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Summer 2014 Anime |OT| this thread has been outsourced to Toei Phils

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That's pretty much the schtick of akame ga kill, yes.

Wondering if they'll animate the very special chapter...
If they do they are going to heavily censor it or completely rewrite it.
Nooooo WAy that chapter get made into anime without some changes.

Akame ga Kill - 03

Okay what the fuck... is this show actually serious? I'm not even joking when I say that I may never see anything this edgy again in my life. The constant tonal shifts from slapstick comedy to extreme violence are so insanely jarring it's not even funny. That this anime tries to be actually serious about the grimdark moments is ludicrous.

Yeh we get it, just about every character in this world is evil and interested into raping, torturing and murdering women, children (oh god the two thugs seriously strangled a small child like that ahahahha) and whatever else innocent they can come up with. I'm gonna assume we're going to see a lot animals tortured, too.
No you don't get it, you haven't seen the evil yet. j/k

Seriously , everyone is this universe has issues of some sort. Not joking

The slapstick humor... does anyone actually laugh at this shit? "Haha he saw her in her underwear and then she like.. she almost killed him with this gigantic laser-rifle hahha. Oh god, it's so exaggerated and funny man! Later on she also hit him a lot XDDDD!"

Slapstick in low doses and well executed can work but this overabundance of most generic scenes, what a pain in the ass.
That scene was added to the anime ? why ? don't ask me.
Actually i have an idea why they did that but i can't tell you.
My point is that is something they probably did to make more "generic animu" because the next episodes aren't going to have anything remotely close to laugh about.
Oh and one of the largest issues for me are the shows 'anime physics' and 'anime combat' (referring to badly done shonen here).

It's impossible for me to tell what character or monster is actually a threat to anyone. I can't know. Because since he first episode we have people do their instant sword slashes, jumping up 10 meters high and use mythical super weapons. I cannot possibly assess an entity's strengths and weaknesses like that.

So the show is pretty much always going to directly tell us who the protagonists should be afraid of.
Actually that's because they haven't explained to the viewer properly what the imperial arms ( teigu ) are ..this will be adressed next episode. With this information you'll be able to see what is a generic thug, and what is a real ennemy.
This kind of extreme shonen 'anime combat' is also super boring to watch and will most likely result in a lot of asspulls. I mean we're already at a Dragon Ball Z stage of 'power levels'. Akame killed 3 guys in an instant. Now every time she's not doing just that against opponents I need a proper reason why. And it ain't gonna be easy to explain why a character that can move and slash with seemingly the speed of light can't do just that against everyone.
But so far akame did that on every opponent she was ordered to kill. She only didn't use it on the hero at first because she wasn't on the target list.
Oh and here's a last picture to demonstrate the quality writing of this show. I'll probably drop it after next week. It's in the "so bad it's good" territory but meh, already got SAO for that.

It's in the rough parts for now. i'd call that a manga heritage.It's not going to get less edgy , but it's certainly going to be better.


Sailor Moon Mondays: Sailor Moon Episode 21:

I actually still kind of remember this episode from way back in the day and it is nice to see it in unaltered form. Indeed this one is just dripping with meta-textual commentary since it is an episode featuring the creation of a Sailor Moon V anime. The plot of the week is pretty standard but in general I like Nephrite's tactics more then Jadeite since Maxfield tends to prey on the negative emotions of others. I will say the battle was down right inexplicable in its ending, like they wrote themselves into a corner and had to pull out some bullshit in order to have the Scouts win the day. Overall, it is a good episode that is worth watching.


It seems pretty campy so far, not seeing the complaints besides pretty meh animation. I'm really liking Rinka a lot, the rest of the cast seems pretty cool too (the dad's hilarious, Crow head's cool, I liked what I saw of Black Fist).
Now Hanyamata and Glasslip are the ones testing my patience, they're just so dull and yet I can't bring myself to drop them.
You should really read the manga, just give the first chapter a try and you'll see a lot already.

Alright Cajun

Here's your first reason to watch D-Frag!

And your second.

After that is between either Darkness, imouto, and Water.
Blessed be you and your work for good.

250 different animators reanimate a sailor moon episode in their own styles shot for shot

looks hilarious to see western animation styles and clear 'oh shit I gotta finish this before the end of the week in between my actual projects' mixing it up
This is hilarious, when the whole style changes in a cut.

SAO 2 ep. 3



2realBRO 2REAL!


Kyubey is not evil /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Yes, he is so cute and fluffy!

Wouldn't you want to find one of these under your desk?
I dunno. One minute that under the desk, next minute police at the door.
Dusk Maiden of Amnesia END - Hey, I thought this show was pretty okay. First couple episodes started off slow, but I ended up getting fairly enthralled and marathoned the second half last night. Some real good, hard-hitting feels in those last two episodes. But man, not a fan of that post-credits scene on the last episode. They had such a good thing going, that last scene felt like such a cop-out.


I feel like multiple groups can appreciate this image so I'm putting it here:

I do indeed appreciate it.

