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Summer 2013 Anime Thread Zero: grown men playing with dolls/who but WB Masochism

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Oreimo 13

That was the ending? lol

Free 1

So dramatic, there's a lot of wub wub in this show too. Seems like it will be fun to watch, and the swimming/water animation is pretty.

Tamayura: More Aggressive 1



Tragedy ?

it's a roller coaster of bad decisions

Eh, first three or so eps were really boring for me.
Yeah, it starts off pretty slow.
Did you guys also skip straight to the page where Oedipus gouges out his own eyes in Oedipus Rex?

Oedipus is a sympathizable character and the struggle between fate and free will he expresses is a theme reaching to the heart of what it means to be human. Can the same be said of the protagonist of School Days?


Since a new season of TWGOK is airing tomorrow (today?), I guess I should ask if it's worth picking the series up. To be honest it wasn't really on my radar until I saw dat opening.


They are, actually, being mindful of harem tropes and all. All the show needed was a Greek chorus.

You're ignoring the properties of the text, in that there's a filter - called Keitaro Motonaga, among others - between the anime and the viewer. One's otherwise immutable outside of translation snafus; its impact reaches the viewer as intended. The other is from the director of Date A Live. I'd rather not get into a pissing match over the various qualities of Oedipus as compared to . . . fucking School Days.

I'm sure you guys are right about it being a tragedy, but that doesn't say much - being a tragedy isn't some unique niche occupied by only a few select works.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
I skipped to the part where he fucks his mom.
Joke's on you because that happens off-screen!
Oedipus is a sympathizable character and the struggle between fate and free will he expresses is a theme reaching to the heart of what it means to be human. Can the same be said of the protagonist of School Days?
I think you can make the argument that Sekai is supposed to be the focus of human empathy in School Days. She struggles between her romantic feelings and her sense of respect for whatsherface's relationship with Makoto.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
You're ignoring the properties of the text, in that there's a filter - called Keitaro Motonaga, among others - between the anime and the viewer. One's otherwise immutable outside of translation snafus; its impact reaches the viewer as intended. The other is from the director of Date A Live. I'd rather not get into a pissing match over the various qualities of Oedipus as compared to . . . fucking School Days.

I'm sure you guys are right about it being a tragedy, but that doesn't say much - being a tragedy isn't some unique niche occupied by only a few select works.
Oh, I sure hope nobody misconstrued my posts in favour of School Days as it having the same kind of literary merit as Oedipus Rex. I think the stance we are holding here is that going straight for the conclusion misses the point of what the show is trying to achieve.


I kinda got curious about this from the "Anime is only as good as it's opening song" thread -- who are some of the most prominent names to know when it specifically comes to direction of OP/ED sequences?

(By the way, the train of thought that led to this was remembering that one of my favorite standard shonen OPs was Diver from Naruto Shippuden, then looking up who the director was on that led me to learn about Toshiyuki Tsuru who was apparently responsible for the god-tier sakuga filler arc a bit ago)


Oh, I sure hope nobody misconstrued my posts in favour of School Days as having the same kind of literary merit as Oedipus Rex. I think the stance we are holding here is that going straight for the conclusion misses the point of what the show is trying to achieve.

It seems to be going for the sort of catharsis akin to stepping out of a hot car and feeling the 'cool' breeze. It doesn't bode well for a show when its appeal seems to hinge almost entirely on the ending, but when people just watch the ending, the insistence is that the ending alone doesn't quite encompass the school days experience.

The point that the opposition is making is that they'd rather not sit through the 'experience' because that experience is without worth and the sort of catharsis promised by watching the whole thing is tied more to masochism than genuine appreciation.
School Days - 1

The hell kind of urban legend is this? Take a photo of someone and wait three weeks without anyone finding out, and then things go well between you and them? Come on! Not even 4chan could come up with something that ridiculous!

So here we have Makoto. He just got a crush on ZuraKatsura and randomly took a picture of her. I'm pretty sure if I did that on a train, the girl would smash my phone. Oh look someone found out about the picture! I guess things are going to go down to shit now.

This is playing out like almost every other romance I've seen with the exception of Clannad. Nervous guy, nice girl, other girl trying to help him, etc.

This Sekai girl seems a little too eager to help Makoto get his girl. You're doing it because it's fun? That seems a little too-wait what? WHAT.

She kisses him, then wishes luck on his date...

