I don't believe you!I don't even like mofu and Magipoka is easily the Liru show.
I don't believe you!I don't even like mofu and Magipoka is easily the Liru show.
I don't even like mofu and Magipoka is easily the Liru show.
Duckroll's Journal. July 14th, 2014:
Dog carcass in alley this morning, tire tread on burst stomach. This community is afraid of me. I have seen it's true face. The threads are extended gutters and the gutters are full of blood and when the drains finally scab over, all the vermin will drown. The accumulated filth of all their sex and lewdness will foam up about their waists and all the deviant posters will look up and shout "Save us!"...
...and I'll look down, and whisper "no."
They had a choice, all of them. They could have followed in the footsteps of good men like me, or Jexhius. Decent men, who believed in a SFW future. Instead they followed the droppings of lechers and mofu-ists and didn't realize that the trail led over a precipice until it was too late. Don't tell me they didn't have a choice.
Now the whole world stands on the brink, staring down into bloody hell, all those liberals and intellectuals and smooth-talkers... and all of a sudden, nobody can think of anything to say.
Four ears and everything. Hito disappointed in me forever.Gateway mofu.
Four ears and everything. Hito disappointed in me forever.
man, i've watched more anime since i started posting here than the previous few seasons combined, what the hell
From The New World is the best anime in the past few years hands down, no joke, I have a borderline fetish for meticulous world building and I'm pretty sure they made that show just for me, it's an absolute masterpiece
This still makes me laugh.Liru's hito-approved for the earmuffs. Never forget.
Gateway mofu.
Go back and look through madp's posts on Urusei Yatsura.I don't believe you!
TWGOK has one of the most unbearable MCs I've ever seen
and of course don't drag the damn thing out for 30 years like a CERTAIN more recently adapted show, doesn't need to have a super interesting story or anything, just make it fun
so this madoka show is good guys
Have you watched: jinrui, from the new world, tsuritama, mushishi s2, non non biyori, steins;gate?
GJ-Bu - 1
Oh look everybody! There's one regular average guy surrounded by 4 girls and the show has a calm, peaceful, quiet atmosphere and is keeping things nice and friendly!
I'm gonna like this.
I don't see anything about mofu!Go back and look through madp's posts on Urusei Yatsura.![]()
Huh, maybe I'm mixing up where he made that specific reaction post.I don't see anything about mofu!
You didn't like GJ-bu?Hope you like it more than I did![]()
I have that post on standby just for situations like yesterday's!Agreed
Wait didnt you already make this post?
GJ-Bu says hi.
I don't see anything about mofu!
What show is this? If it's what I think it is I'll have to hurt you![]()
You didn't like GJ-bu?
Also that talk about LWA blurrays that took place when I was sleeping and already ended several pages ago reminded me of that half dozen Blurrays that I will have thanks to kickstarter projects and that I can't watch, because I don't have any blurray player.
Nisekoi, it's been dragged out for like 5 lifetimes
Ataru fights for a catgirl in one ep.Not in that show that I can recall. However Shampoo makes a cutie catgirl in Ranma.
Ataru fights for a catgirl in one ep.
I liked Mori twirl and Kirara, not much else.
What about Kiara's sister and Oreman? :,(I liked Mori twirl and Kirara, not much else.
Hm... Don't you have a PS3?
Sort of list to watch:
Date a Live
Fate/Stay + Fate/Zero
Escha & Logy no Atelier: Tasogare no Sora no Renkinjutsushi
Magical Suite Prism Nana
Shakugan no Shana
zetsuen no tempest
Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo
Angel Beats
from the new world
tsuritama, mushishi s2
non non biyori
Fate/kaleid liner PRISMA ILLYA
love live!
ano natsu de matteru
sengoku collection
kokoro connect
recently, my sister is unusual
white album s2
samurai flamenco
love chunbiyo&other delusions
idol master
log horizon
And a few others
What about Kiara's sister and Oreman? :,(
And no, I am not good when choosing consoles.
I will buy an blurray drive as soon as Wakfu arrives, no matter how many times people tell me that it's a terrible idea.
This list will provide immense joy and happiness for a very long time.
This list will provide immense joy and happiness for a very long time.
it got to the point where i was google image searching cute photos i would see and i added the anime of the character to my list
it got to the point where i was google image searching cute photos i would see and i added the anime of the character to my list
that list doesnt even include OVAs and movies. damnit
Sort of list to watch:
recently, my sister is unusual
Hm... Not sure about that one...
it was on CR, does the guy want to bang his sister? if so ill take it off.
