I knew this after he introduced me to Kanon, Hidimari Sketch then finally School Days. Why do I even watch bet you!?!
Was it Kanon (2002)?
I knew this after he introduced me to Kanon, Hidimari Sketch then finally School Days. Why do I even watch bet you!?!
Was it Kanon (2002)?
But Hidamari Sketch is not a mark of the devil. It is a symbol of protection against it.
I knew this after he introduced me to Kanon, Hidimari Sketch then finally School Days. Why do I even watch bet you!?!
Was it Kanon (2002)?
Thankfully no. This might be a good idea for Mike's current watchbet though...
No. Kanon 2006.
I should have known what was coming. This will be an endless loop of terror.Someone help me find something of equal or greater punishment for Mike.
Thankfully no. This might be a good idea for Mike's current watchbet though...
Hey! Those were good bets!
But the people in HS don't notice that so its ok.Are you sure of that? Some of the imagery in HS could match what is seen in the Madoka witch labyrinths.
Alright. I finished School Days. Took me less than a day lol. I liked the first half way more than the second one. Too much drama and nonsense I guess. I enjoyed the build up of the love triangle. Sekai all the way tho. Fuck Kono. She was creepy.
School Days should be savoured like a good meal. You take your time with each mouthful and appreciate each one and assess them carefully. If you're gonna gulp down anime like a Big Mac watch something throw away like.████████
Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun Episode 3:
I am not sure if this is the best comedy of the season, but it is certainly the most meta-textual of the bunch. Anyway, so this time we get the addition of Kashima, the eventual yuri send up that I was expecting. While I was thoroughly entertained by that bit, I was less enthused by her quite frankly fucked up relationship to Hori.I did like the dramatical reading, top notch stuff there, but still I would call this the weakest episode thus far just because I don't like Hori all that much.Yea, not digging the violence, I understand it was for comedic effect, but yea, no, that was not sitting well with me at all.
In that Takamura is a butt genius. Bless that man.In what way?
Now a question:
Are you OK with the female on male violence exhibited by most generic tsundere characters? Because this is at that level.
I saw these today and thought of you, AnimeGAF
Holy shet, episode that actually have budget.. I'm shocked, SHOCKED..
Space Dandy 16
Wow, absolutely stunning. I think the boat scene might have been one of the most beautiful scenes I have ever seen. Yuasa is an animation god, that was truly a work of art.
Not really, always thought it was an over-response and honestly that is some of the shit that truly ruined Love Hina. Also, the gag is so standard I find it boring and indeed it got old quick here as well. Then there was that turn for the genuinely creepy.and in fact I almost binned this series right on the spot over.That bit with Kashima expressing with affection that Hori is the only one who hits on her is a moment I genuinely hate
The two key cuts during the sailing scene (both about 15 seconds long) were animated by Shinya Ohira. He's a super animator also directed the Ping Pong opening sequence and the first Asura's Wrath animated DLC, among other godly things.![]()
Well shesays that he hits her, not hit on her. Kind of a difference there.
Also honestly it's a pretty standard tsundere parody.
Ah ok, I definitely noticed similarities to the Ping Pong OP.
Legal smeagle. Unless I get something down in writing I deny all existence of it.
Yea, I found it far more glib and disturbing then they were intending.
I normally dislike over the top tsundere violence too, but not so much when I see one character power bombing or doing a german suplex on another because at that point its just absurd.Yea, I found it far more glib and disturbing then they were intending.
You should check this out if you like the animation style he uses: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JcKRRULh-9M
I really hope Yuasa continues to come up with cool stuff for Ohira to animate though. Ping Pong and this episode of Dandy are some of his best work.
I normally dislike over the top tsundere violence too, but not so much when I see one character power bombing or doing a german suplex on another because at that point its just absurd.
Yup! That's just the scene I was thinking of too.Like if Hori had just straight up decked her it would've been unacceptable, but that move where he was spinning in place and then tossed her down the hall was gut-bustlingly hilarious
Madoka soul gem reveal. I need to lay down
But for real, I'm going to bed now since I work in 5 hours. I'll be back tomorrow night to melt down.
I wonder what the character count on individual posts is?
Thankfully no. This might be a good idea for Mike's current watchbet though...
Are you sure of that? Some of the imagery in HS could match what is seen in the Madoka witch labyrinths.
I should have known what was coming. This will be an endless loop of terror.Someone help me find something of equal or greater punishment for Mike.
I knew this after he introduced me to Kanon, Hidimari Sketch then finally School Days. Why do I even watch bet you!?!
Wouldn't you want to find one of these under your desk?
Tackle-hugs too:
I decided to check the show out and I'm glad I did. Take Kiniro Mosaic, Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka, Yama no Susume and a touch of Tamayura (and perhaps even Aria) and you've got this show. Super genki foreigner girl obsessed with Japan making friends with an extremely shy Japanese girl who wants to discover her own identity and find her place in the world through the art of yasakoi dance.
Yes, the hand holding is obvious, but the faint thread that connects the two girls is a very nice touch. I mean, on the one hand it's similar Kawaisou from last season, but remove the complication of a crappy romance and suddenly it becomes a simple story without any of those complications.
Even the jealous friend gimmick in the second episode is resolved pretty quickly.
If Sabagebu is the black comedic take on the all-girl homosocial friendship, then Hanayamata is the sugary-sweet irony-free version of that particular kind of story. Yes, it's something that I've seen many times. And sure, it's pandering to me in a very specific way that hits my specific peccadillo, but I'm more than happy to have another one of these shows to watch. I guess I'll never really get tired of characters who find wonder in everyday things and using that to improve their lives. Funny, sweet, happy, this is a show that's really made to make you feel good about the characters finding their own happiness.
I normally dislike over the top tsundere violence too, but not so much when I see one character power bombing or doing a german suplex on another because at that point its just absurd.
Wait there is also a third movie with more plot too right?
Come back in like 20 hours when I finish the last 4 episodes.
I saw these today and thought of you, AnimeGAF
Well, sakura does immediately point out that that's not a good thing, but I get where you are coming from.
Problem is that you have to prove the verbal contract took place...
I was amused, but I assumed it was referencing stuff I have no idea about. With most of the other gags so far I've gotten the references I think.
With a little bit of Charles Bronson sprinkled on top!Its a Golgo 13 reference.
He was (and is) very, very busy with Mushishi... to the point they had a very rough schedule for it, so I don't think he could show up on anything else.What Umakoshi doing at these day ;_______;
Yeah, some people acknowledged this the moment Mr. Miyazaki decided to use a middle-age man instead of the usual anthropomorphic male pig as a protagonist (and because of this being his farewell too). The vicious critic of Mr. Miyazaki's work (and practically the work of anyone, really) that is Mamoru Oshii surprisingly celebrated this as an accomplishment of someone finally releasing his own desires, an actual liberation from previous needs of creating patronizing messages aimed at others, while using this protagonist as a vehicle:It certainly reminded me of the other "Jiro" from Jiro Dreams of Sushi (as explained by the man himself here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R2L5IrkQTV0)... which leads to:
... my belief that the film is as much autobiographical as it is pseudobiographical. Certainly it feels very much a movie about his life, and his dedication to his craft (as told through his craft) than anything else he's done.
I wonder if Akame's anime has done great job to boost the manga sales like Tokyo Ghoul or not.
It might depend on how deep the censorship goes.
Heavy anime censorship leads to better manga sales?
Goddamn this is great lolI feel like multiple groups can appreciate this image so I'm putting it here:
I feel like multiple groups can appreciate this image so I'm putting it here: