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Summer 2013 Anime Thread Zero: grown men playing with dolls/who but WB Masochism

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You guys are complaining about a NewType character poll. Is it a slow news day?

The NewType poll sample is self selected and super small. Only the hardest of the hardcore (and nuts) vote in it.

If I see an opening to bitch about Saber and Jesus Yamato, I'm going to take it dammit!

hmm... I'm mildly interested.

Go see it. It's worth it. The most pure fun I've had in the cinema this year. It's also seeing such specific Japanese references in a major hollywood film. The last time i can remember anything like that is the Cowboy Bebop references in Looper, and those are way less direct.
The real tragedy in this is that she's under Kuroneko.

In the poll I mean.

That isn't a tragedy either way

Something something C3bu 2



Also dem fantasies. Going good.


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
C3-Bu - 02

I love Miyuki's voice, so husky and tomboyish makes for a perfect prince type in OTPs. And let's be real here, the only reason Yura joined the club was so that she could get closer with Sonora and have that
butter melting voice whisper sweet nothings into her ear when they're in bed together after an intense day of skirmishing
. I respect that.

A little bummed they cut out a good portion of the bath towel scene, so yuri goodness to be had... lost.
C3-Bu - 02

I love Miyuki's voice, so husky and tomboyish makes for a perfect prince type in OTPs. And let's be real here, the only reason Yura joined the club was so that she could get closer with Sonora and have that
butter melting voice whisper sweet nothings into her ear when they're in bed together after an intense day of skirmishing
. I respect that.

Her Hot, rich buttered corn girl


Right, forgot impressions earlier.

Stella etc.etc. C3-Bu ep.2

I hope we get a different delusion like that for every episode.

I'll agree that Yui Makino and Rima Nishizaki need to step it up with their roles. Nishizaki at least has the excuse that she's a newbie, but Makino really should be better than this.

Anyway, show's still okay, but hopefully Yura will stop flinching at every single shot soon.
The fact that Jesus Yamato and Lacus still haunt this list shall forever baffle me. Also, Saber and Eren? Really? I though Eren was one of the most universally hated protagonists in recent memory. Saber goes without saying, as she's just terrible.

It's like anybody who voted for Saber never even watched a single Fate episode or played the VN/read the LN etc. etc.

She's got a cool character design, but that's about it. In fact all of her coolness is just that she's supposed to be King Arthur and so she's piggybacking off another character.

She's boring as hell.

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
Servant x Service 2

Still enjoying this. Toko's annoying as hell, though. Hope they use her sparingly. Though I did actually cheer for the old lady when she went after her, heh. Also, like last week, the animation seemed "off" at times. Still think A-1 has their B-team (or C-team, maybe? They're working on both SAO S2 and the iM@S movie, right?) on this show.

Chihaya is still the best character, too. And I really didn't have a problem with her being into cosplay or Hasebe being into video games like someone else in here did. *shrug* I dunno. Again, guess I'm just easy to please.


Eureka Seven Astral Ocean 8

You know this boss guy has been playing Mr. Nice Guy long enough for me to be suspicious of him. I wouldn't be, but various show's I've watched in the past year have basically made me trust no one.

Oh Fleur is the boss man's daughter? That only doesn't explain why she's such a bitch. Ao doesn't even KNOW Renton. How can he not be a fan of him? Renton was a loveable dork. And where Renton's father was a complete and total jerk who abandoned his son and DOES NOT SAY ONE WORD TO HIM DURING THE ENTIRE SERIES, Renton's grandfather was a loveable dork, too. A crusty one, but still.

It had better not be some contrived ass Anime Wangst like "DAD WASN'T WITH MOM AND THERE IS NO GOOD REASON FOR THAT WHAAAAAAAAA." Because fuck that shit. I seriously doubt Renton would ever leave Eureka for any reason, let alone one that wasn't legitimate. But if this show plays that angle, UGH.

I'm just so pissed off about Truth right now.

1752!? How long has this scub coral stuff been going on? Is this Earth? Alternate Code Geass Earth? I'm so confused, but fear of the Truth's further involvment prevents me from wanting to really get some answers.

Throwing tantrums and then running to go get into his mecha against orders? Ao is so Amuro Ray's kid. Or was that Kamille Bidan?

Wow, Fleur's reason for hating her father is one of the most selfish, stupid, arrogant, and contrived reasons for hating a parent I've ever seen in Anime. At least Kamille had a legit reason to dislike his dad. And compared to Shinji it pales a lot. Still not as bad as Madoka's Violin Angst brat, though.

Way to not translate "gattai" fansubbers. Lazy punks. Also, Elena is so :cajun. Ao's misplaced hatred for Renton and the lack of any conceivable justification for it has basically tanked his character.

I blame my new, negative look at this show entirely upon the introduction of Truth, who in one episode has repulsed me from basically the whole thing. He isn't as awful as Suguha or Shinn Asuka or Nena Trinity (or the whole cast of 00 minus Lockon 1) or such, but he's still just so awful.


