Red hair girl is always best girl.Isn't the red hair guy the most popular anyways or something.
Red hair girl is always best girl.Isn't the red hair guy the most popular anyways or something.
I look forward to seeing DTL's reaction to Kashima.
Akame Ga Kill 1
Wow that was really good, really knew nothing and was expecting nothing but was pretty blown away. Agree with Shard this has future Toonami property written all over it. I really like Akame and her flash between super serious and moe annoyed faces really worked for me. Was actually impressed the MC was able toman the fuck up and kill the girl, glad he did made me like him 10x more then I had up to that point
Martian mechs look pretty awesome fwiw! It's just this is like the first ep of Fate/Zero or Gargantia with this incessant need to set up every last thing.
Wait Martians? Is this that racist show about Mars or whatever people mentioned awhile back?
Again, I don't know how feasible it would be to see this on Toonami considering later developments.
Of course, seeing those same developments in a TV anime at all might be unfeasible. It's not the kind of shit you can get away with on Japanese TV these days it seems.
Think of the most inhumane thing possible, chances are it's that.
The episode is much better than Gargantia and F/Z's opening.
Wait Martians? Is this that racist show about Mars or whatever people mentioned awhile back?
The episode is much better than Gargantia and F/Z's opening.
What the hell, fujoshi are magicians.
the question is: do they animate 23.5?
Again, I don't know how feasible it would be to see this on Toonami considering later developments.
Of course, seeing those same developments in a TV anime at all might be unfeasible. It's not the kind of shit you can get away with on Japanese TV these days it seems.
The bus scene is still better than the opening space battle in Gargantia or the "let's walk around in a circle while dumping exposition" in F/Z.
Yeah, but that's a virtue of its short length. Bar scene was kinda bad with the dude who remembered how things were and was never going to forget!!
OVA if we're lucky. Not happening on TV.
Red hair girl is always best girl.
Yeah, but that's a virtue of its short length. Bar scene was kinda bad with the dude who remembered how things were and was never going to forget!!
I've mentally named that guy I'veSeenSomeShit-san
The best expo dump was gargantia's as it was the shortest and easiest to follow plus it had a flashy space battle around it to make me forget it was an exposition dump.
Asuna is an outlier.This is a theory Ill have to test.
Put that way, I'd consider them romanticizing the situation and treating war like a game like historic aristocracy might treat limited war.
Unless we have completely nude females fighting each other I can't think of any amount of violence the series could have that would not be acceptable on Adult Swim that would pass on Japanese TV.
Asuna is an outlier.
I think some are confusing Nozaki-kun with a romantic comedy. Which it is not. Nozaki-kun is love. Nozaki-kun is life. Fuck the haters.
I fully expect the show to turn the whole thing into a big civil war with the Earthlings trying to survive through backstabbings and other underhanded tricks.
Four cities straight out got nuked and that's not to mention the collateral from the other ships. Just from landing.
I gotta prepping some popcorn for witnessing your daily fight with firehawk.
Actually hoping for that, alliances made and broken just as quickly etc, that'd be some serious fun.
Asuna is garbage.
Best girl does have pink hair though.
There's a lot of implications in the first ep that the Earthlings don't stand a chance. Like the Martians have seemingly super robots for starters. So I fully expect a Holy Grail type thing, where the Earth Federation tries to hold on but is quickly wiped out, leaving the Knights fighting each other.
I dunno where she is from but I like her.
Half the time, I don't think I really know what's going on in here.
I... I just watch anime, guys....
New Orleans thing had me wondering since it was apparently a flashback?They were really specific about the 37 Knights thing which made me wonder if what hit New Orleans was a rogue 38th faction that sides or somehow provided Earth with a way to fight back, especially if they're after the whole Gundam Killer vibe.
Likely not the case but hey, it's fun to speculate.
Nah, they said in the map room scene that one was heading to Orleans. That happened in 'real-time'.
From what I gathered, the series pretty much is a parody. "This is how Americans view Japan and Ninja! (And use awkward Japanese language!)"This looks like a parody video.