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Summer 2014 Anime |OT| this thread has been outsourced to Toei Phils

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Kaorin is cute I suppose in her own cute, obsessive way. Tomo is mental. Osaka is mental. Sakaki is a giant, albeit an adorable giant. Kagura isn't mental, but is part of the three stooges. Chiyo still can't be beaten in cuteness though, even if you combined them all in one big cuteball.

They all have their charms!
Captain Earth - 09

She's crazy !

Don't mess with the magical girl

Ah Take this , alien race !!

I believe in the magical girl powaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa



Persona 4 The Golden Animation ep 2
Less than 5 mins they already skipped over a month with suddenly there's kanji in it without his plot progression. Jebus, even a change of studios from AIC to A1the animation quality is terrible, if P4 animation and golden animation were to be mixed together I can't tell the difference.

But still it's nice to see all the additional scenes get animated with the main story taking the backseat, unfortunately this episode make swag Narukami into a tragic guy.

It's not an adaptation of Persona 4, it's an adaptation of Marie's new content


Rail Wars! ep3
Seriously, why is this studio animating this show is so fucking terrible? Still shots with characters talking with their mouths not moving, inconsistent scenes, terrible angle views, severaly lacking in small drawing details, obvious cut and paste characters. This studio is unfit to animate anything except musashi gundoh.


Rail Wars! ep3
Seriously, why is this studio animating this show is so fucking terrible? Still shots with characters talking with their mouths not moving, inconsistent scenes, terrible angle views, severaly lacking in small drawing details, obvious cut and paste characters. This studio is unfit to animate anything except musashi gundoh.

The bad production is the main thing that's actually keeping me away from the show lol


Rail Wars 03

That episode was fine I guess, I don't normally mind fanservice but I find it especially annoying here since I was genuinely looking forward to this show, I'm so tired of the "guy gets tongue tied over boobs" gag
Because their Flash content is so secure LOL.

It seems like the Japanese media companies care more about the appearance of security than the reality.

Pretty much , anyone can open the flash and see the security keys

Flash drm is actually one of the most stupid drm out of there.
Because it has like no purpose.It doesn't cost more power on the computer , isn't obtrusive but it really doesn't do a thing.

Captain Earth - 10
Good episode.

Doesn't it make you feel pathetic to live this long ?
See ? i can ask stupid questions too !!
Captain earth still bring the mecha transformation sequence porn to my screen and i don't complain , the animation during this episode was especially good , and aside from the final scene i couldn't detect any evidence of cut corners .



Invaders 02

The approach to dividing up the room and the periodic check-ins during the episode were an interesting way for the story to go, though the end of the episode made it clear that card games aren't going to be the one and only solution. My favorite part was Yurika finding herself tricked into interacting with the cosplay club. Of course the (non-ghost) characters would transfer into Kotaro's school. So far the show maintains the light, goofy tone that the first episode had, and now that it's got the major exposition out of the way, it's settling into becoming a pleasant watch. Can't decide who my favorite is yet. Kiriha and her tracts of land are prominent, but Yurika's a magical girl, and I have a weakness towards those.


Strong/Don't need no man female characters? I can name two series this season that has that:
Tokyo Ghoul - Touka
Akame ga Kill! - Pretty much all the girls

Link Man


Card games? Blech, hope it gets more exciting than that.

Magical girl's voice actress is doing a bang-up job, though.

And of course, it's turning out to be a harem.

Damn, this mahou shoujo seems like she was just made for cajun. So adorable!

I guess you can tell who's important, since they're the characters that have a face.

Cosplay society. lol

Oh thank goodness, the card games are over.

Seems pretty decent so far, not great but not terrible.

Ooh, I do like this ED song.


We don’t always translate the shows on our site; some of the titles are actually translated by our partners and licensees, and we are contractually obligated to use them. If there are mistakes, we do contact them to get a revised version of the subs.
Well that explains a few things.


Glasslip 1-2

Gotta be honest, this show, so far, has been very underwhelming and dare I say boring. Coming off Nagi no I was really excited to see what P.A. Works was working on next. Maybe I'm missing something but there's literally nothing happening in this show so far.

