Think they are watching an intelligent harem series.
Pretty sure that's an impossible combination of words.
Think they are watching an intelligent harem series.
Favorite OPs by season:
Bake: Ambivalent World
Nise: Marshmallow Justice
MSS: Kogarashi SentimentYeah, I actually think that it was a good choice to do that to underline the point her story was about.
My problem with it is that it doesn't have a genuine bone in its body. One moment it is peddling fanservice and the next it is asking the viewer to accept the melodrama at face value. The structure of Bakemonogatari is basically: look at this waifu, now look at this one. As a queer woman, needless to say that everything concerning Suruga pisses me the fuck off.I asked you for an elaboration.You just expressed that you don't like it, but not why.
Pretty sure that's an impossible combination of words.
Hahaha.Save me from those creeps tunafish man!
My problem with it is that it doesn't have a genuine bone in its body. One moment it is peddling fanservice and the next it is asking the viewer to accept the melodrama at face value. The structure of Bakemonogatari is basically: look at this waifu, now look at this one. As a queer woman, needless to say that everything concerning Suruga pisses me the fuck off.
Of course not everyone likes it for the same reasons. In order for it to have the kind of success (relatively speaking) that it had, it has to have a general appeal.I dunno, I don't actually think it's that intelligent and don't much care for the harem aspects, I just generally like the exploration of mythology and shaft being generally batshit insane.
Yeah, it had a lot of them, t'was just my personal opinion. The track I love the most, is actually the piano version of staple staple, still give me a fuzzy feeling.I don't like choosing a favorite OP for the first season just because there were too many good ones. I'd probably go with the very first one though since Staple Stable randomly comes on in my head sometimes.
The thing with Bakemonogatari and Monogatari as a whole is, that it fits with SHAFTs artsyness. It doesn't bother with a lot of things like showing the everyday life of Koyomi or even people who aren't important to what's happens. It just concentrates on the characters and their feelings as seen by the narrator (Koyomi the most time, but there are others in Monogatari Second).My problem with it is that it doesn't have a genuine bone in its body. One moment it is peddling fanservice and the next it is asking the viewer to accept the melodrama at face value. The structure of Bakemonogatari is basically: look at this waifu, now look at this one. As a queer woman, needless to say that everything concerning Suruga pisses me the fuck off.
I think the girls are all special. Nobody is just a clicheé character. All get developed well enough to be more than just a type. Plus: nobody, not even NadekoOf course not everyone likes it for the same reasons. In order for it to have the kind of success (relatively speaking) that it had, it has to have a general appeal.
Yeah, it had a lot of them, t'was just my personal opinion. The track I love the most, is actually the piano version of staple staple, still give me a fuzzy feeling.
Yeah, it had a lot of them, t'was just my personal opinion. The track I love the most, is actually the piano version of staple staple, still give me a fuzzy feeling.
Does Kiki's Delivery Service take place in Germany? Does anyone know? The architecture reminds me of Germany. That or Switzerland/Austria.
The port town of Visby, to be exact... and we should be thankful that something of this worth came out from that trip other than the image-boards from the failed Pippi Longstocking's project (, & was inspired by a Swedish town I think. At least the Ghibli movie.
so good
Aww man was watching hidamari sketch and hit print screen a bunch just to find out that it saved the images as black screen
Oh well I really like the artstyle/SHAFTness and widefaces are amazing.
Madoka Magica - 12 [END]
Well... that was a pretty good show. Madoka's wish was similar to what I said, but on a much larger scale. It is said to see Homura not be able to be with Madoka. Homura did nothing wrong! Now, Homura is being punished (although she seems to have accepted her new world) for trying to achieve the perfect ending.
One of the best characters, Madoka's brother, only talks in the first and final episodes. Why wasn't he given more screen time? He remembers Madoka, and the mom has a faint memory of her. If Madoka is the all-mighty being, why can't she make herself a human form and live on Earth while having a part of her deal with running the Laws of the Universe?
Overall, great show, last episode was pretty emotional, and this might make me open to more anime. This is the only magical girl anime I have ever watched, and with the praise this gets, it must all be downhill from here.
Sorry for the poor final post. It is essential 6 a.m.
I really wanted to try all summer ongoings, but I don't have time to watch all of them. It's my third anime season when I can't watch many ongoings and this is sad. I'm watching only five ongoings and thinking to add one or two more. Don't know what to choose. Too many interesting shows.
My ongoings are Barakamon, Rail Wars!, Pri Para and Momo Kyun Sword. And I think that anime about girl with peaches is best one. Also I have tried DRAMAtical Murder and it's not a my thing. Maybe I'll drop it after the second episode.
