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Summer 2013 Anime Thread Zero: grown men playing with dolls/who but WB Masochism

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Strike Witches 06

Look at that face
This episode was pretty cute and :SDBurton, Sanya is pretty damn adorable. I knew I was right to expect big things from her! Episode almost killed me. Plenty of Lucchini being Lucchini and other antics too. :RegulusTera too.
Also amusing were these two shots, and also how uncreative they are with these names. Orussia and Suomus. Might as well as call them by their real names.
A completely unremarkable amount of butts. Probably run out of their butt budget from 05.

This got me good.
Unless the characters and themes dramatically change, it just goes to show that it can be a very nebulous term.

I'm firmly in the camp of using the shonen, seinen, shojo, josei categories depending on the story, the themes and the style, and ignore what people says about the magazine where it was published.

An example, Gunslinger girl is classified as shonen in MU!
Kiniro Mosaic



Nice to see the show delivered. Will keep watching for your impressions.


It may seem overly predictable to keep making these posts, but Sentai has licensed Watamote.

Sentai does it again!

Here is a full list of all the Summer season shows that Sentai has already picked up:

- Hakkenden S2
- Fantasista Doll
- C3-Bu
- Inu to Hasami wa Tsukaiyou
- Rozen Maiden: Zurückspulen
- Kin-iro Mosaic
- Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya
- Kamisama no Inai Nichiyoubi
- Watamote

Sentai REALLY wants my money.

Kiniro Mosaic









Kiniro Mosaic



You are the best ever.

Kiniro Mosaic: 01

To be honest, I forgot why I was even watching this show. But its adorable, and the mostly competent English had some hilarious slip ups, so.... maybe I'll continue watching.


I just finished watching From the New World and I really enjoyed it. I liked its atmosphere a ton as well as the unraveling of what's really going on within its world. Call me crazy, but I love in anime when they don't tell you a lot of stuff and you are confused. You guys have any suggestions of shows somewhat like this?

Bonus GIF I made for it!


One would assume so anyway. lol


Kiniro Mosaic


I had no idea what this show was, so I wasn't going to prioritize it until I saw sonicmj's post about it.

It's funny, because the first part of the show reminded me exactly of Ikoku Meiro Crosee, the show about a Japanese girl moving to Paris. Now, one of the bonus OVA spinoffs/manga spinoffs of that show was that the girl, also named Alice, ends up going to Japan to visit Yune because she becomes a Japanophile...

I always thought it'd be funny to see the other side of that cultural exchange story, and here we are.

I also liked that the first half was in "English". I suppose it's easy to do when it's just a one off thing for 15 minutes though.

But anyway, I'm glad I watched this. It looks like there are 5 "girl" shows this season, which is a crazy fucking overload, but they're all different enough that there really isn't any overlap between them... much like the season of shoujo from last year.

Updated ranking time: Tamayura > Kiniro Mosaic > Love Lab > C3-bu = KKK.

Comparisons to Croisee are very promising. Really enjoyed that fish out of water type of story and hopefully this show does it just as cutely.


monogatari second season - 01

The first half of this episode is the ugliest thing this season. Once it returns to familiar sights--Oshino's lair--it stops being such an eyesore, but it says much about the current state of production at Shaft when the only piece of visually competent design comes from an area first visited in the first episode of the first series.

+ Hanekawa is cute.

+ Hanekawa with short hair is cuter.

+ Hanekawa plus bedhead is the moe-est.


My liking for Hanekawa aside, her story has been played out so much that it's hard to get excited for whatever he Tiger story will pull out. This is a girl who at this point just needs to like, go to America or something already.

Along the way, Senjougahara becomes that which she was only a proxy for early on in the series--the author has always tried to wolde he bothe eate his cake, and haveth his cake too with the fanservice and the accompanying poking-of/satire/blahblahblah, but it no longer even has that parodic edge to rely on as an excuse. That entire conversation where Senjougahara convinces Hanekawa to take a shower with her is emblematic of the series' decline as a whole, blithely relying on a history of parody to dress up this scenario as something it's not. Even as an attempt at injecting some sexuality into what's really a platonic encounter it fails--I mean, I can't get aroused at such poorly-drawn collarbones. C'mon. We have standards around here.

I want to add some cheeky 'but I'll be back for more anyways' remark but I easily dropped Nisemonogatari and I'll probably drop this too.
Monogatari Season 2: Nekomonogatari White


And the angles around Mayoi made it look like she's wearing nothing at all, nothing at all, nothing at all.

Anyway, there were things I wasn't really expecting from Senjou, and a whole lot of girl on girl talk going about. Really lewd. Then it dawned on me that I don't know why I'm watching as it airs since the lewd will probably increase with the Blu Ray releases.


Monogatari Season 2: Nekomonogatari White


And the angles around Mayoi made it look like she's wearing nothing at all, nothing at all, nothing at all.

Anyway, there were things I wasn't really expecting from Senjou, and a whole lot of girl on girl talk going about. Really lewd. Then it dawned on me that I don't know why I'm watching as it airs since the lewd will probably increase with the Blu Ray releases.

Or in some cases decrease...


Coppelion Episode 1(?)-


First footage I guess: http://youtu.be/nxdpa6-8Qk0

So they pretty much just dumped the first episode at Anime Expo. Overall reaction was meh. It felt like watching a C rate studio try their hand at The Last of Us. Yes the similarities are mostly superficial mainly in the setting but I still got certain vibes. For anybody not following the history of this troubled production, apparently it was supposed to have aired awhile ago but nothing was heard and people thought it got canned(maybe it did). The story itself takes place in Tokyo after something happened and radiation levels spiked. The obvious reaction would be that a bombed dropped on the city but this doesn't actually seem to be the case. The first episode doesn't make clear what the cause was but it doesn't look to be war related. Three girls and a small squad of men are sent into the city. The squad of men seem to be primarily interested in the thing at Ground Zero while the girls' mission is to find survivors, I guess. The mission for the girls isn't really that clear as they're supposed to find survivors and just leave them alone. The girls themselves are immune to radiation. At the time I thought it was stupid as fuck but I did some googling and apparently it is possible. Anyway they also have some other superhuman abilities but it's kinda glossed over for the time being.

So the first episode is mainly the girls wandering around the outskirts of the city. It's quite boring for the most part and isn't really that interesting. There is minimal use of sound initially in order to increase that feel of loneliness but the shots don't linger in the right place for long enough. There is a good sense of overgrowth though and the background art definitely reminded me of TLoU.

I had a few issues with the episode. The first is that I'm not sure what the show wants to be. Is it supposed to be a character study of these girls as they wander an Industrial forest? The problem with this is that there seemingly is supposed to be this feeling of isolation but the girls have radios which they use to contact their commander who airs stuff on television. There isn't that sense of isolation so far. The personalities of the girls too are way too variable. They just jump all over the place and it doesn't feel natural. Kana Hanazawa is in this and plays the genki girl but the genki girl has wild mood swings.

The major problem though is the coloring. I'm not a fan of GoHands previous works and a big reason is the damn color filter. It adds this unnecessary element to the show where something naturalistic is needed to emphasis how normal everything is. Instead it creates this fake and gaudy look to many of the scenes.

The other issue is the camera. It feels like shakycam as it's all over the place at times and you can't see shit in the more dynamic/action sequences. It's really atrocious for the final end bit. The camera moves around way too much and really doesn't add anything to the scenes other than attracting attention to the camera-work. Less is more and the director/animators don't know this. A minimalistic feel should have been the goal for this show but it really doesn't come across.

My impression was meh as well. The coloring and camerawork really screw the show up at times. There is one scene at the end too that is on the level of Prometheus-writing bad. It's an interesting concept but I'm not sure the execution does it justice.

I know you are down on this but it looks pretty amazing to me and right up my alley. I should at least give it a chance.

When does it air?


The Light of El Cantare
Anyway, there were things I wasn't really expecting from Senjou, and a whole lot of girl on girl talk going about. Really lewd. Then it dawned on me that I don't know why I'm watching as it airs since the lewd will probably increase with the Blu Ray releases.

SHAFT giveth, but SHAFT also taketh away in BDs. Now that Ararararagi's abs are gone, they have no one left to target but the girls.
The ED turned me off fast, so Im not even going to consider watching it.



Can you really resist that? :b Gasper might be making an appearance which will wear you down!

Daaaamn it, if it wasn't for Akeno I wouldn't be suckered into this again.

I need my waifu though.

I quite like the light novels but enjoy Akeno in this season. :) Her focus will probably be in the later half of Season 2 or maybe 3.

