I feel like multiple groups can appreciate this image so I'm putting it here:
Ruining my Precure, sickening
I feel like multiple groups can appreciate this image so I'm putting it here:
Sounds like Akame ga Kill! is the :cosmic show of the season.
If they do they are going to heavily censor it or completely rewrite it.That's pretty much the schtick of akame ga kill, yes.
Wondering if they'll animate the very special chapter...
No you don't get it, you haven't seen the evil yet. j/kAkame ga Kill - 03
Okay what the fuck... is this show actually serious? I'm not even joking when I say that I may never see anything this edgy again in my life. The constant tonal shifts from slapstick comedy to extreme violence are so insanely jarring it's not even funny. That this anime tries to be actually serious about the grimdark moments is ludicrous.
Yeh we get it, just about every character in this world is evil and interested into raping, torturing and murdering women, children (oh god the two thugs seriously strangled a small child like that ahahahha) and whatever else innocent they can come up with. I'm gonna assume we're going to see a lot animals tortured, too.
That scene was added to the anime ? why ? don't ask me.The slapstick humor... does anyone actually laugh at this shit? "Haha he saw her in her underwear and then she like.. she almost killed him with this gigantic laser-rifle hahha. Oh god, it's so exaggerated and funny man! Later on she also hit him a lot XDDDD!"
Slapstick in low doses and well executed can work but this overabundance of most generic scenes, what a pain in the ass.
Actually that's because they haven't explained to the viewer properly what the imperial arms ( teigu ) are ..this will be adressed next episode. With this information you'll be able to see what is a generic thug, and what is a real ennemy.Oh and one of the largest issues for me are the shows 'anime physics' and 'anime combat' (referring to badly done shonen here).
It's impossible for me to tell what character or monster is actually a threat to anyone. I can't know. Because since he first episode we have people do their instant sword slashes, jumping up 10 meters high and use mythical super weapons. I cannot possibly assess an entity's strengths and weaknesses like that.
So the show is pretty much always going to directly tell us who the protagonists should be afraid of.
But so far akame did that on every opponent she was ordered to kill. She only didn't use it on the hero at first because she wasn't on the target list.This kind of extreme shonen 'anime combat' is also super boring to watch and will most likely result in a lot of asspulls. I mean we're already at a Dragon Ball Z stage of 'power levels'. Akame killed 3 guys in an instant. Now every time she's not doing just that against opponents I need a proper reason why. And it ain't gonna be easy to explain why a character that can move and slash with seemingly the speed of light can't do just that against everyone.
Oh and here's a last picture to demonstrate the quality writing of this show. I'll probably drop it after next week. It's in the "so bad it's good" territory but meh, already got SAO for that.
I don't really associate tryhard grimdark with :cosmic.
I associate a certain flavor of it with him.I don't really associate tryhard grimdark with :cosmic.
You should really read the manga, just give the first chapter a try and you'll see a lot already.It seems pretty campy so far, not seeing the complaints besides pretty meh animation. I'm really liking Rinka a lot, the rest of the cast seems pretty cool too (the dad's hilarious, Crow head's cool, I liked what I saw of Black Fist).
Now Hanyamata and Glasslip are the ones testing my patience, they're just so dull and yet I can't bring myself to drop them.
Blessed be you and your work for good.Alright Cajun
Here's your first reason to watch D-Frag!
And your second.
After that is between either Darkness, imouto, and Water.
This is hilarious, when the whole style changes in a cut.250 different animators reanimate a sailor moon episode in their own styles shot for shot
looks hilarious to see western animation styles and clear 'oh shit I gotta finish this before the end of the week in between my actual projects' mixing it up
http://youtu.be/HKI2jS2LdQISAO 2 ep. 3
2realBRO 2REAL!
Yes, he is so cute and fluffy!Kyubey is not evil /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I dunno. One minute that under the desk, next minute police at the door.Hanayamata
Wouldn't you want to find one of these under your desk?
I feel like multiple groups can appreciate this image so I'm putting it here:
You should really read the manga, just give the first chapter a try and you'll see a lot already.
Blessed be you and your work for good.
This is hilarious, when the whole style changes in a cut.
Yes, he is so cute and fluffy!
I dunno. One minute that under the desk, next minute police at the door.
I present...my mastahpiece!
A R E . . Y O U . . O K A Y . . . A O B A ?
My favourite!
I probably could have added some more too and I wasn't even looking at the background characters. This also doesn't capture the terrible frame rate in two scenes. It seriously dipped to the teens.
I feel like multiple groups can appreciate this image so I'm putting it here:
Is it TnC-tier yet?
DRAMAtical Murder 3
im tired, madoka ruined my sleep
im tired, madoka ruined my sleep
madokas_mum_waking_up.gifim tired, madoka ruined my sleep
This triggered Postal 2 flashbacks
Thanks Madoka!
I highly recommend finishing episodes 9-12 ASAP.
Also I don't recommend the third movie.
She dashes out the door like a shoujo manga cliché but that's okay!
You like Homura don't you? :3I highly recommend finishing episodes 9-12 ASAP.
Also I don't recommend the third movie.
thanks for nothing dumb ass traitor cat
You like Homura don't you? :3
I see the ending as the biggest "because fuck youuuu" in anime that I've seen.I do. I like all the Madoka characters in fact.
But you know what I don't like?
(Madoka Movie 3 Rebellion Spoilers)
Perfectly good and acceptable endings to a franchise getting retconned in a sequel with no plans for a sequel AFTER that sequel.
Mike isn't a cat. He feels more like a... seal with eyebrows.thanks for nothing dumb ass traitor cat
But I really love this show, the characters are very appealing and somewhat fresh.![]()
hey hold off on the madoka spoilerinos until im done tonighttttttttttttttttttt
best part so far was momdoka saying that she needs to make mistakes while shes still young and she ended upkilling her zombie best friend
Now who's spoiling things? ;P
u got me
Eheeeheheheh. I missed your impressions. Forgot somebody was taking a School days and Yami double whammy.
Yup yup yup
I think I'm gonna start with another list show (or two) after I get done with these. Has Corvo conquered the list yet?
You finish Madoka yet?
Corvo finished his listwatch a long time ago.
Mike isn't a cat. He feels more like a... seal with eyebrows.
Nozaki-kun 03
But I really love this show, the characters are very appealing and somewhat fresh.
So. Blade and Soul. Can either of the two people here who watched it (R_thanatos and ???) tell me whether this girl features in it? If so I think I'm obligated to check it out irrespective of its quality.
SERIES and MOVIE spoilers:I do. I like all the Madoka characters in fact.
But you know what I don't like?
(Madoka Movie 3 Rebellion Spoilers)
Perfectly good and acceptable endings to a franchise getting retconned in a sequel with no plans for a sequel AFTER that sequel.
I knew it. I knew someone would react like that to my post. Can't a man play competetive tetris while naked without anyone question his anime taste? What happened to the world. *sigh*"Oji-sama"
oh lawd
All of it? Hmm, well, never mind.
Tonight, i've got 4 episodes left.