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Summer 2014 Anime |OT| this thread has been outsourced to Toei Phils

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Tokyo ESP-1
Huh. Well I'm really mixed on this. It feels like a B-/C+ rate studio trying to hit above their league but know how weak the source material is, so they're trying to spice it up. There are so many animation shortcuts and the production values just aren't there. It's not bad but it feels like the animation staff were struggling to keep their head above water. What you have here is what feels like a major climax moment with the entire city under siege. There really isn't any explanation other than a few throwaway references that will be flashbacked to. In short, I'm guessing the entire season will lead up to this episode. In which case, either this strategy is going to backfire horribly (as is what usually happens) as they blew their load or they're going to remix the later content in a clever manner. They do a decent enough job so the viewer doesn't feel lost and knows why everything is happening, the problem is that the later episodes are going to lack a good amount of tension and surprise due to the audience knowing where the story is going.

Then there are the 'bad' ESPers in the episode in which they make jokes and one-liners as they massacre people left and right. I'm really hoping they don't bother with the tragic backstory shit because after you have a number of villains joking about 'killing cockroaches' and all this shit, I don't give a fuck if they were raped as children. The 'villains' don't feel like actual human beings but just evil bad guys in a shitty story.

The character art feels surprisingly flat and part of that is due to how shitty the lighting is in the show but also just that it isn't a high level production. The battle scenes also were pretty boring in that the fights are unnaturally slow in how they're animated. It just all feels lethargic despite one character being a teleporter.

Oh and there are a ton of Ga-Rei Zero cameos so I guess this takes place in the same universe although it feels more shoehorned in than anything organic.
Tokyo Esp 1

Girls with twin katanas!
Guy with twin pistols, and he aims them sideways!
Mustache twirling villians that makes little girls suffer!
Ridiculous outfits!

Not a good first impression.
Apart from that, yeah this was basically Japanese Xmen.


Sucks at poetry
I don't get the hype around GuP. Teenage girls driving tanks.....like what. Is it just a moe girls show with a twist?

It's a good show. They focus a lot on the strategy of each battle and there's no fanservice. Though I personally think it would be better if the tanks blushed whenever they exposed their undersides.


I almost agree with everything you said about Tokyo ESP 01, Jarmel, but the "weak source material". It's not. In fact, it's a bit different than what this first episode implied it to be. Tokyo ESP is half fun, half serious, but the anime seems to have forgotten the fun part.
And if I remember right, Ga-Rei characters didn't appear in the manga. So they are indeed shoehorned.
One can only pray for this adaption.
I like the Tokyo ESP manga actual,it's a lot better than Ga-Rei manga
I like 'em both. But my mafia fetish could play into this.
It's a good show. They focus a lot on the strategy of each battle and there's no fanservice. Though I personally think it would be better if the tanks blushed whenever they exposed their undersides.

And above everything else, the anime is directed by Tsutomu Mizushima : never underestimate the talent of someone who worked at Shin-ei (especially on Shin-chan and Jungle Guu).

His Manatsu no Yoru no Yume movie for xxxholic was really good, too.
It's a good show. They focus a lot on the strategy of each battle and there's no fanservice. Though I personally think it would be better if the tanks blushed whenever they exposed their undersides.


yeah I've been reading about how it's accurate with the tanks and has interesting battles but I just find the concept of teenage girls driving tanks very weird.

I guess there have been weirder stuff like teenage kids piloting mechs to fight aliens :p
I too thought of Terror as the stronger first episode. I am very intrigued by the characters and what may happens next. With Barakamon I have the feeling that I roughly know where it's going and what to expect.

But of course it's difficult to judge these two animes against each other, since they're attempting different things.

While both had a strong first episode, I believe that Barakamon had a stronger episode. Due to the fact it can envoke heart-warming emotions from the watcher and make them care. The way the atmosphere of the countryside and characters were shown was spot on. It felt nostalgic. Though in Terror it felt like you were supose to feel tension through their action, but I felt quite the opposite. It may reveal later but still. All in all both were great in their own ways for a thriller and sol.
Jinrui wa Suitaishimashita - 09 through 12

I'd had this series on hold for a long time because I didn't want it to end. Well, I got suddenly motivated today and finished it. Interesting last couple episodes but it only left me wanting more. Nakahara Mai should voice more deadpan characters. She's fucking brilliant as Watashi.