...Congratulations Sekai! You have now been dubbed in my book as female-Dio. Good job. I've got the strangest feeling that things are going to go in strange directions.


Poet Centuriate
The Count of Monte Cristo 8

So Albert, are you starting to see that the Count is not exactly the nicest dud- OH HEY PEPPO


getting a scooby-doo vibe right now for some reason

God the count is such a smooth bastard. He knows how to play his cards so fucking well.


Kiniro Mosaic #1

It was terribly cute, and I did like the idea of a Japanese girl going to Britain. I actually wish it stayed that way for a while (have her being the transfer student) rather than just setup for the more normal thing.

It did remind me about something I've wondered...are there any native english speaking voice actors in Japan? The I guess...stilted english voice acting always breaks the sense of character for me.

Amused that we still have English country folk driving Morris Minors.


I already have a great story about teenage relationships with Aku no Hana; I don't need School Days for that.

Aku no Hana is what School Days was attempting, but actually done really well. I still think School Days is enjoyable, but Hana is something transcendent compared to it. It's done so well. Here's hoping the manga will eventually stick the landing and the anime will adapt the rest.



Run, before it's too late!


Episode the Second

That cabbit watched her sleep. Nightmares. Madoka having sex with her naked future self during the OP is not exactly the magical girl transformation sequence I expected. Girl's like, thirteen and she lives alone? What?
This wish fulfillment jazz sounds like a really bad Monkey's Paw deal. I'm not wrong to distrust that freaky cat thing, am I? What if I wished for you to go fuck yourself, Kyube? What miracle could you make out of that? And what if I wished for you to divide by zero? Or if I wished for more wishes? Infinite wishes? You said "I'll grant any ONE of your wishes" and I could put the emphasis there and say "Okay just one." but you also said "I'll grant ANY one of your wishes. It doesn't matter what!"

If you don't wish for more wishes the minute you're offered wishes, you are a goddamn rube.

I have to fight witches forever and you only grant ONE wish? Again, fuck you, Kyube. I wish there were no witches. TA FUCKING DA. Why didn't you EVER think of that? This whole thing REEKS.

And Madoka's mom would wish people out of existence.

Kyube is talkin' a lot of shizz 'bout witches. Apparently he got 99 probums and a witch is one. What if witches are actually just nice old ladies who happen to have bad acne and a mild interest in transmogrification?

Madoka ALWAYS has a sad face on. Like, cheer up girl. Your mom is about to do a corporate coup d'etat. Sure your dad will divorce her as she becomes a cold and heartless ambitious bitch queen and you'll only see him at select times of year and you and your baby brother will be caught up in a terrifying power struggle/custody battle, but hey! You'll be rich! And money buys you everything you will ever need or want in life.

Luring little girls into sexfighting witches with the promise of candywishes and jewelry? No, that's not 'spicious.

"Yeah! Let's go on a witch hunt!"
"Okay! I accuse Frau Bow of being a witch!"
"Yeah! We caught the witch! Now what?"


Hey maybe Witches are always placing curses because little girls are hunting them for an evil cat-rabbit God who promises them wishes in exchange? Blue, telepathy is a psychic power, not magical.

This entire scene is a double entendre. Madoka and Blue had sex. And Green is now jealous. Blue denies, but Madoka affirms. Green is so terrified of lesbians she drops her bag and runs in sheer, utter, and absolute horror.

Being telepathically linked has some terrifying repercussions. Like, what if Madoka is just thinkin' bout how she needs to take a massive dump during class? Suddenly her brain is transmitting this to Blue and Yellow and Cabbit.

So killing witches is a competition? That's . . . pretty fucked up. Isn't this supposed to be a kids' show? And now Kyube is like "Everyone does it!" Holy snot this little cat rabbit thing is the devil.

Blue is being surprisingly rational and thoughtful about this entire thing. I would not expect a girl her age to
throw it in Kyube's teeth and ask "why are you not giving this chance to the people who would risk everything for it?"

Random German on the wall? Prolly significant.

These teenage girls are going to go traipsing around accidents, RED LIGHT DISTRICTS, and SUICIDE HOTSPOTS?
WHAT. Witches leave the weirdest hickeys.

Curtseying guns so you can fight a clip art demon. Kay. The action sequences in this show are unexpectedly good.

