Psycho Pass Edit Episode 1
Glad to see Kagari again bringing good feelings again. Ive missed the OP and Egoist so much.
So there are little changes from the original?
Think I'll skip out.
Psycho Pass Edit Episode 1
Glad to see Kagari again bringing good feelings again. Ive missed the OP and Egoist so much.
I mean it seems their going forI still don't know if I'd call that super natural though without a massive stretch.some kind of experiment to make super soldiers or super intelligence or something ala Monster and the two terrorist are escaped victims of these experiments.
Blue Spring Ride 1
Getting some strong Say "I Love You" vibes from this show. Except this show has some pretty decent comedy to it. Some of it falls flat on its face and other bits are really funny. I think this may be my Engaged to the Unidentified of the season. We will see. Definitely a better first episode than most this season.
i might have to disappear from here, i havent finished P4G yet
Terror In Resonance spoilers:
When Lisa is holding the bomb the ability to lead her by the the number of neccesary steps is a sign of omnipotence, the most math wizard shit to ever exist, or our writer being a hack? Then we have to ask how things happened without our characters taking part in them. Is the power cut because there are other cohorts (this would be pretty shit writing), because the main characters can be in multiple places at once, because they can predict the future, or because l;kjasdfwhopwel;kjsldfkkkk who cares? There will be supernatural shit in this show or it would be even stupider.
OrThe main character clearly being incredibly intelligent and having the entire building lay out memorized planned for this attack. Again they're clearly going for a Monster vibe in how the two boys became different same a Johan from that series. If the main character really had the magic powers you claim he did he wouldn't need to ask her where in the building she was. You can call it hack writing all you want but if this goes down a similar path to Monster which a lot of signs point to it really can be explained as "the main character is a tortured/mad genius and knew the whole building lay out down to a t"
Huh. Tokyo ESP's not simulcasting in the US. Did Funi get this one too? It does seem up their alley.
See, this is why we get exposition.
Can't wait to see your impressions of ep3. Beware of umbrellas.
I'm sure if I had my monocles or whatever on, there would be a ton of problems I might have with FSN but at the end of the day, it's fun. It's not high literature or even high pulp literature but it's an engrossing story in an engrossing universe. Shirou has plenty of GAR moments and the story is dynamic for a large extent. Add onto ufotable's godlike animation and direction and I expect the new season to be super good even if the writing isn't the classiest.
Future Diary 24
No wonder Yuno is messed up.
And now Yukki have to save Yuno from uh... herself![]()
The should make a Catherine anime instead.
What's Nozaki-kun?
As someone who tries to avoid bad anime I thought I would change it up a bit this season. I've taken up the challenge to watch everything airing this season in hopes of discovering something I wouldn't normally watch and learn something about anime.
However, I won't be watching any sequel anime that I haven't seen the previous season of. Three episode rule applies, I don't think I have the endurance to do this the whole season. Even if this doesn't work out hopefully you guys will get a good laugh. Okay, let's get started...
Akame ga Kill! 01
A grim dark story with characters who act like they're in a moe comedy.
Ao Haru Ride 01
A rom com where they confess their love during the first episode? It's all in the past now though, dude has turned into a prick.
Bakumatsu Rock 01
We have a drag queen pizza parlour owner and a transformation sequence that strips the characters down to their bottoms when they play their instruments. This show is fabulous.
Barakamon 01
Pretentious artists moves to small island city to get some perspective while dealing with the cutest (and rather annoying) little girl.
DRAMAtical Murder 01
A gang war in virtual space between a bunch of pretty boys and your pet acts as your personal R2D2.
Locodol 01
Well that was a complete trainwreck.
Monthly Girls' Nozaki-kun 01
Love is a strange thing.
Glasslip 01
Less than a minute of glass making and half the episode about chickens. What am I watching?
I have to find a better order to watch these things other than alphabetical. Going from Akame ga Kill! to Ao Haru Ride was huge mood whiplash.
Standout so far is Nozaki-kun. It is genuinely funny and the character animation is great.
It's not needed when the viewer should be able to put things together. Some people are just making huge leaps based off nothing.
We are right now in the middle of talking and negotiating with a few Japanese companies for the animation.
Should we start taking bets on which B/C tier studio ends up doing this?
The show makes it painfully clear what its going for and yet we're getting logistics questions.
Should we start taking bets on which B/C tier studio ends up doing this?
Should we start taking bets on which B/C tier studio ends up doing this?
Watch Hanayamata. you might enjoy it!
Achievements AND cards?![]()
Isn't this Madhouse's shtick...?
Should we start taking bets on which B/C tier studio ends up doing this?
Same here. I just go back to the episode and skim through to find a line that has the name I'm looking for.Well, I am watching everything and I have watched Hanayamata. I'm going to post all of my impressions in one condensed post. I don't know how I'm going to able to keep track of all the characters names this season. I have a hard enough time remember characters names when I'm watching just one anime at a time.
Anyone but Gonzo
Madhouse would be awesome
Well, I am watching everything and I have watched Hanayamata. I'm going to post all of my impressions in one condensed post. I don't know how I'm going to able to keep track of all the characters names this season. I have a hard enough time remember characters names when I'm watching just one anime at a time.
You now have my attention. Those husbandos....
Should we start taking bets on which B/C tier studio ends up doing this?
So many shows this season o_o. I know I will check out Episode 2 of Barakamon, Aldnoah Zero and Locodol, don't think I can watch more than that though as I'm still catching up on other anime. I don't think I can keep track of more than 5 shows without forgetting things haha.
I don't see how it wouldn't be. I don't have any special connection with the show, but If I do end up watching it, I'll just wait until it's uncensored like others.Tokyo Ghoul 2
Man I don't even mind the 'am I am a man or a ghoul' melodrama but fuck me that censorship sucked ass. I hope the whole show won't be like this. That fight scene was ruined
Tokyo Ghoul 2
Man I don't even mind the 'am I am a man or a ghoul' melodrama but fuck me that censorship sucked ass. I hope the whole show won't be like this. That fight scene was ruined
Should we start taking bets on which B/C tier studio ends up doing this?
Is the censorship for Ghoul just select channels or all channels?
That's darker than TLR Darkness's original run.
Well of course, wasn't it called To LOVE-ru Lightbeams when it aired?
Gore gets darkness and boobs get light beams.
Aaand the image of Ghoul's gore scenes being obscured by steam just made me snort.
c'mon gonzo
Does Trigger even have the manpower to do a 2D mecha series? (Assuming they would be given the budget.) Otherwise they would have to partner up with another studio for 3D mecha.So Trigger is still in the running then?
.I really want Trigger to do this
Does Trigger even have the manpower to do a 2D mecha series? (Assuming they would be given the budget.) Otherwise they would have to partner up with another studio for 3D mecha.
There was a lot of darkness censoring too. I'd post images but under new animegaf law 2014, it'd be a capital offense.Well of course, wasn't it called To LOVE-ru Lightbeams when it aired?
There was a lot of darkness censoring too. I'd post images but under new animegaf law 2014, it'd be a capital offense.
Xebec.c'mon trigger/satelight!
To sum it up, don't post anything remotely lewd because depending on how someone views it you could get a ban. Theonik was a casualty from linking to a gallery that had collections of butts from Strike Witches.People keep referring to these new laws. I must've missed it. Recap, anyone?
Does Trigger even have the manpower to do a 2D mecha series? (Assuming they would be given the budget.) Otherwise they would have to partner up with another studio for 3D mecha.
To sum it up, don't post anything remotely lewd because depending on how someone views it you could get a ban. Theonik was a casualty from linking to a gallery that had collections of butts from Strike Witches.