Overall I give it a Would-kill-many-people-for-more/10.


It's funny at first, but then if you think about some 'join the army' ads and stuff it's not that strange. If it were boys instead of girls it might not have seemed strange at all.
Yeah, although in our world nobody would consider to connect the gigant phallic symbol to feminity. Even if you turn the genders, the military would advertise that you can become a good husband.

Getting women on the other hand... Austrian Military ad
Germany has at least, errrr, this.
Hyouka Series Review


Wikipedia describes the basic plot as:
"At the request of his older sister, student Hōtarō Oreki joins Kamiyama High School's Classic Literature Club to stop it from being abolished, joined by fellow members Eru Chitanda, Satoshi Fukube and Mayaka Ibara."

Actually that's the first quarter of the first episode. The show is actually about the four characters listed solving school mysteries and other things. Actually it's more Oreki solving the mysteries, the others do research to give him enough to solve them. Even though they are the Classics Club and sometimes you will see them reading, most of the show revolves around this group solving mysteries and watching characters change viewpoints and grow bonds with each other.

Oreki and Chitanda especially play well off each other as they are almost polar opposites. Ibara and Fukube are great additions to mix things up. The show will go from the smallest easiest mystery to big complicated mysteries. It's when you can solve the mystery before Oreki cracks it that you get a huge satisfying feeling. There is no big baddie. There is no grand mystery to solve. It really is about character growth and seeing how Oreki solves each little mystery.

A lot of this show you can reflect off of Sherlock Holems and the show doesn't do anything to say otherwise. In fact they make several references to Holems throughout the show.

Hotaro Oreki - Oreki is the main protagonist and is the most rational and logical of the group, even if he gets middling grades. He lives by his motto "If I don't have to do something, I won't, but if I have to, I'll do it quickly."
He considers his deduction abilities as "luck" most of the time and doesn't acknowledge that he has any ability like that despite the fact that he can solve almost any mystery thrown his way.
Eru Chitanda - Chitanda is by far the life of the group and the most "curious". Even though sometimes she's a little air headed she actually has some of the top grades in the school. She is very energetic and always praises Oreki for solving things. The only character in his life that seems to get Oreki to do whatever she wants.
Mayaka Ibara - Ibara is one of the last to join the group but is seen early on as more helpful than most of the group. She's very aggressive towards Oreki but sweet and kind to both Chitanda and Fukube. For
the later it is because she has feelings for him. She spends a lot of the show trying to convey her feelings to Fukube
while juggling both being in the Classics Club and Manga Society.
Satoshi Fukube - Likes to think of himself as a "database with no talent". He seems to
hold resentment towards Oreki mid way into the show for being able to show him up without any effort
. He likes to think himself a "Sherlock-ian". He is Oreki's best friend.
Oreki's Sister - Although the ever plot altering presence, we never see her face. And yes, this still bothers me.

Hyouka OP1
This has been a long time coming. Usually I only say music is serviceable in most of the shows I do this long review for but this show is different. There isn't a large selection of music that the show uses but every piece is so well done. It conveys the mood in each scene they're used in and really draws you into the world.

Both OP's and ED's are wonderful with the first OP and ED being my favorites. They all use great music and are wonderfully animated.


The animation in this show is one of KyoAni's best. I would say with the exception of Clannad After Story nothing KyoAni has done better than Hyouka. It's is just really pretty to look at in most of the scenes. Character designs are some of the best KyoAni has done and their movements are very nicely done. This one is a looker. I really hope to get this one on Blu-Ray one day to really admire it in full 1080p glory.

Overall Thoughts:
This is a fantastic show. I recognize that it may not be for everyone. This is a show made for people who like to see characters subtly grow more affectionate for each other and for people who like to watch characters try to solve little mysteries that end in great fashion.

