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Summer 2013 Anime Thread Zero: grown men playing with dolls/who but WB Masochism

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Andrew J.

I think if you can if you talk about the amount of creative control Miyazaki and Takahata have had over the studio since it's inception until today it's those same two dudes making their major movies every single time. The amount of control they exercise over the studio is huge and it's well known that they push out or stifle new, youthful talent e.g. Hosoda. The creative talent behind the studio is wizened and dying. Just look at the (relatively) youthful energy of a studio like Trigger and see how it shines through in their productions.

Okay, I see where you're coming from when it's an auteur-run studio like that.

Would you agree that, conversely, it makes no sense to talk about a big conglomerate studios like Toei Animation or Sunrise "getting old" in that manner?


The Light of El Cantare

oh god, it begins

this cherno alpha one is actually pretty fly but linked because it's ever so slightly nsfw


1. That Alternative has a harem element to it, through the existence of a male teacher character who all four girls like. I'll explain a bit more about why I have a problem with this. Having this kind of character in the show may fit with the standards of the harem genre, but Milky Holmes (the anime) is many times better than harem garbage, and by adding him in, it drags down the series significantly.

Well, in the games Kobayashi is of course the player character, so I don't feel he's particularly out of place there. I don't think his relationship with the girls felt particularly romantic or harem-y; he's just the mentor character who they look up to. I guess there's a bit of a schoolgirl-crush vibe to it sometimes, but nothing too serious; mainly he just brings the group together and serves as the player's proxy to interact with the girls. I don't really have any strong feelings one way or another about him as a character - he feels like a natural inclusion in the games, but I do think leaving him out of the anime is probably the right decision.

2. The plot is FAR too serious. I already explained the motivations of the main villain; there's no way to fit a character like that in a series with characters like the Milky Holmes girls. It's like oil and water, the two do not mix at all. Their character designs and costumes alone make it clear that this is not a serous concept... and yes, I know that there are some animes/mangas which have cute characters but then not-cute contents, but this definitely isn't one of them, and shouldn't be.

Eh, I never felt like the plot was super-serious in the games, so if Alternative really takes itself too seriously, that could be an issue. I don't think the whole
trying to unleash a deadly virus to teach the world about darkness
plotline you mentioned sounds necessarily too out-of-place for Milky Holmes though; that sounds like a pretty standard over-the-top supervillain scheme and motivation, which is pretty par-for-the-course for how "phantom thieves" are generally presented in this franchise. As long as his scheme isn't taken deadly seriously and treated in a grimdark way, I can still see it fitting within the series aesthetic.

For reference, the main villains in the Milky Holmes PSP game are the Phantom Thief Empire we all know and love; each one of them serves as the main villain for one of the game's cases. They're certainly treated in a much more serious way than the anime series presents them (well, it would be difficult to get less serious than how the anime presents them =p), and they commit proper crimes and utilise their special abilities as elements in the game's mysteries, but they still feel for the most part like larger-than-life "characters" with quirks and personality, rather than actual "dark and evil" villains.

There are several issues here. First, there are a million shows about characters with superpowers out there. Yet one more isn't likely to stand out. The two new characters aside, isn't Futari wa Milky Holmes more like what you're asking for, a more action-focused series about the Milky Holmes girls with their powers? But the results are bland and generic. A lot of that is because of mediocre execution, for sure, but it also could be partially because that's a fundamentally more generic kind of show, compared to the somewhat unique nature of the first two seasons.

Well, of course I don't think the simple inclusion of superpowers is enough to make the series stand out, but I do feel like the superpowers are an integral piece of the series and characters' concept, and a part of their charm, so it seems strange to sideline them completely. And while superpowers in and of themselves aren't a unique idea, I feel like they add a lot of potential as an element in the detective/mystery format. At the same time, I agree that the way the anime presented the girls struggling to get by without their powers was super-charming and worked really well too, which is part of why I feel like it's good for the series to keep its different approaches in different mediums, so that we can have both styles and nothing feels left out.

And for the record, an action-focused series about the girls with their powers isn't really what I want at all, no. I don't think "action" is the series' strong point or something that should be the focus. It's good to have occasionally - a chase scene or struggle with a villain here, a dramatic climax setpiece there - but I don't think it makes sense to use action as the focus of the series. The focus should be either mysteries/crime-solving (since this is, you know, a detective series) or comedy, either way with a heavy helping of character interaction and general cuteness as the secondary focus. Or both, of course! No reason why an incarnation of the series couldn't incorporate both actual crime-solving and madcap comedy, if the series creators can make that work.

