Aoharide 02
Maybe it's the Mayayan factor, maybe it's gap moe, but whatever it is, if Futaba is so confident that she's turning down her attractiveness, it's not working on the viewer. Her current sloppy self is pretty cute as it is. And the appeal going on here is actually very similar to what's going on with Naru in the show before her, even if it's expressed in a different way. That journey to self-confidence. And so far, I'm not seeing any hints of irony or sarcasticness in this. It's got a lot of heart. The drama can go in whatever direction it pleases, what's important is that the emotional core remains. And it may very well remain there because I am very biased and optimistic, but I trust the series itself to do so as well.
It's got a pretty nice OP, but the lack of definite episode titles slightly annoys me. That's about as minor a complaint as one could get, though.