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Summer 2013 Anime Thread Zero: grown men playing with dolls/who but WB Masochism

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One Piece Film Z


So now that I've had a day to digest everything I've seen, I realize this wasn't as awesome as I was expecting or what my over the top impressions implied. Based on how duckroll described it, I was expecting a little bit of context, and then nonstop action for the entire movie. Instead, there was quite a bit of buildup, some of it which I'd call unnecessary, which took away from the action which was something like only 1/3 of the whole movie.

With that out of the way, this was pretty damn good and definitely the best One Piece movie. The animation is top notch and the art isn't too bad either. The backgrounds/environments are just really pleasant to look at.

Like with Strong World, they tried to bring a tiny bit of canon into the story. Unlike that, which was for the most part treated as a throwaway back story, here we actually get super important side characters playing a relatively notable role. As this came out last year, that means we also got a first glimpse at hobo Aokiji!

I know the movie was hyped up as "the strawhats facing their most dangerous enemy yet", which while maybe not true in a pure power level sense, Z clearly had an ambition that could significantly fuck things up. What's cool about this is it actually furthered the lore of the New World in a way that I feel Oda would do (though maybe it would be a bit less extravagant). The End Points are a cool addition to the world even if they aren't totally canon.

As for the fights themselves, well I really don't have anything negative to say about them. There was some absolutely insane camera work coupled with fantastic choreography. It was all very exhilarating and by far the most visually impressive battles in the entire franchise.

Oddly enough, this shined the most in the strangely low-key final skirmish with Z. I've always been a fan of the "our powers have been exhausted, so now we have epic fist fight!" trope, and it was executed very well here. The lack of music, the incredibly expressive animation; it gave the scene a very "real" weight that upped the tension tenfold.

If I had any kind of complaint about the fights, it would be the lack of more. There always only seems to be time for the monster trio to get meaningful battles. Of course, those were amazing, but I would like to see some of the other Strawhats get their own one on ones against named opponents during these movies, even if Franky is still awesome when taking out mooks.

So yeah, still a fantastic movie. I just went in with the expectations of it being a 10/10, but was treated with a 9.2/10.


No it's not ... the scene in question is whever she will start acting like sibling like they should since they know they aren't related or if they act like familly .
It's not incest , it's just them trying trying to act like close familly members .

And guess what , they act like brother and sister afterwards.

You're interpreting thing like it's convenient for you

And you aren't? Your claims are more legitimate than mine how?

. you're talking about kirito , that rushed like a madman to his goal once he knew that she was above the capital ?
You're talking about kirito that took the shortest route possible to his goal possible?
The only detour in the anime is him trying to sort thing with his sister because they were in a position were none were aware of the other identity... such a DATE, indeed.
or you'e talking about the date , when they crushed the race metting ?

They flat out turn around and go back to town at one point. If that doesn't also qualify as a detour to you, then I see no sense discussing this with you.

Let's see :
The guy get out of a death game, get crushed by some dude IRL , resolve himself to put the deadly helmet again JUST TO SAVE his beloved , and you're telling me that he was for even 1 sec intrested in another character ?

Yes, I am, because that happened.

The sad thing here, is that even knowing the above you're serious in the incest deduction part.

And a hearty fuck you right back at you. Where do you get off ripping on me for what I say about a cartoon show?

What should they have done ?

Not included an incest subplot and treated it like a good thing.

suguha crying ? ( oh wait they did ) , kirito choosing and fighting the last boss again to save his beloved , prooving that his choice was set ( oh they did ) .. them reuniting IRL ( they did ) , them making projects for the future IRL ( they did ).
How can you reach the conclusion that they made the thing ambigous , when the last 2 episodes are FULL of kirito&asuna moments ?

I believe that you yourself summed it up best when you said:

You're interpreting thing like it's convenient for you.

The second act of Sword Art Online is a hilarious mess. Kirito has to suddenly go back into the game, is suddenly just fine with killing people, praises a murderer and at the very best does a poor job of saying in no uncertain terms to Suguha that he was not interested in seeing her as anything other than his sister.

There are subplots all over the place that have no real importance and suffer from rushed conclusions. The race wars is a prime example. All that time about the set up and alliances, only for it to conclude almost immediately at the most convenient moment for Kirito.

Suguha's character is an annoying, overbearing, awful one that interferes with and distracts from the Kirito and Asuna relationship, and over all point of the quest. She is constantly dragging him away from what he should be focusing on.