Ranking time.

Akeno > Rias > Koneko >> Asia

Rias >>> Akeno > Koneko > Asia > Xenovia > Ravel > Irina > Rossweisse

The main wife is the best waifu! ^_^

It'll just be wall to wall lightbeams though? I can't bring myself to watch that.

What? The anime is shown on ATX channel where all the non lightbars are at. Depends if you watch the censored version or not.


Kamisama no Inai Nichiyoubi 1

what is happening I don't even

So there's a cute little girl, Ai, who is the main character. Her mother died when she was seven (CAN YOU TELL THIS IS GOING TO BE TRAGIC YET) and so the people of the town decided she should be the new town "gravekeeper" (because you know, that's a thing that you decide a seven-year-old girl should be).

Oh, and in this world, a "gravekeeper" isn't a person who buries the dead. It's a person who buries the people who should be dead because otherwise they all become zombies. Apparently this happened because the world was abandoned by God or something. So basically little girl's job is to kill people. That's great, townsfolk, I'm glad you all thought this was a good idea.

So this town and indeed this entire world seems creepy enough even before things start happening. Then our adorable little gravekeeper girl comes back from the graveyard one day after finishing digging enough graves for all the people in the town (because that's not creepy or ominous at all) to find the town strangely abandoned. Then she meets some guy who points a fucking gun at her. Except then he seems to think better of it and just has a creepy conversation with her instead. No dude you do not get to just NOT EXPLAIN why you just pulled a fucking gun out and pressed it against this girl's head. Except apparently he does get away with this. Goddammit.

So the guy calls himself Humpney Humbart. Ai recognises this name - her adoptive mother told her that's what her REAL DADDY is called (that's right, her mother is dead and she never knew her father and she lives in a world of zombies and her job is to dig graves and kill people how is this girl even capable of smiling.) So now she thinks this guy is her father, which seems to amuse him to no end.

After a creepy conversation, the Humpney Humbart guy he says he has a job for Ai because she's the gravekeeper. Then he shows her that he has murdered everyone in the village. Oh except one guy who is still walking around with a giant hole in his head. So Humpney shoots him again by threatening to shoot the girl and making the zombie villager protect her with his no-longer-existent life. MY FUCKING GOD, WHO WROTE THIS. DO THEY HAVE NO SOUL.

And you know what? There is nothing the girl can do about any of this. She just has to follow the guy's instructions and bury kill everyone she has ever known, and then she kind of vaguely follows after the guy who destroyed her life because what the fuck else is she supposed to do.

But the guy isn't done destroying her life yet. First he explains that Humpney Humbart isn't even a real name, it's just something from a fairy tale that he adopted for the luls. Which implies that her real father is also just a lie that the villagers made up. But that's not the only thing she's been lied to about - apparently she can't really be a gravekeeper because real gravekeepers are inhuman beings with no emotions and no parents. So the whole town has been lying about her purpose in life as well.


(I'm going to keep watching this. Because I guess I must hate happiness or something.)
SHAFT giveth, but SHAFT also taketh away in BDs. Now that Ararararagi's abs are gone, they have no one left to target but the girls.

It feels so weird to not have him around, so is this trying to parody SDBurton now?

Kamisama no Inai Nichiyoubi 1

what is happening I don't even

So there's a cute little girl, Ai, who is the main character. Her mother died when she was seven (CAN YOU TELL THIS IS GOING TO BE TRAGIC YET) and so the people of the town decided she should be the new town "gravekeeper" (because you know, that's a thing that you decide a seven-year-old girl should be).

Oh, and in this world, a "gravekeeper" isn't a person who buries the dead. It's a person who buries the people who should be dead because otherwise they all become zombies. Apparently this happened because the world was abandoned by God or something. So basically little girl's job is to kill people. That's great, townsfolk, I'm glad you all thought this was a good idea.

So this town and indeed this entire world seems creepy enough even before things start happening. Then our adorable little gravekeeper girl comes back from the graveyard one day after finishing digging enough graves for all the people in the town (because that's not creepy or ominous at all) to find the town strangely abandoned. Then she meets some guy who points a fucking gun at her. Except then he seems to think better of it and just has a creepy conversation with her instead. No dude you do not get to just NOT EXPLAIN why you just pulled a fucking gun out and pressed it against this girl's head. Except apparently he does get away with this. Goddammit.

