Tokyo ESP-1
Then there are the 'bad' ESPers in the episode in which they make jokes and one-liners as they massacre people left and right. I'm really hoping they don't bother with the tragic backstory shit because after you have a number of villains joking about 'killing cockroaches' and all this shit, I don't give a fuck if they were raped as children. The 'villains' don't feel like actual human beings but just evil bad guys in a shitty story.
The character art feels surprisingly flat and part of that is due to how shitty the lighting is in the show but also just that it isn't a high level production. The battle scenes also were pretty boring in that the fights are unnaturally slow in how they're animated. It just all feels lethargic despite one character being a teleporter.
Oh and there are a ton of Ga-Rei Zero cameos so I guess this takes place in the same universe although it feels more shoehorned in than anything organic.
Huh. Well I'm really mixed on this. It feels like a B-/C+ rate studio trying to hit above their league but know how weak the source material is, so they're trying to spice it up. There are so many animation shortcuts and the production values just aren't there. It's not bad but it feels like the animation staff were struggling to keep their head above water. What you have here is what feels like a major climax moment with the entire city under siege. There really isn't any explanation other than a few throwaway references that will be flashbacked to. In short, I'm guessing the entire season will lead up to this episode. In which case, either this strategy is going to backfire horribly (as is what usually happens) as they blew their load or they're going to remix the later content in a clever manner. They do a decent enough job so the viewer doesn't feel lost and knows why everything is happening, the problem is that the later episodes are going to lack a good amount of tension and surprise due to the audience knowing where the story is going.
Then there are the 'bad' ESPers in the episode in which they make jokes and one-liners as they massacre people left and right. I'm really hoping they don't bother with the tragic backstory shit because after you have a number of villains joking about 'killing cockroaches' and all this shit, I don't give a fuck if they were raped as children. The 'villains' don't feel like actual human beings but just evil bad guys in a shitty story.
The character art feels surprisingly flat and part of that is due to how shitty the lighting is in the show but also just that it isn't a high level production. The battle scenes also were pretty boring in that the fights are unnaturally slow in how they're animated. It just all feels lethargic despite one character being a teleporter.
Oh and there are a ton of Ga-Rei Zero cameos so I guess this takes place in the same universe although it feels more shoehorned in than anything organic.