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Summer 2013 Anime Thread Zero: grown men playing with dolls/who but WB Masochism

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They didn't have the freedom to do whatever they wanted. The short was originally funded by Kodansha as part of a program to give anime adaptations to LNs published by them - it was actually sold as a bundle with the LN - and it only became part of Anime Mirai when Studio Pierrot pulled out from their short.

That makes all sorts of sense, hosanna. Thanks!
madp get your studio in line

The innuendo potential goes way down a few episodes in and the rest is boring RPG fantasy crap that meanders all over the place until SUDDENLY, CLIMAX. It's not worth it.

I see dinosaurs and





I am not dissuaded.


The Light of El Cantare
They didn't have the freedom to do whatever they wanted. The short was originally funded by Kodansha as part of a program to give anime adaptations to LNs published by them - it was actually sold as a bundle with the LN - and it only became part of Anime Mirai when Studio Pierrot pulled out from their short.

I feel like that makes it even worse, because wouldn't that mean they used government funds to subsidize an existing project? At least this explains why it first surfaced as an OVA, then vanished, then reappeared as an Anime Mirai project.


DanganRonpa 03


Should have seen this coming. This adaption is a mess.

The worst part about this adaption is that if you have played the game, there is currently no reason to watch this, unlike the director's previous adaptions. P4A gave the silent protagonist a personality and gave different perspectives to scenes from the game. DeSu2 gave the silent protagonist a personality and animated a new story. With this adaption of DR, everything is copypasted from the game. A good number of scenes are just redrawn CGs from the game, the class trials are ripped directly from the game and rushed to all hell, and the executions are ripped from the game and retraced, plus they're censored. Since they’re ripped directly from the game, the animation differences are very jarring.

The point of an adaption in my eyes is to tell the story in a way that people who haven't experienced the original source fully understand what's going on and provide those who have experienced the original source a different perspective to scenes from the source. If you can't do that, then make a original plot featuring characters from the original source. DR the Animation isn't doing either. As of right now, it's feels as if I'm watching a "HD" speedrun of the original game. We don't get to see how the murders took place through animation and we don't get to see the executions done through a different perspective. That's all they had to do since unlike the director's previous adaptions, the MC is already a fleshed out character. Instead we get those scenes lazily copy and pasted straight from the game. I don't know if this is happening because of the DeSu2 the Animation backlash from fans, but copypasting every single element from the game does not make a good adaption. It just makes an abomination that no one should watch. Hopefully it gets better from here but I doubt it.

At least the OP is cool.


The Light of El Cantare
That makes all sorts of sense, hosanna. Thanks!
madp get your studio in line

I claim no affiliation. In fact, MALgraph says they're my fifth-most-hated studio!


Basically, I watched all of Bleach and a hell of a lot of bad 80s OVAs.

I am not dissuaded.

it's not reverse psychology :(

My curse of only being able to get people to watch things that I genuinely hate continues.


Eck x 7 Ass Nopecean 18

So at this point I have a complaint to voice, and I feel it is fairly reasonable: what was the point of
retconning Team Goldilocks out of existence?
I mean, the one life it could have saved is never addressed, and while Ao fusses a lot over whether or not
they're happy now, Team Goldilocks' girls weren't exactly mopey to begin with, and it is wrong to just kinda leave them there, rob them of Bruno and all their relationships, and just shrug it off when none of them were exactly suffering.

Also another Kyube reference. Makes me wonder if
Elena is demonic, or if they're doing this in a misguided attempt to be cute.

defecting to the American side
makes zero sense also. What is his motivation here? That Generation Blue . . . kept secrets? Didn't manage the unmanageable? I mean,
how are the Americans gonna handle this any better?

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand the remainder of the episode is BS drama.