The show really shines when it focuses on the mystery solving and when the characters are having fun. Like I said earlier in this post, there is no big baddie or any major conflict that arises from this show. It's just a feel good show about a group of friends who are enjoying their time in the Classics Club and seeing how these characters interact with each other.

I highly recommend this show to anyone who like KyoAni's works and who like Slice of Life/ Mystery shows. This might tickle your fancy.

Also, always remember...




Yeah, it's taken to the extreme for comedy of course.
I actually think that's interesting. They took this idea of Tankery being crucial part of a womans life in society and played it straight. It's funny and odd, because our society is different, but a society where tanks are connected to positive female aspects? It's something interesting to think about.
Hyouka Series Review



Wikipedia describes the basic plot as:
"At the request of his older sister, student Hōtarō Oreki joins Kamiyama High School's Classic Literature Club to stop it from being abolished, joined by fellow members Eru Chitanda, Satoshi Fukube and Mayaka Ibara."

Actually that's the first quarter of the first episode. The show is actually about the four characters listed solving school mysteries and other things. Actually it's more Oreki solving the mysteries, the others do research to give him enough to solve them. Even though they are the Classics Club and sometimes you will see them reading, most of the show revolves around this group solving mysteries and watching characters change viewpoints and grow bonds with each other.

Oreki and Chitanda especially play well off each other as they are almost polar opposites. Ibara and Fukube are great additions to mix things up. The show will go from the smallest easiest mystery to big complicated mysteries. It's when you can solve the mystery before Oreki cracks it that you get a huge satisfying feeling. There is no big baddie. There is no grand mystery to solve. It really is about character growth and seeing how Oreki solves each little mystery.

A lot of this show you can reflect off of Sherlock Holems and the show doesn't do anything to say otherwise. In fact they make several references to Holems throughout the show.


Hotaro Oreki - Oreki is the main protagonist and is the most rational and logical of the group, even if he gets middling grades. He lives by his motto "If I don't have to do something, I won't, but if I have to, I'll do it quickly."
He considers his deduction abilities as "luck" most of the time and doesn't acknowledge that he has any ability like that despite the fact that he can solve almost any mystery thrown his way.
Eru Chitanda - Chitanda is by far the life of the group and the most "curious". Even though sometimes she's a little air headed she actually has some of the top grades in the school. She is very energetic and always praises Oreki for solving things. The only character in his life that seems to get Oreki to do whatever she wants.
Mayaka Ibara - Ibara is one of the last to join the group but is seen early on as more helpful than most of the group. She's very aggressive towards Oreki but sweet and kind to both Chitanda and Fukube. For
the later it is because she has feelings for him. She spends a lot of the show trying to convey her feelings to Fukube
while juggling both being in the Classics Club and Manga Society.
Satoshi Fukube - Likes to think of himself as a "database with no talent". He seems to
hold resentment towards Oreki mid way into the show for being able to show him up without any effort
. He likes to think himself a "Sherlock-ian". He is Oreki's best friend.
Oreki's Sister - Although the ever plot altering presence, we never see her face. And yes, this still bothers me.

Hyouka OP1
This has been a long time coming. Usually I only say music is serviceable in most of the shows I do this long review for but this show is different. There isn't a large selection of music that the show uses but every piece is so well done. It conveys the mood in each scene they're used in and really draws you into the world.

Both OP's and ED's are wonderful with the first OP and ED being my favorites. They all use great music and are wonderfully animated.



The animation in this show is one of KyoAni's best. I would say with the exception of Clannad After Story nothing KyoAni has done better than Hyouka. It's is just really pretty to look at in most of the scenes. Character designs are some of the best KyoAni has done and their movements are very nicely done. This one is a looker. I really hope to get this one on Blu-Ray one day to really admire it in full 1080p glory.

Overall Thoughts:

This is a fantastic show. I recognize that it may not be for everyone. This is a show made for people who like to see characters subtly grow more affectionate for each other and for people who like to watch characters try to solve little mysteries that end in great fashion.