Is that a list you want to watch or you want others to watch?Sort of list to watch:
I think it fitted the general, light atmosphere of the show, but I definitly see what you mean. I had sometimes the feeling that the show is not going all-out.I really wish they'd gone a bit further with Oreman. Should've made Kyoro slightly more badass and a bit ruder in that "form".
it was on CR, does the guy want to bang his sister? if so ill take it off.
edit: oh goodness, the name is actually "recently, my LITTLE sister is unusual"
other way around, it's really bad, first 2 episode are okay for the yuri scenes tho
I think it fitted the general, light atmosphere of the show, but I definitly see what you mean. I had sometimes the feeling that the show is not going all-out.
other way around, it's really bad, first 2 episode are okay for the yuri scenes tho
Is that a list you want to watch or you want others to watch?
funny how the "Little" makes a world of difference.
Brb, watching the first two episodes of an anime I gave no fucks about before.
funny how the "Little" makes a world of difference.
its stuff im planning on watching
Well... You have Angel Beats and Clannad on there so might as well add Kanon 2006![]()
is that the uguu~~~ show?
Sort of list to watch:
Date a Live
Fate/Stay + Fate/Zero
Escha & Logy no Atelier: Tasogare no Sora no Renkinjutsushi
Magical Suite Prism Nana
Shakugan no Shana
zetsuen no tempest
Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo
Angel Beats
from the new world
tsuritama, mushishi s2
non non biyori
Fate/kaleid liner PRISMA ILLYA
love live!
ano natsu de matteru
sengoku collection
kokoro connect
recently, my sister is unusual
white album s2
samurai flamenco
love chunbiyo&other delusions
idol master
log horizon
And a few others
That is a good list. I bolded what I personally think you should prioritize. Of course I am bias towards the shows I love. But yeah, it's still a list of some of the best.
Reminds me, that I never watched the OVA.Yeah, this was one of my friend's problems with it. He loves slice of life/cute-girls-doing-cute-things almost as much as I do, but he said GJ-bu bored him because it seemed to be holding back.
I don't like everything on that list, but I will say something specifically to Sengoku Collection. Be careful with that, the show is very episodic with every episode having a random character in a random genre, it's so hard hit and miss, it's painful at times.its stuff im planning on watching
it was on CR, does the guy want to bang his sister? if so ill take it off.
edit: oh goodness, the name is actually "recently, my LITTLE sister is unusual"
I don't like everything on that list, but I will say something specifically to Sengoku Collection. Be careful with that, the show is very episodic with every episode having a random character in a random genre, it's so hard hit and miss, it's painful at times.
Err...scratch that one. I didnt see it on the list.
log horizon gave me a flashback of being a guild master and i curled into the fetal position.
Well... You have Angel Beats and Clannad on there so might as well add Kanon 2006![]()
is that the uguu~~~ show?
Yes. And it's actually good.
Yeah, had that experience in Guild Wars 2. Wasn't fun. Never being GM for a large guild again. I'll stick to guilds of close personal friends.
I still say you watch Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita, Steins;Gate, Mushishi, or Hyouka right the fuck now, but like Ninja said, we're all biased toward the ones we personally love.
Those aren't the only 4 on the list I love (hint: I love most of them; Non Non Biyori SQUEEEEEEEEEE) but I picked 4 for your sake.
Mind as well. You should probably watch it first.... for.... reasons.
But yes definitely watch Clannad. Glad you want to watch both Angel Beats and Clannad but if you can only watch one, watch Clannad. If you have the time just do a marathon of Kanon 2006, Angel Beats and Clannad/After Story. Maybe throw Baka & Test and another comedy to pace yourself between the three shows.
i kinda can't recommend anyone watch Angel Beats or Shana ever, and I'd wait until the F/SN remake instead of watching the current adaptation
Then you should push it down the list, since it's not really good and you'll be wasting a lot of time with bad episodes or episodes where you simply don't like the genre.Its one of the shows I added to the list a while back but I never had any initial desire to actually start it.
I am scared of the Angel Beats fans, since I really didn't enjoy it. Everytime somebody recommends Angel Beats I kill a puppy.i kinda can't recommend anyone watch Angel Beats or Shana ever, and I'd wait until the F/SN remake instead of watching the current adaptation