Eck x 7 Ass Nopecean 18

So at this point I have a complaint to voice, and I feel it is fairly reasonable: what was the point of
retconning Team Goldilocks out of existence?
I mean, the one life it could have saved is never addressed, and while Ao fusses a lot over whether or not
they're happy now, Team Goldilocks' girls weren't exactly mopey to begin with, and it is wrong to just kinda leave them there, rob them of Bruno and all their relationships, and just shrug it off when none of them were exactly suffering.

Also another Kyube reference. Makes me wonder if
Elena is demonic, or if they're doing this in a misguided attempt to be cute.

defecting to the American side
makes zero sense also. What is his motivation here? That Generation Blue . . . kept secrets? Didn't manage the unmanageable? I mean,
how are the Americans gonna handle this any better?

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand the remainder of the episode is BS drama.

I can't explain any of the reasons why anyone does anything from this point forward, because it's all nonsense and I purged it from my memory.


Silver Spoon 2


Whoa, that was a massive step up from the first episode in terms of quality from the first episode. If this keeps it up then it'll definitely turn out to be something truly special, something worthy of the noitaminA brand (oldtamina, that is.)

also i'm kinda surprised someone hasn't made an ot yet :<
Gatchaman Crowds 2

That was definitely a step up over the first episode. Hajime is still adorably weird as always, but her eccentricity is somewhat toned down a bit.
The okama villain finally makes an appearance, and boy was that something. The pink haired girl was trap?!? Oh man what a revelation x)
It was nice to see what the others' day jobs were. I had a feeling that I might be let down but I was wrong, Gatchaman is still delivering.


A thought: maybe this guys is an alien of the same species of JJ? They both are abnormally tall. It would make sense,
as the villain seems to be in a opposite Gatchman-like team


Gatchaman Crowds 2

Total improvement. I've decided to simply stop letting my perception of Hajime be colored by what other anime do with her character type because it's clear at this point that there's a thematic undercurrent exploring the barriers that people create between each other, and Hajime's lack of inhibition and total disregard for traditional conceptions of authority have actual purpose. I mean, come on; if
Gatchaman armor is the symbolic manifestation of its user's soul
, Hajime being represented by scissors basically cements what her purpose in events is. Perhaps also pertinent to my change of heart, she's just really really fucking cute and I can no longer pretend that I'm not lapping it up.

There were several interesting plot threads introduced here, but instead of speculating I'll simply say that I'm fully engaged now.
Social networking manipulated for nefarious purposes is a relatively new concept that I enjoy seeing in science fiction. The possibilities for GALAX to work as a destructive force seem endless; there's something distinctly dystopian earning "points" for getting help for a medical emergency or, I suppose more specifically, the possibility that humans are now motivated to perform good deeds just to increase a "score". This seems an all too easy method to condition people to behave in particular ways and I await seeing how Hajime's personal philosophy brings her into conflict with GALAX, especially considering that she seems to be a heavy user herself.

Gatchaman 2. How I learned to quit worrying and accept the genki cuteness.


So I just got back from watching Kaze Tachinu


It's kinda hard to describe it while avoiding spoilers but I'm going to try my best.

Art and Animation
I'm not gonna spend much time here because this is Studio Ghibli. Everything is lovingly hand drawn with gorgeous backgrounds. There is a famous story about how Miyazaki was berating a Ghibli animator about the kid animating an airplane by drawing on inspiration from movies/TV/other anime. He said something like, you can't draw an airplane unless you've ridden one and had the feel of the wind in your hair blah blah. Well, I can say that, Ghibli must have shelled out some hardcore flying lessons for its animators because the flying is incredible. It is always easier to animate someone flying through the air (like in Kiki) rather than to realistically show a machine with weight doing so and most anime have struggled with that. Ghibli gives us a master class on how to do it here.

For something so serious, you'd think they'd use a more muted color palette but in true Ghibli style, everything is super lush. There are big rolling fields and everything is beautifully done.