The show really shines when it focuses on the mystery solving and when the characters are having fun. Like I said earlier in this post, there is no big baddie or any major conflict that arises from this show. It's just a feel good show about a group of friends who are enjoying their time in the Classics Club and seeing how these characters interact with each other.

I highly recommend this show to anyone who like KyoAni's works and who like Slice of Life/ Mystery shows. This might tickle your fancy.

Also, always remember...



Man that's one long review dude. Must of taken you a long ass time to write that up.
Hyouka and Noctis

such taste ;_;

my brother....

Hahaha. Thanks. I try. :p

Good writeup. I loved Hyouka so much. Probably my favorite KyoAni thing since K-On!!.

Although deadpan Kanna did tickle my fancy in Tamako Market. Usa usa pyon pyon.

Definitely one of my favorites now too. I will always be an After Story fanboy so that will always be No 1 to me but Hyouka was brilliant. I like it a lot!

Man that's one long review dude. Must of taken you a long ass time to write that up.

Yeah, you can say that. It took me a few minutes. :p
Although deadpan Kanna did tickle my fancy in Tamako Market. Usa usa pyon pyon.

Kanna was pretty funny. Liked Tamako too though. Just too bad there's that bird :p

I actually think that's interesting. They took this idea of Tankery being crucial part of a womans life in society and played it straight. It's funny and odd, because our society is different, but a society where tanks are connected to positive female aspects? It's something interesting to think about.

Yeah. Don't think that was actually the reason for them making it about girls of course, but at least it does have some points like that.
Kanna was pretty funny. Liked Tamako too though. Just too bad there's that bird :p

THAT. THAT IS MY EXACT ISSUE WITH IT. Fuck that thing. Nearly dropped it first episode because of the bird.

But Kanna and her carpentry fetish saves the show time and again. "...I'm in love...with those support beams."


Man I'm so behind regarding KyoAni shows. I've yet to see Hyouka, Tamako Market, Kyokai no Kanata, and season 2 of Chuunibyo.
THAT. THAT IS MY EXACT ISSUE WITH IT. Fuck that thing. Nearly dropped it first episode because of the bird.

But Kanna and her carpentry fetish saves the show time and again. "...I'm in love...with those support beams."

Hehe. I hear the movie got almost no Dera in it, so that's good.

Man I'm so behind regarding KyoAni shows. I've yet to see Hyouka, Tamako Market, Kyokai no Kanata, and season 2 of Chuunibyo.

I got all of FMP, Hyouka, KnK, all of Chuu and Free in the backlog.


Tokyo Ghouls 1-2

haha, this is nuts, I like it. I think it has a nice style. The premise is really unoriginal, but I'm interested in knowing where it goes.


Yeah. Don't think that was actually the reason for them making it about girls of course, but at least it does have some points like that.
Yeah, of course not, but it works because the anime is consequent with this.

THAT. THAT IS MY EXACT ISSUE WITH IT. Fuck that thing. Nearly dropped it first episode because of the bird.

But Kanna and her carpentry fetish saves the show time and again. "...I'm in love...with those support beams."
Yes, the bloody bird. I dropped Tamako Market after three episodes, I couldn't stand it!

Man I'm so behind regarding KyoAni shows. I've yet to see Hyouka, Tamako Market, Kyokai no Kanata, and season 2 of Chuunibyo.
There is no second season of chuu2. The show ended after one season and one OVA.
Man I'm so behind regarding KyoAni shows. I've yet to see Hyouka, Tamako Market, Kyokai no Kanata, and season 2 of Chuunibyo.

Hyouka is fantastic, one needs to approach Tamako in a particular way to appreciate it (or else you get complaints that the show was something it never intended to be), Kyoukai has some highs and some lows, and there is no season 2 of Chuunibyou.
Tokyo ESP Episode 1

The soundtrack is really the best part kind of making the boring, bland, dull action scenes more bigger and intense than they really are. Ills tick around for that, and of course for Faylan and the other singer.

Abilities wise, it feels like its another me too entry in an area where Zettai Karen Children - The Unlimited Hyobu Kyousuke and Code:Breaker already catered too, which both started out far better, bolder, and stronger.
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