And here is my MAL profile if someone wants to add me.
The port town of Visby, to be exact... and we should be thankful that something of this worth came out from that trip other than the image-boards from the failed Pippi Longstocking's project (, &
About the picture above:![]()
what ?
Sabagebu #1
Well this was not funny at all. Disappointing. Little to no lewd either.
What am I supposed to look at then? Gun porn?
why are you people
so fucking
Going back to mangaf where the posters are somewhat saner.
The male tsundere shtick wasn't funny
Narrator and Sonokawa's evil faces !
Sabagebu ! 3
Feels like they blew their load on the first two episodes. Still good though.
Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun 3
I feel like I would enjoy the show even more had I ever read any Shoujo manga. At least I get more or less accurate depiction of the process of creating one. The male tsundere shtick wasn't funny and because of that the whole episode suffered. Like Sabagebu ! it was worse than preceding two episodes.
Baby don't hurt me, no more.Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun 3
I feel like I would enjoy the show even more had I ever read any Shoujo manga. At least I get more or less accurate depiction of the process of creating one. The male tsundere shtick wasn't funny and because of that the whole episode suffered. Like Sabagebu ! it was worse than preceding two episodes.
Please, my half nipple is nothing against the sea of full nipples you guys swim in.I'm very late to the party, but I've got to say this.
MangaGaf seems tame now, doesn't it dresden?
Yeah. What happened to 'MangaGAF' being about the smut and all that? Time to step up your game... :-DI'm very late to the party, but I've got to say this.
MangaGaf seems tame now, doesn't it dresden?
You say tame. I say boring. In AnimeGAF we deal with fast ones all the time. Will that guy post lewd today? Will somebody be called sexist? Excitement.
Your favorite community. Is shit
Please, my half nipple is nothing against the sea of full nipples you guys swim in.
In anime news, how is Seirei Tsukai Blade Dance? I read the LN but it doesn't seem like it would be that interesting. The animation art style also doesn't impress me.
Narrator and Sonokawa's evil faces !
Sabagebu ! 3
Feels like they blew their load on the first two episodes. Still good though.
Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun 3
I feel like I would enjoy the show even more had I ever read any Shoujo manga. At least I get more or less accurate depiction of the process of creating one. The male tsundere shtick wasn't funny and because of that the whole episode suffered. Like Sabagebu ! it was worse than preceding two episodes.
I think I've had it with Japanese comedy in general. Shouting and overreacting just elicit a groan from me nowadays. You could say I've become immune to these types of gags. The gun and shoujo manga gimmicks unfortunately aren't enough to sell me. What ever happened to the quirky and zany humour the Japanese are famous for? All these shows about 'zany' clubs are ruining the industry!
I think I've had it with Japanese comedy in general. Shouting and overreacting just elicit a groan from me nowadays. You could say I've become immune to these types of gags. The gun and shoujo manga gimmicks unfortunately aren't enough to sell me. What ever happened to the quirky and zany humour the Japanese are famous for? All these shows about 'zany' clubs are ruining the industry!
I think I've had it with Japanese comedy in general. Shouting and overreacting just elicit a groan from me nowadays. You could say I've become immune to these types of gags. The gun and shoujo manga gimmicks unfortunately aren't enough to sell me. What ever happened to the quirky and zany humour the Japanese are famous for? All these shows about 'zany' clubs are ruining the industry!
You say schtick, I say we need more male tsunderes.
Made nodame cantabile great.
Gekkan shoujo is pretty much all about quicky and zany humour.
Y-you think I'm real? That the sweetest thing that was said to me in a long time <3Yes but its a real nipple.
How often happens that someone transfers in the middle of a year anyway? Seeing anime I have to think it something that just happens every few months per year in every class.If everyone is a transfer student then nobody is new. And then nobody will do the wacky anime hilarious nick canon reaction where the transfer student walks in and somebody stands up shocked pointing at them going "yooooooooooou?!"
More like filthmindI think I've had it with Japanese comedy in general. Shouting and overreacting just elicit a groan from me nowadays. You could say I've become immune to these types of gags. The gun and shoujo manga gimmicks unfortunately aren't enough to sell me. What ever happened to the quirky and zany humour the Japanese are famous for? All these shows about 'zany' clubs are ruining the industry!
What happened to you?Ahh finally a day where I finally feel much better!![]()
Nodame made Nodame great.
I don't know, man. I'm not sure anymore if shoujo anime are celebrating shoujo tropes or parodying them. There's only so much you can squeeze!
firemind isn't wrong about zany clubs tho