If you're not content with airplane sakuga, there's earthquake sakuga, fire sakuga, car sakuga, train sakuga and rain sakuga. You'll need to watch Free! if you want swimming sakuga unfortunately. So yeah, Studio Ghibli is incomparable in terms of art and animation. Nothing comes close.




The whole country has Kaze Tachinu fever!

I love the theme song. Its an old song Hikouki-gumo "Airplane Cloud" by Yumi Arai (same singer as Yasashihsa ni tsutsumareteru nara from Kiki).


The main theme also sounds like the main theme from Laputa. Its definitely a very serious work and Jo Hisaishi has done a great job to fit the soundtrack with the events in the movie.

Also, to get it out of the way, Hideaki Anno is fucking awful as the VA for the main character. You're looking at the character and you're expecting one thing and then this weird old man voice comes out of his mouth. Its definitely jarring the first time you hear it. That said, its not THAT bad. Every second sentence Jiro says sounds perfectly fine. Its that first sentence you have to get over every time.


Proposed catch copies for the movie as thought up by the comedian Nakata Atsuhiko (Oriental Radio) and written out by Toshio Suzuki.

Story and Impressions

Its about the life of one guy, Jiro Horiguchi. The movie follows him from when he was a kid dreaming of airplanes, when he enters college to study engineering, the Great Kanto Earthquake, him joining Mitsubishi Heavy Industries to make planes, his love life, and follows him through the eventual development of the Japanese zero fighter.

For those worried, there is nothing significant in the movie about the war. Outside of some imagery, the war doesn't happen in this movie. The movie is focused on the people developing the airplanes and doesn't even attempt to provide commentary on the war. The war is something that WILL happen, we know it, but the characters of course don't and the movie tells it from that vantage point. To say more would delve into spoilers but I, not being Japanese, had reservations that the movie might glorify Japan's role in the war but rest assured, it does no such thing.



Its a beautiful story through and through. I kinda struggled with the first half of the movie and kept asking myself what the hell Miyazaki was thinking with this but eventually by the 2nd half, I found myself completely into the characters and developments. It kinda crept up on me to be honest.

Its a very adult story though and I think that is what might trip some people up. There are almost no children in the movie and certainly no children that have any important roles. The characters behave like adults, they drink, they smoke, they kiss. This is not Totoro or Spirited Away or Ponyo. There is no whimsy outside of a few dream sequences. I kinda felt bad for the families with kids in the theater. Its a cold hard look at the life of a man, his dreams and the Japan of the time.

I will complain about something that while not really Miyazaki's fault is something I feel at this point in my life an illustration of everything that I feel is wrong with Japanese society. Its the idealism of saying that as long as you are chasing your dream (working), everything else doesn't matter. That consequences aren't really consequences. They are things that happen on the way to your dream.

Its a movie by Hayao Miyazaki for Hayao Miyazaki. It really did seem to me like Miyazaki is putting himself out there as the main character. He devoted his life to his craft, he lived, he loved and in the end work wins out over everything else.

Final thoughts

There's a tweet from Mamoru Hosoda (The Girl Who Leap Through Time, Wolf Children Ame and Yuki) which praised this movie and he said something to the effect of "there has never been a movie like this and there will never be" and I agree with him although I think he's correct not in the way you reading this might think. This is a movie that only someone with the experience, clout and confidence of Hayao Miyazaki could have made. It is a dead serious work that explores what it means to live and chase your dream (or what happens when you fail). The movie panders to no one. There are no cute characters, no marketable sidekicks. I have a hard time imagining how this movie will be merchandised at all. This is a movie that only Miyazaki in his old age could have made. Not Oshii, not Hosoda, not even Takahata would get away with making something as personal, thoughtful and as beautiful as this movie.

You should do everything in your power to find a way to watch this movie (get the dub if at all possible).


I can't explain any of the reasons why anyone does anything from this point forward, because it's all nonsense and I purged it from my memory.

I'll bludgeon it out in time.

