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Summer 2014 Anime |OT| this thread has been outsourced to Toei Phils

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At first I thought VR would be cool but then I realised something. People will actually lose their lives to it. It may go beyond addiction to something that some may want to substitute with reality. Imagine if the AAA gaming devs (especially some of the Japanese ones) got their hands on it......well they probably have with Morpheus and Oculus.

There needs to be a new kind of warning on these machines.
Well regardless of how good VR is , there is still the need to live , human will stay humans so even the most addict will have to live (IRL ) to earn coin and to earn money , so there might be a stabilisation even if this project becomes mainstream.
I for one don't believe in the "crash" that might happen.

I warned all of you. The PV looks nothing like any of their previous works.

It's still something i'm intrested in because there might be something else hidden behind those designs.
Even though it's next Trigger show,it still "looks" nothing like Trigger lol
Staff list got posted on AS but never saw it listed here.
Looks generic and the directors don't have a lot of experience in their roles. Trigger must grinding for experience for their neglected units. /SRPG allusion


Huge Nickleback Fan
Even though it's next Trigger show,it still "looks" nothing like Trigger lol

Yeah, it could be good though!

[quote="Jintor, post: 120101557"]animegaf, what is your profession/training anyhow[/QUOTE]
Quality assurance for Mobile game company. Currently struggling to finish my thesis for my MBA


Well regardless of how good VR is , there is still the need to live , human will stay humans so even the most addict will have to live (IRL ) to earn coin and to earn money , so there might be a stabilisation even if this project becomes mainstream.
I for one don't believe in the "crash" that might happen.

Well, as it is we get to hear tragic stories of youth sitting playing for days straight without food or anything and dying because of it, it's not going to get better with these in their hands. It's not that the issue is with the device but some people instead and the possibility of something like that in their hands destroying them. Not every body can do self control and moderation sadly and even then you might think you can but then when it happens you can't, like any addiction. You might be an addict and not realize it yourself. The thing is we can't anticipate what kind of effect this thing can have, it can be normal like any other product out there, you can't help everybody or can be more widespread, not that simple.


Maturity, bitches.
It's kind of funny. When we think generic anime we think school kids, when western media parodies "generic" anime it is still dragon ball z jokes.


It's kind of funny. When we think generic anime we think school kids, when western media parodies "generic" anime it is still dragon ball z jokes.
Well, battle shounen still exists, too. And I am almost sure I rather want the media look at people screaming at each other while punshing than underage girls with a lot of sexuality based jokes. I don't think mainstream media would take that kindly.


Cowboy the Bebop 12 + 13 - "Jupiter Jazz"

Finally, a story with room to really breath. Some really standout scenes throughout - Spike freaking out at Julia's mention and leaving the Bebop in an argument with Jet, Spike beating the shit out of street thugs and Faye trying for it, and the first cliffhanger with Spike/Vicious and Gren/Faye - all great scenes, all really striking, and the pacing just flows perfectly. Nothing feels rushed and the time just flies by. I remember this being a very understated, quiet kind of episode in the first half, and that's exactly what it is - tension-building, with brief bursts of violence, and the rare moment of levity to lighten the occasion. Kinda funny that Faye is confident enough to go up against a whole pack of thugs, but hey, whatever.

Steve Blum and Wendee Lee really deliver standout performances in this two-parter, in my opinion.

Funnily enough, though the main story thread gets sufficient breathing room, the Gren/Vicious motivating drive is mostly left alluded to and thus is probably the weakest part of the entire encounter. Spike also only lives because Lin was around and/or Vicious was being a jerkbag instead of pragmatic, but it makes sense. The dreaming/dream iconography and symbolism is made more explicit in the second half - "like watching a dream I can't wake up from" - but I feel like it's more powerful in the first half when Spike is somewhat aimlessly chasing the mention of Julia despite having more pressing immediate matters. Jet and Gren exploring Faye's 'comrade'-based motivation is also very impressive, though they're both a little blunt with it, but Faye denies all so I suppose it's not exactly beating you over the head with it either.

My absolutely favourite scene though is when Spike returns to the Bebop and Jet lets him back on without comment.

