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Summer 2014 Anime |OT| this thread has been outsourced to Toei Phils

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White album 2 started out with a lot of promise. Then it devolved into ultimate melodrama out of Mexican soap opera. I really do hope they make a season 2 since I've read what happens from a summary and oh boy is it hilariously melodramatic. I won't watch it just read reactions.

Oh. There is actually material for second season after that ending lol. Would probably watch for hilarity. I was already rolling my eyes constantly during latter half of this season and actually started laughing during the last scenes when
Haruki was kissing Touma in front of Ogiso and she started to cry.
I also wanted to start FSN after finishing FZ but since I read pretty much everywhere that it's shit I never started it.
maybe one day.
Honestly at this point just wait for the ufotable version. If you're not into visual novels it's the best option you have. Heck even if you are the battles are such a huge part of the enjoyment that it'd be better to wait for the ufotable version.


I also thought that Psycho Pass was welcome here? I liked Psycho Pass (well except for off screening a certain character...)

it was very well liked.... for first episode. Then all the good will evaporated episode after episode.

I'm more surprised how well liked it is in other places considering how bad it is but the I realize anime fandom really likes their 'dark edgy' stuff lol. Concept was cool, writing was terrible, execution and pacing bottom tier.

second season is by arise writer (among other terrible things) I'm willing to give it another shot, arise isn't as bad as pp still don't think it's good either.


Huge Nickleback Fan
I like psycho pass, it got a lot of hit and miss scene, but overall, i think it's okay. Not the greatest, but it got a lot of potentia

Oh wait this is even more lewd VN with mecha(and SLG),and it's free

Btw go community of this game and click screenshots part,you will know what why i said it's even more lewd,but big NSFW warning

Really man,Steam's future looks so bright

Dat screenshot.
I guess steam okay with bit of nudity
See that's the thing I don't really see the bad writing. My friends don't exactly watch crap tv and they enjoyed it a lot. Their one complaint was the long discussion scene between villains that Urobuchi seems to love if fate zero made clear.

I watch bad anime all the time but with Sci fi I tend to be way pickier than with fantasy since Sci fi is something I love a bit more over fantasy. The writing wasn't any worst than so many decent Sci fi novels. Heck it didn't feel any more grimdark than say the robot series by Asimov. It's more simplistic and direct in its message but that does not make it bad.

There's a difference if cynicism takes over.
I've always found the terms "bad writing" and "bad pacing" to be completely unquantifiable and therefore ridiculously subjective when it comes to discussing media of any form. Which is why I generally stay out of it. No one is convincing or enlightening anyone if every participant has their own esoteric rules for what's considered "bad" or "good".


why is it free?

  • Sunrider is FREEWARE. The game will be released for free upon completion.
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Keeping Sunrider free is made possible largely through the generous contributions of people like you. I expect to carry the majority of the production costs myself. However, any donations you make will go a long way in making Sunrider a great game.
I've always found the terms "bad writing" and "bad pacing" to be completely unquantifiable and therefore ridiculously subjective when it comes to discussing media of any form. Which is why I generally stay out of it. No one is convincing or enlightening anyone if every participant has their own esoteric rules for what's considered "bad" or "good".
True one person's example of bad writing is another person's wet dream. There's no point trying to argue if one person's position is "Its absolute shit." and the other person's is "Excellent, top tier writing."


first half of the series are seemingly isolated cases in episodic format, you could say their quality is subjective I guess, as far as police stories go they weren't even CSI tier. well it felt like I'm watching anime version of bad CSI episodes then. the cases tie into each other and future, that was good but the cases and characters weren't any good. Worst of all was Akane as the noob inspector leading all this.

second part with riots and everything, after like 11 episodes or so, you finally see some story direction, that is if you haven't already dropped out of boredom. The second half is filled to the brim with overly long and inane scenes of book quoting that are all pile of nonsense, it all comes off as pretentious in place of 'smart' dialog which was probably their intention. All of the are just filler, yes that makes the pacing of episodes and the series extremely poor, weeks by weeks nothing ever happens just talk talk talk.
And the ending is extremely underwhelming, squandering at one point promising villain. The plot revelation you could see coming from well before and well it's urobuchi, he has done the same thing too many times now, I bet aldnoah.zero has the same twist.