The Devil is a Part Timer 8

Emi > Chi, as always. That said, Chi has a fair amount of comical range that I do appreciate. She manages to come across as a fairly cute high school kid sometimes and other times an overendowed dwarf. Either way, she's still a very energetic, enjoyable character whose gesticulations tend to be goofier than the rest. She's like Majestic Prince's Tamaki if Tamaki didn't have all the comedy of trench warfare. Put more simply, if Tamaki was a good character and not a sledghammer to the funny bone.

Anyway, the competition with Sentucky Fried Chicken is a pretty funny concept, and having Emi and ol what's her name find out about their dramatic irony was another highlight of the episode.
prism illya 2

eh... like the fate fanservice and Rin's thighs are still delicious. Card collecting is... ccs ish. Idk show just feels like a :cajun show made by committee. not feeling warmth or anythin.

also the saddest looking clock in anime of recent...


Committee? Well, technically "Type-Moon" is the manga's author, and this is a manga adaptation, so I guess that's possible... but the manga is mostly good, and the anime is a pretty faithful adaptation, so I think they're doing a good job. Fate/kaleid is a series with a big genre shift versus past Fate works... but they're doing a good job with it, and the less depressing tone than other Fate/ stuff is quite nice. It's already better for sure than the original F/SN anime... I think it's quite good, too much loli-service at times aside. And ep. 2 didn't have that problem.

Well, in the games Kobayashi is of course the player character, so I don't feel he's particularly out of place there.
Uh, "of course"? Going by your "mystery show" thing from near the end of your post (good point!), in Ace Attorney you don't play as some other person watching Phoenix Wright, in Touch Detective you don't play as the main characters' butler or something, why don't you play as the Milky Holmes girls themselves in this Milky Holmes game? You should, of course.

I don't think his relationship with the girls felt particularly romantic or harem-y; he's just the mentor character who they look up to. I guess there's a bit of a schoolgirl-crush vibe to it sometimes, but nothing too serious; mainly he just brings the group together and serves as the player's proxy to interact with the girls. I don't really have any strong feelings one way or another about him as a character - he feels like a natural inclusion in the games, but I do think leaving him out of the anime is probably the right decision.
"The player's proxy to interact with the girls" -- so you are saying that it's a harem game. That is not what this franchise, or those characters, should be.

As for the rest of this, you really should just watch the anime and judge for yourself; you could pass it off as "just a schoolgirl crush", but seriously, compared to the actual animes, it's pretty creepy to watch.

Eh, I never felt like the plot was super-serious in the games, so if Alternative really takes itself too seriously, that could be an issue. I don't think the whole
trying to unleash a deadly virus to teach the world about darkness
plotline you mentioned sounds necessarily too out-of-place for Milky Holmes though; that sounds like a pretty standard over-the-top supervillain scheme and motivation, which is pretty par-for-the-course for how "phantom thieves" are generally presented in this franchise. As long as his scheme isn't taken deadly seriously and treated in a grimdark way, I can still see it fitting within the series aesthetic.
Well, Alternative is set in England; they're on a trip there. The villain is basically
a 19th century style guy (England, Sherlock Holmes, so of course they tossed in a connection) who thinks that the modern world is too soft, so people have to fear the darkness again, so he wants to unleash a virus which will kill like 90% of humanity, and Milky Holmes has to stop him.
Do the games have anything like that in them? It certainly couldn't be much more out of place compared to anything in the first two seasons of the anime.

For reference, the main villains in the Milky Holmes PSP game are the Phantom Thief Empire we all know and love; each one of them serves as the main villain for one of the game's cases. They're certainly treated in a much more serious way than the anime series presents them (well, it would be difficult to get less serious than how the anime presents them =p), and they commit proper crimes and utilise their special abilities as elements in the game's mysteries, but they still feel for the most part like larger-than-life "characters" with quirks and personality, rather than actual "dark and evil" villains.
That doesn't sound nearly as bad as the guy from Alternative...
though I thought he showed up in the games, or something, since he gets away at the end... I thought that was a game hook or something like that.
And yes, THAT little bit there made Alternative even worse.