The first episode of Bebop I ever watched and the one that drew me in and kept me. One of my faves. What a story.


Cowboy the Bebop 12 + 13 - "Jupiter Jazz"

Finally, a story with room to really breath. Some really standout scenes throughout - Spike freaking out at Julia's mention and leaving the Bebop in an argument with Jet, Spike beating the shit out of street thugs and Faye trying for it, and the first cliffhanger with Spike/Vicious and Gren/Faye - all great scenes, all really striking, and the pacing just flows perfectly. Nothing feels rushed and the time just flies by. I remember this being a very understated, quiet kind of episode in the first half, and that's exactly what it is - tension-building, with brief bursts of violence, and the rare moment of levity to lighten the occasion. Kinda funny that Faye is confident enough to go up against a whole pack of thugs, but hey, whatever.

Steve Blum and Wendee Lee really deliver standout performances in this two-parter, in my opinion.

Funnily enough, though the main story thread gets sufficient breathing room, the Gren/Vicious motivating drive is mostly left alluded to and thus is probably the weakest part of the entire encounter. Spike also only lives because Lin was around and/or Vicious was being a jerkbag instead of pragmatic, but it makes sense. The dreaming/dream iconography and symbolism is made more explicit in the second half - "like watching a dream I can't wake up from" - but I feel like it's more powerful in the first half when Spike is somewhat aimlessly chasing the mention of Julia despite having more pressing immediate matters. Jet and Gren exploring Faye's 'comrade'-based motivation is also very impressive, though they're both a little blunt with it, but Faye denies all so I suppose it's not exactly beating you over the head with it either.

My absolutely favourite scene though is when Spike returns to the Bebop and Jet lets him back on without comment.

The first episode of Bebop I ever watched and the one that drew me in and kept me. One of my faves. What a story.

This is the best episode.


Jinsei #01

Kinda "eh". I get the distinct idea the majority of that show has already been tried somewhere else. Still, I'll keep watching. It might just get better.
Blue Spring Ride 1

More things happened in this episode than 5 seasons of Kimi ni Todoke. Looks alright, main male lead is annoying so far however.


Blue Spring Ride 1

More things happened in this episode than 5 seasons of Kimi ni Todoke. Looks alright, main male lead is annoying so far however.

By annoying you mean dreamy right.

Kaji Yuuki should just use similar voice from now on, much better than his screamer archetype.


So I promised I would do a big post analyzing the first episode of Aldnoah Zero-1 when I got home so I'll do that now. My favorite scene in the episode is actually the first one.
It's the warmth between Slaine and the Princess in their interactions. The way she moves, there is a graceful and charming aspect to her. You can get a really good grasp on their personalities in this scene, in just the way that they move. Slaine is very stiff while the Princess moves everywhere in the frame. The use of spatial control within the frame really works well for contrast purposes. There are the verbal responses as well, such as Slaine's being very scientific while she's the romanticist. The audience gets an understanding of the playfulness in their interactions.
Then enters Count Cruhteo. The camera is angled slightly down and up-close to really emphasize the shadows around his face. His entrance is covered with shadows as he walks into the camera.
His face taking up so much of the frame is a good way of establishing not only his presence but also him being ominous. As he walks towards the camera, he's being positioned as being larger than the frame and as such, larger than life.
After-which, the use of space in this frame could be used to highlight the difference in personality and stance between the Princess/Slaine and the Count. There's a really good sense of not only physical separation used but emotional as well.
Then when the Princess leaves, the Count continues to stare at Slaine. In fact, he never looks at the Princess leaving. Even when he turns to leave, he continues to stare at Slaine. In the whole scene, he never acknowledges Slaine with any words, just with his body. It's really good character acting in that the audience can tell his opinion of Slaine without any dialog on his part.
Slaine with Cruhteo's entrance, becomes really stiff, and the emotions he was expressing with the Princess is gone. He wasn't the most expressive of people before, but he becomes even more tense. Then the director uses a pretty old trope, that of the Count turning the power off when Slaine is still in the room. This can be done for a multitude of reasons but in this case, was done to establish that the Count doesn't even consider Slaine as a 'human' and when the Princess left the room, there was nobody inside. I thought it was a good way of ending the interaction between the two.
The camera right before then, does a quick switch to show that Slaine had been bowing which utilizes the animation cut format for impact. It's not just the fact that Slaine bowed but how the animation handles it. All of this leads to Slaine giving an audible sigh of relief when the Count is gone. It's really good character acting on both the Count and Slaine's part. The scene works really well to establish not only the personalities but the power dynamics at play.
The show then introduces the other lead, Nao. In the introductory scene with his sister, he doesn't show any emotion whatsoever. The closest thing to emotion he shows is the quick cut above and that's akin to remembering something than actual emotion. This is in contrast to his sister who is much more expressive. The animation style for Nao reminds me about all the work done for Kirei in Fate/Zero where the animators went to great lengths to not animate too much expression on Kirei's face.