the hideous CGI and coloring, inconsistent faces in a same scene even and all the other production problems added on top of above, it's a mediocre at best show. it could have been better if it was half the episodes, there were like 3 EPs I liked overall. that's lower than average for me at least.
Love Stage!! Episode 1

Kind of a slow start, I prefer series that really get out and get going fast with typically much action in the first encounter, sadly, anime did that slow pacing so wasnt that into it throughout, but the final scene was amazing of course if the outfit wasnt a dress and etc. Buts it good anyway. Ryouma is my favorite


「古の女神と宝石の射手」新プロモーションムービー - YouTube

Pretty flashy for a CM of a mobile phone puzzle game, isn't it? Well, the news is we have now a confirmation via rising-star Tatsurō Kawano that another '.GIF generation' favourite as is Shingō Yamashita was the man responsible of this little piece of greatness.


True one person's example of bad writing is another person's wet dream. There's no point trying to argue if one person's position is "Its absolute shit." and the other person's is "Excellent, top tier writing."

I've always found the terms "bad writing" and "bad pacing" to be completely unquantifiable and therefore ridiculously subjective when it comes to discussing media of any form. Which is why I generally stay out of it. No one is convincing or enlightening anyone if every participant has their own esoteric rules for what's considered "bad" or "good".

I disagree. Humanity has been writing and constructing narratives for centuries. Overall we have a respectable understanding as to what constitutes good writing vs bad writing or good pacing vs bad pacing. This isn't to say there is no degree of subjectivity in this analysis or that standards aren't different across target groups and genres but it is quite possible to construct clear, logical and objective arguments for why a particular work might have particular deficiencies. Of course, something doesn't have to be be well written or well paced for any individual to enjoy it (since there obviously will be other aspects of its production that one can find appealing).
oh love stage is a yaoi looking thing :(

for some reason I thought/hoped it was a show about strippers.

Strippers don't really exist in anime... are there strip clubs in japan? I recall there being one in yakuza 3 or 4.
Goes the first 3 places in the new NewType again?
STill amazed , month after month how kira yamato and lacus clyne are holding up.

Oh wait this is even more lewd VN with mecha(and SLG),and it's free

Btw go community of this game and click screenshots part,you will know what why i said it's even more lewd,but big NSFW warning

Really man,Steam's future looks so bright

Damn , thanks for the link, gonna try it ASAP.
first half of the series are seemingly isolated cases in episodic format, you could say their quality is subjective I guess, as far as police stories go they weren't even CSI tier. well it felt like I'm watching anime version of bad CSI episodes then. the cases tie into each other and future, that was good but the cases and characters weren't any good. Worst of all was Akane as the noob inspector leading all this.

second part with riots and everything, after like 11 episodes or so, you finally see some story direction, that is if you haven't already dropped out of boredom. The second half is filled to

the brim with overly long and inane scenes of book quoting that are all pile of nonsense, it all comes off as pretentious in place of 'smart' dialog which was probably their intention. All of the are just filler, yes that makes the pacing of episodes and the series extremely poor, weeks by weeks nothing ever happens just talk talk talk.
And the ending is extremely underwhelming, squandering at one point promising villain. The plot revelation you could see coming from well before and well it's urobuchi, it has done the same thing too many times now. I bet aldnoah.zero has the same twist.

the hideous CGI and coloring, inconsistent faces in a same scene even and all the other production problems added on top of above, it's a mediocre at best show. it could have been better if it was half the episodes, there were like 3 EPs I liked overall. that's lower than average for me at least.

Hell, now I'm wondering if I wasn't watching this show closely enough. But for the example the pacing, and to me lack of filler (except that one flashback episode (EP12 or so?)), was one of the appealing qualities. So... uh :/

Dialog and visuals didn't leave a bad impression either, not at all.

Mmmh maybe I've gotta watch it once again (am intending to do so anyways) and take a closer look at things.
I disagree. Humanity has been writing and constructing narratives for centuries. Overall we have a respectable understanding as to what constitutes good writing vs bad writing or good pacing vs bad pacing.

Yep, I agree with you there. But we're just a bunch of people on an internet forum and we've all got personal biases. If you really think it's possible to have a discussion that's 100% based on what we, as humanity, have learned over the course of centuries without bringing in personal biases, be my guest.

I've never seen it happen and I doubt I ever will on a message board. Note that I never said there is no such thing as bad or good writing and pacing in what you've quoted from me.