Spoiler Alert:

I love me some slice of life, but there's no plot, no arc, no conflict, nothing!
It's just the kids doing stuff. There's zero reason to keep you coming back or anything to keep you interested, outside of the future-sight plot. But that barely gets talked about. Is that going to be a more relevant plot device going forward? So far they've done nothing interesting with it.

Nagi no had tons of conflict, interesting characters and story arcs. I just don't understand Glasslip so far. What am I missing?


Well this makes me sad. What exactly was so amazing about that episode?
The Renton and Eureka reunion scene? The Nirvash's not-Seven Swell attack? The fact that Renton could successfully tell Holland off this time?

They were all good moments, and I enjoyed them a lot. It had great animation and the music was good. But I could name like, five different scenes in TTGL that were better than the entirety of Eureka Seven episode 26. To me, anyway.

I'm not saying I didn't like the episode. I was just...underwhelmed by it.

So I decided to rewatch the episode. The first thing that comes to mind is how the show depicts Eureka's frustration. She's frustrated with herself and she's frustrated with Holland. Holland had promised that he would drag Renton back but she tries to get in the Nirvash and fails. This reflects how she's lost faith in Holland.
Then there's the scene with Eureka's brats that show despite how much they bitch and moan about Renton, they have sort of warmed up to him and miss him. This along with the initial scene with the straw shows that the crew is missing Renton, despite them treating him like garbage. Maurice then mentions the elephant in the room, something that Eureka is surely thinking, Renton isn't coming back. The kids in this scene actually work as the visualization of Eureka's thoughts in the matter.
This scene that with the fence being overlayed, demonstrates how the Gekkostate, and in particular Holland, is trapped. Of course Holland saying that he'll give up the search for Renton due to the ambush happens right after Eureka states that Holland has never broken a promise with her.
The fence is used again for emphasis to show not only how Holland is trapped by Eureka is as well.
Next up, there's the big argument between Holland and Eureka. It starts off with Holland seemingly confirming Eureka's fears in that she thinks he's going to do something with Renton's jersey(like throw it out). The jersey is as one of the few mementos she has of Renton. They have this conversation with Holland facing forward with Eureka off to the side. You could say that Holland is thinking forward while Eureka is off in her own world thinking only of Renton. The camera switches angles to again emphasize how both parties aren't seeing eye to eye on the matter.
Then the abuse finally gets brought up. I think this is the first time that Eureka overtly confronts Holland about why he was such an asshole, along with Talho's comment earlier, much of this episode is about cutting Holland down. This works on a few levels actually. The first is that Eureka is standing up for her 'man'(lol) by pointing out how Holland had been a top of the line scumbag. It also shows that she was aware of what he was doing to Renton even if she was silent about it and that she doesn't approve of it. The second reason is the reinforcement of the shit Renton had to go through. The third is Holland's reaction in that he doesn't look Eureka in the face while she lists this stuff off but rather to the wall. He's embarrassed. Also of note in the scene is that the camera is positioned behind Renton's bed when Eureka lists the charges off to Holland.
As to the pig being squished in the door, I viewed that as Holland. Holland is stuck between these two shitty decisions in that it's apparent that he's losing Eureka but also needs to protect the Gekkostate. There's also some foreshadowing with Gonzy and confirmation that she did the right thing but I can't talk about that till you've seen more.
This episode is all about establishing Eureka as a character. She can't depend on the things she's taken for granted so she'll have to go out and do it herself. Of course Eureka leaving is placed just when Renton arrives. So twice at this point we have scenes placed that contrast each other, placed back to back.
Of course this wouldn't work as a climax episode without Renton coming back and confronting Holland. In which case, Renton's re-introduction is with him literally having the high ground over Holland. Renton is re-introduced with him standing over Holland, glaring straight down at him.
The look on both of their faces is utter hatred. Despite all that shit he had said earlier, the moment Renton is back, Holland reverts back to his old character. Nothing between the two has changed. The only difference is Renton's internal fortitude due to his experiences off the ship.
The physical distance is used in the camerawork to display the emotional distance between the two.
We see this question raised by Charles and this establishes two things. The first being that of Eureka's actions, in that she's going out to seek Renton on her own. The second being that despite Charles being in love with Ray, he still doesn't know the answer, which is obviously love. That's why he can't catch up to Renton and Eureka near the end.
This is another scene showing a couple of things. The first is that Holland is acting like a kid throwing a tantrum, which again ties into Talho's line earlier about him being nothing better than a dumb kid (saying he's no better than Renton). The second is how Holland is sitting, like a king or dictator, while the rest of his subjects (the crew) stare on. The only two not staring at Holland are Talho and Hap, both of whom are looking dejected. I would say that they're both disappointed in Holland, since those two are the closest to Holland. This is contrasted with Renton stating that he's come back to see Eureka. Unlike with Holland, the rest of the crew make these quick sounds stating that they approve. This works to show how Renton is no longer the shy embarrassed boy but clearly knows what he wants and isn't afraid to go through Holland to get it. This whole bit goes a long way to demonstrate not only how the rest of the crew is getting frustrated with Holland but also how Renton has asserted the role of leader, even if Holland is still the captain.
An additional pair of contrasting scenes, which is a big motif of this episode. The sky fish who were previously heralded as being the sign of peace and innocence are used to precede the arrival of the military and the Swan.
Renton is again visually asserted as the leader, in that while Holland is too busy being angry at Gidget, Renton is already running to get Nirvash. Renton doesn't need Holland's permission to move nor does he answer to Holland.
These quick cuts work on establishing Ray and Charles as omninious. So much of the show has been about portraying them as good guys to Renton while we're finally starting to see their dark side. That said, unlike most shows which would have had gone too far by having Ray and Charles try to kill Eureka (due to the grievances they have against her), instead they just try to capture Eureka.
Then the grand finale. This is obviously a homage to Macross's midair grab except better(maybe not from a raw animation standpoint, even though the scene is phenomenally well animated, but everywhere else that matters). So the camera is at a fixed position in which both Renton and Eureka come towards the camera. This is a great way visually of showing how the two are physically coming closer.

