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Summer 2014 Anime |OT| this thread has been outsourced to Toei Phils

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Link Man

Man you are totally on the ball with this show in terms of being in the right mindset when watching it. No comment on any of the stuff in the spoiler area though. That one you will just need to find out for yourself. ;)

Well, my current theory is that
the world of Okazaki and Nagisa is a dream of the lonely girl and the doll; their world was lonely, so they dreamed of a place where they could make friends and experience the love of a family. It was said that the doll coming to life was the result of the girl's wish, so perhaps this world is the result of a second wish
. A bit far-fetched, but maybe not so much for an anime.
Still preferable to the weaboo obfuscation of MAL.

There's a userscript that fixes that most of the time. It's good enough for me. At least it doesn't take forever to load my library. And the database is much better on MAL, which is most of the reason I use the site anyway.

I kind of use both anyway, I just update things on MAL and then export to Hummingbird every now and then. I liked Hummingbird's recommendations back when they actually used to work.
i never understood why absolutely everything has to be in japanese

its exhausting

It's not in Japanese if it's using Latin letters!
They actually believe this shit.

I'm not sure why people get so upset about proper name usage. Though there again I like Hummingbrid where it lets you choose from several name styles.
Proper names? But they aren't much of the time!
Well, my current theory is that
the world of Okazaki and Nagisa is a dream of the lonely girl and the doll; their world was lonely, so they dreamed of a place where they could make friends and experience the love of a family. It was said that the doll coming to life was the result of the girl's wish, so perhaps this world is the result of a second wish
. A bit far-fetched, but maybe not so much for an anime.

It's certainly a unique theory. Actually it's quite imaginative. I like it.

Edit: Make sure you watch the extra episode(Episode 23). It helps the transition from Clannad to After Story. Plus I like the episode. :p


I'm not sure why people get so upset about proper name usage. Though there again I like Hummingbrid where it lets you choose from several name styles.

It's entirely unwieldy as a reference list, especially when the old system was fine before this attempt to make things more 'authentic.'
Madoka Magica - 8


So it seems "Kyubey" or the Incubator's plot is probably to actually make witches. When a magical girl goes evil, they turn into a witch. If the "God" of magical girls goes evil, they turn into the devil?

Another one falls into my pit of despair.


I stopped using MAL when I started watching weekly shows, as it became kind of a pain to keep up and now I'm buried under a humongous backlog of shows if I ever try to make another anime list. Hummingbird always felt really slow to me, but I think I only tried it before the redesign happened.


Everyone's watching Madoka. There's about to be a lot more Homura fans claiming that
Homura did nothing wrong.



Maturity, bitches.
Canonical names is the best option.

I mean I'm not going to start calling YuruYuru Happy Go Lily or whatever the English name is.


Maturity, bitches.
Guess I should watch the madoka movies soonish as it is clear it is becoming a show where spoilers are creeping out into the open.


Everyone's watching Madoka. There's about to be a lot more Homura fans claiming that
Homura did nothing wrong

Yeah you going to want to spoiler tag that. I don't think it's one, but be courteous of those who do.

It's Aku no Hana! Of course it is!

Hehe ya you're right. Although now I got a lingering headache from listening to it. Going to listen to it some more though. I like it!

I'm surprised that you were able to make it to the ending song!

If you're talking about the animation style. Then yeah I was fine with it.


Hehe ya you're right. Although now I got a lingering headache from listening to it. Going to listen to it some more though. I like it!

It was a really great choice of ED song. Unsettling, but coldly beautiful. Fading it in at the end of every episode was always chilling. I never would've guessed it wasn't written for the show if I hadn't heard it mentioned somewhere.


How is this a spoiler if there is no context? I don't understand!

Because it foreshadows that Homura is going to do drugs or something! Nahh seriously though I think it's more about enjoying the journey instead of the destination. I now know how bebop ends now due to a certain someone. Although I don't mind at all since I'm sure the lead up to it is going to be fantastic.


Guess I should watch the madoka movies soonish as it is clear it is becoming a show where spoilers are creeping out into the open.

I highlight Madoka spoilers all the time to see what the fuss is about and I still don't understand what the fuck this show is about other than Kyubei being a little shit.


Maturity, bitches.
Please note I said becoming. After a while spoilers for shows become accepted outside of tags, that's just the nature of time. People talk about the show openly, so I will expect the same with the movies as the signs are beginning to show. Basically it is up to me to see it soon if I don't want to know what happens.

PS I already know some of the movie spoilers.