Afterwards is the exposition bus. So I guess there is a line about how 'Class Rep' girl is taking notes on everything but it feels like a really flimsy excuse to have exposition. This is mostly for two reasons, one would be that she's going over basic stuff on a very well-known event in their universe and also she wasn't actually taking notes. Then there's also the line Jexhius pointed out, about how one of Nao's friends mentions the damage but he would have seen it previously.

I should also mention that there is a good amount of wear in some of the scenes on Earth. The bus has some damage on the outside and the observation shed looks really old and rusted. Even the mechs have some damage to the paint. There is a lived-in aspect to the Earth scenes compared to the stuff on the spaceships/Castles.

Following the training session is the bar scene. I'm pretty sure they introduced the terrorists in the background in this bit. Despite some opinions to the contrary, I think the exposition here was much better than the stuff on the bus. The Lieutenant is an alcoholic and the person he's speaking with is a doctor(not sure if he's a military doctor or not though). He's already tipsy and he's a guy that seemingly likes to talk a lot so the conversation is fine in the context that it's used.
So this elevator sequence is a little wonky. We first get the above bit that really makes it seem a shitload longer than 40 years. I'm now fully expecting crap like either time travel or accelerated cloning. Anyway the dialogue in the elevator is somewhat off as the flow of the conversation is 'incorrect'. So they disagree about Slaine but how does that veer into the Princess stating what her role is going down to Earth? I could understand her making commentary/analysis on her goodwill mission like "We should strive to be better as a people." but she instead reiterates her mission objective. If it's exposition, it's entirely unnecessary as it's been stated multiple times why she's going down to Earth.

Oh and they heavily hint that the
terrorists are working with the Knights. There is a line that one of the terrorists at 14:31 states, "All these years of lying low is about to pay off". Why would you have to lie low if you were an Earthling? I mean unless you're some sort of famous terrorist or whatever.
Anyway it's clear that Nao not reacting to
the missile strike is intentional. He continues to stare at the origin of the first missile while the rest of his friends are freaking out. So I guess the question is whether they're going to go full Kirei with him or something closer to Kiri.
Btw can somebody confirm what the line Nao says after
seeing the missile
This is completely different in meaning than Crunchyroll's subs. So the buildup of music in this scene is pretty great. Even without the visuals, you get the sense that some shit is about to go down.

Finally there is New Orleans. This is another super well done scene. Really establishes the dominance on the part of the Knights. Yea, Aoki putting Sawano to good use. As much as I hate Sawano at times, he's really great at coming up with these 'climax themes'. It's also kinda funny that the lyrics are "I say fly" when the ending lyrics of the OP song by Kalafina is "Let us fly into the blackened sky".


So I promised I would do a big post analyzing the first episode of Aldnoah Zero-1 when I got home so I'll do that now. My favorite scene in the episode is actually the first one.

Oh god shes so precious. I might have to watch this.

You guys have one episode analysis that are longer than my whole series analysis.

I know. I feel so inadequate with my little episode reaction quips. Im basically unable to review a series in that fashion.


Bebop is a bit of a special case to me, I generally don't go out of my way for stuff.

