Is one of the Pegasus's beautiful dreams consist of having the "garden"?
Pegasus is asexual.
Is one of the Pegasus's beautiful dreams consist of having the "garden"?
I like her singing. I always pick up her albums even when I don't care that much about the anime the songs are from.Alongside a thousand other roles one of my favorite things shes done is nukunuku op
I thought the whole thing was very sweet and gentle; one of Satou's best episodes.Pegasus is asexual.
I thought the whole thing was very sweet and gentle; one of Satou's best episodes.Pegasus is asexual.
He's bummed out because it's fake. Don't cheat to achieve your dreams!
Also, welcome back.
One of the best eps of the show period.
Everyone should talk about the amazing cold open and the incredible direction instead.
You wont be needing those anymore.C3-bu - 02
T'was cute and funny as usual, and the fanservice is surprisingly light, thankfully. Given my past experiences with Gainax, I'm somewhat shocked that I could actually say that.
Did you ever stop?
This trailer for the upcoming Lupin III vs. Detective Conan movie is pretty cool.
I started watching Naruto when it was only upto episode 17.
I started watching after the first episode aired in Japan.
Shit, I've wasted 11 years of my life on this series.
Have you seen the Rozen Maiden ED?
Holy hell, that's a good ED song selection
The Count of Monte Cristo 12
"No one can hide when they're pining away for someone they love." You're one to fucking talk, Franz
Anyways, even though Peppo is best girlI am enjoying Albert and Eugenie realizing their feelings for each other. They've both had some really poignant moment with the "romantic advisors" as they seem. Let's see what they do...
Goddammit Albert you're stupid as fuck son.WTF DON'T HUG HER KISS HER YOU FOOL KISS HER ARG
Even though you love her we all know who you really lovethe Count, of course. Not that I blame you too much because well, he's the motherfucking Count, bitch.
I started watching after the first episode aired in Japan.
Shit, I've wasted 11 years of my life on this series.
Seiyu names I know: Tomokazu Sugita, Kazuki Yao, Rie Kugimiya, Norio Wakamoto.
That's it.
This month's Newtype character rankings are in, and it's DAL domination:
1) Shidou Itsuka
2) Eren Jager
3) Sadao Maou
4) Ledo
5) Kyousuke Koudsaka
6) Kirito
7) Kira Yamato
8) L-elf Karlstein
9) Syo Kurusu (thanks dakkumauji)
10) Monkey D. Luffy
1) Tohka Yatogami
2) Mikoto Misaka
3) Mikasa Ackerman
4) Kuroneko
5) Kotori Itsuka
6) Saber
7) Lacus Clyne
8) Yoshino
9) Kirino Kousaka
10) Yuki Mori
edit: also topped the series rankings:
1) Date A Live
2) Attack on Titan
3) Valvrave
4) Yamato 2199
5) Hataraku Maou-sama
6) Railgun S
7) Oreimo S2
8) Utapri 2000%
9) One Piece
10) Yuyushiki
dat annabel
This is going to be bit OT, but whatever.
If anyone's going to check out Pacific Rim soon, and has a regal near by, would you mind picking me up one of the Regal CInema posters? I'd love to frame it next to my IMAX one, but the only regal in the state is way to far to justify the drive. Give me a PM and maybe we can work something out.
Has she done any other ED's or OPs? Can't find much on her.
Talk to chickdigger. Dude grabbed a stack.
Has she done any other ED's or OPs? Can't find much on her.
Pokemon B/W Adventures in Unova 23
This arc is still a snooze even when Handsome appears for like the upteenth time.
lmao @ this shingeki doujin, the 3D Maneuver Gear part, #dead.
This month's Newtype character rankings are in, and it's DAL domination:
1) Shidou Itsuka
2) Eren Jager
3) Sadao Maou
4) Ledo
5) Kyousuke Koudsaka
6) Kirito
7) Kira Yamato
8) L-elf Karlstein
9) Syo Kurusu (thanks dakkumauji)
10) Monkey D. Luffy
1) Tohka Yatogami
2) Mikoto Misaka
3) Mikasa Ackerman
4) Kuroneko
5) Kotori Itsuka
6) Saber
7) Lacus Clyne
8) Yoshino
9) Kirino Kousaka
10) Yuki Mori
edit: also topped the series rankings:
1) Date A Live
2) Attack on Titan
3) Valvrave
4) Yamato 2199
5) Hataraku Maou-sama
6) Railgun S
7) Oreimo S2
8) Utapri 2000%
9) One Piece
10) Yuyushiki
One of my favorites is her collaboration with Shimotsuki Haruka:
is team rocket back to being funny yet? (I stopped watching after a couple of episodes)
What in actual fuck is Kirino doing on that list
This is all that is wrong with Japan
The fact that Jesus Yamato and Lacus still haunt this list shall forever baffle me. Also, Saber and Eren? Really? I though Eren was one of the most universally hated protagonists in recent memory. Saber goes without saying, as she's just terrible.
Pokemon B/W Adventures in Unova 23
This arc is still a snooze even when Handsome appears for like the upteenth time.
You guys are complaining about a NewType character poll. Is it a slow news day?
The NewType pool sample is self selected and super small. Only the hardest of the hardcore (and nuts) vote in it.
Nope, still srsbusiness.
Man, I can't believe I posted in this thread after seeing the film without giving it my huge endorsement.
Anyone who's a fan of 70's/80's mecha anime, Kaiju films or tokustatsu owes it to themselves to catch Pacific Rim, in IMAX if possible. It's a love letter to all those things.