simulcast -- above the line have currently aired at least one episode:

Kingdom S2 (previous season simulcast by Funi)
Tamayura More Aggressive (previous season NOT simulcast)
Love Lab
Symphogear G (previous season simulcast by Funico)
Ro-kyu-bu SS (previous season simulcast by TAN)
Kamisama no Inai Nichiyoubi
High School DxD New (previous season simulcast by Funico)
Uchouten Kazoku
Blood Lad
Makai Ouji: Devils and Realist
Kaminomi S3 (previous season simulcast by CR)
Gatchaman Crowds
Kimi no Iru Machi

Crunchyroll has two more slots on their summer lineup page and their AX panel is tomorrow.
Viz and Funimation both have their AX panels on Sunday.

So, that's where we stand right now. Of course CR could always add more simulcast slots and any company can randomly announce stuff via PR but for now, depending on what might get announced at AX panels, it seems that a few more shows might fall through the cracks compared to last season.
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