My wife and her two girlfriends had many drinks and then waited in line for the first panel. It was hosted by ero-artist and legend, Toshio Maeda. The panel was called something like "Hentai, the past, present and future of eromanga". But instead it was mostly Maeda talking about his personal record of "how many times he could do it", and speaking out against the Japanese censorship prevalent in adult works. That's about all I can remember. He was actually very humorous. After, the girls retired back to the room and I stayed for the next, which was like "Eromanga the good, the bad, and the WTF", which was hosted by some kid. They showed a lot of messed up slides, jokes were had and everybody laughed. Good times. After that I talked to some lady about hentai and boobs, and then made my way back to the hotel, to a room full of half dressed females strewn about pillowcases and bedsheets like the articles of clothing they left on the floor. AX is truly an exhausting event.