I posted RIP in the GAF thread and moved on.Do you see that shit? That's hundreds of thousands of dead people. Panic would be expected. It would be human.
Wow have to remember to watch aldnoah zero before opening the thread, all these image drops of it these past four pages.
When did he say he was an engineer?
The ed must be themed for each episode as it wasnt the puppetshow thing anymore but instead a really nice one themed around the shoes of the episode. I like how the anime isnt just another dancing singing idol show but more of an inspirational type one of finding what one must do, the right or wrong path in life, and how to make the most of things. The presidents past needs to be detailed but with the advice he gives it may not be necessary.
Barakamon - 2
[Aldnoah.Zero] - 2
Meanwhile, Urobuchi tries his best to make the writing clash with Aoki's direction. He doesn't understand that murdering people we don't even know or care about isn't interesting or 'edgy', it's just a waste of time. Neither can he stop himself from making the Martians scenery-chewing villains. I mean, really Urobuchi, can't they just be competent military commanders from a different faction, do they have to be cartoon characters? Does it serve any purpose apart from making the show feel ridiculous?
The other Martians really don't seem to be enjoying this, in a bloodthirsty manner, but find it somewhat boring. It's only Mr. Nezumi Crusher that seems to get off on it.
Now, I have a handful of specific complaints with the writing in this episode. Firstly we have Earthling military blokes spouting a bunch of nonsense:
What does this even mean? They've had just as long as you and they're completely superior in every way!
Well again this might tie into the time dilation thing in that it's possible 15 years ago the Martians were much closer to being equal to the Terrans in technology but they had a massive jump in the past few years.Is it really surprise? How can no-one has known? Didn't Earthlings clash with the Martians 15 years ago? So why do they have no-idea of their level of technology?
I'm not too thrilled with how everyone is reacting to the attack either. Most civilians seem completely unphased when their should be some serious panic, or at least some moaning and whaling. Instead everyone looks calm and board. The kids chat likes it's nothing even though a calamity is clearly occurring. Earth's greatest cities are being ruined, the end times are approaching etc. And yet everyone is calm and collected. This just doesn't ring true.
Oh, and don't tell me that the communications disruption is the reason either:
Do you see that shit? That's hundreds of thousands of dead people. Panic would be expected. It would be human.
Wasn't the log horizon writer an engineer or an economics major?
Mahouka 15
So I guess the next episode will be the conclusion of the arc.
I dont think they could do that since Haruka is getting the No Head Dragon information in that one scene, suggesting we still need to address that plot point.
I'm equally unhappy with all these guys acting the way they do because I don't buy their attitude for a people who have been around for literally 40ish years.Yea I had an issue with this. It does feel too over the top but then again, this is a society that set up a world war seemingly for kicks. They really don't view the Terrans as anything other than a minor road bump. I think though that Mr. Rat Crusher is more of an exception in that the other commanders seem more level headed even if they're condescending as fuck:
The other Martians really don't seem to be enjoying this, in a bloodthirsty manner, but find it somewhat boring. It's only Mr. Nezumi Crusher that seems to get off on it.
There's a lot of assumptions to swallow here. At present I simply can't buy the timescale put forward by the series.Well again this might tie into the time dilation thing in that it's possible 15 years ago the Martians were much closer to being equal to the Terrans in technology but they had a massive jump in the past few years.
What's their to grasp? The image in the news report is a literal mushroom cloud over a major metropolitan area. The reporter says major cities were all attached at once so you could assume probably millions dead if they all looked like that.Well I would say that they knew of the attacks and landings but didn't have a firm grasp of the damage. Usually in catastrophic or largescale events like that, it takes time for people to understand how much damage has been done and if there were communication issues then that compounds it. With 9/11(hot topic of the week I guess) it took hours for people to figure out what happened and that was a rather small scale event compared to what happened in the show. People might know that a few cities have gotten wrecked or bombed but it seems like they don't know that those cities got 'nuked' instead. The next few lines right after your screencap confirms this:
The VHS tapes did the image stuff too! (i'm missing the one that completes Babadi's face so here's a pic with a partial Buu.)That's pretty cool box art.
Think the manga did the same thing with the spines, just with characters.
I hate them too, but thankfully it's just on the slips.Stickers on the box is the worst. Pretty cool otherwise though.
I bought the same 3 because they were on sale for like $15 each. I'm waiting for the other seasons to drop in price.
Barakamon Episode 2
This show probably has my favorite cast this season, everyone is so fun and charming, naru is so great
Barakamon 2
The pacing feels a bit quick to me, but still definitely the comfiest show of this season.
[Aldnoah.Zero] - 2014
Turn A Gundam - 1999
Well... Managed to do another watchbet...
Kill la Kill 01
Action-packed first episode with some comedy too. Not like anything I've watched before I think.
The subtitles are all messed up on Netflix though (screenshot from Crunchyroll). Got those left justified ones Femmeworth was talking about and they only show 1 subtitle/translation at a time so whenever there's some translated text popping up the subtitle disappears too fast.
Barakamon 2
Sensei!!!!!! Show is so good
Mahouka 15
So I guess the next episode will be the conclusion of the arc. Can't wait to see Tatsuya take down Crimson Prince and Cardinal George.
SAO S2 2
Cool to see Lisbeth. Sad all 3 girlsaccept Asuna as the head wife.
Mahouka 15
So I guess the next episode will be the conclusion of the arc. Can't wait to see Tatsuya take down Crimson Prince and Cardinal George.
There's also Mirage Bat that hasn't been played yet for the official division. I'm guessing 2-3 episodes.I dont think they could do that since Haruka is getting the No Head Dragon information in that one scene, suggesting we still need to address that plot point.
no fuks given
What's their to grasp? The image in the news report is a literal mushroom cloud over a major metropolitan area. The reporter says major cities were all attached at once so you could assume probably millions dead if they all looked like that.
Moreover, even without further information, we're talking about an invasion of Earth by the Martians. The last time they attacked half the planet was destroyed and (presumably) billions of people were killed by the debris from he moon. This something that everyone either experienced first hand or learnt about at school. I would say that you should PANIC.
Liz is in it? Watching it for sure. You probably mean she pops in for 5 seconds but Ill take that risk.
you always watchbet some pretty good shows.
ONII-SAMA the Animation 15
Is that some Lotus Juice I hear?
Good episode because you get to see Onii-sama beat some ass.
It is. He's been in the OST since the beginning but the track was never as clear as before to be able to tell.Is that some Lotus Juice I hear?
I believe our fallen comrade Theonik would beg to differ...I feel the need to inform you all that Terror in Tokyo is the better title to Terror in Resonance, as well as the official title in Japan.
You can Abbreviate it TiT.
And at the end of the day, isn't that why we're all here?
ONII-SAMA the Animation 15
Is that some Lotus Juice I hear?
Good episode because you get to see Onii-sama beat some ass.
So you're really trying to push the argument that because they knew it was coming that of course nobody in the general populace would panic? Their entire planet is about to get wrecked again why would you not panic regardless?Well wherever the main cast is on Earth, they're relatively detached, in a physical sense, from all the violence until Mr. Nezumi Crusher shows up. We don't know what the outskirts of New Orleans looks like and if people are freaking out there. There was also a minor time skip in that we're seeing the tail-end of the evacuations so there has been some time for things to settle in peoples' minds.
People knew the Martians were coming for awhile, as seen by the evacuations at the end of the last episode, and they probably knew it was going to be bad.