So damned good. Corvy kun. You are the best lol.
dokidoki precure - 23

This episode was alright , mana is back being deliciously broken and cure ace is overpowered , just like any cure when she arrives... except that , like mana , they forgot to include a limit.

The new bad guys sucks , i hate their design..

I'm not even surprised that mana can stop a selfish attack by herself in human for when she has done crazy things since ep1.

Cure ace is not bad , her origins are obvious and they aren't even trying to hide where she came from ..regina is now gone , but she is back to the prize for the current ordeal, so why not ... It's a shame regina is now in the "not cure" category ... now she is obligated to disapear as soon as this serie ends.


Poet Centuriate
Le Chevalier D'Eon 9

You never thought you'd be called to a private chamber, Robin? Didn't you use to go to Queen Marie's, like, all the fucking time?

What is up with Empress Elizaveta's devotion to her lover? Why is he, presumably, so important that she would gamble against a second assassination attempt?

Is D'Eon
disguised as the Empress's lover?
Ohohohohohoho, called that shit.

This Maximilien has some sneaky shit planned. This should be fun.

Unrelated to this episode, one dynamic I've always wondered about it is between
Durand and Lia/D'Eon. If Lia is Durand's deceased, I would expect him to be more...impacted emotionally when D'Eon changes.
dokidoki precure - 23

This episode was alright , mana is back being deliciously broken and cure ace is overpowered , just like any cure when she arrives... except that , like mana , they forgot to include a limit.

The new bad guys sucks , i hate their design..

I'm not even surprised that mana can stop a selfish attack by herself in human for when she has done crazy things since ep1.

Cure ace is not bad , her origins are obvious and they aren't even trying to hide where she came from ..regina is now gone , but she is back to the prize for the current ordeal, so why not ... It's a shame regina is now in the "not cure" category ... now she is obligated to disapear as soon as this serie ends.

Pretty much. The episode itself pretty much introduces a bunch of potential permanent issues as well.


I don't think I'm experiencing it, and I don't want to experience it. I don't see anything of value in it besides the "shock" factor.
I don't find the School Days anime shocking really, more like chaotic fun, like Code Geass R2. A few episodes in I start grinning and the grin doesn't stop. (Well, that plus some yelling, "just tell her already, you asshole!")
I don't find the School Days anime shocking really, more like chaotic fun, like Code Geass R2. A few episodes in I start grinning and the grin doesn't stop. (Well, that plus some yelling, "just tell her already, you asshole!")

It's one of those shows that legitimately made me angry. :corvo


I don't find the School Days anime shocking really, more like chaotic fun, like Code Geass R2. A few episodes in I start grinning and the grin doesn't stop. (Well, that plus some yelling, "just tell her already, you asshole!")

There was something satisfying in seeing how low it'd go then for it to go even further.


Manatsu no Houteishiki

(Galileo Movie 2)


This movie was pretty awesome. One of my main complaints about the TV show is that they go too far with trying to TV it up and create memorable catchphrases that it goes into stupid territory. There is no scene where Yukawa writes random formulas on walls or him holding his face and going "Jitsu ni omoshiroi."

This is as straight an adaptation of the novel that you can have (except for Utsumi's character getting replaced by Kishitani) and it has all the Higashino Keigo (author of the book) trappings of complicated mystery compounded by super complicated human drama. Seriously. At some point in the middle of the movie, you will care less about the crime and the criminal's identity and more for the freaking mess all these characters have found themselves in and how best to get out of it.

Fukuyama Masaharu (as Professor Yukawa Manabu aka Galileo) is excellent in this. My complaint in this, I guess, is that since this was shot BEFORE the 2nd TV series this year, he has absolutely no rapport with Yoshitaka Yuriko yet and they have no chemistry. Thankfully most of the movie is focused on Yukawa himself and the characters involved with the case.

The story is set in the fictional town of Harigaura (which suspiciously looks alot like a backwater Okinawan town) where Professor Yukawa is invited by a scientific expedition experiencing local resistance to give expert advice. He stays at a local inn whose only occupants are the family running it, their newphew who came for summer break and one other patron. The dude turns out to be a former police officer who had been chasing after a long forgotten case. He ends up dead and Yukawa gets embroiled into a whodunnit unlike no other.

Excellent movie. Its not as good as Yougisha X no Kenshin (the previous movie, I think it got an english release as The Devotion of Suspect X) but a work worthy of all the hype it got because of the star and the dorama series.
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