In fact the last episode I put any amount of effort into critiquing was a Soul Eater NOT episode because the show's absolutely atrocious art was seriously beginning to irritate me


I thought the only racist claims come from the human characters from different nations in the world politicaoly battling over their countries dominance and right to the resources of the annex and mars and medicine. After the first half of the series the mars roach killing stuff got old making human v human stuff more interesting.

I wouldn't know about that, but once I get to reading the manga I'll be able to find out. Also I think shows/media in general always gets more interesting once you get infighting among groups. Seeing the whole discontinuity effect take place is always something I like to see.

I just don't have the energy to break down every scene.

For me it's a mix of both being too lazy for such a thing, and not wanting my terrible writing skills to show even more. I think I'll try to give better critiques from now on. However, I just prefer the good ol fashion review process of stating if a show is shit or not shit.


Cowboy the Bebop 12 + 13 - "Jupiter Jazz"

Finally, a story with room to really breath. Some really standout scenes throughout - Spike freaking out at Julia's mention and leaving the Bebop in an argument with Jet, Spike beating the shit out of street thugs and Faye trying for it, and the first cliffhanger with Spike/Vicious and Gren/Faye - all great scenes, all really striking, and the pacing just flows perfectly. Nothing feels rushed and the time just flies by. I remember this being a very understated, quiet kind of episode in the first half, and that's exactly what it is - tension-building, with brief bursts of violence, and the rare moment of levity to lighten the occasion. Kinda funny that Faye is confident enough to go up against a whole pack of thugs, but hey, whatever.

Steve Blum and Wendee Lee really deliver standout performances in this two-parter, in my opinion.

Funnily enough, though the main story thread gets sufficient breathing room, the Gren/Vicious motivating drive is mostly left alluded to and thus is probably the weakest part of the entire encounter. Spike also only lives because Lin was around and/or Vicious was being a jerkbag instead of pragmatic, but it makes sense. The dreaming/dream iconography and symbolism is made more explicit in the second half - "like watching a dream I can't wake up from" - but I feel like it's more powerful in the first half when Spike is somewhat aimlessly chasing the mention of Julia despite having more pressing immediate matters. Jet and Gren exploring Faye's 'comrade'-based motivation is also very impressive, though they're both a little blunt with it, but Faye denies all so I suppose it's not exactly beating you over the head with it either.

My absolutely favourite scene though is when Spike returns to the Bebop and Jet lets him back on without comment.

The first episode of Bebop I ever watched and the one that drew me in and kept me. One of my faves. What a story.

Great Critique of the best episodes of Cowboy Bebop. Show really shined through with the Vicious episodes. I really liked how they did the multi-part episodes in this and Samurai Champloo


That reminds me, I really need to read The Illusion of Life. I'm familiar with some of the 12 Principles but I would love to read a big analysis of the stuff.


pfft. don't worry about writing prowess on forums. if it's not going in a portfolio someday don't sweat it

Haha but what if it is. You never know when someone decides to put together a crappy book talking about those fine chaps down at the NeoGAF anime club.


Haha but what if it is. You never know when someone decides to put together a crappy book talking about those fine chaps down at the NeoGAF anime club.

"I walked into this fine establishment pon this fine day and my word all those chaps were doing was talking about the finer parts of a woman's posterior! It was so shocking that I had to pop my monocle, good lord. I say, another whiskey here, chop chop!"


THATS Triggers new show?

What the heck?

Even Gainax did some "normal" things from time to time. Not surprising that Trigger would too. Kill la Kill might be selling decently in Japan, but they'll need more than that to keep them afloat!


Even Gainax did some "normal" things from time to time. Not surprising that Trigger would too. Kill la Kill might be selling decently in Japan, but they'll need more than that to keep them afloat!

Well I do like the red haired one and purpleish one. Im in.


Well I do like the red haired one and purpleish one. Im in.
Small one looks better with heri hat on.

so mods have pretty much made their stance on anime avatars public now

Time to go back to having delicious dessert avatars like in the early 2000s I guess.
The hell is wrong with the Zoro one? "Oh no, a man with a sword, outragoues". Or is this the "all anime is shit"-stance?
edit: Mhm, reading this thread, people critized him already. Good.


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