Also note how it's not Renton who grabs Eureka but rather Eureka using both hands to grab Renton.
Once again, contrast. We see Renton's POV and Eureka's, but instead of doing a cut between these two cuts, the scenes merge together showing how their POVs are now one. In addition to that we have Eureka confessing her feelings instead of it just being Renton all the time. Also their positioning is a little risque, not to mention the camera in this pan starts out on Eureka's ass, so I guess you could say that they're having sex in the cockpit haha. Anyway, after seeing Renton get so much crap, Eureka finally reciprocates Renton's feelings. The audience can also see how much Renton as an individual has grown. Both have matured in the other's absence.
This scene does a great job of showing how Renton and Eureka are one unit and how they've surpassed everybody else, even Ray and Charles. They've become better, both as individuals and as a pair. Not to mention the godly animation chase.
But you just did that though. I guess this ties into the hypocrisy of Ray and Charles.
Again the emphasis on Eureka grabbing Renton's hand. This episode really focuses on Eureka taking the initiative after Renton having done so for so long. The other aspect of this scene is that there had been so much conflict between the two about who would pilot the Nirvash but here, they agree to pilot it together. It's a really resounding way to end that subplot. Oh and more foreshadowing with the nu-Seventh Swell.
Of course, Holland is still salty as fuck. No matter how things change, some things stay the same.
The rainbow scene ties into the theme of promises. God promised Noah to never flood the Earth again. So you can take this as a promise between Renton and Eureka.
This line ties into the Golden Bough and is mainly confirmation that Renton is the Son of the King, not Holland or Dewey.
Then we get Holland finally admitting that he's lost. While everybody else is listening to Renton and Eureka confess to each other, he's all alone laughing to himself.
Great lead in to the next couple of episodes. With Charles aiming his gun at the camera, we again see that dangerous side of him.
This whole episode is about contrast and then bringing that contrast together for one big finale, especially since Renton's plot line has been divergent from Eureka's for awhile. This episode works not only on an episodic format in that we have the themes of promises, both broken and new, but for a season climax as well; in that we see many of the characters arcs clash together one final time before resolving themselves.
I didn't even get to talk about the ridiculous animation level for a a single episode in a 50 episode series or how godly the soundtrack was, especially in this episode. The soundtrack really elevated many of the scenes, not to mention how they used the first ED when Renton and Eureka are having their 'pillow' talk.