Well, of course I don't think the simple inclusion of superpowers is enough to make the series stand out, but I do feel like the superpowers are an integral piece of the series and characters' concept, and a part of their charm, so it seems strange to sideline them completely. And while superpowers in and of themselves aren't a unique idea, I feel like they add a lot of potential as an element in the detective/mystery format. At the same time, I agree that the way the anime presented the girls struggling to get by without their powers was super-charming and worked really well too, which is part of why I feel like it's good for the series to keep its different approaches in different mediums, so that we can have both styles and nothing feels left out.
Yeah, as I said, the whole thing about the powers seemed pretty generic; what made it so interesting and unique was the twist about them losing their powers near the start. I'm not convinced that it could match that in a more conventional "they have powers and catch/fight badguys" series. I guess the idea of powers plus detectives was slightly different, but not THAT much... the detective academies and such are Milky Holmes' variant of the common hero academies and the like.

And for the record, an action-focused series about the girls with their powers isn't really what I want at all, no. I don't think "action" is the series' strong point or something that should be the focus. It's good to have occasionally - a chase scene or struggle with a villain here, a dramatic climax setpiece there - but I don't think it makes sense to use action as the focus of the series. The focus should be either mysteries/crime-solving (since this is, you know, a detective series) or comedy, either way with a heavy helping of character interaction and general cuteness as the secondary focus. Or both, of course! No reason why an incarnation of the series couldn't incorporate both actual crime-solving and madcap comedy, if the series creators can make that work.
Oh, right, solving mysteries, I'd kind of forgotten about that... but I mentioned that early on in this post, based on this comment, so I won't repeat myself.

But yeah, this all ties in to why I think the new anime is taking completely the wrong route. For a start, the 12-minute format basically rules out any chance of decent mystery/crime-solving antics, since how can you fit any kind of plot into that episode length? But it doesn't seem to be taking a particularly comedic route either, which really leaves only action for the show to fall back on, and I don't think that works well as a focus. Similarly, while it's not like they're massively original powers or anything, I always felt like the original Milky Holmes girls' powers were nice and versatile, good abilities for detectives to have, which supported their characterisation and could come in useful both when the need for action arises and more generally for investigating purposes. Whereas these two new girls' abilities seem tailored exclusively for combat, which is not what this series should be about.
I agree with you here, yes.

And deservedly so. I could listen to those girls' voices all day <3
I like the series the most myself, haven't listened to the music much besides in the episodes. But I know the music (eg the seiyuus) is popular.


Wow, Kaze Tachinu sounds like a great film despite Anno's apparent poor voice acting.

Thanks for the review, zeroshiki.


Its a great movie. I'm glad I got to watch it at this age. I might not have been able to appreciate something like this 10 years ago.

I plan on watching/revisiting all of Miyazaki's films soon to see if they leave different impressions on me.

My favorite to this date has still been Princess Mononoke.


Based Miyazaki, thanks for everything.. its seem a great parting gift from him ;__;

It does feel like something that would read well 50 years from now as the final magnum opus to his career. I don't want him to stop making movies though >_<

I plan on watching/revisiting all of Miyazaki's films soon to see if they leave different impressions on me.

My favorite to this date has still been Princess Mononoke.

I used to really like Mononoke for the action but on a rewatch a few years ago, I was more intereted in Ashitaka and San's story and all the environmentalism. The action felt like it was taking something away from me.


I used to really like Mononoke for the action but on a rewatch a few years ago, I was more intereted in Ashitaka and San's story and all the environmentalism. The action felt like it was taking something away from me.

It's funny because I was more enthralled by the lore and characters than the action but this was because I first watched it when I was much older (university I think so around 2005-6). Had I watched it around the time it came out, I probably would have dug it more for the action.