The show delves into the most bizarre of fetishes in the last two episodes for reasons beyond me. The rape slugs in particular, when the abusive Sugou already existed in human form. While drinking tears was humorous, it, like the beat down that followed, was over the top to the point of caricature.

And yes, much as it must surely pain the die hard defenders of Sword Art Online, incest is a very off putting subject for just about every sane human being on the planet. When that incest is then, rather than being handled in a mature way, is treated as a good thing and pandered to on several occasions, the problem is compounded. Do you know what Oedipus Rex did when he found out he was in an incestuous relationship? He gouged out his eyes and abandoned his throne. And that was after years of what one assumes was a loving and cheerful marriage. And this was written a long, long time ago. It has always grossed people out and it likely will for a very, very long time.

Please, PLEASE stop acting like it is a surprise, then, when that is the chief complaint against a character and a show.

Sword Art Online was an okay, if stupid show. Then its main villain had literally no goal, and its hero wound up praising him after being his prisoner and seeing him murder thousands of people. To put that in context for you, Kirito praising the villain of the first arc is the equivalent of if Asuna had then gone on to praise Sugou while brutalizing yet another villain. Just cuz the guy you've met here is worse does not diminish how awful the man you knew was.

I cannot say this in any calmer or clearer terms, and I frankly don't care to. I've made it evident that the show has its problems and I have been more than fair to the parts that were deserving. The second arc of the show is its greatest weakness, and I am confident that in addition to not being alone in that opinion, I have done more than enough to illustrate why anyone would think so.


Suguha is a terrible character for reasons not related to incest alone. Incest as an element of a plot did not ruin Game of Thrones. Suguha's a grating bitch who spends all of her time stirring up absurd melodrama for Kirito when he's supposed to be hurrying along to save Asuna.

She is, quite literally, Scrappy Doo with tits. Of the billions of ALO players Kirito just happens to meet and hit it off with his sister? They just happen to not tell one another they're both playing this game? Nevermind that she leads him into this stupid multi race alliance plot that gets resolved and thrown away in the hilariously rushed conclusion to the series.

I thought she was quite accommodating about his journey, really. She did basically abandon her guild for him despite the fact that she didn't really know anything about his objective at the time. And later on, when the whole multi-race conflict thing came up, she was actually advising him to betray her and just go on without her, or even side with the Salamanders, because either of those would probably be more helpful to achieving his goal than helping her. Kirito taking the detour to save her clan was entirely his own call.

And it's not like she planned any of the romance melodrama either. She was keeping her growing feelings for him entirely to herself, knowing that he didn't need to deal with that right now, until the awkward moment when they found out each other's real identities and she understandably lost her composure.

As for Kirito "just happening" to run into his sister, that wasn't exactly a coincidence. As Yui explains right at the beginning of the ALO arc, when his initial login process bugged out and tried to drop him in an invalid location (presumably due to all the incompatible save data he was dragging over from SAO), the recovery coordinates the system ended up dumping him at were influenced by the last coordinates accessed from his IP address - in other words, where Leafa was at the same moment. It's still a fairly convenient narrative contrivance, of course, but it's a decently justified one.

She's rude to everyone around her, picking on that kid from class, nagging Kirito, and sitting there throwing a pity party for herself when he goes to see his friends after saving Asuna.

I don't remember her being particularly rude to anyone except Recon. And I think being a little hard on Recon is understandable, since he is a bit of an clingy, annoying little Scrappy Doo character who's constantly chasing after her in real life and trying to hit on her, even though she's made it clear she's not interested. (Not to say that I dislike his character, and indeed I'd quite like to see him and Sugu get together in the end, but I can certainly appreciate why she might find him irritating.)

Probably from the show. You know, the show that supposedly has Kirito saving his wife, but instead has him running around on dates with his sister and flying around in a romantic, starlit setting for an extended scene with her in the last episode, instead of with the woman he's just spend 12 episodes trying to save.

I'm pretty sure the scene with Kirito and Sugu spending quality time in ALO takes place months after Asuna was rescued. There's no indication that Kirito has been neglecting Asuna in the intervening time; far from it, they've been spending plenty of quality time together, to the point that Silica and Lizbeth are regretting their decision to not make any moves on Kirito for a month (luls).

That scene with Kirito and Sugu was necessary to tie up their "arc", since as you say, their relationship was still in a pretty awkward place when the actual ALO conflict came to an end. Kirito wasn't able to properly think about and deal with the awkwardness between him and Sugu at that point, because in his own words, the SAO incident still "wasn't over". He wasn't in any state to start rebuilding his real-world relationships until he knew Asuna was safe.