Eureka Seven Astral Ocean 8

I blame my new, negative look at this show entirely upon the introduction of Truth, who in one episode has repulsed me from basically the whole thing. He isn't as awful as Suguha or Shinn Asuka or Nena Trinity (or the whole cast of 00 minus Lockon 1) or such, but he's still just so awful.

Oh.. you don't know yet.


He can't get as bad as any of those characters, can he? I mean, just seeing Setsuna or Shinn is enough to piss me off.

You know the character is bad when the character destroying your script by his existence.

At least all the character that you mentioned is only "character" on the story.. Truth is.. more than that.

I'll said he not even the worst character in the show though loooooooool

Don't read this.
Naru's girlfriend is worse


Little Witch Academia 2 update from Otsuka, crossposting from the main KS thread:
Greetings! Again, a big thank you to all of our supporters! We definitely did not expect to achieve the goal in just one day. We were even skeptical of reaching our first goal within 30 days. We did not want to make our supporters wait, and we feel that we were short on explanation with our first stretch goal.

Although we did explain that it is difficult to extend the episode length past 40 minutes for Little Witch Academia 2, that does not mean we plan to end it with just this episode! We too are aspiring for a TV series and a full length film! However, it will take many years to reach this goal. We want to see Akko and her friends move in full action, and explore further into their world. Can't we all agree on that? Our first goal is to produce a 40 minute episode of LWA2. After that, we want to aim for further goal such as a television series or a full length film!

We believe that several important steps are necessary to reach these goals. One of them is the production of Little Witch Academia 2. If the sequel receives as much support as the previous episode did, we will definitely have a bright future for the LWA series.

We would also like to remind everyone that not all of the Kickstarter funding will be spent on the actual production of the episode. In order to thank our supporters we must also make the rewards, actually be "rewarding." To avoid a deficit, we must carefully plan out how we spend the funded money. For example, we are currently experiencing difficulties with the production of Little Witch Academia Blu-Ray. I guess we are not so talented in doing business as we are in making animations.

Many of our animators are big fans of anime as well, and they tend to do more than what they are rewarded for. They continue to work until they are satisfied with their work. We feel that it would not hurt to have our animators rewarded just a little bit more. So please watch the making of Little Witch Academia if you have access to it. It will give everyone an idea of how much sincerity and dedication our animators have to their work. Please note that if we have excess funding even after that, we will definitely spend it to better our projects. We want you to know that we love anime just as much as you guys!

Please believe in TRIGGER!

Otsuka Masahiko


Truth isn't rageworthy for me, just . . . incredibly pointless. Like the rest of the show.

I want to say that at the moment AO feels caught half way between being something that didn't need to be attached to E7 and too much like stock Super Robot show, with NERV/GGG HQ/DINO BASE fighting the Angels/Zondarians/Memetic Beasts.

And while animation and colors are very E7, I feel like this show lacks basically everything that made E7 what it was. There's no underwater/surfing theme, no sky hippies, no sky hippie culture pervading the whole thing, and while the music isn't bad, it isn't the same as it was in E7, either.

I'm not far enough in to make a true call yet, but so far the whole thing just seems too estranged from E7 to be E7. And not in a good way.


He can't get as bad as any of those characters, can he? I mean, just seeing Setsuna or Shinn is enough to piss me off.

Setsuna is a homeless bum's Sousuke Sagara but Shinn is just... a really angry kid. You should be more pissed at Kira/Lacus/Terminal for turning SEED Destiny to shit.


Setsuna is a homeless bum's Sousuke Sagara but Shinn is just... a really angry kid. You should be more pissed at Kira/Lacus/Terminal for turning SEED Destiny to shit.

I cannot ever hate Jesus and Haman Khan. Terminal is drawing a blank with me. Shinn might have been just a really angry kid when he was bitching at Cagalli and she was just taking it even though he was hilariously wrong and stupid and idiotic, but when he like, legit cums everywhere inside his cockpit after
"killing Kira"
then jizzes over to Athrun and is all "you should be happy". That was enough for me.

There are a lot of bad characters in SEED's universe, no denyin', but ain't nobody allowed to fuck with Athrun Zala.


Oh Naru is the name of the girlfriend. maybe I just don't want remember the show.

I feel bad for Ao, he's very likeable protag. I'll welcome him in SRW.. Nirvash looked like shit in this one though. (Why they ditch the black n silver color, WHYYYYYYYYY)


Setsuna is a homeless bum's Sousuke Sagara but Shinn is just... a really angry kid. You should be more pissed at Kira/Lacus/Terminal for turning SEED Destiny to shit.

Truth, I just can't hate Shinn.. because that's the exactly what I gonna do to the godawful twin.

And he ride cool gundam. So I support him the hell out in SRW (They also write better plot for him)


Eureka Seven Astral Ocean 8

1752!? How long has this scub coral stuff been going on? Is this Earth? Alternate Code Geass Earth? I'm so confused, but fear of the Truth's further involvment prevents me from wanting to really get some answers.