The untagged spoilers and gifs are the main reason I don't actually have to watch Aldnoah Zero to know which characters are "dead". I just come in here and look at the gifs and then it saves me 25 minutes that I then use to watch more LOGH.

So win-win I guess. I don't have to watch the show because I already know what happens, then I use that time to watch something that's way better.


I never watched the anime, but I've read it. I felt reading it was enough for me :/

Missing out. Even if the rotoscoping has some issues, the production itself is so great.

edit: Oh, well yeah I can see why one would skip out given the tone of the show.
Madoka Magica - 9

Not the most eventful episode.
It was nice to get backstory on Kyubey. Some might think his race his evil but it seems like the right thing to do if they don't have any hidden intentions. Of course, now Sayaka and Kyouko are dead unless another twist comes along.

Homura's power is also explained. Instead of instant explosions she distorts time so that her grenades that she produces appear to explode instantly.
Implications. But maybe I only see the implications because I know what happens...

Exactly! Let me spoil other things.

Shinji's fucked up.

Kirei finds purpose.

Humans return to earth.

Students graduate.

They get together at the end.

Now guess what anime I'm talking about.
I purposely got more vague


It was a really great choice of ED song. Unsettling, but coldly beautiful. Fading it in at the end of every episode was always chilling. I never would've guessed it wasn't written for the show if I hadn't heard it mentioned somewhere.

Yeah it's quite unsettling, but I definitely like it. Also what! It was not even written for the show. That's crazy since it fits so perfectly too.

I never watched the anime, but I've read it. I felt reading it was enough for me :/

I just don't have the heart for stories like these.

Well drinking does help in way. It strengthen your resolve yo.
Spoilers only really bother me if I see them right before I'm going to watch something. As in a show is up on Crunchyroll and I check the internet right before I watch it and get spoiled. Then I spend most of the episode thinking about/anticipating that spoiler, which is really distracting. I don't really care about spoilers otherwise. Most of the time I get spoiled it's my own fault.


Exactly! Let me spoil other things.

Shinji's fucked up.

Kirei finds purpose.

Humans return to earth.

Students graduate.

They get together at the end.

Now guess what anime I'm talking about.
I purposely got more vague

Does this one ever really happen anymore?

Also, I can only tell what a two of those are:
1)evengelion 3) TTGL


Spoilers only really bother me if I see them right before I'm going to watch something. As in a show is up on Crunchyroll and I check the internet right before I watch it and get spoiled. Then I spend most of the episode thinking about/anticipating that spoiler, which is really distracting. I don't really about spoilers otherwise. Most of the time I get spoiled it's my own fault.

Anymore they bother me as far as "hey that'd been kinda cool if I hadn't known in advance." Too much of a disservice to the whole production while propping up bad writing as the only reason to watch something for the most part.


Exactly! Let me spoil other things.

Shinji's fucked up.

Kirei finds purpose.

Humans return to earth.

Students graduate.

They get together at the end.

Now guess what anime I'm talking about.
I purposely got more vague

Oh, this sounds like fun...

I'm guessing NGE, but I haven't watched it. He's just the first character to come up when I search his name.


No idea...

A lot work here, but I'm guessing Angel Beats since it fits well.

Haha, this one is too vague without anymore hints...

How'd I do?

Madoka Magica - 9

Not the most eventful episode.
It was nice to get backstory on Kyubey. Some might think his race his evil but it seems like the right thing to do if they don't have any hidden intentions. Of course, now Sayaka and Kyouko are dead unless another twist comes along.

Homura's power is also explained. Instead of instant explosions she distorts time so that her grenades that she produces appear to explode instantly.

Ah, what I wouldn't give to be watching Madoka again for the first time...

Are you going to watch the third movie after you finish the series?
is it
Angel Beats?

Nope. Here is what I've watched if it helps you narrow it down.

Oh, this sounds like fun...

I'm guessing NGE, but I haven't watched it. He's just the first character to come up when I search his name.


No idea...

A lot work here, but I'm guessing Angel Beats since it fits well.

Haha, this one is too vague without anymore hints...

How'd I do?

1) End of Evangelion so you were close 2) Fate/Zero correct 4) Nope


Man, I hate it when I'm reading a book and suddenly I get hit with foreshadowing and I just want to stop reading because what's the point!

obv means she lives long enough to not do anything wrong and from that I can infer that she's not dead or maybe she is dead but a ghost that did nothing wrong because she couldn't do anything right due to being unable to interact with the physical plane
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