So the point of the final Kirito/Sugu scene in ALO was to show that they have managed to start rebuilding a healthy relationship after everything that had happened. At this point, Sugu has found a new "place" for herself as a part of Kirito's group of friends. The one last remaining worry is that she doesn't feel like she can fully be a part of the group, because everyone else has their shared memories of SAO that she'll always be left out of. But Kirito understands this worry, which is why he chooses this evening to reassure her by surprising her with the introduction of Aincrad to ALO, meaning that she can now explore that world along with them.

There was no "Not Happening" to Kirito and Suguha. They deliberately left that wide open. Let alone trying to return to a platonic sibling relationship.

There absolutely was. Sugu knew that her brother wasn't interested in her from the start, because she'd seen how he talked about Asuna and understood that she couldn't compete. She didn't want to accept it, but she knew. For a while she hoped she could have something with Kirito, but once she found out his real identity, she knew that was hopeless as well. And any vain hope she may have had left was dashed after she made her last-ditch confession and Kirito just responded with shock and a very final "I'm sorry".

Nothing that happened after that held any promise of romance at all, and everyone involved knew this. The line you keep going on about, where Kirito says he's "not sure" how to think about Sugu yet, clearly wasn't intended to leave open that kind of possibility. He was just saying that he wasn't ready to face up to the big question of how to move their relationship forward past this awkward position yet, because his mind was fully occupied with saving Asuna.


who cares about backgrounds in monogatari anyway, it's fine. The thing that you should be complaining about in the new season so far is often out of form characters, if they can't even draw the handful of characters properly all the time then what's the point, it's not like there is anything else they have to do in this show :| character animation always looked great to me before.
Everyone should care about the use of backgrounds in any series.


As for Kirito "just happening" to run into his sister, that wasn't exactly a coincidence. As Yui explains right at the beginning of the ALO arc, when his initial login process bugged out and tried to drop him in an invalid location (presumably due to all the incompatible save data he was dragging over from SAO), the recovery coordinates the system ended up dumping him at were influenced by the last coordinates accessed from his IP address - in other words, where Leafa was at the same moment. It's still a fairly convenient narrative contrivance, of course, but it's a decently justified one.

I'm pretty sure the scene with Kirito and Sugu spending quality time in ALO takes place months after Asuna was rescued. There's no indication that Kirito has been neglecting Asuna in the intervening time; far from it, they've been spending plenty of quality time together, to the point that Silica and Lizbeth are regretting their decision to not make any moves on Kirito for a month (luls).

Part of the problem with the scenes in question is that these things aren't discussed in the anime. I definitely don't remember Yui mentioning anything at all about IP addresses in the anime. As to the second paragraph, it isn't so much that Kirito is neglecting Asuna, it's that at least in the anime, Kirito never has the equivalent of that scene with her. Kirito and Suguha have this big floating in a romantic, starlit sky scene, and Asuna and Kirito just get . . . sitting on a park bench.

And I think it is fair to criticize this because Asuna and Kirito's romance has plenty of its storybook moments, principally the two of them sitting on an invisible platform at sunset watching the world of SAO end, which was all well and good if the show had ended there, but since we have that whole ALO arc, there is no suitable conclusion of a similar form for them. Meanwhile, Kirito does have this with his sister.


Quick blind post then I'll start catching up on the thread.

Genei Taiyou ep.2

I can't stand the character designs but for some reason I'm going to keep watching just to see how many more DARK TWISTS they can cram into this show.

Kiniro Mosaic ep.2

Or, "cute girls who are all slightly ditzy in their own special ways doing cute things".
This show is so adorable oh my god seriously

Genshiken Nidaime ep.2

This is no fun to see animated. I'll just keep reading the manga instead. Dropped.

Nekomonogatari White ep.2

Same as usual. I love it, people who dislike Shaft/Nisio probably don't. Life goes on.

Oh and the main reason I was gone for like four hours was to see Pacific Rim. It was okay.

I'm sure I'm the only person who still unconditionally loves this show/franchise at this point though. lol
*raises hand* Incorrect!
Gatchaman 1 & Monogatari S2 ep 2

Arjuna has brainwashed you guys,
are awesome.