But yeah, this all ties in to why I think the new anime is taking completely the wrong route. For a start, the 12-minute format basically rules out any chance of decent mystery/crime-solving antics, since how can you fit any kind of plot into that episode length? But it doesn't seem to be taking a particularly comedic route either, which really leaves only action for the show to fall back on, and I don't think that works well as a focus. Similarly, while it's not like they're massively original powers or anything, I always felt like the original Milky Holmes girls' powers were nice and versatile, good abilities for detectives to have, which supported their characterisation and could come in useful both when the need for action arises and more generally for investigating purposes. Whereas these two new girls' abilities seem tailored exclusively for combat, which is not what this series should be about.

Well, a lot of people have called Milky Holmes a seiyuu vehicle... :p

And deservedly so. I could listen to those girls' voices all day <3


Gatchaman Crowds 2

That was definitely a step up over the first episode. Hajime is still adorably weird as always, but her eccentricity is somewhat toned down a bit.
The okama villain finally makes an appearance, and boy was that something. The pink haired girl was trap?!? Oh man what a revelation x)
It was nice to see what the others' day jobs were. I had a feeling that I might be let down but I was wrong, Gatchaman is still delivering.

Danganronpa: The Animation Episode 3 Not Normal Arc: Kill and Live

It felt like a few things were skipped over or just covered way too fast and some scenes just felt out of place. Like Naegi's moments especially whenever it led to (reveal spoiler) this happening with the scene, shattering, etc. Kind of wish they went a different animation route for
the execution of leon by baseballs, weird style change felt odd and like it was ripped straight from a game, they could have added some bells or whistles to it, especially since its not like the other scenes are really animated that intensely. I hadnt been on team leon so I was barely affected. Pink hair thats confiding in and has faith in Naegi, as well as Ishimaru for that faith, ought to be praised. I really cant imagine Ishimaru, Chihiro, Pink Hair, and Naegi to ever even considering performing murder so Im guessing they will ultimately be immune from these trials. The megane girl seems like she will easily break soon and do it.

This is the end result ..as i said it feel rushed , like they missed some scenes and things happen too fast because there was no cooldown before. And yeah everything was straight ripped from the game even if they improved naegi animation above a little.

Good luck trying to figure out the rest of the events however that's just quite hard to do ( especially with less information )


Colony Drop has published a short review of Pacific Rim, succinctly titled "Movies Significantly Better Than Eva 3.0: Pacific Rim". Give it a read if you wish; just mind there are a couple spoilers in it.


Uchouten Kazoku Episode 02

Yeah I feel pretty good about designating this as my favorite show of the season thus far (Love Lab isn't too far behind though).

Excellent atmosphere and world building and the last scene was especially touching. The show is just plain gorgeous to look at as well. I think this will become a very underrated show by the end of the year.

Also between this and the latest episode of Gatchaman Crowds,
crossdressing boys
seems to be the popular thing this season. lol
Danganronpa 3

Did they seriously put the game mechanics in the show? Why!?

And to make matters worse, the
are lifted directly from the game. That's super disappointing as I was excited to see a different take on them. And on top of that, it's partially censored :/

This is by far the laziest adaptation I have ever seen. This is worse than adapting a manga panel for panel since they at least have to redraw the scene for those.
I don't know the manga, but I checked out the first episode and promptly dropped the series. Wasn't really feeling the narrative, some of the characters' voices felt kind of off, and the general presentation didn't particularly appeal either.

But I wouldn't say it was bad necessarily; I would certainly have considered it worth giving more of a chance if it weren't for the fact that I'm watching so many other series already and was actively looking for something to drop.

EDIT: dammit double post =/ GAIS YOU SHOULD POST FASTER.
If that's the case, then I probably won't consider watching it. I just read that it takes place after the main character goes to Tokyo...and that's when the manga got bad imo. Guess I have to pick something else then.


I hear the Milky Holmes actresses are all playing prominent characters in a currently-airing show called Tomodachi wa Mahou. Maybe you should check it out.

olololol I think I'll pass on that one =p

Danganronpa 3

Seriously, anyone who has not played the game and is watching this, STOP. TURN BACK. You're ruining a great game for yourself and subjecting yourself to a mediocre anime at the same time. WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT. YOU DON'T WANT TO DO THAT.

I'm still quite enjoying this as a fun recap of the game's story, but even knowing exactly what's going to happen and all the details in advance, it just feels like they're rushing through all this. I can't imagine what it must be like for new viewers trying to process all this information that's being thrown at them out of nowhere with none of the proper context, and with tons of characterisation and key details omitted.

It was fun seeing the
execution scene
play out on the big screen, but even though I can understand why they chose to use exactly the same animation from the game and I'm sure any alternative approach would have turned out worse, it does just add to the whole feeling of the anime being superfluous. Especially when I'm pretty sure they actually removed some of the gorier details of the animation. Anyone who was expecting anything different from the execution scenes (censoring aside) should really have known better, though. It's been obvious since the rocket execution scene at the very beginning of the series that this is how they're going to do it.


If that's the case, then I probably won't consider watching it. I just read that it takes place after the main character goes to Tokyo...and that's when the manga got bad imo. Guess I have to pick something else then.