Mega Man Sins 8

Boy I sure how Casshern has a dick, because like, ever lady who meets him instantly wants it. Just sayin'. Anyway, Mega Man meets up with Lacus and takes her to perform One Last Gig (like in Blues Brothers!) and lemme tell you, narmy as the song is, the fight scene that accompanies this song is SICK. It's all lady singing and Mega Man just ripping the guts out of an army of robots. Like legit an army of them, just like in the end of MMZ1.


Got Steins;Gate part 1 today, giving me the complete series. I really hope I enjoy it, otherwise I'll feel stupid for having invested as much money as I have without even seeing the damn thing first. But impressions around here seem very positive, so I'm optimistic.

its one of the best series out there. You should quite enjoy It. Takes about 8-10 episodes to set the stage but then you better hold on!

Arve Rezzle>LWA. I can't remember why, though. I need to find my post on it.

Because A comes before L obviously!

What the frak is Arve Rezzle-


Rueface is so good. It should be used more.

Love Lab 3

Power struggle shit is over, amazing animation is back. Got what I wanted. Now stay this way.

Told you to have faith in it!

School Days - 9


NOW ANOTHER GIRL WANTS MAKOTO? Since when did he become so popular? How does this person not have the common sense to run away from these situations? If I didn't lose any shred of respect for that character before, I do now. No one with common sense wouldn't run away from that situation.

Slow motion train wrecks are the best.


Not to paint too simplistic a picture of the life of a studio, but surely what Anno is referring to is the energy and passion of a young studio. You can't expect the same studio, 30 years later, to have the same youthful enthusuaism and fervour, just like the youtuhl Studio Gainax that made The Wings of Honneamise isn't the same studio that made Medeka Box.
My impression is that Hideaki Anno's intent was to personally rile up Hayao Miyazaki, as representative of the studio's culture in general, as he even refers to Mr. Miyazaki directly and I think that went well with what you said; "It's reminiscent of that dynamic, energetic Miyazaki who was really exploring new ideas in really creative ways"... isn't that what it could be implied from Mr. Anno's opinion about what he lost? In the way of achieving and later maintaining such status and personal responsibility inside that industry (and for everyone dependent of him at the studio) maybe that original energy you mentioned is what he really "lost", also in words of Mr. Anno.

So I just got back from watching Kaze Tachinu
First of all, many thanks for your review, zeroshiki! Did you get some of that merchandise? Was the art-book available there perhaps?

I will complain about something that while not really Miyazaki's fault is something I feel at this point in my life an illustration of everything that I feel is wrong with Japanese society. Its the idealism of saying that as long as you are chasing your dream (working), everything else doesn't matter. That consequences aren't really consequences. They are things that happen on the way to your dream.

Its a movie by Hayao Miyazaki for Hayao Miyazaki. It really did seem to me like Miyazaki is putting himself out there as the main character. He devoted his life to his craft, he lived, he loved and in the end work wins out over everything else.
So, doesn't the film make evident the context and ultimate fatal outcome of what he worked on? I think that alone should kind of defeat that moral and the candid look into the 'working your way through anything' notion.
Sailor Moon 20

Dragged this one out because I got caught up in playing more Shin Megami Tensei IV


Interestingly enough, there were none of the usual suspects mucking things about, giving us a Grabbed by the Ghoulies episode.

This episode shows that they're biased against Mercury. I mean shit, Sailor Moon got an upskirt here and yet this is all we got from Mercury. Hatin'!

And they never took off the costumes.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
I will complain about something that while not really Miyazaki's fault is something I feel at this point in my life an illustration of everything that I feel is wrong with Japanese society. Its the idealism of saying that as long as you are chasing your dream (working), everything else doesn't matter. That consequences aren't really consequences. They are things that happen on the way to your dream.
I'd say you find a lot of the same themes in Western narrative, too, although in those cases it's not rare to find that the "consequences" have been reversed by the end of the story.
Cockshew Sins 8

Girls just want Cashew's nuts. Anyway singing exists... AND IT'S ACTUALLY IN ENGLISH TOO! TAKE THAT K-ON!