SHAFT + interrogation words > COLORS! + Hajime + intro words though.

bonus equations:

Hajime Nakamura eccentric > Haru Nakamura eccentric

Sugune VA != Daisuke Sakaguchi?! (shinpachi from Gintama, Sugihara from Sket Dance, Satoshi from Hyouka) ∴ Gatchaman Crowds = Madness

Also rage Sugune > tour guide Sugune


Majestic Prince 13

New OP is shit and old OP was the best. Anyway, gonna try and avoid commenting on the actual writing because you all know it is shit so why do we need to discuss it? All I want to know is if the action is actually as good as you all say, so I'm back into this show.

"It's big and black and sparkly."

Well we all know what Izuru wants. It was funny at first, but maintaining this character's androgyny for more than 10 minutes of the episode has basically killed the joke. Which is par for the course with MJP's comedy.

So far the action is meh, because I'm not a big fan of just laser spam and dodge.

"Your theme is stale and your story lacks excitement." Sounds like a good review of the show. Black 6's personality thing is SOOOO CLICHE.

I think I just don't like this show.

Designing Purple 2 without ANY weapons or limbs was probably a dumb idea. Action in this episode was yeah, basically shitty spinning to dodge lasers. There was one moment where Black 6 speared an enemy's arm and then turned and killed the unit behind him. That was about the only cool thing in the episode, though.


Tragic victim of fan death
Majestic Prince 13

New OP is shit and old OP was the best. Anyway, gonna try and avoid commenting on the actual writing because you all know it is shit so why do we need to discuss it? All I want to know is if the action is actually as good as you all say, so I'm back into this show.

"It's big and black and sparkly."

Well we all know what Izuru wants. It was funny at first, but maintaining this character's androgyny for more than 10 minutes of the episode has basically killed the joke. Which is par for the course with MJP's comedy.

So far the action is meh, because I'm not a big fan of just laser spam and dodge.

"Your theme is stale and your story lacks excitement." Sounds like a good review of the show. Black 6's personality thing is SOOOO CLICHE.

I think I just don't like this show.

Designing Purple 2 without ANY weapons or limbs was probably a dumb idea. Action in this episode was yeah, basically shitty spinning to dodge lasers. There was one moment where Black 6 speared an enemy's arm and then turned and killed the unit behind him. That was about the only cool thing in the episode, though.

Purple 2 does haave weapons. She used it in one episode lol.


Random question - what sports have yet to have an anime/manga done about them? Off the top of my head we've had plenty of baseball ones. American football, football/soccer, basketball, boxing, tennis, kendo, and now swimming.

I'd think there could be a good one done about golf if done in a Hajime no Ippo approach.


Random question - what sports have yet to have an anime/manga done about them? Off the top of my head we've had plenty of baseball ones. American football, football/soccer, basketball, boxing, tennis, kendo, and now swimming.

I'd think there could be a good one done about golf if done in a Hajime no Ippo approach.


Random question - what sports have yet to have an anime/manga done about them? Off the top of my head we've had plenty of baseball ones. American football, football/soccer, basketball, boxing, tennis, kendo, and now swimming.

I'd think there could be a good one done about golf if done in a Hajime no Ippo approach.

Has there been a hockey anime?


Free! isn't the first swimming anime. I will sing the praises of Umisho. It had a lot of good things, such as seals, one of Aki Toyosaki's first major voice acting roles, and everything having to do with Shizuoka. Also Ikamasa and his wild shaving fetish. Plus a pretty funny Rashomon-type episode.


Random question - what sports have yet to have an anime/manga done about them? Off the top of my head we've had plenty of baseball ones. American football, football/soccer, basketball, boxing, tennis, kendo, and now swimming.

I'd think there could be a good one done about golf if done in a Hajime no Ippo approach.

Full Metal Panic had an amazing episode dedicated to Rugby.
Random question - what sports have yet to have an anime/manga done about them? Off the top of my head we've had plenty of baseball ones. American football, football/soccer, basketball, boxing, tennis, kendo, and now swimming.

I'd think there could be a good one done about golf if done in a Hajime no Ippo approach.

If we're talking manga, there's been a bunch about golf.

Hell, there's even a curling manga. You pretty much have to limit it to certain Olympic sports to find one that there isn't an anime/manga about.


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
Monogatari Season 2 - 02



Random question - what sports have yet to have an anime/manga done about them? Off the top of my head we've had plenty of baseball ones. American football, football/soccer, basketball, boxing, tennis, kendo, and now swimming.

I'd think there could be a good one done about golf if done in a Hajime no Ippo approach.


