I don't even want to know what the real life equivalent of this would beLOL yes thats what I meant
10% changing his avatar to stare at others
It's been a while, but there was the Munich Massacre '72Tokyo ESP 1
Well that was interesting, Some of the outfits the espers were wearing are really funny. They could even be in Zoolander. This show seems like it's going to be alright. There were a lot of problems, but it's not worth going over. Also I just want to say how stupid the news reporters are.Also the regular government people really are incompetent like always.Lets just broadcast live that the government is coming to drop troops off. Thanks for revealing the plan to the espers so they can die. I mean I know they had a lookout already, but still stupid reporters.
At 4:30 pm, a small squad of German police was dispatched to the Olympic Village. Dressed in Olympic sweatsuits and carrying sub-machine guns, they were members of the German border-police. Their plan was to crawl down from the ventilation shafts and kill the terrorists. The police took up positions awaiting the codeword "Sunshine", which upon hearing, they were to begin the assault. In the meantime, camera crews filmed the actions of the officers from the German apartments, and broadcast the images live on television. Thus, the terrorists were able to watch the police prepare to attack. Footage shows one of the kidnappers peering from the balcony door while one of the police officers stood in the roof less than 20 ft (6.1 m) away from him. In the end, after Issa threatened to kill two of the hostages, the police retreated from the premises.