You should really read the manga, just give the first chapter a try and you'll see a lot already.

Blessed be you and your work for good.

This is hilarious, when the whole style changes in a cut.


Yes, he is so cute and fluffy!

I dunno. One minute that under the desk, next minute police at the door.

Hana just wants to teach people to dance.
Ok Im not helping.


Sailor Moon Mondays: Sailor Moon Episode 22

Well now, this was an unexpectedly important episode as it actually advanced the main plot and several sub-plots at once.
Indeed, from little things like Nephrite getting more desperate and the first appearance of Kunite as well as FINALLY the unfiltered relationship shall be broadcasted between him and the male Zoycite. Indeed, this episode also advanced the Naru-Nephrite and Uasgi-Mamoru relationships as well as bringing the silver crystal and princess hunt back into focus and giving us the first true portents of the the past selves.
All that being said, in spite of how important this episode was, I liked it less the previous one, mainly because most of the romantic entanglements bored the shit out of me as right now it is more about the romantic ideal of romance then anything of actual substance. Still, highest recommendations for all of the plot details alone.
I do. I like all the Madoka characters in fact.

But you know what I don't like?

(Madoka Movie 3 Rebellion Spoilers)

Perfectly good and acceptable endings to a franchise getting retconned in a sequel with no plans for a sequel AFTER that sequel.
I see the ending as the biggest "because fuck youuuu" in anime that I've seen.


hey hold off on the madoka spoilerinos until im done tonighttttttttttttttttttt

best part so far was momdoka saying that she needs to make mistakes while shes still young and she ended up killing
her zombie best friend


Sabagebu Ep 1

What I was saying...? Ah, yes!



I frigging love this, love the commentator, love the characters being a bunch of jerks and the sarcastic hour and 4th wall breaks.

I'm going to enjoy watching this :)
hey hold off on the madoka spoilerinos until im done tonighttttttttttttttttttt

best part so far was momdoka saying that she needs to make mistakes while shes still young and she ended up
killing her zombie best friend

Now who's spoiling things? ;P
Haikyuu!! Episode 16

The anime made me really want to see both the female karasuno team and Ikeiji's team succeed.
thankfully we do see the female team again second tourney, so hoping for the best for them

Really hyped for Datekou..., even they thought it was awesome. What better defense than having Nishinoya watching your back?
Akame ga Kill Episode 3

Was expecting a bit more from Lubbock than just strings, maybe he'll get an episode like mine got? Best episode of the three thus far, it continues to get better and better as we go, the bro moment was funny too.

Really want that minister to go, too cruel, and we also don't know what his motives are even. Certainly it cant just be destruction of the kingdom?
So. Blade and Soul. Can either of the two people here who watched it (R_thanatos and ???) tell me whether this girl features in it? If so I think I'm obligated to check it out irrespective of its quality.

You're asking ME to retrieve the painfull memories of blade and soul that i discarded ?

She isn't in the anime, just in the game so spare yourself the painfull journey.

Ps: i'm pretty sure i'm the only here that managed to watched all 13 eps.

Also : You could have put this picture of her in her normal pose
So glad the anime didn't butcher her too.That would have annoyed way more people.Also she is boss character from the normal storyline of blade and soul , have a vid of her boss fight if you're intrested.
Her name is Po Hwa-Ran
I do. I like all the Madoka characters in fact.

But you know what I don't like?

(Madoka Movie 3 Rebellion Spoilers)

Perfectly good and acceptable endings to a franchise getting retconned in a sequel with no plans for a sequel AFTER that sequel.
SERIES and MOVIE spoilers:

I felt completely unsatified with the manner in which the series ended because of the 'witch' wings thing and how nothing was really resolved but simply given a different coat of paint. Whereas for the movie I love-hated the ending because it was the BAD END I was hoping for and hate because it made Homura out to be an absolutely horrible person.





oh lawd
I knew it. I knew someone would react like that to my post. Can't a man play competetive tetris while naked without anyone question his anime taste? What happened to the world. *sigh*

I am a medium fan of shoujo, the little girl in me loves to scream to cheesy romance or for that matter cheesy everything. And the thing with Nozaki-kun is, that it takes typical archetypes and gives them a new spin, which I find appealing and yes, relatively fresh. Fresh doesn't mean a new discovery never seen before, just something else then the usual.


Akame ga Kill 3
Pretty decent episode. Still waiting for it to show it's true colors. Until then I'll just see it as the generic shounen it wants me to believe it is.
Monthly Girls' Nozaki-kun Episode 3

Hori-chan-senpai is a great addition to the cast I was laughing lots at his moments with the club and
manga, some reason I thought the prince would have ended up being the one doing backgrounds, but having Hori doing it is great.


Sabagebu ep 3
Comedy of the season. Sorry Nozaki-kun.

Mokarin is fucking brutal, she didn't one shot those elementary school kids but straight up execute them with many shots. I can't believe having such a terrible person as a MC could be damn hilarious.
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