So the guy calls himself Humpney Humbart. Ai recognises this name - her adoptive mother told her that's what her REAL DADDY is called (that's right, her mother is dead and she never knew her father and she lives in a world of zombies and her job is to dig graves and kill people how is this girl even capable of smiling.) So now she thinks this guy is her father, which seems to amuse him to no end.

After a creepy conversation, the Humpney Humbart guy he says he has a job for Ai because she's the gravekeeper. Then he shows her that he has murdered everyone in the village. Oh except one guy who is still walking around with a giant hole in his head. So the guy shoots him again by threatening to shoot the girl and making the zombie villager protect her with his no-longer-existent life. MY FUCKING GOD, WHO WROTE THIS. DO THEY HAVE NO SOUL.

And you know what? There is nothing the girl can do about any of this. She just has to follow the guy's instructions and bury kill everyone she has ever known, and then she kind of vaguely follows after the guy who destroyed her life because what the fuck else is she supposed to do.

But the guy isn't done destroying her life yet. First he explains that Humpney Humbart isn't even a real name, it's just something from a fairy tale that he adopted for the luls. Which implies that her real father is also just a lie that the villagers made up. But that's not the only thing she's been lied to about - apparently she can't really be a gravekeeper because real gravekeepers are inhuman beings with no emotions and no parents. So the whole town has been lying about her purpose in life as well.


(I'm going to keep watching this. Because I guess I must hate happiness or something.)

This sounds like the greatest thing.
15:28:58 <bay|AX|FUNi> dangan ronpa tba
15:29:02 <bay|AX|FUNi> brothers comflict tba
15:29:05 <bay|AX|FUNi> simulcasts...
15:29:18 <bay|AX|FUNi> who doesn't know what a simulcast is... (wow, a number of people)
15:29:23 <bay|AX|FUNi> (Explaining it)

So still no timing for Funi's summer shows but still nice to know they don't really get the word, simulcasts.


Kamisama no Inai Nichiyoubi 1

what is happening I don't even

So there's a cute little girl, Ai, who is the main character. Her mother died when she was seven (CAN YOU TELL THIS IS GOING TO BE TRAGIC YET) and so the people of the town decided she should be the new town "gravekeeper" (because you know, that's a thing that you decide a seven-year-old girl should be).

Oh, and in this world, a "gravekeeper" isn't a person who buries the dead. It's a person who buries the people who should be dead because otherwise they all become zombies. Apparently this happened because the world was abandoned by God or something. So basically little girl's job is to kill people. That's great, townsfolk, I'm glad you all thought this was a good idea.

So this town and indeed this entire world seems creepy enough even before things start happening. Then our adorable little gravekeeper girl comes back from the graveyard one day after finishing digging enough graves for all the people in the town (because that's not creepy or ominous at all) to find the town strangely abandoned. Then she meets some guy who points a fucking gun at her. Except then he seems to think better of it and just has a creepy conversation with her instead. No dude you do not get to just NOT EXPLAIN why you just pulled a fucking gun out and pressed it against this girl's head. Except apparently he does get away with this. Goddammit.

So the guy calls himself Humpney Humbart. Ai recognises this name - her adoptive mother told her that's what her REAL DADDY is called (that's right, her mother is dead and she never knew her father and she lives in a world of zombies and her job is to dig graves and kill people how is this girl even capable of smiling.) So now she thinks this guy is her father, which seems to amuse him to no end.

After a creepy conversation, the Humpney Humbart guy he says he has a job for Ai because she's the gravekeeper. Then he shows her that he has murdered everyone in the village. Oh except one guy who is still walking around with a giant hole in his head. So Humpney shoots him again by threatening to shoot the girl and making the zombie villager protect her with his no-longer-existent life. MY FUCKING GOD, WHO WROTE THIS. DO THEY HAVE NO SOUL.

And you know what? There is nothing the girl can do about any of this. She just has to follow the guy's instructions and bury kill everyone she has ever known, and then she kind of vaguely follows after the guy who destroyed her life because what the fuck else is she supposed to do.

But the guy isn't done destroying her life yet. First he explains that Humpney Humbart isn't even a real name, it's just something from a fairy tale that he adopted for the luls. Which implies that her real father is also just a lie that the villagers made up. But that's not the only thing she's been lied to about - apparently she can't really be a gravekeeper because real gravekeepers are inhuman beings with no emotions and no parents. So the whole town has been lying about her purpose in life as well.


