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Summer 2013 Anime Thread Zero: grown men playing with dolls/who but WB Masochism

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Ghost in the Shell Arise: Ghost Pain

But surprisingly the biggest disappointment out of this whole thing to me by far is the soundtrack. Every track just felt incredibly lazy and uninspired and pretty much none of them stood out to me in any meaningful way. I haven't checked yet to see if Kanno was on duty again, which I doubt, but if it was indeed her then my god did she steal from some very lackluster artists this time around. So sad.

It's not Kanno this time, it's Cornelius.
Meanwhile, Yayoi stumbles upon something

So my buddy who's allowed me to use his CR account since he left for the military finally had it end and he has no plans to resubscribe anytime soon because he can't access it so I finally had to make my own account. $60 a year is a pretty good deal for all the series you get.

That yuri bait

Listen to Me, Girls. I Am Your Father! OVA 1

I recognize the pink haired girl even if she didn't get to appear in the anime until now. Wasn't aware she also had a crush on Segawa though.

Hina's part was pretty decent until this scene happened.


That was simply beautiful.


Subete no aware
Very, very cheap tears.

Pretty much like The Last of Us, come to think of it. lol

But hey, it works, so that's why people still use it.
So what's the general opinion of Fairy Tail around here? I remember liking Rave Master when I was a kid.

Your generic average action shounen.

It's enjoyable if you level your expectations with it though.

The anime starts pretty bland, but gets slightly better from that.


Chihayafuru 2 ep 25 END

Taichi and Team Taichi are forever jobbers.

A nice ending to another splendid season of Chihayafuru despite the drag out team tournaments of participants which I don't give a shit about not to mention we get to see Arata's hax skills and his smooth talking which always sway chihaya's heart leaving Taichi some delicious tears.

Please madhouse, please do a season 3.
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann - 4

Almost laughed my ass off when the pink things turned into enemies. Was not expecting that.

So we've got another group of humans after those beast men things. I'm hoping we get some history of those things fairly soon, cause how everything ended up that way is really interesting to me.

Did that mouse thing seriously just rip its own tail off so Simon and Kamina could eat? Yeesh...

Oh wow, is this going to turn into a competition of who get's to save the world from the beast men? This is going to go places. Awesome places.
This is what happens when you're still waking up and try doing 5 things at once. (;゚д゚) ・・・

You confused me at first because I went to post my Valvrave impressions and went "huh I'm in the wrong thread" then I went to my subscription page and was even more baffled lol


The Light of El Cantare
So what's the general opinion of Fairy Tail around here? I remember liking Rave Master when I was a kid.

If you've seen any other shounen anime, there is no novelty to be had in watching Fairy Tail. It's basically babby's first shounen.


listen to the mad man
Eden of the East 10 -
Who Killed Akira Takizawa?

Sorry, I know the excessive spoilers are very annoying, but I'm at the point where there's basically no info that isn't a spoiler.


As the girls take the bullet train back home, Mononoke? Mononode? Mononobe? shows up to showdown with Akira. Mononobe is making a play to win the game immediately.
Saki calls Akira and when he tries to blow her off again, Saki tells him everything she knows. Akira says he still doesn't know who he is but offers to keep his phone line open so she can hear his interactions with Mononoke.


Before he got whacked, Itazu sent all the SELECAO data to all the Eden of the East crew.

Mononobe has identified Mr. Outside, the organizer of the game. He's a businessman who made it rich in post-war reconstruction--which is a pretty good explanation for why Outside thinks he can "fix" Japan by spending money to begin with. But one problem is that I'm not sure the allegory holds--Japan's main problem in the wake of WW2 was a) infrastructure failure caused by war and needing rebuilding, b) centuries of isolation led to a Japan that never fully integrated into the emerging New World. Those things were things that were very easily fixed by spending money and by cooperating with the Americans who helped oversee reconstruction. Japan's problems now are not unique to Japan, but even if they were they don't strike me as just monetary problems. We learn that SELACAO comes from Brazillian football.

Exposition dump: Outside's objective is a "by forcing power upon [the SELACAO], he sought to... orchestrate yet another moment of dramatic change for Japan." Outside has terminal cancer and may already be dead--he'd be 100 today. Mononobe is sympathetic to Akira.

Mononobe plans to pretend to be Mr. Outside and basically take over the game. He's already taken over Outside's company. He has found the lab that runs the Juiz handler system. He has identified 10 of the SELACAO. The missile launching SELACAO is "Yuki". Another SELACAO is in the room.

To the surprise of no one--or at least no one who realizes that a single woman can't be a handler 24/7/365 without pause and immediately fulfill every request instantaneously in a perky and perfectly level disposition--Juiz isn't a human. She's a robot. DUH.