Dandoh was playing a baseball game with friends Yuka and Kohei and hits a wild fly ball which crashes into the principal's potted plants. Rather than getting mad, the principal admires Dandoh's swing and introduces him to the world of golf. It's now an adventure in golf as Dandoh is under the watchful eye of a former pro-golfer. They enter a tournament together and play for a shot at the national championships.

The main character is voiced by Kobayashi Yu, so firehawk is obligated to watch it now.


Random question - what sports have yet to have an anime/manga done about them? Off the top of my head we've had plenty of baseball ones. American football, football/soccer, basketball, boxing, tennis, kendo, and now swimming.

I'd think there could be a good one done about golf if done in a Hajime no Ippo approach.

The only way to do golf would be to go really really dumb with it. I'm talking Jojo levels of absurd with hulking dudes doing shonen moves and maybe even magical girl incantations.

Monogatari Season 2 - 02



I'm...I'm going to have to watch this trainwreck.


Man the new Attack on Titan OP isn't just bad, its poorly animated. So much awful CG. Why can you make such pretty video games, Japan, but when you use computers for your anime it comes out looking like dancing baby .gifs poorly shopped into Ally McBeal episodes?


Gatchaman 1 & Monogatari S2 ep 2

Sugune VA != Daisuke Sakaguchi?! (shinpachi from Gintama, Sugihara from Sket Dance, Satoshi from Hyouka) ∴ Gatchaman Crowds = Madness

Also rage Sugune > tour guide Sugune

Sugune is voiced by Ryota Osaka (Haru from Tsuritama, Maou from Hataraku Maou Sama!)


Oh, by the way, it seems that at a talk show event today they announced the Hanasaku Iroha Home Sweet Home movie BD will go on sale in Japan on October 16. I wonder how long the delay will be for NISA.
Monogatari Season 2 - 02


I think SDBurton broke lol

Makes me want to watch it but I have High School DXD New! Tuesday can't come fast enough!
Attack On Titan Episode 14: Can't Look Into His Eyes: Prelude to the Counterattack, Part 1"

The OP sounded terrible. Kind of disappointed with three of the four music themes used for the anime as it made me not a fan of Linked Horizon (first OP didnt sound that good, certainly not a song I would listen to in any capacity), first ED was boring song and visually, this new OP lacks any appealing choices in visuals for me (where was Jean?) and the song sounded too grande at first but then sounded like a terrible mess as it went on. New ED is fantastic the cinema staff people or whoever need to contribute more and visually I got Jean moments and more.

Ignoring the slideshow like moment at the start and the random scene of the wheel turning (what point did that even have there?), I thought it was alright. Dont really like much of the plot, but at least it gives great background and support to why we love Eren and Rivaille so much in other stuff, I enjoyed the scenes as it was so intense and gripping finally.
(I thought the religious folks was an odd inclusion, I dont recall ever seeing them in any capacity ever since that one random person way back in episode 1 or so being eaten, I thought they had little to no relevance at all but then to now be given many lines and some sort of influence...) No bad motives and harsh things at the end once it was all said and done thankfully. I think they will make a great team along with everyone else on Survey Corps, just afraid the other ones in Eren's class wont be of focus anymore
. Perhaps the anime is on an upward trajectory to truly show why it is the, currently, number 10 anime of all time on mal...
Daybreak Illusion 2

ugh, I hate dropping things early but this show better turn things around in one more episode or it's gone. What's the point of rushing and cramming so much in the first episode if you're going to exposition dump some really silly tropey stuff in the second episode? I also can't think of a single character that I like in this show, at best the flamboyant fortune teller is amusing and he probably has less than a minute of screen time.

Shinbo has you by the balls.

Nah, I loved dialogue/monologue heavy stuff way before I touched anything involving Shinbo. It just seems like an unfair criticism when entire mediums like plays or radio dramas are built around being word heavy. Even some of the best movies are mostly people talking like Clerks or The Usual Suspects. Though I guess I'm an extreme example since I'm the only one I know who likes to listen to podcasts without multitasking in order to enjoy the cast without distraction.

Sugune is voiced by Ryota Osaka (Haru from Tsuritama, Maou from Hataraku Maou Sama!)

Which is exactly what I was surprised by and I think it's madness because I feel Sakaguchi would've been a much more entertaining fit. Think of what a great foil he would've been to Hajime's antics. If it helps != means does not equal and ∴ means therefore.
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