The prophecy has been fulfilled.
The prophecy has been fulfilled.
Has the beach/bath house episode ever been thr highlight of a show?
Like it worked for me in Yamato because I was right there with the crew in the relief of finally having a nice day off after all the shit they've been through.
It just has a bad start. It picks up, I promiseI'm starting to regret everything and it's only the second episode. You seem to be faring a lot better.
Thats the least of its problems.
*Eureka Seven Episode 26 Talk*
The flip side is that a lot of shows would pass the very basic Bechdel Test, by virtue of these shows not having any men in them. lolI wonder how is anime for somebody looking for strong female protagonists? I mean sure there are shows but it seems like a grand majority wouldn't have a strong lead. I mean anime probably has more female protagonists than say western media, but so many of them are there for the sake of male viewers.
Any victory is a good one lolThe flip side is that a lot of shows would pass the very basic Bechdel Test, by virtue of these shows not having any men in them. lol
BGBW's post makes me want another series of Neptunia.
You used to be cool.Toradora 01
Dear lord Taiga is crazy.
That was really good and genuinely funny. Great gags and top notch VA's. I didn't feel the character design beforehand but seeing those characters in action, they clicked with me instantly. Ryuji is already likable (his "dangerous" faces crack me up) and Taiga seems to have some Senjougahara'esqe levels of violence in her. Hitagi's perpetual bullying of Arararararagi never got old for me so I think I won't have any problems with her as well. Those red school uniforms made me realize that I saw some fight scene from this while going through animator's MAD's on Youtube but thankfully I can't recall any specifics.
It is (seemingly at least)a bit obvious where the story will go but we will see. Great first episode
Wish I had Ryuji's cleaning skills. ;(
Gee thanks Uncle Ben
And I guess the song that sounds like the Mirai Nikki OP is the ED. It's pretty nice too. But that it's uh... pretty lewd..
Well, it's maybe wrong to call her undeveloped, she had that one Origami episode, but that was more of explaination was happened in the past, no development inside the show. It's like she is already developed and has nowhere to got. Like a level 99 Charizard with boobs.I mean I can agree that we get to know characters like Togasa better over the course of the show but I just can't agree with the rest of this post. Not at all. The Major is a developed character not some cipher.
After Eren "died" she went on a wild rampage and was not able to see straight, so she ran out of gas quickly and crashed. She didn't take that well, no matter how matter how cool the scene with DOA was.Not that I would defend AoT. But she took the news oh his death pretty well at the very beginning of the series.
Don't know if her character changed after the first arcs.
My whole point is in it's core, that Touma is not a living character, but a tool for the story. As you said he has no time, because he is constantly helping somebody and the few peaceful days are pretty much glossed over. This is not a character, its a tool.Touma doesn't live for other people. He just does what he thinks is right. Does helping people in trouble, when you have the ability to do so, make you a beta?
All I was saying, is your criticisms make no sense. He has no hobbies, so what? He goes to school, so what? How do these things make him a bad protagonist?
It's perfectly fine to say you don't like him. But if you're going to call him a bad protagonist at least come up with some better complaints.
The only complaint I would have about Touma is his relationship with Index. But that's more the author's fault for making such a useless unattractive main heroine.
it's been months, maybe weeks since he lost his memories. He should've made new ones by now. He lost his memories once, he doesen't lose them constantly. But he developed nothing. He doesen't even care for doing stuff with anybody, people come to him for being friends and social contacs.No that just means that unlike many other characters he hasn't had an arc for him to explain and devellop his character, his character is just fine , you just need some context to accept it.
Problem is that he lost his memories ( diudn't even recall the face of his parents ) and he will and have made those characters arc when his memories and his naivety will come bite him in the ass ( witch is precisely what is happenning currently in the books )
That's not how character development works. Why wouldn't he be Touma when he grows and develops? That is actually one of my problems. Touma isn't a human, he is a concept at this point.But if he developed, he wouldn't be Touma any more.
True words.Never enough Neptunia
That's why I picked it up, too.
However it surely is a slow burner unless you're immediately drawn to the character types early on, which I surely wasn't. But by now a bunch of them have grown on me quite a bit and it's a kinda refreshing setting as well.
Cool post but I must add about the use clouds and it's colors to help signify the feelings of any particular scene like red clouds as a sign of danger etc. Also, Renton's hair pointing in the opposite direction in some scenes to give him a more mature and serious look.So I decided to rewatch the episode.
Time to marathon my GJ-bu BDs since FUNimation has yet to stream Barakamon. I need something relaxing to watch after such a disastrous week.
Hey look at the positive side, when Funimation streams Barakamon. Instead of watching 1 episode you'll get to watch 2 or 3 in one go. Unless Funimation messes that up.
Hey look at the positive side, when Funimation streams Barakamon. Instead of watching 1 episode you'll get to watch 2 or 3 in one go. Unless Funimation messes that up.
Chances are high!
Chances are high!
Hey I was trying to make Lighting feel better. But I guess your right Funimation does love leaving people in the dust. Though I do love some of their BD releases.
bd vol1 cover
BGBW's post makes me want another series of Neptunia.
I hope this one won't turn like the others.![]()
Travelling and not enjoying every region delicacy ? fatal error
Man they're really hoping Aldnoah.Zero becomes the newest hottest shit don't they?
Man they're really hoping Aldnoah.Zero becomes the newest hottest shit don't they?
You used to be cool.
you better have toast!
I should rewatch Redline, to remind myself how much of a STRONG FEMALE CHARACTER Sonoshee is.
The Lovers fight is so good. The Enya part is pretty slow but once it gets to![]()
Steely Dan is one handsome man...
Perfection.GJ-bu 4
Mori twirls carries the show on its own.GJ-bu 4
The twins also count as STRONG FEMALE CHARACTERS*, don't forget!I should rewatch Redline, to remind myself how much of a STRONG FEMALE CHARACTER Sonoshee is.
Tokyo ESP 02
Oh God. This is a horrible adaption. The direction of the fights were horrendous. I couldn't feel the action at all. Everything was so slow and uneventful. Then the scene where she falls through the floor. It looked like this in the manga, but I can't even post the animeversion here. Thanks for the added fanservice. -.-
Also the characterdesigns look way more generic, she doesn't look cute anymore and nothing looks like Hajime Segawa's style anymore. Design aside, this show is seriously lacking his cute SD reaction faces. blergh.
It actually feels a lot like Judge End. All the fun sucked out.
I wonder how is anime for somebody looking for strong female protagonists? I mean sure there are shows but it seems like a grand majority wouldn't have a strong lead. I mean anime probably has more female protagonists than say western media, but so many of them are there for the sake of male viewers.