The moment the horde of robots showed up towards the end made me go "Oh no. Please don't", I don't think I can take tragedy considering Cashew made someones dreams come true despite his actions, but while that didn't happen, the song playing through that fight...

Oh man. It just felt so right... I have... feelings for this episode. This might be a current favorite.


I don't recall who said that Lupin III: Mine Fujiko to Iu Onna was disappointing, but the owls were introduced. I understand now. It was so good before...
So I just got back from watching Kaze Tachinu

Story and Impressions

Its about the life of one guy, Jiro Horiguchi. The movie follows him from when he was a kid dreaming of airplanes, when he enters college to study engineering, the Great Kanto Earthquake, him joining Mitsubishi Heavy Industries to make planes, his love life, and follows him through the eventual development of the Japanese zero fighter.

For those worried, there is nothing significant in the movie about the war. Outside of some imagery, the war doesn't happen in this movie. The movie is focused on the people developing the airplanes and doesn't even attempt to provide commentary on the war. The war is something that WILL happen, we know it, but the characters of course don't and the movie tells it from that vantage point. To say more would delve into spoilers but I, not being Japanese, had reservations that the movie might glorify Japan's role in the war but rest assured, it does no such thing.

Are you saying the movie ignores the Second Sino-Japanese War?

Well, I guess that's the typical Japanese way to handle it.


First of all, many thanks for your review, zeroshiki! Did you get some of that merchandise? Was the art-book available there perhaps?

As I said, Kaze Tachinu doesn't really feel like a merchandiseable movie for me. They had the puzzles there for Kaze Tachinu similar to what they have for Totoro, Kiki and the like.

I'm not sure if we're thinking of the same thing, but they were selling a 600 yen pamphlet that I didn't bother to get since those things just end up being clutter around the house for me.

So, doesn't the film make evident the context and ultimate fatal outcome of what he worked on? I think that alone should kind of defeat that moral and the candid look into the 'working your way through anything' notion.

I honestly don't know. Yes, of course, there were negative outcomes and the film does show that. I am just unsure and perhaps I am not sophisticated enough to notice whether the movie makes a commentary on it. For me, it was presented as: this is my dream, I will go forward in a single minded approach towards it. Oh yeah, these other things happened too as a result of it. It never felt like there was any room for regret towards anything regarding that particular thing.

Glad to hear the positive impressions on Kaze Tachinu. Going to be a long wait until it's on BD, though.

I didn't really want to fan the flames too much since, as you said, its gonna be a long time before I get to discuss this with you guys and I really don't want to be THAT guy. Depending on how successful this is, we could be looking at a year until this gets released on BD in Japan.



Toho has announced that Hayao Miyazaki's latest movie Kaze Tachinu has already recorded 127% of the first day box office (Japan counts number of people who watched in addition to the money brought in) of Miyazaki's previous movie, Ponyo On The Cliff By The Sea. Ponyo brought in 12 million people totalling 15.5 billion yen of sales on its first day and Kaze Tachinu has already beaten that by 6 PM on the first day.

Depending on how the late shows do, it has a chance to eclipse the first day of Princess Mononoke (19.9 billion) but probably not Spirited Away (30.4 billion holy shit).


As I said, Kaze Tachinu doesn't really feel like a merchandiseable movie for me. They had the puzzles there for Kaze Tachinu similar to what they have for Totoro, Kiki and the like.

I'm not sure if we're thinking of the same thing, but they were selling a 600 yen pamphlet that I didn't bother to get since those things just end up being clutter around the house for me.
Referred to this one here, I thought maybe they could be selling it in advance at theaters.