Just that I've never seen those things quantified and subsequently used in a fair discussion of media.


NaDannMaGoGo said:
Hell, now I'm wondering if I wasn't watching this show closely enough. But for the example the pacing, and to me lack of filler (except that one flashback episode (EP12 or so?)), was one of the appealing qualities. So... uh :/

that flashback actually isn't so bad, it was the only attempt to make a point for existence of Yayoi other than being there for yuri service, but still they failed to do anything with the character. she was entirely uninvolved. Kagari didn't even get that flashback.

I imagine if you watch it completed at your own pace it leaves a better impression but when it was airing, it was very hard to stay interested.
first half of the series are seemingly isolated cases in episodic format, you could say their quality is subjective I guess, as far as police stories go they weren't even CSI tier. well it felt like I'm watching anime version of bad CSI episodes then. the cases tie into each other and future, that was good but the cases and characters weren't any good. Worst of all was Akane as the noob inspector leading all this.

second part with riots and everything, after like 11 episodes or so, you finally see some story direction, that is if you haven't already dropped out of boredom. The second half is filled to the brim with overly long and inane scenes of book quoting that are all pile of nonsense, it all comes off as pretentious in place of 'smart' dialog which was probably their intention. All of the are just filler, yes that makes the pacing of episodes and the series extremely poor, weeks by weeks nothing ever happens just talk talk talk.
And the ending is extremely underwhelming, squandering at one point promising villain. The plot revelation you could see coming from well before and well it's urobuchi, he has done the same thing too many times now, I bet aldnoah.zero has the same twist.

the hideous CGI and coloring, inconsistent faces in a same scene even and all the other production problems added on top of above, it's a mediocre at best show. it could have been better if it was half the episodes, there were like 3 EPs I liked overall. that's lower than average for me at least.

I'm on mobile so I can't do a proper discussion any justice with fighting auto correct to not duck me over but once I get back from work I'd love to give this a proper reply. At least for once somebody is bringing up points instead of posting gifs as an answer.
Yeh I wasn't actually really opposed to that episode, as it was somewhat fitting after the very tension filled last 1-2 episodes. It's just that, if anything, that's what I considered the most 'filler' out of all the episodes.


I also thought that Psycho Pass was welcome here?

Everything is welcome here. It's just a question of how much pushback you'll get for positive views.

I don't think Psycho-Pass is as bad as some of its detractors say, but it's definitely got problems. For me, I think the biggest one was characterization, which is a function of the writing. Akane's development arc felt pretty unsatisfying to me; she seems outright incompetent through most of the series' early run, and her progression just comes from trying to copy Kogami. The majority of the rest of the cast felt undercooked, with the possible exception of Matsuoka. Yayoi was particularly pointless. She even had an entire episode dedicated to her backstory, yet I still don't know why she was there besides giving that lesbian scientist chick someone to have implied sex with.

What most frustrated me, though (which isn't entirely the show's fault), was the direction things went. When they set up this sci-fi universe with its unusual premise, I was hoping the conflicts they'd explore would be expressions of the ideas inherent in that premise. Criminality is defined as a hard rule, but how to enforce the law is left in the hands of humans who can make things better or worse, who can let a case pass or escalate it to excessive force. We see those things play out in the pursuit in the first episode, and they have meaningful parallels to police work today.

Instead, the story moved to attacks on the system, the premise itself, on abberations and forces that operated outside the rules, boiling things down to a kind of Dirty Harry plot. There were some great peaks of intense drama (episode 11 and 14 in particular, I'd say), but I think both the investigations in the first half of the show and the world-threatening plot of the final third did the show's potential a disservice.


I disagree. Humanity has been writing and constructing narratives for centuries. Overall we have a respectable understanding as to what constitutes good writing vs bad writing or good pacing vs bad pacing. This isn't to say there is no degree of subjectivity in this analysis or that standards aren't different across target groups and genres but it is quite possible to construct clear, logical and objective arguments for why a particular work might have particular deficiencies. Of course, something doesn't have to be be well written or well paced for any individual to enjoy it (since there obviously will be other aspects of its production that one can find appealing).