Scub bursts have been occurring in the world of E7 AO through the entirety of human history. Nobody had been able to prevent them until very recently, when Generation Blue came into existence.

Seriously, there's still time for you to bail out.


I cannot ever hate Jesus and Haman Khan. Terminal is drawing a blank with me. Shinn might have been just a really angry kid when he was bitching at Cagalli and she was just taking it even though he was hilariously wrong and stupid and idiotic, but when he like, legit cums everywhere inside his cockpit after
"killing Kira"
then jizzes over to Athrun and is all "you should be happy". That was enough for me.

There are a lot of bad characters in SEED's universe, no denyin', but ain't nobody allowed to fuck with Athrun Zala.

Terminal is Lacus' secret organization. The one that decided to paint their battleship pink.


Scub bursts have been occurring in the world of E7 AO through the entirety of human history. Nobody had been able to prevent them until very recently, when Generation Blue came into existence.

Seriously, there's still time for you to bail out.


Shinn sucked, the only good thing about him was his Destiny Gundam and its theme song, dat song
dat soundtrack

Destiny did have a good soundtrack.

Terminal is Lacus' secret organization. The one that decided to paint their battleship pink.

See, but I can't help but laugh at that anyway. Lacus balancing the sickly sweet with the venomous cunning is what allows me to accept her. As long as I see her as Haman Jr., I can't hate her.

Bunny Drop 8

Masako is definitely one of the most interesting characters in the show. Everything about her, what makes her tick, and how she acts is just so interesting. I like Daikichi's honesty with her, as well as his basic kindness, too. He's like "I don't like you at all and you can't meet this girl until SHE says she wants to meet you. But if you want to see her from a distance without her knowing, I will allow that."

Daikichi is such a stud.


It killed me that Strike Freedom and Infinite Justice has the same battle music as the Destiny in Z2. I liked their Alpha 3 themes better :(



You can stick around and see exactly how they shat on the ending of E7, or you can quit now and live a happier life.

Bunny Drop may be keeping you sane now, but you'll run out of it before you run out of E7 AO episodes.


It killed me that Strike Freedom and Infinite Justice has the same battle music as the Destiny in Z2. I liked their Alpha 3 themes better :(

What gets me is that the Freedom and Justice lose their awesome themes from SRW J in SRW W. Definitely the only step down for me in that.


rozen maiden - zurückspulen - 02

I usually start writing these impressions while the ED is playing, so it's always nice to have one that's listenable (and in this case, more than listenable).

His life has certainly fallen into a rut, hasn't it? The repetition of the time-clock at his work makes it obvious, but it's in the way his resentment has grown and seethed as well, and at how easily he switches tracks into yet another monotonous repetition--that of building the doll. I have more sympathy for the cute bookstore girl, whose infatuation with Jun seems destined for tragedy in more ways than one.

Yet another episode with sharp direction, but this time in service of writing not burdened with the need to explain an entire manga series. The pacing has settled down and I'm fond of how in-show text is embedded in the frame, which reminds me of stuff like the BBC Sherlock.

As Jun builds the doll, I like that their artificiality--hidden under the layers of prim clothing and hair--are often emphasized, the joints de-boned and the innards hollowed out, hung on hooks, laid within boxes. I'm enjoying the show quite a bit, and it's nice having something so atmospheric and moody, which seems to be a rarity this season.

My main worry is the story turning into a clusterfuck, which Izayoi has assured me is a Rozen Maiden tradition.


You can stick around and see exactly how they shat on the ending of E7, or you can quit now and live a happier life.

Bunny Drop may be keeping you sane now, but you'll run out of it before you run out of E7 AO episodes.

I'm too far in to turn back now, though. I need to see Renton again, at the very least.


Subete no aware
Love Lab 2

I'm still fascinated by the concept of "gap moe". Not that it exists, I suppose, but that it's been codified and categorized. Nerds really are just a sad databases full of useless information all neatly organized and compartmentalized into specific groups, aren't they?


I suppose I also like that they aren't really hiding from the whole Manzai set up. Although between this show and KKK, having a straight man who constantly yells at everyone else can get tiring if not done right.
It actually makes me appreciate Gintama's Shinpachi more, since he is just a pair of glasses that yells that Gintoki and Kagura over and over again.

Also, there was something specifically for BGBW:

But yeah, more premise to get through until the show presumably begins I suppose.
[Love Lab] 02

Not as good as the first episode in terms of sakuga, but the animation was serviceable and it's still charming. It needed more "love researching" antics, however. Megane girl is just not that interesting, although I appreciate they are not going to take the K-ON! route by
having all the girls get along from the beginning

Creepy stalker and ojousama laugh? #TeamYuiko

It just makes the garden more enticing and worthwhile at the end.


What the hell.. bwahahaha

Careful with what you wish, bookmark this post.

Man I legit feel bad.


fwiw, despite the shortcomings, as long as I was able to pretend all the episodes minus that one weren't part of E7, I had a good time watching it, and the discussions I had were really enjoyable.
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