I honestly don't know. Yes, of course, there were negative outcomes and the film does show that. I am just unsure and perhaps I am not sophisticated enough to notice whether the movie makes a commentary on it. For me, it was presented as: this is my dream, I will go forward in a single minded approach towards it. Oh yeah, these other things happened too as a result of it. It never felt like there was any room for regret towards anything regarding that particular thing.
I see, thanks for the answer. I don't know much about Mr. Horikoshi's life but certainly I thought he wouldn't be oblivious to what he contributed for, and that it could be a proxy lesson the film's also told us.


Referred to this one here, I thought maybe they could be selling it in advance at theaters.

Oh, no, it wasn't being sold yet. Ghibli doesn't need to abuse moviegoers like Shinkai or some others to bring in the cash.

I see, thanks for the answer. I don't know much about Mr. Horikoshi's life but certainly I thought he wouldn't be oblivious to what he contributed for, and that it could be a proxy lesson the film's also told us.

There is a scene where he does take stock of his life but no regrets I think. I think the meta-lesson from Miyazaki is that of course war is bad but its not like Jiro Horikoshi flew the planes and blew the stuff up.


I wonder where this naming scheme started. Is it just everyone aping Super Sentai (which has always and will always follow the scheme "Adjective Sentai Nounranger"), or does it go back further than that? EDIT: Actually, it can't have started with Super Sentai, since the likes of "Science Ninja-Team Gatchaman" predate it.

Either way, the "standard magical girl series naming scheme" seems to be directly derived from this, with the additional requirement that the final name also include some kind of descriptor, for a four-word title in total. Pretty sure that one must have started with "Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon", and then everyone and their mother followed suit. To the point where "Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha" just inserts the random word "Lyrical" in there for the heck of it, and "Magical Girl Madoka Magica" contains two separate words meaning "magical".
I'm not sure when it started either. Though i think for magical girls it also predates Sailor Moon, though Sailor Moon probably popularised it.

I really prefer Apostrophe' though. It's hip.
Apostrophes are the worst. Working'!! is the worst title for a sequel.

To be Renton is to suffer. One of the things I like about Renton, though, is that he manages to be a loser without bowling over into the melodrama and also avoids being Mr. Cool Guy at the same time. I mean, it's all well and good for Kamina and Domon Kasshu to be Mr. Cool Guy, and for Shinji to be Bed Wetting Shinji, but having a guy who's just sort of a guy (and not a Gundam "I am a normal high schooler" guy) is what sets Renton and MSN's Akito Tenkawa apart for me. Which is part of why I didn't like Prince of Darkness, I think. They made Akito all dark and cool, when Akito being cool sort of went against everything his character stood for.

But yeah, Renton has to earn errythang in life.
I understand that. It's pretty refreshing how renton gets some actual character development compared to the standard mecha protag. I'm just commenting on the fact that no matter how well he does it still ends up swinging back to bite him. Like how Eureka presently is giving him the cold shoulder.

I told you! I was rolling on the floor when I saw it way back. This cost as much as LWA folks.

Branduil gone too? :(
Still on his football exile though Wonzo was talking about Branduil watching Ryo.

I claim no affiliation. In fact, MALgraph says they're my fifth-most-hated studio!
You know I initially thought your name may have been a mix of Madhouse and Studio Pierrot before I remembered where it really came from. I still like that version of events in fact.


This episode shows that they're biased against Mercury. I mean shit, Sailor Moon got an upskirt here and yet this is all we got from Mercury. Hatin'!
Mercury is too pure to defile like that.

I don't recall who said that Lupin III: Mine Fujiko to Iu Onna was disappointing, but the owls were introduced. I understand now. It was so good before...
Frauline Eule...
Don't remind me of this show. It hurts aaaaaaaaa
I doubt anything in Season 3 will top Takamura v. Hawk.

Sailor Moon 21

Rei needs to be more honest with her heart.... and she wore overalls... what a weirdo.


I HAVE USED MY STRONGEST YOUMA WHO HAS BONDS OF FRIENDSHIP *Breaks up a minute later* Well that was ridiculous.
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