(I'm going to keep watching this. Because I guess I must hate happiness or something.)

This seems rather upbeat. Might have to check it out.


So... apparently Funi was so worried about panel time that they made all their announcements at their previous panel on Thursday.

Well I guess they did announce today that their Ghost in the Shell Arise limited import release will be on August 20.

They did remember to mention Neptunia near the end of the panel, by the way, but its simulcast schedule is also TBA.
Waiting for that tier list.

Here, I'll post mine to tide you over till then.

BroCon 01


It's an UPPER BODY kind of day.

I also like how she just lingers right here.

So, otome lead with no personality. Hell, the bad mascot feels more likely to hook up one of the guys than she will.

And rankings cause why the hell not?

Basketball > Twins > Red tsundere > Doctor > The other guy in white > Singer > Everyone else > Shota


Haha, Funi laying down the law early to hopefully weed out stupid Q&A stuff... or at least avoid having to continually answer "no comment" and "we're looking into it":
16:08:51 <bay|AX|FUNi> what we can't talk about:
16:08:04 <bay|AX|FUNi> new shows not yet licensed
16:08:07 <bay|AX|FUNi> old shows not yet licensed
16:08:15 <bay|AX|FUNi> new episodes for shows we have already licensed
16:08:20 <bay|AX|FUNi> what shows we are looking to license
16:08:31 <bay|AX|FUNi> what agencies our voice actors use
16:08:35 <bay|AX|FUNi> the dub cast for any shows announced today

edit to below: yeah, bayoab just noted they have someone screening the questions here too
Haha, Funi laying down the law early to hopefully weed out stupid Q&A stuff... or at least avoid having to continually answer "no comment" and "we're looking into it":

Definitely seems like this year they are trying to get rid of the stupid questions asked at these panels, like how yesterday at Aksys's they had a moderator to screen questions before being asked.
Kiniro Mosiac 1

Well this kinda gave me a magical feel in regards to exploring the wonders of friendship, I blame the obscene amount of English being mixed in.

I like how the girls just shouted Hello to each other as Shinobu was leaving. Also dat time skip. People are incapable of changing their body too much, so they just grow out their hair.

Pretty happy go lucky


Uchouten Kazoku 1

Pros of this show:
- Great OP and ED
- Really quirky and unique
- Tanuki! And tengu!
- In Kyoto! Kyoto is like my favourite city in the world.
- Main character is male but decides to take the form of a cute girl because dude, if you can shapeshift, why would you NOT become a cute girl. I can definitely get behind this logic.
- Oh my god people fly in this show and it looks amazing. Why do I not have tengu powers.
- Motto of the show seems to be basically "enjoy life". APPROVED.

Cons of this show:
- Dude, if you're going to become a cute girl, change your voice too. Cute girls should not be voiced by Sakurai Takahiro.


Kiniro Mosaic 01

This was pretty adorable. Definitely one of the better things this season. I'm starting to get excited about Summer now. I also found it interesting how they went with a different aspect ratio for the parts of the episode that were set in the past/England, nice little quirk. Engrish was pretty competent too with some hilarious mistakes (she actually says desert) thrown in.
Will keep watching.
Praised be the Summer. Vive la lolilution.


The Light of El Cantare

Amazingly, Kiniro Mosaic isn't even the most egregious example this season. Just in case anyone didn't see the link in my Genei o Kakeru Taiyou review yesterday, THIS IS SUPPOSED TO BE AN ADULT:



Kiniro Mosaic 01

This was pretty adorable. Definitely one of the better things this season. I'm starting to get excited about Summer now. I also found it interesting how they went with a different aspect ratio for the parts of the episode that were set in the past/England, nice little quirk. Engrish was pretty competent too with some hilarious mistakes[/URL (she actually says desert) thrown in.
Will keep watching.
Praised be the Summer.

I see a hilarious mistake here too!

Anyway looks like Summer won't be the Season of Backlogs after all.
Amazingly, Kiniro Mosaic isn't even the most egregious example this season. Just in case anyone didn't see the link in my Genei o Kakeru Taiyou review yesterday, THIS IS SUPPOSED TO BE AN ADULT:




But lolis don't have breasts! It's clear that the creators were inspired by Harvest Moon to try something similar.
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