Oh, that wasn't even the proper beginning of the series? Now I feel extra justified in dropping it.
Neptunia 02


Basically was like the lesson of the episode.

Hm, I feel like I already seen this plot of the episode before. Can't even remember from where but whatever I guess. This basically feels like a Neptunia game without having to crawl through the same looking dungeons over and over.


I want to put my nostalgia to the test. I was thinking about rewatching Ronin Warriors but watching the original version with Samurai Troopers.

...But I heard Ronin Warriors was actually better?

I watched Ronin Warriors as a kid. Still got two of the actionfigs in my room.
Hayate no Gotoku! 23


Student council members are so overpowered.

Hayate could have solved this problem if he just learned his ultimate move already. ~_~

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
Squid Girl S2 10

Oh man, Ayumi is just adorable. And Chizuru being awesome is...well, awesome. :lol And the
segment was great too. I honestly thought I'd hate the "three stooges" when the show started, but they're actually pretty great, and often lead to some of the best plots in the series.

Also I've noticed that Nagisa hasn't been around for several episodes now. But according to the previews, she's back in the next episode, so that's good. Odd that they'd completely leave her out for so long, though.
Railgun 15
This was pretty good. The pacing prior to this episode was horrid, but it works well here where there is actually worthwhile material to stretch. And it makes sense to give this arc one more episode after this,


Love Lab 3


I was pretty worried about the overall animation budget after the dip in the second episode but it certainly seems to have picked back up again. The drama stuff was p. dumb tho.

also lol:



World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
One Piece - 603

You know, while this arc has a completely boring villain as well as side characters, the whole body switch gimmick made sticking through it all entirely worth it. And weird to say, but
Smoker and Sanji being in Tashigi and Nami's body respectively made their (the girls') character so much cooler. That's so sad. :lol
Cashew Sins 7

Cashew gets all the ladies, it appears that this will be his beacon of hope, a new harem. Copious embracing of Cashews body. They just want dat protein in this desolate world.

But jeez, that middle section was a bit nuts with
the robots going nuts when the bell was being rung, and the tower fell apart a bit, sending the bell straight onto her body... which Cashew saved.

For once, Cashew understood beauty.


Arve Rezzle

A little too wordy but I think that's a side-effect of this being self-contained rather than an opening of a series where stuff could be spaced out more. Not sure I get the hate either aside from it not being fully realized in the alotted time span like Death Billiards or Little Witch Academia.


Cashew Sins 7

gets all the ladies, it appears that this will be his beacon of hope, a new harem. Copious embracing of Cashews body. They just want dat protein in this desolate world.

But jeez, that middle section was a bit nuts with
the robots going nuts when the bell was being rung, and the tower fell apart a bit, sending the bell straight onto her body... which Cashew saved.

For once, Cashew understood beauty.

YOU DON'T SAY. Theonik's bit's rubbing off on you.


The Light of El Cantare
YOU DON'T SAY. Theonik's bit's rubbing off on you.

Shoulda been here when Shining Hearts: Shiawase no Pan was airing.

Arve Rezzle

A little too wordy but I think that's a side-effect of this being self-contained rather than an opening of a series where stuff could be spaced out more. Not sure I get the hate either aside from it not being fully realized in the alotted time span like Death Billiards or Little Witch Academia.

It was unambitious, anime tropey, and artistically pedestrian compared to most other Young Animator Training Project works. It just made me ask myself "they had the rare freedom to do whatever the hell they wanted and they went with this?"
Where was that anime thread that had anime suggestions for people burnt out on/had a poor perception of anime in general? I remember the OP had Monster in it and a show about a 20-something woman just trying to live her life, no fantasy elements at all.


It was unambitious, anime tropey, and artistically pedestrian compared to most other Young Animator Training Project works. It just made me ask myself "they had the rare freedom to do whatever the hell they wanted and they went with this?"

Well, it was an adaptation of an ongoing LN series rather than anything original. Maybe they were trying to parlay the Anime Mirai thing as a pilot for a longer series.


Where was that anime thread that had anime suggestions for people burnt out on/had a poor perception of anime in general? I remember the OP had Monster in it and a show about a 20-something woman just trying to live her life, no fantasy elements at all.

I don't know, but Bunny Drop is a pretty good show in that regard.

As long as you never, ever open the Manga or even read about it. Ever.
It was unambitious, anime tropey, and artistically pedestrian compared to most other Young Animator Training Project works. It just made me ask myself "they had the rare freedom to do whatever the hell they wanted and they went with this?"

They didn't have the freedom to do whatever they wanted. The short was originally funded by Kodansha as part of a program to give anime adaptations to LNs published by them - it was actually sold as a bundle with the LN - and it only became part of Anime Mirai when Studio Pierrot pulled out from their short.
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