I understand what you're getting at, but I think things are a lot more complicated than that. It's true that you can use these methods on traditional narratives, but then what about more experimental ones? Take some of the independent animator Koji Yamamura's work for instance. Some short films of his, like "Pieces" and "Child's Metaphysics" don't try and convey any story at all, instead just filling its runtime with surreal imagery. So how can we apply a traditional narrative approach to that? Then there's stuff like the "Cloud" segment of Robot Carnival, where it's difficult to tell whether it's telling a story or not due to its presentation. That's not to say that such works are beyond criticism; we can critique them, but I think that it requires a different kind of critique than what we would normally give a work. I guess what I'm trying to get at here is that I don't think there's just one right way to critique an anime, even if we've been working with narratives for a good portion of human history.

If you're just talking about critiquing Psycho-Pass here though, that's fine, since I think what you said absolutely applies! Though there's always going to be some subjectivity involved, I think.
Ahh well. I bet there's still somewhere out there that isn't so fond of Rider, too!

edit: Bro-Rider that is.
You don't have to be fond of him. But he has a large following/fan group so you will be in the minority. Characters representing ideologies was kind of the thing for the show. It isn't in your face it's how it was done. It isn't the first show or literary work to do this and no they never really shoved it in your face over and over again. Ideologies are what are they are because human beings will follow them and usually will stubbornly stick with them. The same reason you're gonna have a hard time convincing a Christian or another religion that there's a better way of life put there. It's human nature.
So many people here when the discussion has started just bitch about how if you're gonna watch the show it's better if you watch/rewatch ghost in the Shell since it's the better IG show and the better Sci fi and bla bla bla. Also whenever I tried to have a serious discussion about their complaints I was met with a bunch of giggling about oats and the same 1 or 2 scenes in gif form where the animation budget fell off.

It's well regarded by a few of us but for the most part I've noticed it tends to be people making fun of the show. If every time this discussion has occurred I only happened to find the usual suspects then that's another thing.

This isn't really accurate or a healthy way of reacting to the criticism. While some people might make posts like that, most of the time discussion about Psycho Pass comes up, you'll get well reasoned criticism from people who will point out the show's bizarre structure, poor world building, lack of context for anything which was happening, and the way it was seemingly crafted with only a desire for cool sounding dystopian story tropes without any sort of broader context for how such a society would come about, or how those ideas could actually reflect upon our society today.


I saw a PV for a new show this season where the girl had ridiculous physics breaking Suguhas. Just as bad as rail wars.
This isn't really accurate or a healthy way of reacting to the criticism. While some people might make posts like that, most of the time discussion about Psycho Pass comes up, you'll get well reasoned criticism from people who will point out the show's bizarre structure, poor world building, lack of context for anything which was happening, and the way it was seemingly crafted with only a desire for cool sounding dystopian story tropes without any sort of broader context for how such a society would come about, or how those ideas could actually reflect upon our society today.

I don't recall ever seeing this well reasoned criticism. This is the first I see of it but I haven't been here for more than a year so maybe it came beforehand.


Yep, airs in 2 hours and 20-ish minutes.

Thanks work. I wonder how fast I can keep caught up to the TV show. I've only recently started P4G, I have been sinking 3-4 hours a night into it.

I saved Yukiko like a week earlier
and have been grinding waifus.


Aikatsu! 90

Aoi makes a music video. This feels like the show getting a little meta on itself. Of course Aoi would change from 2D to 3D when we see the actual music video, but it was a nice change of pace from presenting the songs as stage performances. Aikatsu's explored many sides of the idol industry, and that it's gone on long enough to do something like this - a quasi-"behind the scenes" episode - is part of the reason why I'm glad to be following it.


Maturity, bitches.
Since I've gotten back into reading I'll be using Psycho Pass 2's inevitable quote dropping to get some book recommendations.


Thinking about checking out Psycho-Pass. Is it worth watching the entire series or should I just wait for the re-edited version?
Thinking about checking out Psycho-Pass. Is it worth watching the entire series or should I just wait for the re-edited version?
I would say just wait. They'll probably re-edit scenes so they flow better and might even add a scene here or there who knows. And might even attempt to fix bad physics. I'll probably wait and see how the re-edit is before I consider buying blu ray.

I see how it is.[/QUOTE]
What? Haha

If you gave proper criticism while I was here then that's my bad I don't recall it.
Is there any info on P4GA?

Is it a remake of a 3 yr old show with Marie?

P4G storywise is pretty much P4... so i don't get why this isn't just an OVA or something... I guess you gotta milk.
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