Those were the good days of Studio Trigger. Err, day.I remember when I watched LWA, that actual good animation. Not a moving still frame or two frame repeated action scene in sight.
Those were the good days of Studio Trigger. Err, day.I remember when I watched LWA, that actual good animation. Not a moving still frame or two frame repeated action scene in sight.
Those were the good days of Studio Trigger. Err, day.
Those were the good days of Studio Trigger. Err, day.
Well, that doesn't sell me on Kill la Kill at all. Someone post impressive GIFs/webms.
Well, that doesn't sell me on Kill la Kill at all. Someone post impressive GIFs/webms.
I don't dislike Kill la Kill. I even think the show is pretty good, but it doesn't speak to the quality of the staff's potential or even what they've done in the past. With that in mind, it's a bit disappointing at the end of the day.Well, that doesn't sell me on Kill la Kill at all. Someone post impressive GIFs/webms.
Barakamon 01-03
When I think of rural anime, the first point of comparison that comes to mind is Non Non Biyori, though outside of the rough sketches of their premise, they don't really have much in common. Naru's pretty cute, and I'm also a fan of Tama. Anyone who engages in the creative arts is a favorite character of mine, and it's another chance for Rumi Okubo to do her manic voice. The show's overall well produced, and I can see why it has a lot of appeal, very pleasant to watch, but I don't think I'd place it among my favorite shows of the season. It's not among the worst, either.
Glad Funi finally got it up. Now they need to release Jinsei at some point, we know they have it.
Locodol, Prisma Illya, Hanayamata, with Momo Kyun Sword as a secret entry. And Pri Para, but that one's going to extend well beyond this season.What are your favorite shows this season?
I have a feeling that I'm gonna be reading this a lot once Stay Night airs :'^ ( ))
So here's a question. At the recent Crunchyroll AMA, the CEO said they make an offer for every show (which I guess means every non kiddy show), yet still some shows fall through the not licensed hole, such as Yozakura Quartet. Which I guess means the content owners just refused to license the show at all.
Now given probably 99% of other shows get licensed for streaming in the west it is a curiosity that some content owners aren't interested in streaming moneys. Its not like disc sales for the show will be somehow better in the west because of it.
I mean, he's not entirely wrong. I didn't really feel the ending at all and it was easily the weakest part of TGWLTT.
That's about as far as I'll go though
He's right though
He isn't wrong. The film took a turn for the dramatic which wasn't in line with the rest of the film.
The movie's good but the ending was undeniably weaksauce.
I'm saving those nozaki-kuns for future use.
You people are awful.
So here's a question. At the recent Crunchyroll AMA, the CEO said they make an offer for every show (which I guess means every non kiddy show), yet still some shows fall through the not licensed hole, such as Yozakura Quartet. Which I guess means the content owners just refused to license the show at all.
Now given probably 99% of other shows get licensed for streaming in the west it is a curiosity that some content owners aren't interested in streaming moneys. Its not like disc sales for the show will be somehow better in the west because of it.
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya 9
Your jacket has a hood, dude. Use it.
Kinda funny how Haruhi sent Kyon on that errand so she could play dress-up with Mikuru and presumably start shooting the sequel.
So here's a question. At the recent Crunchyroll AMA, the CEO said they make an offer for every show (which I guess means every non kiddy show), yet still some shows fall through the not licensed hole, such as Yozakura Quartet. Which I guess means the content owners just refused to license the show at all.
Now given probably 99% of other shows get licensed for streaming in the west it is a curiosity that some content owners aren't interested in streaming moneys. Its not like disc sales for the show will be somehow better in the west because of it.
Jesus Christ, is that supposed to be Nakamura?
Well, yes.Jesus Christ, is that supposed to be Nakamura?
Jesus Christ, is that supposed to be Nakamura?
unf unfJesus Christ, is that supposed to be Nakamura?
Happiness Charge Precure 25[IMG][IMG][IMG]
So much NTR happening everywhere, and 2 girls falling for someone they have no chance with. My god I ship Hime and Seiji so hard, so of course they get an episode alone next time, he'd better not break her heart.[/QUOTE]
The face that loves this drama coming on.
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya 11
Mfjkdnfksdnknfkkffkdsaalljekfkfkakfdkfasnnd[onnanrb janj dpae [new JE WW
(my attempt at hammering away at the keyboard like Yuki)
Kinda fun. Liked Mikuru being clueless during the game. Would be me playing Dota.
The face that loves this drama coming on.
Here we go again.
Maybe it's because I never read the manga but I actually really liked The Flowers of Evil's rotoscoping. Made the characters surprisingly expressive at times.
Maybe it's because I never read the manga but I actually really liked The Flowers of Evil's rotoscoping. Made the characters surprisingly expressive at times.
Maybe it's because I never read the manga but I actually really liked The Flowers of Evil's rotoscoping. Made the characters surprisingly expressive at times.
Maybe it's because I never read the manga but I actually really liked The Flowers of Evil's rotoscoping. Made the characters surprisingly expressive at times.