And here comes the evil plan--they're going to get Japan hit by 60 missiles to collapse society and force a rebirth. Yeah, we're off in crazy town. Yuki argues that Japan "preaches equality and exploits its citizens". Yuki's point seems to be that young people have few choices; overwork for a corporate giant; be underemployed doing menial jobs; "It's this society that has the problem". Akira tries to rationally discuss this, but Yuki isn't having it.

Mononobe wants to "eliminate the deadbeat slacker culture" and "remove the gerontocracy's grip on power"--gerontocracy meaning rule by the elderly, so I'm guessing he's basically complaining about the same problem every country has: as fewer children have to support more elderly, society needs to have a conversation about re-evaluating the distribution of benefits for the elderly. In Europe/the US, it's the greying of the baby boom. Mononobe thinks that the country needs to be shrank and made more competitive in order to retake its competitive place on the global market. Yuki and Mononobe seem at odds, but the show doesn't discuss this.

The other SELECAO in the room was independently wealthy before the game and doesn't give a crap as long as he doesn't die. So he's basically a wasted spot.

The Eden of the East crew look at the data dump. Outside, a deafening roar. A transport tanker crashes into a place near the mall. The 20,000 missing NEET emerge and run screaming. Meanwhile, Mononobe explains the memory wipe off-screen so the viewer is left in the dark although Saki and Michan and Akira are now in the loop. Akira leaves and escapes by train.

As the Evil Dudes prepare to celebrate their imminent plan, Robo-Juiz informs them that the game will not be won tonight. SELECAO 12, a previously unknown SELECAO, has made his first purchase--transferring Juiz's AI to a remote location.

With one episode left, we know what the climactic showdown will be--Akira and the Eden crew versus the Bad Guys versus SELECAO 12, and we know that the conflict will involve the NEET and the Missiles. I am disappointed that the series wasn't able to spend more time exploring how different people from different walks of life identified problems and worked towards fixing them--only the Hospital Director seemed to identify a real problem and make coherent steps towards solving it. Everyone else seems to be playing around or engaging in cartoon villainy.

I'd also like more information about the thing that's been mentioned a few times related to
Saki being sympathetic to the missile attacks. It's not clear to me why she would be. Okay, you agree the system needs a shock to cause tough decisions and real fixes to problems. Why on earth would that make you sympathetic to an armed military attack with no identified aggressors or demands which appears to have had no effect on society's actual operation and no stated connection to society's problems?

Whatever happened to Diana, anyway? Who are the dudes Akira hallucinated/dreamed about?

It's going to be tough to resolve stuff satisfactorily in one more episode, and I guess two movies.
So what's the general opinion of Fairy Tail around here? I remember liking Rave Master when I was a kid.

One of the better paced shonen action battle series when it was on the market. Excellent music (though not Bleach level), OP 1 Snow Fairy is quite amazing and memorable, and just really fun and lovable cast. If youre not expecting it to be genre defining then you should be in for a mighty good time.


Poet Centuriate
Toradora! 19

It's party time!

Ryuuji cleans up like a classy motherfucker.

and Taiga...oh be still my heart.

okay this shit came out of fucking nowhere. why.

what is up with you Minorin?

Just give up Ami. You're worst girl and he
doesn't listen to what you have because he's in love with Taiga but can't say it and blah blah blah
. Just...give up.

Okay, I'll level. Taiga your little monologue there in your apartment? Hit way too close to home.

wtf. This is some Full Metal Panic shit.

Actually I take that back, this is almost some Clannad level shit.


Futari wa Precure Splash Star 31

In this episode, Kenta (who I've finally given up on calling Naruto) is looking for someone to form a comedy duo with. Everyone can see that class rep Miyasako is the perfect guy for the job, but it takes a while to bring him around to the idea.

Meanwhile Mizu Shitatare, always in pursuit of new ways to be a massive failure, this episode achieves the remarkable feat of making worse puns than Kenta. I didn't even realise that was possible, but there you have it. I guess she also summoned an Uzaina and stuff but I barely even noticed because our new Bright/Windy Cure duo took care of it in about two seconds flat.

Also in this episode, a new ED! It is full of happiness and dancing, and thus basically perfect for Splash Star. A good thing too, since I was about to complain about the fact that Moop and Foop usurped the position previously occupied by Saki's giant smile at the beginning of the OP. That's not cool, you guys.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann - 4

Almost laughed my ass off when the pink things turned into enemies. Was not expecting that.

So we've got another group of humans after those beast men things. I'm hoping we get some history of those things fairly soon, cause how everything ended up that way is really interesting to me.

Did that mouse thing seriously just rip its own tail off so Simon and Kamina could eat? Yeesh...

Oh wow, is this going to turn into a competition of who get's to save the world from the beast men? This is going to go places. Awesome places.
First person in the history of forever to not notice the art style change for this episode? lol


First person in the history of forever to not notice the art style change for this episode? lol

It never bothered me back when I watched it, either. It's quite refreshing to hear someone actually commenting on the content of this episode (which I'm quite fond of) instead of just going "OH MY GOD YOU GUYS WHAT HAPPENED TO THE ANIMATION THIS IS A TRAVESTY".
I wonder what Enigma's personality will be like. Good design.(Phi Brain 3)
I can already see him going crazy when he won't be able to go near the puzzle of gods Because he's not worthy.

I just want to point out that, as usual, though he linked to the article, DTL shows extreme favoritism by once again ignoring anything about the new female character, even though her key art was in the same article.


I like the design, feel like an antagonist that could become an ally.

I hope it's a girl , but i'm not sure .

Can you blame me considering
Da vinci background ?

Yep this feel good.


The Light of El Cantare
Φ Brain 3:

Finally, Kaito is actually pissed that he's getting summoned to solve puzzles by strangers who are trying to kill him and calls the Principal out on his shady bullshit. But what does the Principal have to say about all of this? "dealwithit.gif. Oh, and by the way, you ruined an expensive car in the process of not getting murdered, you incompetent shit." hahahaha fuck you, Principal.

Enter bratty new character:

So Einstein and Edison are in this? Hey, I think I know what Orpehus is now. It's the divine power of El Cantare, and whoever solves the Divine Puzzle becomes a new Buddha. It was painfully obvious the whole time.

This cheating POG dickery is getting pretty old fast; I feel like I'm just watching Yugi duel Rex Raptor over and over. The comical psychopathy of the POG villains is still entertaining in its own way, but are high stakes the only way to keep the audience's interest in what's going on? I'm just going to be rolling my eyes the tenth time that a POG dude threatens to drown Kaito's friends/crush him under a falling bus/blow up the city. It's only been three episodes and there's not much further that these dudes can go in terms of the scale of who/what they're threatening to kill short of, like, threatening to release a bioweapon or something.

I can scarcely think of something less engaging than watching someone else solve puzzles without being able to follow their thought process, so I suppose in some sense it's necessary for keeping the viewer invested in the outcome of each puzzle if they can't engage the viewer in the puzzles themselves. I mean, this week's puzzle wasn't even really a puzzle. It was just an unintuitive guessing game with a generic number game slapped on at the very end and Kaito had to be gimped by, no joke, a bracelet that prevents him from being able to solve puzzles just to give a reason that he couldn't use his plothax power to solve it ten seconds in.
Detective Conan 231:
Jodie is badass.
Her taking down the busjacker and playing it off for laughs
was great, although obviously the highlight of the episode was everything with
Conan rescuing Haibara after she tried to kill herself.
They really did a great job of showing just how desperate Haibara was, and how much the realization that someone from the Black Organization was there had shaken her up. Then we wrap things up with Akai being mysterious and cool.

Such a good Conan story, and one of the most important in terms of shaking things up and hinting at things to come over the following 100+ episodes. I'm glad I've finally reached this story, as it was one of the ones I was most looking forward to (and not just because it introduced my favorite character). The new opening that starts with this episode isn't really that great, although it's at least got a little more going on in the footage than the previous one did.
So what's the general opinion of Fairy Tail around here? I remember liking Rave Master when I was a kid.

I tried to watch it when it came on the Funimation Channel but the designs of the characters were a little much for me. Though I really shouldn't be talking about designs being weird since I watch One Piece, but I don't know Fairy Tail is kinda just too different to me. Maybe it's the cute cats and beast characters I saw, I don't know. Also I want to know who the main character of the show is but no one can tell me, I even went on the Fairy Tail board on a site and asked and most of them said "both." That also made me a little skeptical only because I like to know who I'm mainly focusing when watching a show.

From the clips I see it looks good but I never got drew to it yet.


No Scrubs
So what's the general opinion of Fairy Tail around here? I remember liking Rave Master when I was a kid.

Rave Master is a lot better than Fairy Tail. Like way way way way better. Don't even bother with Fairy Tail.

Detective Conan 231:
Jodie is badass.
Her taking down the busjacker and playing it off for laughs
was great, although obviously the highlight of the episode was everything with
Conan rescuing Haibara after she tried to kill herself.
They really did a great job of showing just how desperate Haibara was, and how much the realization that someone from the Black Organization was there had shaken her up. Then we wrap things up with Akai being mysterious and cool.

Such a good Conan story, and one of the most important in terms of shaking things up and hinting at things to come over the following 100+ episodes. I'm glad I've finally reached this story, as it was one of the ones I was most looking forward to (and not just because it introduced my favorite character). The new opening that starts with this episode isn't really that great, although it's at least got a little more going on in the footage than the previous one did.

Oh man, here we go.
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