Clannad 15
Sunohara is such a fun butt-monkey.
And more drama with the Drama Club. I'm starting to think there's a reason they chose this club to focus on.
Interesting reaction from Sunohara after hearing the choir club's story. And we might be meeting Sunohara's sister soon. I wonder if these things might be related.
ED song cameo. This must be an important moment.
Ohmygod, Kyou. I had tried avoiding using the term "sob story", but you just threw it out there. And for that matter, haven't the past two arcs been "sob stories"? Is this anime becoming self-aware?
He used all his savings on Kotomi's yard? So much dedication.
Random Fuko is random.
So I guess this arc is going to focus on Tomoyo. I pray for Sunohara's survival.
This is his dumbest idea yet.
Actually, no, nothing can beat "Lend me your boobs!"
And now Sunohara is a stalker. Great.
Even if it's a prank.
Oh, and here's the mystery girl from the OP. Mei Sunohara.
Yes! I found it!
Hahaha. I liked that pause for the Sunohara moment. So good! Pranks are da best! I didn't realize that this is the first time Mei shows up. I thought she showed up earlier. Oh well. She's a fun character too.