Captain earth - 11
And in this episode we have :


The question nobody asked

And complicated things and reveals

Yeah yeah that robot doesn't lie, tell me about it more so i can start believing you.


It's not going to stop being complicated anytime soon

Who Will betray the alien race.

So there were children from 1 to 8 ? i'm now waiting the twsit that there was a "children 0" and if i go crazy in this direction where do i arrive ?
Elfen Lied 08

The worst kind of fate.

Mayu learns the truth even if she doesn't want to believe all of it, there's a nice bag and then we get to know Nyus backstory which involves cute dogs and violent bullies.


Glasslip 1-2

Gotta be honest, this show, so far, has been very underwhelming and dare I say boring. Coming off Nagi no I was really excited to see what P.A. Works was working on next. Maybe I'm missing something but there's literally nothing happening in this show so far.

Spoiler Alert:

I love me some slice of life, but there's no plot, no arc, no conflict, nothing!
It's just the kids doing stuff. There's zero reason to keep you coming back or anything to keep you interested, outside of the future-sight plot. But that barely gets talked about. Is that going to be a more relevant plot device going forward? So far they've done nothing interesting with it.

Nagi no had tons of conflict, interesting characters and story arcs. I just don't understand Glasslip so far. What am I missing?

Having not watched the third episode, it's probably just a show about the kids love conflicts with the future visions as a gimmick to make up for some drama. Nagi had more meaty substance with all the fantasy/supernatural elements, I suppose if this was handled by Mari Okada as well she would use the visions for more tragic drama and probably make it more interesting to watch.
Having not watched the third episode, it's probably just a show about the kids love conflicts with the future visions as a gimmick to make up for some drama. Nagi had more meaty substance with all the fantasy/supernatural elements, I suppose if this was handled by Mari Okada as well she would use the visions for more tragic drama and probably make it more interesting to watch.

I dont really know what this future vision is really adding, even for drama it feels weak, at least nagiasu had the whole change the world type thing going for it.


Rail Wars 3
This episode was decent enough I guess. I found out that CR uses the "uncensored" version than what the fansubs do. So I'll watch that release for... Comparative purposes.
Has the beach/bath house episode ever been thr highlight of a show?

Like it worked for me in Yamato because I was right there with the crew in the relief of finally having a nice day off after all the shit they've been through.
School Days 02

Have a problem with girls? Don't know how to talk with them or understand what they want? Is it such a problem that you've thought about giving up entirely? Look no further than the hero of School Days. This man right here knows what women want and how to get them. He is the anime hero that we need but don't deserve. Do you want women to swoon and fall into your lap? Let Makoto show you the secrets of becoming a real player.

First you must demonstrate your masculinity by looking at porn with her on the very first date. That way she knows you are a strong, sexually active male. Next, demonstrate how good you are at video games because everyone knows women love professional athletes. You're as good as those DOTA2 pros making millions from tournaments but you've decided that your time is better spent with her. Finally, take her to a romantic movie and be sure to grip her hand as tightly as possible during the intense love scene. Squeeze it so hard that she starts to lose feeling in it to demonstrate you are the strong man that can lead her around the bedroom. If all goes well, make your move right at the end of the date and she'll be all over you. Even if these techniques fail, don't worry. Act desperate and pathetic enough and she will come crawling back to you for you are a real man.
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders 16


Eh close enough, yet too close to a certain shitty movie to win, gg cr

Uh... I think the censoring is over now. For real this time.

While Steely Dan is cool, I was never a big fan of this fight.
They uh..shrink their Stands down to enter Joseph's brain. This never, ever happens again. I don't know what I expected from Araki but this just always bothered me.


Tokyo ESP 02

After the in media res, back to the beginning. The superpowers everyone's demonstrating have been done many times before, but having them being granted by a penguin and some flying golden fish are certainly a new take. Like I mentioned last week, having a female protagonist in this sort of adventure gives the series a leg up for me. Rinka's not quite chosen a faction yet, but she's got a heart of justice, that much is certain. Also, Cartamari Damacy. OP is a lot lighter than expected, though the ED retains Yousei Teikoku's trademark gothicishness. I enjoyed this more than the first episode.
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